By the breeze blowing in the garden's pool, fresh and elegant lotus fragrances were scattered, refreshing.

A few little girls are hiding behind a rockery by the lake and gossiping. The new clothes that boast that look good, the pearl flowers that boast the other ...

The sound of stepping on fallen leaves from the rear suddenly scared the little girls. They looked at the sound and saw a familiar figure coming out from behind a willow tree. Then they were relieved and smiled.

"Older sister!" A pink-clad girl called out affectionately.

Tonger held a small and exquisite bamboo basket and laughed: "Sir concubine just gave me some red bean coconut rolls. I thought I would share it with you when I can finish it alone ... It's still hot ! "

As soon as she opened the plate covered with dim sum, a seductive milk fragrance floated out. The golden and red bean coconut rolls were exquisitely made and beautiful, and a few little girls were salivating, and said, "This is really worth the reward Is a good thing. A few people thanked him a lot.

The little girls ate them with interest, and Yawn lazily yawned and shrugged her shoulders. The pink-haired girl saw her very tired and asked curiously, "Sister Xuan, you What the **** are you doing? Look tired of you ... "

Min Er hasn't answered yet, another little girl in Cuiyi thought of it, and said, "I heard that Bi Xiaotang hired an account room yesterday. A lot of people came!"

Speaking of hiring accounts, the girls naturally thought of the hottest topic in the government recently, that is, the separation of the family property between the second son and the second master. It seems that the last few days, the second wife also took away several boxes of books from his wife. .

The pink-haired little girl couldn't help but ask again, "Sister, son, are you ready for the account?" Then, she revealed a hint of envy, which is a thousand dollars, and these little girls won't make a lifetime.

"That's natural, and ah ..." Chen Er said deliberately, "It's after the hire!"

After the deceased? The little girls looked at each other, more curious, and yanked his sleeves for questioning.

She asked them for a while, and then said: "Anyway, you will know sooner or later." She lowered her voice mysteriously, "Do you know what Shen Daguan is doing?"

Most of the little girls are skeptical. How can they know the management of Shen Da, who died a dozen years ago, at their age. But the Cuiyi girl-in-law said thoughtfully: "I heard Lao Zi Niang mentioned, but have served the granddaughter of Grandpa Shen? ... Is it the descendant of Grandpa Shen?" When the old princess was still alive, Her mother was once a third-class girl in the orphanage.

Xuan Er nodded and said, "Now, the son of Mr. Shen Daguan is helping the concubine check the account!"

Shinda's son? !! The girls were so energetic that they could not help but exchange a look. These days, Wangfuzhong is really lively. No, there are new topics to talk about.

Yuner laughed secretly, but thought of something pretending, saying, "Oh, I almost forgot what Shi Zifei told me. You eat these snacks slowly, and I have to go first."

"Sister walk slowly!" A few little girls greeted him.

On the same day, Cuiyi Maid told Lao Ziniang about it, and Lao Zimao told her that she was familiar ... One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, and the people in the whole house were talking about Shen Daguan's son with emotion. Come to serve Shizi again, I feel this is a beautiful talk.

Soon, even the little Fang who stayed out of the house and was still raising his body learned that his face suddenly changed.

When I first heard that Bi Xiaotang was in the accounting room, she laughed with Qi Yi and said that Bi Xiaotang was in the battlefield, but did not expect that they had brought in Shen Ping's son? !!

how is this possible!

How could it be so coincident!

Of course, Xiao Fang remembers Shen Ping ... Shen Ping has been with the Prince for nearly thirty years, and he has always been trusted. He even managed all the affairs of the Wang Fu.

Before the old man died, he even entrusted Shen Yi with the cheap industry left to Xiao Ping.

She's Xiao Yi's aunt, and the old man's inheritance naturally has to be handed over to him. How can he give a slave? !!

Shen Ping didn't get into the water. No matter how much benefit he gave him, he ignored it, and she couldn't help it ...

Isn't Shen Ping loyal? That is to accompany the old lord, and still get a good name of "殉 主", why not do it!

Over the years, Shen Ping's family has all disappeared, and Xiao Fang gradually left them behind, never expecting that his son would appear at this time. Xiao Fang couldn't help wondering whether Bi Xiaotang had found this person long ago, and deliberately used the opportunity of the accounting room to make him come out in a big and bright way ... Thinking of this, Xiao Fang couldn't help but feel a little palpitated. It's up!

The more Fang Xiao wanted to frown, the more he frowned, Shen said, "Qi, you go to Fang's house quickly, and get my third brother ... You can do it yourself!"

All these things of Xiao Fang's were clear-cut, naturally knowing that this matter could not be delayed, and he bent his knees to take his life.

Qi Yan hurried away, and after half an hour, she hurried back again, running panting and sweating.

"Ma'am, it's not good!" Qi Yan's expression was anxious.

When Xiao Fang saw that there was no one behind Qi Yi, he faintly guessed that he was awkward, and he asked the girls in the house to step down and asked, "What happened? What happened?"

Qi Yan took a breath, and said with a rush: "Madam, Master Xuanbiao went to the house early this morning and knocked on the Dengwen drum, and told the four grandfathers and the four grandfathers that they were not filial and for their family property. , Poisoning his uncle. "Master Xuanbiao said that Fang Shixuan, the uncle who was trained by Fang Four.

Xiao Fang was stunned, this is too outrageous!

She asked impatiently again: "What's the matter? Good thing, how could Xuan brother ..." Si brother and Siye are Xuan brother's father and aunt, and the son sued his parents against him. Brother is crazy!

Thinking of it, Xiao Fang's heart had an ominous hunch.

Qi Wei's face was a bit weird. After clarifying her thoughts, she said, "The slave-inquired, said yes ..." She said a little bit inexplicably. Master Xuanbiao's biological mother was smashed by her aunt Yu, so Aunt Yu was sold with dumb medicine by Mrs. Sihou ... "

Fang Shixuan clearly wanted to take the lead for his biological mother, but unfortunately, he was still stupid. According to Dayu ’s statute, the son sued the father. If the truth is not true, that is, the crime that the father did not have the son, the son will be hanged. It is true that the father did have a crime against the son, and the son was also punished with a penalty of three hundred years. In other words, Fang Shixuan is totally ruined in this life!

Qi Yan sighed in his heart, swallowed saliva, and added: "Master Xuanbiao sued his parents, now I'm afraid it's spread all over the city ..." The face of the family below was lost!

Xiao Fang heard a dizziness, and his breath stuck in his chest.

She counted on her brother to be her helper, but they were so disappointed! Especially the third brother, with so many women in this world, he doesn't want any beautiful beauty, but he has to go with Siji ...

Thinking of this, Xiao Fang's chest was a sudden undulation.

She settled down and said, "Go and invite Wang Ye, just say ... just say I'm sick ..."

The voice had not fallen yet, and a little girl whispered outside the curtain: "Madam, the lord is coming here, and the man has already come to the yard."

Xiao Fang was busy going out to meet Qi Qi together. Then he came to the main hall and saw the king of Zhennan striding across the threshold. It seemed angry.

Knowing how the Zhennan King Ru Xiaofang couldn't see the unrepressed anger of the Zhennan King, there was something in his heart: Did Wang Ye already know ...

Xiao Fangshi persevered with the puppet in his heart, and saluted King Zhennan casually: "I have seen the king ..."

The king of Zhennan sneered, and the anger interrupted Xiao Fang's: "My king's face has made you all lost! Your two brothers are really ridiculous!"

King Zhennan looked at Xiao Fang with disgust. One of the two brothers of Xiao Fang murdered his uncle, disobediently; the other was with his younger brother, who was so profane and had such wives and concubines that he was simply discrediting himself!

Xiao Fang's heart was cold, and Zhennan King really knew it.

She also complained about the two elder brothers, but they and she were both born out of a womb. Xiao Fang gritted his teeth, Huo Di knelt down and looked at Zhennan King with tears in his eyes, and said, "Master Wang! No matter how many brothers the third and fourth brothers are, they are also the elder brothers, especially the fourth brother. Just like a living dead ... "Xiao Fangshi sobbed and begged," Master, please ... "

Listening to Xiao Fang's tone, do you have to cover up for her two brothers? !! The king of Zhennan was so angry that his forehead jumped blue, and interrupted Xiao Fang again impatiently: "Shut up! Do you think the king's face was not lost enough ?!"

Fang Chengxun's murder of his father-in-law has been known to Hecheng for a long time, but it was only in private. The so-called "people do not sue the officials but do not rectify them." At the beginning, Fang's family had Fang Cheng training in a room except for the tribe. For King Zhennan and the entire Fang clan, this is a relatively suitable disposal method, which has saved everyone's face.

But now Fang Shixuan hits Deng Wengu, which is tantamount to pulling off the concealer and making the matter happen!

King Zhennan thought it was disgusting as if he swallowed a fly, and he didn't want to be even more unwilling to be related to the matter!

"In these days, you can stay in the house to" please my sickness "for this king, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!" Then, Zhennan Wang looked at Qi Qi, "You are not allowed to send someone to your mother's house! Otherwise You just go to the temple again! "After that, the king of Zhennan walked away!

"Master Wang ..." Xiao Fang cried loudly, but could not call the king of Zhennan, nor could he save the fall of Fang's three bedrooms!

Less than a day, Fang Chengxun and his wife murdered their father-in-law in the city of Luo Yue in order to take possession of their property, and the world re-filed their filial piety. It is not shameful to poison their father-in-law for their property. Fang Shixuan sued his father and aunt for the same filial piety. For a while, someone could not help wondering why he did this. After a moment's inquiries, it suddenly sounded!

The Fang family is really a place to hide and conquer!

The people in the Fangzhai almost didn't dare to go out. They were almost drowned by the spitting stars, and many people went to the Fangzhai to throw stinky eggs, rotten fruits, and rotten leaves ...

Luo Zhicheng's Mozhi Mansion was frightened by this case, so he had to come to the palace to quietly ask King Zhennan's meaning, and finally got an instruction to "handle justice".

As a result, Mo Zhifu boldly raised trials of Fang Chengling, Mrs. Fang Four, and Fang Shixuan ... attracting hundreds of people in the city to watch the trial.

The case is not complicated. Fang Chengxun's husband and wife murdered his uncle, and the evidence was conclusive. Mo Zhifu got the motion of King Zhennan. He must sentence the case as soon as possible!

Fang Shixuan sued his father and mother for a hundred years and served three years. Fang Chengxun's couple traveled three thousand miles and went into exile in the wild northwest. They set off the next day.

As for the issue of **, Mo Zhifu pretended not to know it because no one came.

The case had already been heard in the ears of Nangong Yu when the incident happened. At first, Fang Chengxun's family stepped out of Fang's mansion and left them to Luo Yuecheng to rely on Fang's order. The three bedrooms of the Fang family are not good people. The two are together, and something will happen sooner or later. However, Nangong Yu didn't expect that it would be so fast ...

After the case was closed, Nangong Yan told the old lady Fang like a joke.

"They're gone today?" Fang, in a wheelchair, looked up at the sky above with a light tone, and it was Fang Chengxun who asked.

Nangong pushes Old Man Fang's wheelchair in the yard for a walk, letting the old man bask in the sun and breathe the fresh air outside.

"Yes, maternal grandfather. Now I was holding them from Beicheng Gate when I was young." Nangong Ai pushed the wheelchair to the stone table under the shade of the backyard. The two little girls immediately set tea and snacks on the stone table.

Nangong Yan directed the attention of Grandma Fang to her, saying, "Maternal grandfather, my girl-in-law loves to be entertaining, and I went to see it this morning, and I let her talk to you!"

Fang Chengxun and his wife set off at an instant. Wanting to see this good show means that Jiming is going out of Bixiaotang, but it is not easy. I'm afraid it's not watching the excitement, it's for myself.

Mrs. Fang knows her heartily, and smiles as she looks at her with a smile and says that Mrs. Fang, who is shackled, is now like a beggar woman. People are not ghosts, they are dragged away by people on a wooden board.

When the two of them were taken out of the city, a lot of people came to watch, they all called for revenge, the wicked had bad news, and some people poured water on them ...

Tonger said dryly. Old Fang gave her a bowl of tea and some fruits with a smile. She thanked him and set aside.

Fang Chengxun's house now ends in such a deserved deserved condition, and his sufferings for so many years should let them taste it all! It's just that the third house of Fang's family ... Fang Fang picked up the tea cup and slowly opened the tea with the tea cover, thoughtfully.

After he put down the tea cup, he was already thinking about it, and said to Nangong: "Ah, I will write a letter later, and you will send someone to send me to the old patriarch ... hey, the door of our house All three rooms were ruined, and the patriarch had to be invited to come over. "It is impossible to rely on the relationship between these three rooms and Xiao Fang's ideas, and continue to do wanton things in Luo Yue City! The 300-year-old reputation of their Fang family is really going to be ruined by these people who hide and foul!

"Maternal grandfather," Nangong said softly, "don't be angry for such people, it's not worth it."

Regarding the eyes of Shangnan Gongyu, Old Fang's mood has stabilized a lot, and he laughed: "Ama what you said. For this kind of person is not worth ..." He also needs to raise his body and hug him. Grandson!

He patted Nangong Yan's hand and said with relief: "My grandfather knows that you and A Yi are filial!"

Speaking, Grandma Fang smiled and beckoned, "It will be your birthday in a few days, and my grandfather will have a birthday gift for you." He took out a slightly yellowed piece of paper from his arms and handed it. To Nangong Yu.

Nangong Ai took it, opened it, looked at it, and couldn't help but surprise, "Maternal grandfather, this ..."

This is a deed, an iron mine deed.

Mrs. Fang said in a good mood: "This is the property of your grandfather and my father, not the property of Fang's father-in-law. You and Ai are married, and the grandfather did not give a congratulatory gift. This will connect your couple with your birthday Go, ca n’t say my grandfather was stingy. "

Facing the eyes of Granny Fang and his uncle, Nangong Yu blessed her respectfully and said, "Thank you grandfather."

Of course, Nangong Yu knows that Mrs. Fang just gave the mine to Ai Yi in the name of her birthday. With this iron ore, you can make more iron ya in a short time. is needed.

Seeing that Nangong Yu didn't refuse, knowing that she had realized her own heart, old Fang smiled.

These days, the division of production between Ai and Xiao Luan is raging in the house, and of course Fang Fang heard it. Of course, I know that Ai's life in the past has been more difficult than he thought, even They can all swallow the property left by the old grandpa, which makes the old lady Fang not distressed. The last time Ai bought him iron ore, he was desperately in need, but he didn't buy much. Old Fang guessed that the young couple might not have much silver.

This mine was a private property that he laid down when he was young, and it was well-placed for Xiao Yi.

Thinking of Xiao Yi, Old Fang's eyes flashed, and I was a little worried. I thought: Ai was on the battlefield and didn't know what was going on ...

"Maternal grandfather." Nangong Ai saw his worry and said with confidence, "You can rest assured that Ailing is here, Huiling City will be able to hold it!"


Speaking of Huiling City, it is a city on the southeast border of southern Xinjiang. It forms a line of defense with the city of Yanding, Yongjia and Dengli in the southeast of Dayu.

Huiling City is known for its defensiveness. After losing three cities in succession, Huiling City held on for half a month with its solid walls and united up and down.

At this time, in the depths of a forest on the outskirts of Huiling, hundreds of battalions were connected, and soldiers were mostly covered with blood and dirt on their faces, feeding horses and feeding horses, eating dry food and eating dry food, and wrapping wounds. Injuries, as well as cleaning the armor, repairing weapons ... Several teams of soldiers patrolled around the camp alertly.

They had just fought an ambush under the leadership of their son Xiao Yi, and had a rare time to rest.

In the central account, Xiao Yi tried his own bow while listening to a young man in his early twenties obsing.

"... Yi Shizi, the count has been completed. In this ambush, our army was killed in 31 people, severely injured 12 people, and slightly injured more than 60 people. The enemy's army was annihilated. The seized siege equipment has been completely burned." The young man was named Wu Chenming, and his armour was still stained with unstained blood. Obviously he had just come down from the battlefield, and his face could not hide his joy.

They rushed all the way to Huiling City, and battles of all sizes went through three or four battles. Under the leadership of Shi Ziye, the battlefield was a success, and the whole army was in great morale.

Today, they have just ambushed a 1,000-person battalion in Nanliang, and seized the four-drive ladder and two-drive siege towers that were about to be transported to Huiling City.

The vanguard led by Xiao Yi was a cavalry. They were fast forwards and assaults. Although these siege devices were easy to use, they were also a little inconvenient. Xiao Yi simply ordered to burn them.

After listening to the paper, Xiao Yi groaned and asked, "Wu Xiaowei, how is Huiling City now?"

Wu Chenming fisted back and said: "The son who returned to the world, the spy who just sent out came back and reported that the army of Nanliang attacked Huiling City again in the middle of the night last night. Huiling City was in crisis. Working together to pour the hot oil down the city, we barely survived this hurdle! There are still tens of thousands of soldiers and horses approaching Nanliang, and Huiling City may not be able to support it for too long. "Speaking of this, he couldn't help worrying.

Xiao Yi slightly jaw head.

The 3,000 cavalry he led came first to support and disturb the enemy, and the 20,000 army would not arrive in batches for at least seven or eight days. From these days, I am afraid that Huiling City will not be able to support the day when the army comes ...

It seems that I can only take risks!

While there is still a battle in Huiling City ...

Xiao Yiguo said decisively: "Let the entire army build up its strength and make a surprise attack tonight!"

Wu Chenming knelt on one knee, and his fist suddenly called: "Yes, my grandfather!"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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