Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1138: 444 Ancestral Hall

At this moment, the girls all curiously gathered out the window of the carriage and looked out. At a glance, they saw the familiar groom officer. Although he changed a lot in the red groom robe, the girls still remembered him. It was the one who "save" Fang Zimo from the lake at Anlan Palace.

Xiao Yan's expression was a bit subtle. She also heard that Mrs. Fang Zimo had set up a relationship with Fang Zimo, but she did not expect that Fang Zimo would marry today. Fang Zimo is a girl from the Fang family. Even if she is a niece, her status is not low. When she was married, she did n’t have ten miles of red makeup, which was beautiful ... but now? Hurry to get married, even the wedding is shabby!

At this moment, the big red flower sedan in front had stopped, the groom official turned his head in doubt, and wanted to ask the bride what happened, but saw a fiery body rushing out of the flower sedan. She ripped off, revealing that gorgeous and gorgeous face, all of a sudden attracted all the eyes on both sides of the street.

On the one hand, passers-by praised the looks of the bride, and on the other hand they were stunned. Before the bride passed through the door, she suddenly rushed out of the sedan car for a hundred years!

This bride really is Fang Zimo.

Fang Zimo glanced around, and soon, her eyes fell on Xiao Yi's body. As soon as her eyes brightened and she was about to shout, she was interrupted by the two Fang family wives who followed him up: "Five girls, quickly Go back to Huajiao! "The two women held Fang Zimo fiercely from left to right.

"Don't! I don't want to marry!" Fang Zimo struggled to break free of the two women, shouting with a loud voice, "Watch ..."

A mother-in-law quickly covered Fang Zimo's mouth with a frightened face, and her face was white with fright. The third lady asked them to send the five girls to marry. If anything went wrong, the third lady must blame them. .

A mother-in-law said bluntly, "Five girls, don't make a mess! Today you have to marry if you don't marry ..."

"唔 …… 唔 ……" Fang Zimo still tried to move forward unhurriedly, a pair of tears of Yingyingmei eyes looked up at Xiao Yi with affection, her slender white neck was as beautiful as a swan, and her small chin Slightly trembling, pity, as if to say, cousin, save Mo Er, Mo Er doesn't want to marry!

The three men from Nangong looked at Fang Zimo through the window, but she did not see the carriage behind Xiao Yi at all, and she seemed to see only Xiao Yi.

Passers-by around looked at the bride's heart secretly, and it was no wonder that she was unwilling to marry such a reckless girl! However, this marriage event is the life of the parents. As the matchmaker said, since they all got into the sedan car, they refused to marry in the middle of it.

Many passers-by gave sympathy to the groom's official.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to watch the farce. He made a gesture to the driver and drove the horse to the right lane, and the driver hurried to keep up with him ...

Fang Zimo couldn't believe his eyes, so he begged Xiao Yi so that Xiao Yi could not bear to die? !!

She is so amazing, as long as Xiao Yiken saves her, she is willing to do whatever she wants, but ... why? Why does Xiao Yi despise her? !!

For a moment, she seemed to have lost all her strength, and forgot to struggle again. She was desperate, and her heart was filled with resentment.

The two women exchanged a look, and they joined forces to re-enter Fang Zimo into the sedan chair, and then made the bearer move on again.

The groom's official Daniel's complexion was already stiff like a puppet, but no one cares what he thinks. A mother-in-law urged impatiently: "Five aunts, let's go, be careful when you miss the good times!"

Daniel responded stupidly, and said to himself: She is so beautiful and noble, naturally she does not want to marry such a rough person, but after the candlelight night, she naturally gave up! Uncle Zhao in the village also said that if the mother-in-law was upset, she would be obedient after a fight ...

The welcoming team started to beat again, and gradually went away. Passers-by also felt that they were overwhelmed, and they talked about each other wonderfully ...

Someone soon found out that it was the Fang family's sedan, and their heart was more puzzled. How could this girl from the Fang family marry such a civilian and marry so embarrassedly? !!

Immediately, some people associate with the incident that the Wangfu table girl who was rumored a few days ago fell into the water.

A good girl of the Fang family had to marry low because of falling water, which is really pitiful ...

Due to this small episode, the people in Luo Yue City lived up for a few more days. People with girls in the city screamed their daughters away from the water, so as not to accidentally fall into the water!

From time to time, Xuner told the rumors and rumors in the city as a joke to Nangong and sisters in the yard.

It was in this laid-back atmosphere that it reached the tenth day of June.

Early in the morning, a carriage and horse drove out of the royal palace of Zhennan to the Xiao's Ancestral Hall.

The Xiao Clan Ancestral Hall is not far from the palace. It sits west to the east, with its mountains and water on its back, and its roof is a single-eave hanging mountaintop. After entering the ancestral hall, there is the yimen, then the large patio, with galleries on both sides, and beautifully carved stone panels can be seen everywhere ... This ancestral temple is much more grand than the ancestral temple of the Nangong family.

No wonder, after all, it is the ancestral shrine of the Zhennan King's Mansion. In this southern Xinjiang, no other mansion can pass it.

Thinking of it, Nangong Yu saw the main hall of the ancestral hall appearing in front.

Although it was not too late for Nangong Ning and his party, how can Xiao Clan let King Zhennan wait for them? The main hall is already full of people.

The eyes of everyone looked at them in unison, and the king of Zhennan was walking in front of him. Behind him was the grandfather Xiao Yi and the concubine Nan Gongxi, and behind him was the second son Xiao Luan and the big girl Xiao Yan.

As for the servant girl and servant girl, even the concubine is not qualified to enter the shrine, and can only wait outside the shrine.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the couple Xiao Yi.

Most of the Xiao clan present haven't seen Xiao Yi for several years, but Xiao Yi's appearance can still see the shadow of seven or eight points when he was a teenager. It is just that the youth is less adolescent, and his figure is a lot longer. Become a handsome young Lili.

Nangong Yan next to him specially changed into a big red silk peony flower dress for today. The thick black hair became a fallen horse, and between them were two ruby ​​beads, which lined her skin like jade and red lips. Like cherry blossoms, a pair of dark eyes are shining like a silver moon hiding in a flowing cloud, revealing an elegant and serene book fragrance, but without the sour Confucianism of the literati family.

Everyone in the hall couldn't help but look a few more times, only to feel that they were indeed the nieces of the Nangong family, not only beautiful in appearance, but also exquisite in temperament. Several female relatives quickly exchanged a look, all appreciated.

The Xiao family was an ordinary farmer, and they had the taste of chickens and dogs ascending to the sky after fighting the South King of the old town. The days of each family are getting better, and the married daughter-in-law has gradually changed from an ordinary peasant girl to a merchant rich family and a girl from the military generals ... I did not expect that Shi Yi, Xiao Yi, could marry a daughter-in-law of the Shilin family. Still a county owner!

Look at this Nangong's appearance, origin, status, talent, no one is not good, and even holy family members, it can be said that it is a candidate of one hundred miles!

In the future, what other literati Mo Shi dare to say that their Xiao family is a muddy leg, an upstart, and see, even the nuns of the Nangong family have married their Xiao family!

In the eyes of everyone, Zhennan Wang and his party entered the main hall.

As soon as King Zhennan entered the house, except for the first patriarch in the middle, everyone else got up and saluted him, saying in unison: "I've seen Wang Ye."

King Zhennan naturally treated everyone, and when everyone was seated again, Xiao Yi took Nangong to admit his relatives. Among them, the old patriarch and the old lady Xiao Liu went to the palace last time, and Xiao Yi did not repeat the introduction. Over and over again.

There was a room in the main hall, in fact, most of Nangong Yu didn't remember. She just covered her head and got a bunch of praises. What are "Lang talented women", what "a pair of people", what "made in heaven" of……

After they recognized him, Nangong and Xiao Yi went to the sacrificial hall with the clan's son-in-law.

As soon as they entered the lobby, everyone was somber and afraid to make a noise.

Nangong looked around without a trace. To be honest, although the Xiao's ancestral temple was built magnificently, the sacrifice hall was not comparable to Nangong.

The Nangong family is a famous family of hundreds of years and has a long history. In the history of the previous dynasty, the Nangong family was left almost every time period. In the ancestral hall of Nangong Palace, the densely packed and countless tablets are placed on top of each other like terraces. Most of the names above make many scholars think they want to bend their knees. .

The Xiao family's ancestral hall tablet is only sparsely placed on three floors.

Let's put it this way, if Guan Yubai's family is a general family inherited for several generations, the Xiao family is the upstart in the family, and it was only in the generation of the old king Nan Nan.

It is said that King Nan of the old town was nothing but Bai Ding. Because the family was poor and had no time to live, he went to be a soldier. Who knew that was the admiration of the emperor of General Han at the time, soared all the way, and finally became General Xiao, and followed The emperor destroyed the front.

Step by step, all the old king of the old town in exchange for life.

There is a saying: "One person gets the word, chickens and dogs soar." The Xiao family has since become a "tribal", and also built the ancestral temple, where the tablets of the parents and grandparents of the old king of the south of the town were enshrined in the ancestral temple. It is also grand and solemn, but if it can't hold up a few tablets, it naturally looks shabby.

In the sacrificial hall, there is already a new pudding in front of the table, two new futons, one for Xiao Yu and one for Nangong Yu.

The patriarch Erhan smiled with a smile: "Shi Ziye, Shi Zifei, hurry up to the head of Xiangxiang. There are fifteen ancestral tablets, each with three heads." The following sentence was explained for Nangong.

Waiting for the completion of all temples is considered to be the completion of the temple meeting, indicating that the marriage of Nangong Yu and Xiao Yi has obtained the consent of the Xiao family ancestors, and later Nangong Yu has the qualifications to participate in the sacrifice and be sacrificed after his death.

Xiao Yi and Nangong Yu both knelt down, and conscientiously scratched their heads one by one.

After forty-five heads were crossed, Nangong's eyes were a little black, Xiao Yi's eyes helped her quickly.

Xiao Ao watched Nangong Ai's every move, his black eyes filled with smiles, and he felt happy for Dao.

Next, the clan chief personally opened the genealogical tree. Next to Xiao Yi, he wrote the words "Wife Nan Gong Clan". In this way, the temple meeting was completed.

After the genealogy, the patriarch Xiao Shen and several clan veterans invited Zhennan King, Xiao Yi and his wife, and Xiao Luan.

In the main hall, those female dependents have already retreated, leaving only the men of the Xiao family.

After the Zhennan Wang family took their seats one by one, a half-haired white-haired old man said to the Zhennan king: "Niece, Ai is now grown up and married. Some of our old bones have not let down your father. When you were alive, your father and king told me, your six uncles, and your four uncles, five uncles, and uncles seven before you died. When Ai was an adult, he shared some of the properties that he left to his grandchildren. Brother Yi and Luan Er. "

While he was talking, Mr. Xiao Liu, the old man with a goatee's head, nodded slightly and agreed: "At the time, your father and king entrusted us with five brothers, and now only your three uncles and me are the two old bones. While we are still there, it is better to divide those industries. "

When the two clan leaders mentioned this, the king of Zhennan also remembered it. The industries left by the father did indeed need to be resolved. Before that, it was just for these industries that caused a lot of turmoil in the city and even alarmed the emperor. Therefore, in addition to the death of Xiao Fangshi, the Zhennan Royal Mansion became the entire Dayu Joke.

Zhennan Wang still feels unhappy about this.

Also, dividing these industries earlier will save any troubles!

After the King of Zhennan groaned, he nodded and said to Uncle Xiao San and Uncle Xiao Liu: "Uncle Three and Uncle Six said yes."

Xiao Yi glanced quickly at the two clan elders, his face sinking.

They all talked about this, how could he still not see what agreement the two men had reached with Xiao Fangshi. Thanks to his savvy grandfather, he put the land deeds of the shipyard, Qianzhuang and two mines in Dafeng Qianzhuang privately for safekeeping, and did not give everything to the clan's wall-wrapped grass!

Xiao Luan's body shrank a bit, and it was rare to feel Xiao Yi's discomfort keenly, and she was almost agitated. Which old man shouldn't mention which one!

Xiao Luan quickly glanced at Xiao Yi's expressionless side face, his brother's cold eyes scared him half-headedly.

At this time, Grandpa Xiao Shen said to the patriarch Xiao Shen: "Brother, Grandpa has left nine hundred acres of fine paddy fields in the south, 1,200 acres of dry fields in the north, four mountains and forests, thirty-six in the farm, Dayu There are 52 shops in each place, and there are 632,000 cash in Dafeng Bank. These deeds are kept in the hands of a few of us, and the books are in duplicate. One was originally in Shenda The steward handed it to his wife, and another one was sent to Dafeng Money House every year according to the instructions of Lao Wang before his death. Ai Yi took over it a few years ago. "

The father actually left so many properties? !!

The king of Zhennan was shocked, and then a thought came to mind: Xiao Fang dare to hide such a big thing for more than ten years. She never thought of herself in this, did she? !!

Suspicious together, it is deeply rooted in the heart, and grows like crazy grass.

At this time, the patriarch Xiao Shen proposed a charter that divided the industries: "Although the second brother said that the industry was divided equally between Ai and Luan, but Ai is a son after all, the two brothers should still be different. Yi In my opinion, Ai will share more fields and villages. As for the shop and cash, give it to Luan. "The old king of the south of the town called his second brother because of his second cousin in the Xiao family.

Xiao Shen was actually quite thoughtful. Xiao Yi was the eldest son, and the entire palace was owned by him in the future. Xiao Luan was to be sorted out in the future, and he could get a better life with some high-yielding industries.

The king of the Zhennan city resisted Xiao Fang's discomfort and nodded: "Uncle makes sense." To him, Xiao Yi and Xiao Luan are his sons, to whom is the inheritance left by his father? It's all the same.

Seeing that they had negotiated the division of production, Xiao Yi suddenly laughed and said: "Uncle grandfather, third uncle grandfather, sixth uncle grandfather. Since this industry is to be divided, it should be clearly divided. That ’s it. It ’s been more than ten years. There will always be some changes. There are gains and losses. These have to be clearly understood. ”

Xiao Yi's statement is reasonable, and Xiao Shen thinks about it too. The second brother left a lot of industry. The income accumulated in more than ten years, I am afraid that it is a huge sum of silver. Xiao Luan and the two brothers were jealous of each other, but they created a gap between the brothers, that is, good things became bad things, but not beautiful.

Xiao Shen drew his eyes for a moment, then said: "Ai is right."

Xiao Yi continued: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen the books in my mother's hands. In my opinion, I should compare the two books together. What does my grandfather think?"

"That's natural." Xiao Shen nodded and said, "First take a few days to sort out all these books, and figure it out. How many do you think will be officially divided into industries after a few days?"

Speaking, he looked around at everyone, and Master Xiao San and Master Xiao Liu secretly exchanged glances. Although there were many night long dreams, Xiao Yi's request was not wrong. After thinking about it, there was no objection. If you want to come to Xiao Fang, you should make the books beautiful ...

After speaking the matter, everyone in the Xiao family left the ancestral shrine and went to their homes.

As soon as he returned to the palace, Xiao Luan was howled to the main courtyard to see Xiao Fang's.

"Mother ..." Xiao Luan went to salute Xiao Fangshi after entering the room.

Xiao Fang is still a confinement. Naturally, she did not go to the ancestral hall today. She didn't want to go from the bottom of her heart. Every time she faced Da Fang's tablet, she had to salute, which made her very unwilling.

At this time, she was sitting on the couch, leaning on a big pillow, and when she saw Xiao Luan came, she smiled instantly.

"Luan Brother," she asked impatiently before Xiao Luan sat down, "how is it today?"

Xiao Luan was also not polite to Xiao Fangshi, while yawning, he sat down on the circle chair by the window.

The girl-in-law was busy giving Xiao Luan hot tea. She knew that his wife and the second master had important matters to discuss, and she stepped down swiftly. In the inner room, except Qi Fang's mother and son, only Qi Qi was left.

Xiao Luan picked up the tea cup and had not responded yet, asking innocently, "What's the matter?"

Xiao Fang's face froze, and he said with patience: "What happened in the temple today?"

Xiao Luan drank tea and moisturized his throat, so he lazily told the story of today's ancestral home's separation.

Xiao Fang heard that the smile on the corner of his mouth was getting deeper and deeper, and he couldn't hide his pride.

Things are going just as she planned, which is great!

She has been waiting for this fair opportunity for a long time ... Wang Ye refused to open the shrine, which caused her to worry for a long time, but fortunately it finally became!

She was complacent and whispered to Xiao Luan hesitantly: "Mother, in fact, I think if I split in the future, I can also get a lot of things. After all, my eldest brother is the eldest son and the world son. The grandfather ’s industries are still Don't argue with your elder brother? "As he spoke, Xiao Yi's cold gaze appeared in his mind, and his eyes were a little grim.

Xiao Fang's pupils shrank sharply and he couldn't believe his ears.

She stuck her breath in her chest, took a deep breath, reluctantly came over, pointed at him and said angrily, "What are you saying ... Are you stupid, or are you staying ?! Who would be too silvery!"

Of course, Xiao Luan doesn't think too much silver, but compared to life and silver, Xiao Luan thinks that life is more important. He will always remember that on the battlefield, the elder brother Xiao Yi started off with a knife, and a head fell and blood splattered! Brother is a killer and does not blink!

Thinking of this, Xiao Luan felt that her neck was a bit chilly. Brother and I have n’t been together since I was a kid. There is no brotherhood at all. If I angered Brother, then I might end up like those Southern Barbarians!

Xiao Fang was even more angry when Xiao Luan didn't speak. Why did she have such a son! And Xiao Yan ...

I obviously have children and children, but some of them are not in harmony with myself!

Thinking, the anger in Xiao Fang's heart was rolling like a lava on his chest, pointing at Xiao Luan, another anger scolding: "Do you know how much silver it is? Enough for you to eat for a lifetime ?! I am Who is it for, not for you? You say such unconscionable words ... "

Xiao Fang was chattering angrily, and the voice of maidservant came suddenly from outside the curtain: "I have seen a big girl!"

Followed by the sound of a curtain, Xiao Yan with a white background embroidered folded magnolia bouquet waist skirt appeared on the other side of the curtain, but did not continue to move forward, just stared straight at Xiao with a pair of cold eyes Fang's eyes couldn't hide the disappointment.

Xiao Yuan's clear eyes stared at Xiao Fangshi, as if to see through her heart.

Xiao Fang suddenly snorted, and glared angrily at the gloomy girl.

Xiao Ye just heard about the division of the family property, and wanted to ask her mother if she was making troubles behind her, but now she does n’t think she needs to ask again. From the rants just now, Xiao Ye has heard Something happened. The matter of splitting the family property is really related to the mother!

Xiao Yan closed her eyes and slowly said, "Mother, what does not belong to us does not belong to us after all!" After that, she turned away without a trace. She didn't want to quarrel with her mother any more, and she was only disappointed again and again.

Xiao Fang had already been furious, but now Xiao Xiao has poured another barrel of oil. This daughter is getting less and less sensible!

Xiao Fang picked up the tea cup on the couch and threw it out.


The tea cup was thrown apart in front of the curtain.

Xiao Luan shrank his neck and said busyly: "Mother, son, and leave, let's leave first." Then, without waiting for Xiao Fang's answer, he hurried out of the house faster than the rabbit.

"Useless stuff!" Xiao Fang was so anxious that he wanted to catch something and fell, but he caught an empty air and became angry.

"Mrs. Don't be angry. Second Master is very young, so I don't understand your wife's hard work ..." Qi Yi softly reassured Xiao Fang's.

Xiao Fang took a deep breath and finally took it easy. Who knows, there followed a little girl who hurriedly yelled, "Mrs. Shi Zifei sent someone here, saying she wanted to see his wife."

Xiao Fang's eyebrows moved, letting people in.

Following Xiaoya, he brought in a tadpole. The tadpole was wearing a lake-colored noodle dumpling. The whole man was neatly packed, and it seemed very capable.

"I've seen his wife." Xi bowed her respectfully and salutingly. "The slave's surname is Zhou, and the world's concubine ordered the slave to come and get the books."

"What account book?" Xiao Fang's head was confused, and he didn't understand why he suddenly asked her to get the account book. But Nangong Yu asked what kind of books he wanted? !! What Xiao Fang thought of was not very good-looking.

Zhou Zheng only thought that Xiao Fang was pretending to be stupid, but he explained it respectfully. Xiao Fang heard his brows frowned and tightened. He complained that Xiao Luan was really avoiding the importance. He didn't even mention such an important matter just now. So that he failed to preempt himself.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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