Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 930: Niu Jiu Yi Yi Sheng Jian

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Chapter 930: Returning To Death

"Take some elixir, your dragon tail is not bad!"

Seems to remember something, Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan's blood on the dragon's tail and said in a deep voice.

"I see, boss!"

Xiaoyan didn't hesitate at all. When her mind moved, the elixir of glittering pills was thrown into her mouth.

As each piece of elixir entered the mouth, Xiao Xiao's **** dragon tail began to heal slowly.

"What's going on? Isn't that little reptile's tail hurt by the sound of Brother Qizhen's sound?"

"Yeah, how did the wound heal so quickly on the little reptile's tail!"

"Why is this little reptile so wicked that he was seriously injured and could recover so quickly?"

"Brother Qizhen, can you still fight him?"


Looking at Xiao's wound, healed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, among the orcs' disciples, the pot was instantly exploded.

At this moment, the hearts of some of their disciples even began to doubt the strength of Qizhen.

"This little sister, is really bellicose!"

Mo Wentian watched Xiaoyan's wound heal quickly, and he took a long, soft breath, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"Boss, is Xiaozhen really okay?"

"This Qizhen is about to break through to the late King of Heaven!"

At this moment, the hairy body of the magical sky came out of Mo Wentian's bosom again, looking at Xiao Xiao in the void, in his eyes, it was difficult to hide the worry.

"Rest assured, Qi Zhen will not be Xiao Yan's opponent!"

After hearing the words, the curvature of the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became thicker and softer.

"Boss ..."

Xuan Tian wanted to say something, but opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Dog, grandpa, I told you already, don't bark!"

"How are you now, your mouth is swollen into sausages!"

Suddenly, Xiaoyan stood proudly in the void, and said to Qi Zhen, smiling evilly, that his mouth had been swollen into a shoehorn at the moment.

"Little ... little reptile ..."


Qi Zhen looked at Xiao Yan, his anger was terrible.

He wanted to yell at him for a moment, but he found that let alone speaking, even with a slight movement of his mouth, it was extremely painful.

"What am I?"

"Dogs, don't you like to bark very much? Then you bark!"

Xiaoxiong looked at Qizhen but wanted to scold but couldn't swear it out. His cheeky flushed face and the evil smile rising from the corner of his mouth grew stronger.



Qi Zhen's heart was full of anger, but he couldn't vent.

A **** mouthful spilled from his mouth swollen into a shoehorn.

He wanted to reach out and wipe it, but before he touched it, the severe pain had already passed, and his outstretched hand stopped in mid-air.

Let the blood in the corner of the mouth flow down the chin instantly, the thick blood mixed with Hara, and the filaments were pulled out. That look, the more nausea, the more nausea.

"Nausea ... it's too nauseous, right?"

"Is this still our brother Qizhen?"

"Is Brother Qizhen already afraid of being pumped? Why isn't he still fighting back because of this insult?"

"Brother Qizhen will not be drawn, so he persuades him?"


A group of orc disciples, at this moment, were increasingly suspicious of Qi Qi.

The words of flattery and self-confidence changed their tone at this moment, full of disgusting look.

"Abominable little reptile!"

"Blame you!"

There came the sound of argument from the beast disciples, Qi Zhen's hands clenched into fists instantly, and his eyes were extremely cold.

He blamed it all on Xiaoyao, if it weren't for Xiaoyao to draw him into such a wolf.

How could he be laughed at by fellow students?

"Can't you call it?"

"Then you can taste your grandpa, my dragon, howling!"

At this moment, Xiao's figure flashed and appeared not far from Qi Zhen.

Looking at Qi Zhen, Xiao Yan said with a smile on his face.

"Little reptile, I think you are looking for death!"

"Do you think I have no other choice except Hu Xiao?"

"Tiger Excalibur!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's ironic words, for a moment, Qi Zhen seemed to forget the pain in his mouth and said coldly.

The next instant, I saw a divine sword in his hand, and a white tiger loomed above the divine sword.

The tiger sword in the hands of Qi Zhen was trembling, and the slightest radiance in the sword was shining.

"Tiger Sword Tips: Nine or nine return to the sword!"

"go to hell!"

The next moment, Qi Zhen's eyes froze slightly and said coldly.

Immediately, I saw eighty-one identical Tiger Divine Swords in the void, without any hesitation, slaying directly towards Xiaoyu.

"The breath on each of these swords has reached the mid-to-late period of the King of Heaven. Can Master Xiaoyou still fight?"

"Master Xiaozheng is in the early days of Cai Tianwang. He still suffered such a serious injury just now. Will he still be Qi Zhen's opponent?"

"Master Xiaoyan can block!"

"This Qi Zhen won't be Xiao Yan's opponent!"


Looking at the void, there were eighty-one tiger swords in an instant, and the disciples of Devouring the Kingdom of God looked different, and they began to discuss in an instant.

"Little sister, be careful!"

Looking at the eighty-one Tiger Divine Sword that was swiftly slashing towards Xiaoyan, Mo Wentian's expression changed slightly, and a low voice sounded in Xiaoyan's mind.

"Boss, rest assured!"

The corner of his mouth slightly raised, his voice was extremely confident.

The next moment, looking into the void, Xiao Yan's look was cold and arrogant.

"Dog, since you're looking for yourself, I'll do it for you!"

"Tianlong is howling!"

"Roar ..."

Xiaoyan's eyes suddenly skyrocketed, her mouth opened a few feet in size, a terrible sound wave, with Xiaoyan as the center of gravity, spreading wildly around.

"Booming ..."

Heaven and earth seemed to be shaking at this moment.

"Tianlong is howling? I feel like there are hundreds of dragons in the void!"

"So terrible Sonic, this is even more terrifying than Brother Qizhen's hundred tigers chant together!"

"I am afraid that the power of this sound wave has reached the middle of Heaven!"

"This is too powerful!"


Each figure looked at the void with an astonishment, and some warriors who were lowered up could not even help the coercion and knelt directly on the ground.

The dragon groaning in the void is terrible!

"How can this little reptile be so strong!"

Feeling the terrible sound wave, it struck towards himself, and Qi Zhen's eyes flashed awe-inspiring.

But the next moment, I thought that I was in the middle of the Uranus, and I was about to break through to the later period of the Uranus, and Xiaoyu was just a monster of the early Uranus.

"This little reptile will not be my opponent!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Qi Zhen's eyes were extremely firm.

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