Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 928: Threat?

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Chapter 928 Threat?

"Illegitimate daughter?"

"It seems that the demon king and the demon king, these two old miscellaneous, some fight!"

Listening to Xiao Jinghen's remarks, Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth and said with a wicked smile.

"Mo Wentian, let go of Ren Jing!"

"Otherwise the demon king won't let you go!"

Seeing that Mo Wentian was slow to take action, Qi Zhen thought that Mo Wentian was afraid that he would not do it because Ren Jing was the daughter of the demon king.

"Qi Zhen, do you know what the emperor hates most?"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became more and more intense, looking at Qi Zhen, said without asking.

"What do you hate?"

Qi Zhen almost blurted out subconsciously.

"What I hate most is that others threaten me!"

"An illegitimate daughter? Death!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, Han Mang flashed, and then said coldly.


The next instant, a scream rang through the void.

I saw Mo Wentian's Devouring Heavenly Sword moved a little, and the scream was stopped abruptly.


The fiery red graceful figure fell to the ground and stirred up dust on the ground.

A strong **** smell spread quickly in the void.

"Master Princess is dead?"

"Master Princess is dead? How is this possible?"

"Master Princess is a strong man in the middle of the king. How could she be killed like this by Mo Wentian?"

"Yes, this is impossible!"


There was a strong smell of blood, and the disciples of the demons came back to God, looking at the figure falling in the pool of blood, and their eyes were unbelievable.

You know, Ren Jing is a strong man in the middle of the king, and Mo Wentian is just the completeness of the heavenly king. The gap between the two is very different.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"I was careless. Why did this demon princess die!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian looked at the figure lying on the ground with a smile on his face.

"Ask me, you ..."

There came Mo Wentian's indifferent words, and then looking at Ren Jing who fell to the ground and had no vitality, even the soul did not escape.

In the eyes of Qi Zhen, a terrible killing intention rose.

"Dog, looking at your good friend is dead. Do you want revenge?"

Looking at Qi Zhen's full of murderous intentions, Xiao Yan's figure flickered, directly blocking Mo Wentian, and his face was cold and arrogant.

"Little reptile, you dare to block my way, then I will kill you first, and then kill Mo Wentian!"

In Qi Zhen's eyes, a terrible sense of killing was rising, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Want to kill your grandpa, me?"

"I think you're looking for death!"

In Xiao Yan's eyes, it was cold, and then the power of his body rolled out.

The vastness of Longwei spread instantly.

"Good strong Longwei!"

"This mighty dragon is so powerful!"

"Master Princess is dead, let's run away!"

"Master Princess is not the enemy of Mo Wentian's trick, let's not, let's run away!"


Feeling the terrible power of the void, a group of disciples of the tribe trembled in their hearts.

The next moment, one by one began to flee in the direction of the demon madly.

"Since you're here, still want to escape?"

"Xiaozhen, this Qi town is entrusted to you, the rest of the miscellaneous, Bendi let you all stay!"

Mo Wentian looked at the crazy runaway demon disciple, his eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted coldly.

"Boss, rest assured!"

Xiao Yan quickly answered.

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the power of Xiao Yan's body became more and more terrifying.

"Dragon Dragon Wagging Tail!"

The next instant, a cold drink, the dragon-tail-sized dragon tail was drawn directly towards Qizhen.

"Little reptile, want to pump me?"

"A tiger howling!"

There was no hesitation in looking at Xiaozhang's fleeting dragon tail.

Qi Zhen's entire body was on the ground, his body skyrocketed rapidly, but within a few breaths, it had skyrocketed to several feet.

His whole man, at this moment, seemed to be a tiger.

"Roar ..."

The next moment, he shouted madly at Xiaoyan.

With Qi Zhen's roar, the terrible sound wave took Qi Zhen as the center of gravity and madly swept towards Xiao Yan.

"This roar is so strong!"

"I feel like my heart is shaking!"

"The little reptile in the early days of the King of Heaven, who wanted to fight with Brother Qizhen, was looking for death!"

"This little reptile seems to be directly killed by Brother Qizhen!"


The orcs' disciples looked at the void one by one, with extremely confident eyes.


The terrible sound wave collided with Xiaozhang's dragon tail.

Xiaoyan's body flew upside down.


A bite of blood spurted out from Xiao's mouth.

The opposite Qi Zhen, although he did not fly backwards, he was not much better.

His entire body receded dozens of feet directly, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood.

"This little reptile is so powerful!"

Wiping the blood on the corner of his mouth, Qi Zhen's eyes were terrible.

"Brother Qizhen is injured?"

"How is this possible? Brother Qizhen, but in the middle of the King of Heaven, is about to break through to the late King of the King, how could he be injured?"

"How could this little reptile be so strong? Wasn't he in the early days of the Celestial King?"

"Brother Qizhen was just a little relaxed, this little reptile won't be Brother Qizhen's opponent!"


The disciples of the orcs looked at the blood in the corner of Qi Zhen's mouth, and his expression changed suddenly.

The next moment, among the crowd, the pot exploded.

"Little sister!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan, his eyes flashed, and he hurried.

"Boss, I'm fine!"

"It's just a little hurt. Give me this dog stuff. I'm going to pump him into a meatloaf!"

Xiao Yan stood up, grinning slightly at the corner of his mouth, looking at Mo Wentian, eyes full of firmness.

"Little sister, be careful!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flickered with coldness.

Although Mo Wentian's mind was very clear, Qi Zhen in the middle of the king would not be Xiao Yan's opponent, but looking at Xiao Yan was injured, Mo Wen Tian could not help but say.

"Relax, boss!"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian and said calmly.

"This little sister-in-law is so belligerent!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's war-fighting, Mo Wentian could not help but shook his head slightly.

In the next instant, Mo Wentian held the Devouring Sword in his hand and beheaded towards the group of mad monster apprentices.


"Do not……"

"Do not kill me!"

"Let me go!"


With Mo Wentian's sword cut out, screaming and begging for mercy, it sounded instantly.

But Mo Wentian didn't have the slightest softness. For the disciples of the Demons and Orcs, Mo Wentian didn't have the slightest favor.

Demons and beasts ’disciples are going to kill him, so he does n’t mind if he asks God, and kills them first.

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