Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 932: Qi Jing is dying

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Chapter 932: Qi Startled

"Ask for your opinion?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the middle-aged man, headed by a moment, froze for a moment.

"Bondi is in a good mood today. Here are two options for you!"

"Submit, or die?"

Mo Wentian looked at the beast disciples in front of him, his eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly.



"Mo Wentian, you are simply too arrogant. You are nothing but a conqueror of heaven. If you want us to surrender you, then you must have the strength to let us surrender!"

The man seemed to think of something, and his eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted sharply.

"Yes, if you want us to surrender, then you must have the strength to convince us!"

"Yes, just!"

"You are nothing but Tianjun's consummation, and the least cultivated among us are already like you!"

"Among us, there are nineteen Heavenly Kings!"


One by one in the crowd cheered up instantly.

Looking at Mo Wentian, I said powerfully.

They have been watching the battle between Xiaozheng and Qizhen, and they have not noticed in any way that all the disciples of the monster family who escaped have been killed by Mo Wentian.

Even before, they had witnessed Mo Wentian killing Ren Jing with one sword, but in their opinion, it was just a sneak attack by Mo Wentian.

That has nothing to do with Mo Wentian's strength!

"Boss, why are there so many nonsense!"

"Just kill it!"

Listening to this rumor, Xiaoyan's eyes raised a anger.

"Nineteen kings and five hundred heavenly kings, if they surrendered me to eat the kingdom of heaven!"

"That is equivalent to strengthening my strength to eat the kingdom of heaven, but for the orcs, it is a big injury!"

"Kill them, but it's a bad idea. We want them to surrender!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Yan, his eyes flickered coldly.

"Boss, I see!"

"Our Kingdom of Devouring Heaven has already ranked second among the ancient relics, but compared to the orcs ranked first in this ancient relic for thousands of years, we don't know how many!

"So strength is the most important thing for our present Devouring Kingdom!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoyi instantly understood.


"Just understand if you understand!"

Mo Wentian nodded slightly.

"The strength to surrender?"

"How about we make a bet?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the disciples of the orcs, and the smile on his mouth grew stronger.


"What bet?"

The middle-aged man, headed for a moment, stunned, and then returned to God, subconsciously speaking.

"Send any one of you to fight me!"

"If I win, all of you will surrender at the feet of this emperor!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were extremely arrogant.

"What if you lose?"

The middle-aged man looked at Mo Wentian and said in a deep voice.


"Will the Emperor lose?"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian sneered.

Losing this word does not exist in his questionable dictionary.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

The middle-aged man looked at Mo Wentian and shouted sharply.

"Don't you dare, if you dare to fight, fight!"

"If you don't fight, then the emperor doesn't want to talk nonsense with you, a small ants, then you are all the same as Qi Zhen, all die!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes suddenly raised a terrible sense of murder.


"Why not dare?"

"You are just a warrior in the perfect condition of Heavenly Kings, and I am a strong man in the middle of Heavenly Kings!"

"Boy, you are so arrogant, but you have to pay for your arrogance!"

The middle-aged man seemed to be irritated and quickly agreed.

In his eyes, it was extremely cold.




With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's palm instantly became a fist.

Without the slightest hesitation, he punched directly and blasted towards the middle-aged man opposite.

With one punch, everyone just felt that Mo Wentian's fist seemed to be a roaring dragon. The power on his fist rolled out and looked terrifying from afar.

"Boy, you're looking for death!"

"Lion fist!"

Qi Jing also greeted him with a punch.

The howling dragon shouted, ringing through the void.

"Isn't Mo Wentian that the genius Tiancai is in perfect condition? But the breath emanating from him is at least not weaker than Brother Qi Jing!"

"Don't you hear about that? Mo Wentian, the kid who built the kingdom of heavenly gods and became the lord of the kingdom of heavenly gods, it's all because he killed the demon king Lu Yan!"

"What? You said Devil King Lu Yan, he killed it!"

"The demon king is the perfect emperor of the heavenly king, why don't he ask Tian how the heavenly king's successful warrior could kill him?"

"This must be a rumor, yes, it must be a rumor!"


The terrible dragon chant sounded, and the disciples of the orcs immediately began to talk.


A violent collision came, and in the void, the peerless dragon and a lion collided together.

The phantom of the lion shattered in an instant, and the peerless dragon was standing proudly. The next moment, in the shocking look of everyone, the peerless dragon was roaring directly towards Qi Jing's chest.


"Do not……"

A scream came, and Mo Wentian's fist exploded directly on Qi Jing's chest.

Qi Jing's chest was directly blasted out of a huge hole, and Mo Wentian's hand was holding a hot heart.

A strong **** smell spread quickly.

"This ... Brother Qi Jing is dead?"

"Brother Qi Jing is not even an enemy of Mo Wentian!"

"A punch goes straight through, which is too scary!"

"It seems we are about to surrender!"


The disciples of the orcs, slightly stunned, came back to God, and said with awe-inspiring expressions.

"It's just ants, but they want to shake the elephant!"

"It's ridiculous!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's mouth raised a wicked smile, his face was even more indifferent.

He even said that the hot heart in his hand was thrown directly on the ground.

"Qi is shocked, you ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the group of orc disciples in front of him, saying coldly.

"Meet the monarch, we are willing to surrender!"

"Don't kill us, we are willing to surrender!"

"I also surrender!"


Before Mo Motian's words were finished, a group of beast disciples, one after another, heard the sound of Mo Wentian.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth, the radian that rose, became richer.

"Subject to the Emperor, that is also conditional!"

"No casual cat and dog are qualified!"

Seems to think of something, Mo Wentian flashed coldly in his eyes, said coldly.

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