Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 923: Twenty Heavenly Kings?

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Chapter 923 Twenty Heavenly Kings?

"It's time to build our Kingdom of Devourers!"


The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.





A sound of exhilaration resounded in the hall of the Devil's Mansion.

The next moment, Mo Wentian stepped forward and walked directly towards the main hall.

Sky Fox followed Mo Wentian tightly, and the rest did not hesitate, followed closely.

However, within a few breaths, Mo Wentian and others appeared in front of the Demon City Gate.

Watching Mo Wentian and others appear, the disciple of the Mozu knelt quickly on the ground.

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"


Each figure looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes were full of respectful expression.

This figure in the void is as powerful as an ancient god.

"Mo Wentian appeared!"

"Mo Wentian, this boy has appeared again. Look, why did all the disciples of the clan bow down to him and call him the emperor?"

"Is this disciple of the Demons really surrendered to all questions?"

"How is this possible? The demons are the second most powerful force in the ancient relics!"

"Yes, even without the Demon King and other elders, the combined strength of the Demon disciples is terrible. Why are they surrendering to the sky?"


Looking at the respectful disciple of the Mozu disciple kneeling in front of Mo Wentian, his face was full of respectful expression.

A thousand feet away from the Demon City and the Demon City, the other races were horrified.





Watching Mo Wentian appear, Xiao Yan and Magic Sky, as well as Fan Zeng and others rushed forward.


"Fan Zeng, report to this emperor, what is the current strength of this demons!"

Mo Wentian nodded slightly, then his eyes fell on Fan Zeng's body, and said coldly.

"Return to the Emperor!"

"Among the demons, there are 51,261 disciples who have surrendered. Of these, there are 20 warriors in the realm of Heavenly Kings. Except for me, the old ice ancestor Lu Jun, the rest are all in the early days of Heavenly Kings. territory!"

"Among the remaining disciples, there are 5,000 disciples in Tianjun Realm, and the rest are disciples in Datianwei Realm!"

Fan once looked at Mo Wentian, said Shen Sheng.

"Twenty people in Heaven's Land?"

"The Realm of Five Thousand Heavens?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes, a touch of cold mang rose.

This kind of cultivation is so much stronger than that of the Jiuyou with only seven people left.

But I can't ask Tian Tian's heart, thinking of the orc ranked first in the ancient relics, his eyes became colder and colder.

Although Mo Wentian does not know what the strength of the orcs is now, but Mo Wentian also understands that the orcs can stand in the first place in the ancient relics, and they are willing to subject the demons and demons to the surrender of the orcs. , Certainly will not be comparable to the demons.

"Not enough!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian looked at the void, and there was a complex light in his eyes.

"Boss, the strong man of the twenty kings, plus Xiao Jinghen, Duan Fan, me, and your strength, then we have twenty-four strong men of the king, and we still have Binglong, the strongest in the early emperor's existence! "

"Coupled with the Five Thousand Heavenly Kings of the Demons, isn't such strength enough?"

Looking at Mo Wutian's solemn look, Xiaoyan's eyes raised a suspicion, and she asked in a deep voice.

"The orcs will not be as simple as you think!"

"In the near future, what is waiting for us will be a hard battle!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiaoyao, and Han Man's eyes flashed endlessly.

"Since the hard battle has come, fight to the end!"

蛟 A powerful voice sounded, Xiao's eyes were full of firmness.

"Yes, Dragon King, fight to the end!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, in the eyes of Binglong, there was a moment of vast warfare.

"Well, that's all after the establishment of the Kingdom of Devourers!"

"Xiao Yan, Sky Fox, Chixiao, Magic Sky ..."

"Are you all ready?"

"Ancient relics, our Kingdom of Devourers is about to be established!"

Taking a deep breath, Mo Wentian glanced at the man who came from the Continent of the Sword God with him, the corner of his mouth said a little loudly.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I'm ready!"

"Monarch, I am ready too!"

"Boss, I can't wait any longer!"

"Boss, let's announce it quickly, I can't wait!"


As soon as Mo Wentian said this, a look of joy instantly appeared on the faces of everyone, Xiao Xiao and Huan Tian even urged.

"From today, the demons are renamed to eat the kingdom of heaven, and I do n’t ask heaven, this is the emperor who eats the kingdom of heaven!"

Mo Wentian gave a cough, and then looked at the disciples of the Demons who could not see the margins, and his eyes flashed.

The majestic and loud voice resounded inside and outside the entire demons.

"Eating the Kingdom of God?"

"The Demons are really over. From today on, there will be no Demons in the ancient relics!"

"Isn't Mo Wentian the ancestor of Jiuyou Clan? He just has to subdue the demons at the feet of Jiuyou clan. Why should he build a kingdom of heavenly gods?"

"Don't you hear that Mo Wentian is not the ancestor of the Jiuyou clan, he is a strong man from the sword **** continent!"

"Continent of Sword God? Isn't Continent of Sword God a small world? He came from the ants' land in that place, and even established his power in my ancient relics?"


Each figure looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes were full of shock.

Especially when someone said that Mo Wentian came from the Continent of Sword God, the crowd boiled instantly.

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"


With Mo Wutian's majestic voice sounded, countless disciples of the Mo clan bowed again towards Mo Wentian.

"Fan Zeng, Xiao Jinghen, Tianhu, Chixiao!"

Seems to remember something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed coldly, said coldly.

"Ask Brother Tian!"




With Mo Wentian's cold drink, every figure came forward quickly.

"Tianhu, starting today, you are the ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven and God, only living under the Emperor!"

"When the Emperor no longer eats the kingdom of heaven, you can make any decision on behalf of the emperor. All disciples who eat the kingdom of heaven must obey the orders of the **** of the fox god!

Mo Wentian stared at countless disciples, his eyes full of cold and proud words.

"Yes, the lord!"

"Yes, the lord!"

"Yes, the lord!"


As Mo Wentian said these words, every figure was kneeling on the ground again, full of respectful answers.

"Meet God Lord!"

"Meet God Lord!"


Immediately, countless warriors looked at Tianhu and bowed down again. Their faces were equally respectful.

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