After a month or so, the Liumin Village, northwest of Luoyue City, and four or five miles away, has become quite large. The refugees from the southwest border have gathered here to build themselves and their families a series of wooden houses and bamboo houses. Nearby The wasteland was also cultivated little by little, but the soil was not fertile enough to grow only some vegetables that were easy to survive.

The village has no name yet, so the villagers simply call it the village of Liumin.

From time to time, new migrants move into the village, and they will first move into the camp outside the village and stay there temporarily. In the past few days, one of the camps has occasionally heard wailing weeping mixed with pain. Moaning.

The camp was very simple, only a few worn straw mats were laid on the ground, and several pots, pots, and some clothes were cluttered around.

Lying on two straw mats were a five- or six-year-old girl and a ten-year-old boy. Both were flushed, eyes closed, and pained.

By the straw mat, a ragged woman took a wet towel from a clay pot full of clear water next to her, dried it, and folded it into a strip on the girl's forehead.

Looking at the young girl's palms covered with red rashes, and then looking at the son who also started to heat last night, the woman felt a pain in her heart, like a knife-cut, and the tears fell down, aside The 30-year-old man in the gray clothes said: "Children, father, let's invite a doctor ..."

At first, the woman thought that her daughter was suffering from exhausted travel, fatigue and weakness, so she got sick and got high fever, but now she sees a red rash on her hands and feet, and even the eldest son starts to get fever, and her heart feels not quite right.

Moreover, the daughter had been burned for three and a half days, coma for a day and one night, and then burned so high. The woman was really afraid that the daughter would burn stupid. A fool in the same village had a high fever for four days at the age of eight. Life, but since then stupid, I know that drooling every day, recruit dogs to tease cats.

I only have this son and a daughter, if ... if they all ... how to let myself live!

The gray-clad man walked back and forth anxiously in the camp. How could he not feel bad for the child? It was all his own flesh and blood, but the family fled all the way and had spent most of the money in their hands. Now their family is left. Hanging money.

After the money is spent, how will the family live? Although it is said that the father of the world is kind, these exiles can get two meals of porridge and a bun for a long time.

Moreover, more importantly, I am afraid that this hanging money is not enough to look at the doctor!

The man in the gray clothes went around again, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "Child, **** mother, you are waiting here, I will ask the doctor!"

The woman's eyes were sour and her face was happy, and she knew that she had run out of silver. The woman took a deep breath and said to her husband, "Child, father, you go early and return early ..."

The man in gray clothes touched the hanging money hidden in his chest, nodded, and walked out of the tent. Who knows, before he went out, he heard a noise from outside. It seems that many people are walking this way. coming.

The man in the gray clothes opened the curtain of the account, and sure enough, a few feet away, there were seven or eight people scolding and walking towards this side. Some of them had familiar faces, and they should all be villagers in this village.

"Uncle Li." The man in gray clenched his fists at one of the fifty-something old man. This uncle Li was an old boy and righteous. He was respected by the villagers in this floating village and often asked him to handle the village. Some disputes.

Yesterday when the family of four men in the gray clothes first arrived in Liumin Village, this uncle Li came over to say hello and helped settle down.

Uncle Li hasn't spoken yet. A round Tsing Yi aunt next to him can't wait to point to the man in the gray suit and says, "Uncle Li, that's their family! Yesterday our second dog was playing with their big cow. After a while, I had a fever today. I heard the sister of the Hu family, and his daughter has also been burned for several days. It must be his family who passed the illness to our second dog! " , The louder the voice said.

"That's right, and my family's tricks!" A young woman in her twenty-year-old dress with a pomegranate-colored skirt beside Tsing Yi, echoed screaming.

"Uncle Li," Tsing Yi patted her thigh and cried. "His daughter doesn't know the strange disease, and even our children are sick now. It's really harmful! How can a person like this live in a refugee village!"

The noise here has also attracted many villagers in the vicinity, and they all came around one after another. After hearing what was going on, the villagers were also filled with indignation. Who had no children ... and the ghost knew whether the strange disease would be transmitted to adults! Maybe it's the child's frailty that comes out first, and then it's the adult's turn? !!

The villagers thought more and more terrible, and did not dare to get too close to the gray man, lest they be ill.

A tall man demonstrated with a **** and said, "Get out! Get out with your family!"

At this time, the woman in the account heard the sound coming out from the inside, sobbing and begging, "My elder sisters and elder brothers, our children are just sick. Let's go to the doctor ..."

"Girls of the Hu family, are there any rashes on their daughters?" The sharp-eyed auntie Tsing Yi interrupted the woman suddenly, pointing at the unconscious girl in the tent.

The young woman looked in the direction of her big finger in Tsing Yi. She saw a large patch of red rash on the girl's hand. She suddenly thought of something, and took a few steps back. She trembled, "She has acne ... !? "

Although chickenpox is a little better than smallpox, the terrible infectiousness is also a horrible discoloration, and it is also one of the most difficult to treat diseases, especially adults. If you contract chickenpox, it is more serious than the child ’s disease. It's up!

For a while, many villagers took a few steps and looked back.

Uncle Li's face is not very good-looking. If it is chickenpox, leaving this family here is too dangerous for the villagers. But you ca n’t just let them out! What if it reinfects others? !!

If chickenpox spreads, it will be a big shock for Luo Yuecheng.

They finally accepted the grandfather of the world and were able to start a new life in Luo Yue City. If anyone knew that chickenpox was spreading from their villages, they would definitely be rejected by Luo Yue City, and there would be no room for them!

Uncle Li groaned and immediately cut off: "You can't go out for the time being, you must inform the government!"

The woman was anxious, and knelt down and said, "Uncle Li, my girl has been burned for several days and can't be dragged anymore. The child's father is going to invite the doctor to see him. Uncle Li, believe me, that's not chickenpox ... It must not be chicken pox, I have had pox before ... "

She didn't explain it. Fortunately, this explanation, the big sister in Tsing Yi seemed to have gone mad, and suddenly rushed to grab the woman's placket, and slammed and beat again: "Harmful! You wicked, if my family Ergouzi was killed by you, I want you to die! "Her man died when she fled. Ergouzi is the only one in their family!

The woman hid and dodged, explaining, "That's really not chickenpox ..."

The other people aside, though deliberately persuaded, but thought of chickenpox, they were afraid, and did nothing.

Uncle Li hurriedly said, "Don't hit, don't hit ..."

On the occasion of chaos, there was a rumbling sound of horseshoes from the official road not far away, getting closer and closer, and the villagers could not help looking at it, and saw a team of horses and horses rushing towards this side.

The sound of horseshoes and the sound of carts gradually approached. Obviously, this team of carts and horses came towards Liumin Village.

After a while, they saw a middle-aged man in a brown brocade with nine or ten strong men in one-color light armor, and three gray wagons stopped at the village entrance.


The capable middle-aged man strangled His Majesty's Red Horse, frowning at the two women who were huddled together, Shen said, "Who is making trouble here?"

There was an impassioned and imposing manner in his voice. At first glance, it was from the official family. What ordinary people were not afraid of officers and soldiers.

Madam Tsing Yi stopped her hand subconsciously, shrinking her body, then taking a deep breath, pointing boldly at the woman: "Grandfather, his child has chickenpox, and he is killing people everywhere! Grandfather, hurry them up Get caught! "

chicken pox? !! The middle-aged man, namely Zhu Xing, frowned slightly.

The woman explained again: "Grandpa, really not chickenpox ..."

While talking, two middle-aged doctors carrying medicine boxes came down in the carriage, and the two doctors saluted Zhu Xing together: "Zhu butler."

Zhu steward? !! Many people on the side froze and said, "Isn't this man a military man?" Why does the doctor call him a housekeeper? !!

"Go to the account and show the two children." Zhu Xing instructed the doctor concisely.

And the woman pinched herself unbelievably, and the doctor came, wouldn't her own children be saved? !!

The woman wiped the tears from her eyes and said to the two doctors busyly: "Doctor, my girl has been burning for several days, and it's getting hotter and hotter. Please ask the doctor to show her ..."

The woman entered the account with the two doctors.

After a while, one of the doctors with a goatee emerged from the inside, clawed his fists at Zhu Xing and said, "Zhu butler, it is a seven-day rash."

Seven-day rash? !! For a while, the villagers looked at each other, and the fear in their hearts subsided a lot. The young woman in the pomegranate dress couldn't help but said, "Doctor, not chickenpox ?!"

Zhu Xing gave a wink, and the doctor immediately explained the symptoms of the seven-day rash and the difference from chicken pox ... Seven days basically healed, only infected children, not adults ...

These articles have calmed down the villagers who were originally in terror.

Zhu Xinglang said to the villagers: "I do not come here in the order of the world's concubines. In order to avoid the spread of the" seventh day rash ", please cooperate. If there are children with fever in the family, please send them here as soon as possible The doctor healed. In the past few days, everyone in the village must pay attention to bathing and changing clothes. Until the "seventh day rash" is under control, please don't leave the village at will. "

The villagers responded with sincerity and horror. Following this, the people brought by Zhu Xing acted quickly, and the doctors healed the children; the medicine children moved off the stove and medicine jars and began to boil the medicine; and those from Bixiaotang The guards who brought them smoked wormwood in the village and expelled the disease.

After a scent of incense, the other three sick children in the village were also moved to the account of the gray-clad man. The girl named Niuniu and the little boy named Daniel had already taken the soup and their temperature had dropped slightly.

Except for Niuniu, the condition of several other children is stable. As the doctor said, patients with mild illnesses usually heal in just seven days, but suffer a little bit. People like Niuniu and Xiao Rongyu are already seriously ill. Xiao Rongyu is younger and he is a little bit more serious.

The woman touched her daughter's forehead for a while, and touched the forehead of the boy for a while. Although the two children's faces were still flushed, their condition was obviously better.

"Niuniu, Daniel ..." Tears flowed from the corner of the woman's eyes again, and she almost thought that she would lose two children at once.

Fortunately, fortunately ...

"Thank you army ... Thank you Zhu housekeeper! Thank you Zhu housekeeper!" The woman hobbled at Zhu Xing again and again. They not only saved two children, but also saved their own lives.

The man in gray was not good at his words. He rubbed his three heads aside and his forehead was bruised.

Uncle Li aside said with emotion: "Shi Ziye, Shi Zifei are really righteous."

"Yeah," the Tsing Yi youth replied loudly. "The grandfather of the world accepted us, gave us a job, and built the village for us. It was already a great grace. I never thought that the grandmother would remember us ..."

The villagers around were also deeply touched. When they came to Luo Yue City, they all felt ashamed, thinking that when they came to Luo Yue City, they were just begging to live. I did not expect that Xiao Yi, the son of the world, built this village for them and let them This wasteland gave them new hope in life. Nowadays, Shi Zifei also sent doctors to treat them. This kindness of heart and kindness is really a great blessing for their people in southern Xinjiang!

"There is a grandfather and a grandfather in the world, we are really worried about southern Xinjiang!" Said an old woman excitedly.

In life, there will always be natural disasters and man-made calamities, but God ’s eyes are long-lasting. Given them such a wise son, their people will not be afraid!

As long as there is a way out, they will be able to make a good life!

In the village of Liumin, the villagers have a backbone in their hearts, and they are full of expectations for future life ...

And not far from Liumin Village, in the tea shop outside Beichengmen, Bai Hui also brought a concubine, in addition to those Tsing Yi women who were helping workers, Ye Yili was also at this time.

At the sight of Bai Hui, Ye Yili's expression froze for a moment, and then she smiled casually.

Bai Hui's eyes glanced gently at Ye Yili, and then she spoke clearly about a child in the exile who had a seven-day rash, and then asked, "Can you have children under the age of 13 in your family?"

The women answered them one by one, Bai Hui wrote it down, and said that she would send a doctor to see it later.

The women responded with gratitude.

Bai Hui also said: "Sister Liu, Princess Shi has ordered me to bring some clothes. Please invite some older sisters to go home and bathe carefully, then change into new clothes, and replace the old clothes worn in the past two days. We will clean up the tea shop again. Come back to the tea shop in the afternoon. "

Several helper women promised nothing but took out new clothes and a few shamrock bags from the wife and left.

Ye Yili got her clothes at the end. She thanked her and was about to leave, but she heard Bai Hui say, "Girl Ye, there is one more thing ..."

Ye Yili smiled lightly, but said gently but distantly, "I don't know what to ask Baihui girl?"

"Miss Ye, don't dare to take it." Bai Hui smiled politely, "I'm just passing a message for the master. Princess Shi told me to tell the girl that these days the girl will not have to go to the palace for the time being."

As soon as Ye Yili's pupils shrank, she almost asked questions, but immediately held back. Taking a deep breath, she slowly asked, "Dare to ask the girl what happened to the palace? It was Wang Yeling that made Lili go to be the female master of the five girls, and Yili didn't dare to take care of Wangye."

How did Bai Hui not know that Ye Yili was using Zhennan King to suppress herself, she did not care, and truthfully said, "Girl Ye, Five Girls had a seven-day rash last night, and it is estimated that they will take some time to rest."

Seven-day rash? !! Ye Yili felt a little stunned in her mind. She had taken care of a feverish girl and Bai Hui's remarks about the seventh day rash the previous morning, and her heart lit with anger and quickly burned.

She understands!

It turned out that the son-in-law Nangong Yu felt that she had been sick from the refugees to the girl Xiao Wu, so she called someone to make this happen!

Ye Yili's fists clenched tightly in her sleeves. Are these so-called nobles injustice others indiscriminately? !! Ye Yili was both aggrieved and angry, and felt that the other side's insults were more uncomfortable than directly reprimanding her.

Yesterday, after she went home at noon, she had already cleaned her hands, how could she be sick to Xiao Rongyu! With so many servants in Xiao Rongyu's house, why did Nangong Yu identify with himself? !!

Ye Yili gave a glance to the leaving helper women, and remembered just now that Bai Hui emphasized that the women should take a careful bath. Where can't you understand, Wangfu, no, nobles like Shizifei are disgusting them!

Ye Yili pursed her lips tightly, everything was clear, Nangong Yu clearly played on the topic, deliberately aimed at herself!

Previously, she was naive to be a kind-hearted nobleman for Nangong, but she did not expect the other person to be so narrow-minded.

Because his brother was brushed down by Bixiaotang, but was watched and reused by Wang Ye, Nangong Yu remembered it!

Because he did not rely on Nangong Yu and found a livelihood, Nangong Yu was dissatisfied!

He is so small and weak that he can't resist at all. Even if he argues with Bai Hui, that's just repeating the same mistake at Bixiaotang, and taking his own humiliation.

Ye Yili reluctantly held up a stiff smile, and blessed her. She said: "Girl Baihui, Yi Li knows. The five girls are blessed, and I believe they will recover soon." Then she left.

Looking at the other's stiff back, Bai Hui shook her head helplessly.

After the helpers left, Bai Hui ordered the women to clean the tea shop and smoke the leaves, and then returned to Bixiaotang to return to life, and told Ye Yili's truth.

Hearing Ye Yili's mouth hangs the king of the south of the town, Nangong sighed a little, and his expression on his face became a little complicated.

In previous lives, Ye Yili praised the world from selling to committing suicide. Nangong also praised it a bit, but now it can only be said that Ye Yili is a good sister, a good sister willing to sacrifice for her brother. As for her other aspects, Nangong Yan now only wants to give four words-no comment.

Bai Hui didn't say anything. In her opinion, Shi Zifei was kind to Ye Yili, and Ye Yili chose her own way after all!

Nan Gongxi chuckled, looked at the time, and got up and said, "Bai Hui, you just came back from the tea shop and washed and changed clothes with wormwood leaves. Thrush, follow me to Yulinju to see the five girls."

The two maidservants both answered, and the thrush took the medicine chest and followed Nangongyu to Yulinju.

When the daughter was sick, Wei's naturally didn't want to do anything else, so she stayed in the house to take care of her daughter. When I heard that Nangong was here, Wei went out to meet him in person.

After the two met each other, Nangong Yu Han smiled and asked, "Wang Fangfei, are the five sisters awake?"

Wei Shi said with gratitude: "Sir concubine, sister Yu woke up early in the morning, it was really troublesome to concubine last night." On weekdays, although Wei Wei looked polite and kind to Nangong Yu, he was most polite, It's a little more sincere now.

Nangong Yi smiled and said, "Sister Five is also my sister. They are all from the same family. Wei Fangfei need not be so polite."

In speaking, Wei's had led Nangong Yu to Xiao Rongyu's bed.

The room has now been renewed, with new curtains, quilts, cushions, teapots and cups ...

Nu Niang was sitting on the bed and feeding Xiao Rongyu to drink water. When Nangong Yu and Wei's came, he wiped the corners of Xiao Rongyu's mouth with a piece of parchment, then got up and bowed to the two to salute.

"Sister-in-law." Xiao Rongyu was still a little weak, and said milkily, "Thank you, sister-in-law, for treating me." This time, the girl was obviously guilty, and it was only one night that her chubby cheek looked thin A lot.

Nangong smiled and smiled at Xiao Rongyu's hair, "Sister Five is just fine."

The girl-in-law busily moved a small sister-in-law, and after Nangong Li sat down, she diagnosed Xiao Rongyu.

As long as the heat can be controlled, the seven-day rash is actually not a big problem.

Nangong pouted his mouth slightly, and quickly retracted his hand. Wen said, "Sister Five is much better. It will be fine for a few days of rest until the rash subsides. However, in these few days, try to eat porridge that is easily digested and pay attention to it. Take a break, don't eat food that is easy to get angry ... "

Nangong Ai ordered some precautions, and the maids on the side nodded frequently and memorized them meticulously.

Xiao Rongyu crooked his small head and listened earnestly.

She is still so small, but she seems to understand it, but she still nods her head seriously. It seems that some people feel like a big ghost. Nangong Yan can't help but feel itchy, and she wants to rub the baby's hair again. top.

Nangong Yan opened a new prescription, and talked to Xiao Rongyu again, and asked her what she usually does and what she likes ... Wei smiled and watched with a smile. After her daughter's illness, she was even more happy. Get closer to your daughter.

After a while, the girl-in-law held steaming rice porridge, Nangong Yu stood up and retreated, and Tong Wei went to the outer room.

"Fang Weifang ..." Nangong Yan said, "I have ordered someone to investigate the illness of Sister Wu's illness. The girl had taken care of one of them before coming to Wangfu's school to give her sister a red lesson. For the girl with a 7th rash, in my opinion, it is likely that the five sisters are very sick. The five sisters are still young and have weak bones. If you want to see people outside the government in the future, please pay more attention to Wei Fangfei . "

Let Wei's know the cause of Xiao Rongyu and avoid similar things as much as possible in the future. After all, Xiao Yi's younger sister, Nangong Yu naturally hopes that she can grow up well.

There was a strange gleam in Wei's eyes, and he quickly passed away and thanked him: "Thank you for reminding me."

"Then I won't bother, leave first." Nangong Yu also blessed and left Wei's.

Wei Shi personally sent Nangong Yu to the courtyard, watching the back of Nangong Yu go away, Wei's complexion was sinking.

Even if Nangong Yu didn't say it, Wei also suspected that his daughter's illness was related to Ye Yili.

Early in the morning, she had checked it carefully in her own courtyard, and was convinced that none of the descendants of Yu Linju had any problems, so the answer was not obvious. Nangong's words just affirmed her guess ...

Wei's eyes were dim, and the bottom of his eyes was too dark, which made some people see through.

Returning to the room, he retired and sent another man down, and Wei suddenly said to his confidant in a cold voice: "I already saw that Lord Ye was in love with Ye Yili," she sneered dismissively, "Originally Ye Yili is not the first, nor will it be the last. I didn't take her to heart ... but I didn't expect to hurt Jade. "

If she wasn't good-hearted this time, it would be difficult for her sister Jade to survive the disaster, how could she not complain? ?

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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