What will make Nangong Sheng come here in person? Nangong Mu frowned: "Sheng Brother is now ..."

Before I could finish speaking, I saw Nangong Sheng walking in the dust and apologizing: "Second Uncle, please be rude ..."

"Why the family need to be more courteous!" Nangong Mu interrupted him kindly and asked, "Sheng brother, what happened? Let you come here in a hurry?"

Lin's and Nangong Yuan were also a little nervous, lest something happened in the house.

Nangong Sheng said solemnly, "I received three thousand miles of express service this morning ..."

He said this, Nangong Ai and others all remembered. When they left the city this morning, they did see the soldiers yelling 3,000 miles.

Nangong Sheng continued: "The Governor Jiangnan came to report that the remnants of the former dynasty were chaotic in Jiangnan and they had already captured two cities."

Everyone was shocked by what they said. After all these years of stability, they were all still worried about the wars of decades ago.

Although Nangong Sheng's appearance is still calm, it is difficult to hide his worries. , My grandmother sent me here, in order to ask your second uncle to return to your house immediately and stabilize the hearts of the people! "

Lin quickly said: "Since this is the case, we will pack up and return home immediately."

However, Nangong Mu shook his head and said, "It's too late today. If you ride a carriage, you may not be able to close the city gate and advance to the capital. Your mother and son will return tomorrow tomorrow. "

Lin looked at the dark sky outside, and had to agree with Nangong Mu's arrangement, saying in his mouth, "Xiangong, Brother Sheng, you must be careful along the way!"

Nangong Mu simply sorted out her clothes and hurried away with Nangong Sheng in the night ...

Nangong Ai looked down and pondered, and just heard Nangong Sheng's words. She finally remembered that in the past life, there was also the rebellion of the former dynasty. I still remember that just because this rebellion happened in Jiangnan, Jiangnan literati scholars smashed their mouths and scolded the court for inaction, so that the former dynasty's injustice would break through the two cities. At this point, countless deaths and injuries were caused to the people and countless family wives were scattered.

The emperor was afraid that this matter would be intensified under the impetus of a caring person. At that time, he would not be able to control the situation, and had to reuse the prestigious Nangong family in Shilin to appease the scholars of Jiangnan.

It can be said that the emperor at this time could no longer doubt whether Nangongfu was concerned about the previous dynasty, and just wanted to calm down the current troubles, so he promoted Dabanangong Qin as the minister of the Ministry of Rites, even his father Nangong Mudu. It was used by the emperor as the official reading of the cabinet.

At that time, Nangongfu was infinitely beautiful, and grandmother's ambition was further inflated, greedily wanting more, more ... and then pushed Nangongfu to the cusp of the wind, and finally caused Nangongfu to end in a stunned place ...

Thinking of this, Nangong squinted his eyes. In this life, he must not lose his chance of being able to come back because of his grandmother's ambition.

Nangong Yan turned to look at Lin's, and saw her mother frown, and quickly comforted: "Mother, don't worry, nothing will happen." She paused and said slightly ironically, "Even at home Blessings will come from misfortunes! "At least for now, Nangong Palace will not be in trouble, and it will benefit from this rebellion.

Lin couldn't help feeling a little bit ashamed, as a mother, he had to comfort his young daughter. She temporarily let go of her anxiety and laughed with her children.

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