Mrs. Joe was still angrily reading.

If it was someone else, King Zhennan had already attacked. Madam Qiao was the eldest sister, but she could barely bear with her patience, and said kindly: "Sister, according to the king, the son of the world is a good lady. Is there some misunderstanding between the older sister and the concubine before, so that the older sister has a prejudice? In fact, the eldest sister, the king feels that the concubine is right, the palace is not short of five hundred silvers, so the niece will use the silver to buy beads Wear it. "

King Zhennan felt that he was profoundly righteous.

Mrs. Qiao was stupid, blinked, and did not expect that Jinnan ’s remarks would come from him. Was n’t Jinnan very displeased with Shi Zifei before? How can it seem like a few days? Could it be said that King Zhennan personally presided over the concubine for the concubine not for the face of Princess Yongyang, but for the concubine? !!

And the five hundred and twenty silver, of course she knew that the palace was not short of silver, but was she talking about the five hundred and twenty silver? Obviously saying that Shi Zifei has no respect!

Mrs. Joe was so angry that she stalked her chest, her mind blank.

Seeing this, Kikyo stepped forward, and said with a pinch: "Master Ye, Fu San Gongzi is now in Bixiao Hall, and the world's concubine sent someone to ask Wang Ye, I do n’t know if Wang Ye has seen Fu San Gong?"

Fu Sangong?

The king of Zhennan gave a slap, nodded and said, "Go and ask Fu Sangong to come over."

The bellflower replied quietly and retreated quietly, only to hear Mrs. Qiao said with a little excitement: "Brother, is Son San Fu the grandson of Grand Princess Yongyang?"

Zhennan Wang nodded slightly, feeling that the elder sister's question didn't seem to be targeted, raised her eyebrows and looked at each other.

There was a hint of eagerness in Mrs. Qiao's eyes. "Brother, do you know that Son Fu has a family relationship?"

Sister naturally wouldn't ask Fu Yunhe's family for no reason ... Zhennan Wang froze his beard, looked at Mrs. Qiao slightly, and said, "Sister Sister, you want to treat Sister Lan ..."

Mrs. Qiao did not intend to conceal the king of Zhennan, or to say that if this family relationship was to be accomplished, the power of King Zhennan would still be needed. She nodded her candidly and narrowed her eyes with a smile: "Brother, my sister Lan is now at the age of speaking pro, isn't this grandson Fu San a good candidate?"

These so-called high-door households in southern Xinjiang, she looked over and looked at the past, no one was worthy of her sister Lan. The son of Fu San is different. He has a good background, is the best, has the favor, and has military skills. He can't fit it!

The King of Zhennan thought that Fu Yunhe and Qiao Ruolan were the right age, but the doorkeeper of Qiao's family was not as good as Princess Yong Yang's Mansion ... But Princess Yong Yang was always enlightened. If two children are suitable, she should I won't refuse.

Seeing that King Zhennan moved, Mrs. Qiao proposed while struggling hotly: "Brother, after the third son Fu is here, I will hide behind the screen and take a quiet look. Do you think it is good?"

King Zhennan was hesitant. Fu Yunhe came to see himself and talked about private affairs. It can be said that the junior came to greet the elders; It's a bit inappropriate.

Mrs. Qiao saw the embarrassment of King Zhennan's face, and the anger suddenly came up again, and her voice unconsciously exclaimed: "Brother, wouldn't you agree to such a trivial matter?"

His elder sister was still so violent ... Zhennan Wang sweated heavily and nodded his head and agreed: "Sister, you have to be careful ..." Don't let anyone find out.

Mrs. Qiao finally showed her face, and when someone came to say that Fu Sangong had arrived, she was busy carrying her skirt, avoiding the sickly screen with the black lacquered teeth carved away, and then stood still.

After a while, the sound of curtains came, followed by the sound of footsteps, and the voice of the young man's clear sunshine: "My nephew has seen the Lord!"

Mrs. Qiao carefully peeped out her eyes, taking a quick glance at the timing of the first salutation, her mouth was slightly raised, and she was very happy: a talented man, Yushu stood by the wind, standing with his daughter, it really looks like a talented woman. Jin Tongyu daughter is ordinary. For a while, Mrs. Qiao had a mood that her mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law more and more, and she really wished to settle the marriage right away.

Zhennan Wang quickly glanced in the direction of the screen, and saw that Mrs. Qiao was hiding well, her heart was slightly loose, and she raised her hand and said, "No courtesy."

King Zhennan thought he could not make a trace, but did not know that Fu Yunhe, who had been watching him, had noticed his abnormality long ago. Fu Yunhe laughed and swiped in the direction of the screen when he raised his eyes.

After the dim screen, a dark shadow can be seen faintly, sure enough, who is hiding behind it.

"He brother, sit down." King Zhennan greeted affectionately, the more he thought about Fu Yunhe's ability to be his niece, it was really good.

"Thank you, lord Wang." Fu Yunhe politely sat down on the circle chair by the window.

King Zhennan said, "He brother, how about your trip to the city?"

Fu Yunhe said with a smile: "Return to Wang Ye, after more than a year of recuperation, Kailian City has been renewed, and the exiled people have returned to their homeland and live and work in peace."

"It's so good." The king of Zhennan smiled at the beard.

After all, Xiao Yi had taken Kailian City, but it wasn't too nonsense, and he didn't hesitate to teach him on weekdays.

King Zhennan said in a good mood: "He brother, you have returned to Luo Yue City, and tonight you will be picked up by the king himself!"

Fu Yunhe hugged his fist and said, "Thank you, Prince Wang!"

After speaking for a while, Fu Yunhe got up and said goodbye. As he passed the screen, he glanced under the screen without any trace. A pair of embroidered shoes with black embroidered peony flowers came into his eyes, and he raised an eyebrow. There was a slight smile in the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that a woman was hiding behind the screen.

Fu Yunhe left the study room casually, and returned to Yun leave the hospital accompanied by Kikyo.

In fact, the bellflower came to see Nangong Kun specially, and after marching to the people like Yongyang, she martyred Nangong: "Sir concubine, the grandfather intends to give Fu Sangong a dinner reception tonight, and let slaves give the concubine to the concubine. Messaging. "

Nangong nodded and sent the bellflower off.

When the bellflower was far away, Fu Yunhe suddenly said to the people meaningfully: "I know today that Lord Wang is really a man of informality." There was a smile in his mouth.

He clearly has something to say.

Nangong Yan, Xiao Yan, and Fu Yunyan looked at each other, and Fu Yunyan said eagerly: "San brother, don't sell off!"

Anyway, there are no outsiders here, and Fu Yunhe bluntly said, "When I went to the study room to see Wang Ye, I found a woman hiding behind a screen in the study room."

"Fantastic." Yong Yang frowned tightly. She originally thought that Zhennan King was a little confused, but she did not expect that she would still be a woman who was addicted to women and who did not care. Actually hiding a woman in the study outside, it is really public and private ...

Nangong groaned for a moment, feeling strange in her heart, and whispered to the thrush.

The thrush went fast and came back quickly, and came back within a short while, saying: "Second concubine, Grandma Aunt came to the palace today to see the Grandpa, and she just returned." The grandma in her mouth said that it was Joe Big lady.

For a moment, everyone in the room looked at each other again. From this point of view, the woman behind the screen is Mrs. Qiao, but why does Mrs. Qiao hide behind the screen?

Nangong's eyes flashed, thoughtfully, could it be ...

"Is this Mrs. Qiao's third brother in the picture?" Fu Yunyan blurted out, and everyone looked at her in unison, and then couldn't help looking at Fu Yunhe.

Yong Yang was drinking tea slowly, and it was definitely high to marry his princess with Qiao ’s doorstep. According to the saying “to marry a daughter-in-law,” she did n’t care if Fu Yunhe married a door low, but first The character of the girl's family depends on her, otherwise marrying back a stir up family essence will really harm the three generations. Thinking of Qiao Ruolan's words and deeds at the ceremony on that day, Yong Yang's eyes were slightly darkened.

Fu Yunhe raised his eyebrows, and was really surprised. He blinked and asked with a smile: "Liangniang, you have been in Luo Yuecheng for so long. Should you have seen Mrs. Qiao's girl? How is it? Beautiful or not?"

Fu Yunyan stared back silently, "Can you eat beautifully?"

It seems that Fu Yunyan didn't answer the question in a short sentence, but Fu Yunhe heard two meanings from it. First, the girl Qiao looks pretty good; second, the character seems to be observed.

Fu Yunhe sighed. It turned out to be a rotten peach blossom. His slump was only a moment, and after thinking about it, he got his chest proudly, and grinned his face with a grin and sighed: "Hey, handsome, handsome, Outstanding and beloved, it's no wonder that people are remembered everywhere they go! "

Looking at the third brother's unruly appearance, Fu Yunyan's eyes narrowed, and he comforted himself: He is also his own brother who is not reliable, and Qiao Ruolan deserves to be his own sister-in-law!

Nangong Yu and Xiao Yu looked at each other and smiled. The atmosphere in the hall was relaxed and cheerful, as if they were back in Wangdu, a group of close friends and relatives laughed and made fun of each other.

Nangong Ai couldn't help but glance out at the sky, and didn't know what sisters Yi and Xi were doing now.

Nangong Yu and Xiao Yu accompanied Yongyang to talk and they retreated first. In the evening, Fu Yunhe will host a wind feast. There are still many things that Nangong Yu needs to order, and Xiao Yu volunteers to fight for her.

This feast was located in the Jade Hall of the Royal Palace. Except that Xiao Fang was banned, the masters of the various rooms of the Royal Palace basically came, one table for men, two tables for female dependents, and three tables. Although there are not many people, Fu Yunhe is cheerful and talkative. This meal was also very lively, causing the king of Zhennan to laugh from time to time ...

In the end, Fu Yunhe lived in Wangfu temporarily under the kind invitation of King Zhennan.

Nangong hurriedly asked someone to clean up a remote courtyard in the outer courtyard.

King Zhennan looked very satisfied, and secretly thought: Wang Fu still needs a hostess!

The banquet did not disperse until the willow head on the moon.

Nangong went back to Bixiaotang, took a bath and changed clothes, took out an account book from the study, and then leaned on the beauties' couch, and slowly looked over.

This account book was taken back by Bai Hui in the evening, and Shen Chengye did the Tianshuizhuang account book of the three-year Ming calendar according to his orders.

Nan Gongyu carefully turned over one by one. Next to each account, Shen Chengye also made some annotations based on the local county records. This annotation was obviously for his own sake and was very clear. Nangong Yu can be sure that this account is much more beautiful than Xiao Fang's.

Even if it is a "fake account", it must be done seamlessly. If you see it at a glance, it is not beautiful.

After reading the account book, Nangong yawned, and the servant who was waiting in the house brought a glass of clear water, and said helplessly, "Sir concubine, you should rest."

"What time is it?"

"It's almost five more."

Nangong Yan glanced out the window, it was near summer, it was getting early and early, and the sky was hazy with white light ...



The five kings ’capitals are only as bright as the sky, but they are already in a commotion. Not only are the traffickers walking around to make a living, even those princes and ministers are already waiting in the value room.

The ministers were a little sleepy. According to Dayu's rules, officials with more than three grades were eligible to go to the early dynasties. The ministers here are naturally top figures of the honorable ministers, and everyone is envious. But those ordinary people did not know that they would get up for the early morning and the last four days of the day, just to hurry up. Except for the New Year and the rest every ten days, this is true every day, without exception.

The civil and military officials went up to the palace day after day, and they naturally knew each other very well, but in the large value rooms, they were distinct. Civilian generals, family members and families ... divided into several camps, no contact with each other.

Officials casually chatted with the people around them about the recent pilgrimage, while drinking hot tea to refresh themselves. At this time, another figure with a stone blue dress walked into the value room.

I saw the other person in their early twenties, handsome and elegant, leisurely and calm, like a clerk with no power to restrain the chicken, but wearing the military court's robe, looking at the contradiction, but for the people present, take it for granted.

Everyone knows that he is behind the gate.

Anyihou official language is white!

For a moment, everyone's eyes focused on him, and the room was silent, as if time had stopped at this moment.

Although everyone was calm, they felt a stormy sea in their hearts. They couldn't believe that the official language Bai would appear here.

In order to make up for the copy of the official family, the emperor sealed Guan Yubai as a second-class military officer. Hereditary three generations seemed to be an honor. However, the ease of life was nothing but a dummy title. There was no military power and no real power. Because there must be an account of the court case and the people for the injustice.

Up to now, it is only more than three years, but in just a few years, Guan Yubai actually appeared here, which also means that the official family has entered the core of Dayu's power.

Over the years, the emperor has paid more and more attention to official language, and from time to time he has been recruited into the palace to ask him for his opinions on the affairs of the DPRK. Unexpected but reasonable feeling.

Unconsciously, the emperor's trust in Guan Yubai has reached this point!

Only in a flash, all the ministers were already full of thoughts, and those with flexible minds quickly weighed the pros and cons, and decided to deal with the official language in the future. A middle-aged official with a goatee put down the tea cup in his hand and was about to greet the official language, but listening to the sharp voice of the little **** sounded outside the value room: "The prince is here!"

The voice did not fall, a young man in a golden python robe strode into the value room, the ministers got up and saluted, and said in unison: "See His Royal Highness!"

The great prince Han Lingchao looked around at the ministers and waved with a smile: "The public is free!" Then, his eyes fell on Guan Yubai, a flash of accident flashed in his eyes, and then a flash of eyes flashed.

Like other officials, Han Lingchao also realized the position of Guan Yubai in the eyes of the emperor, especially considering the demise of the official family.

Whether Guan Yubai is as resourceful as the rumor is, there is nothing left to do. Han Lingchao doesn't care about it. Now that Guan Yubai has won the favor of his father, as long as he can pull him to his side, he will definitely be more powerful!

Han Lingchao had a resolution in his heart. He walked a few steps forward to Guan Yubai and greeted him pretendingly: "It's Guanhouye."

"His Royal Highness." Guan Yubai snorted again, with a gentle attitude, but showing a slight alienation.

Han Lingchao didn't care about the indifference of the official language, and smiled and said: "The emperor always said to the palace that the official and princes are very knowledgeable and often have unique opinions on people and things. The official princes should go to the window with this palace. How about a short moment! "

Han Ling was pointing in the direction in which he usually sat.

The emperor had a sister-in-law, and he was in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period. Although he had not yet set up a prince, the courtiers still wait-and-see attitude. Except for a few due to in-laws or trying to speculate on the achievements of the dragon, most have not stood in line. Guan Yubai came to the room for the first time today. If he sat down with the big prince, he would be regarded as wanting to vote for the big prince.

All the ministers also heard that Han Lingchao meant to catch the ducks on the shelves, and some avoided their eyes and didn't want to offend the great prince for this. Some hesitated not knowing whether to help or not.

The official language smiled lightly, gentle and elegant, but there was no slight embarrassment.

"Guanhouhou!" A low male voice suddenly came from the doorway. "Guanhouhou also came early today?"

One sentence caused other officials to have different expressions, some annoyed that they were one step too late, some taunted the man as stupid, and some planned to wait and see ... When everyone looked at the sound, it turned out that the master of the sound had just entered the value After the house's Nangong Qin, there was a silence all around again.

Nangong Qin is also known for his integrity and sternness. He never engages in party or private affairs, nor is he the only relative of his kind.

Seeing Nangong Qin Wang's eyes showed a little respect to Guan Yubai, the ministers probably understood that. Nangong Qin was like this, and it was probably due to the respect of the officials' spirit.

"Master Nangong!" Guan Yu looked at Nangong Qin with a smile.

Han Lingchao squinted slightly, watching Nangong Qin this time biting gold, unhappy, but did not dare to attack.

Just then, the **** sang again and said, "His Royal Highness, the second prince!"

For a moment, all eyes looked at the door again, the second prince Han Lingguan smiled and walked in casually.

The ministers saluted again. When Han Ling watched Guan Yubai, his eyes lighted up first. Then he glanced at Han Ling Chao, Guan Yubai, and Nangong Qin. He felt keenly that the atmosphere was strange, but he didn't say anything. He just smiled and clenched his fists with Han Lingchao: "Brother Big Emperor."

But Han Lingchao was expressionless, and Pi Xiaorou screamed without smile: "Second Emperor!"

Han Lingguan was too lazy to deal with this elder brother, and then he looked at Guan Yubai and smiled with his words: "Guan Houye, Jiuwen Houye has extraordinary chess skills, and this palace recently got a pair of Bai Yaoxuanyu chess. , I don't know if I will be fortunate to play against Hou Ye on the next day? "

"Go Fu" said: "The child is Bai Yaoxuan jade." Bai Yao Xuanyu is the top grade in the chess pieces.

There was a simple smile on the corner of Guanyu's white mouth, saying: "If you have the opportunity, you can ask your Highness for advice."

Han Lingguan said with a very good attitude: "Hou Ye is willing to enlighten me, and it is an honor to watch."

Han Lingchao on the side heard the entire face gloomy, staring at Han Lingguan gritted his teeth, and said, "What game?" !! The second emperor is to please the official language with this pair of Bai Yaoxuanyu chess!

Han Ling jumped straight into the forehead and had a new hatred for a while.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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