At dusk, the sunset reddened the western sky, and Bixiao Hall and even the entire palace were shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Nangong's room was very lively, and the girls laughed and laughed from time to time.

"Sister-in-law," Xiao Rongxuan, a woman with a frosty red-branched branch, said with a smile, "Last night's Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival was very interesting. There were beautiful lanterns hanging on the street, and there were people dancing lion and dragon on the street ..."

Xiao Rongying, who was wearing a fragrant flower with hundreds of butterflies and floral patterns and flowers and satin dumplings, grasped the gap and said, "Yeah! There is also a temple fair in Anlan Palace, and a variety of gadgets are displayed." She took a meaningful look at Xiao Rongxuan. According to the news she heard, Xiao Rongxuan was accompanied by Fang Zimo to Anlan Palace for a period of time. There must be unknown secrets ...

Sure enough, when he heard of An Lan Gong, Xiao Rongxuan looked slightly stiff, and looked nervously at Nangong, scolding Xiao Rongying which pot should not be mentioned.

Xiao Rongying was so proud that she winked at the girl. The girl immediately took out a red lacquered wooden box and opened the box.

Xiao Rongying said with amusement: "Dasao, last night I saw a stall mask painted exquisitely and interestingly at the temple fair, so I also picked one for Dasao. I also hope Dasao won't disapprove." The mahogany box was presented to the child.

I was sent to Nangong Yan, and Nangong Yan looked at it casually. Xiao Rongying's eyes were good. The monkey mask was not only bright in color, but also painted very smartly, and the monkey's sly smile was vividly drawn.

"Thank you four sisters," Nangong said thankfully.

Xiao Rongxuan rubbed his hand on the puppet, suddenly flashed, seemingly inadvertently said: "Four sisters, you really had a hard time at the temple fair yesterday. While helping Moon cousin Shi moon cake is not counted, there is still time to pick a mask for Dasao . "

Xiao Rongying's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly argued, "Second sister, are you reading it wrong? How can I help Lan's cousin Shi Mooncake, but just happened to look over."

Last time cousin Joe offered to tea and medicine together with their palace, but was rejected by the grandma. Now cousin Lan suddenly puts on moon cakes, and it is clear at a glance why. It would be uncomfortable for Dasao to think that she had helped Cousin Lan, second elder sister is so cunning!

Nangong only felt as if a few flies were buzzing in her ears. At this moment, a "meow" came from her feet, and Cat Xiaobai opened a pair of round squints and blinked. Looking at her blinkingly, for some reason, Nangong Ai saw a touch of sympathy from those glass beads-like eyes: I am so sorry, I want to play with people who I do n’t like.

"Ma'am, I remember it's called Xiaobai? It's so fluffy, so cute!" As soon as she saw Xiaobai, Xiao Rongying immediately took the opportunity to change the topic and praised with a smile, her mouth seemed to eat honey, Can I hug it? "

As she said, she stood up and stepped forward slowly, with a touch of fear hidden in her eyes. This cat won't catch people, right? I heard that one of Daifu's nieces was scratched on the cheek by a cat, and has since broken her face. This cat is still very cute. If you scratch yourself, Dasao will definitely not help her, right?

Thinking of this, Xiao Rongying was hesitant.

"Meow!" Xiao Bai glanced at Xiao Rongying, greeted her with her **** and tail, and walked away with her tail tilted.

Seeing Xiaobai just go like this, Xiao Rongying's expression was a little awkward, and she was relieved, and said with a dry smile, "The big cat is very good."

On the side, Xiao Rongxuan clinged to one side and covered his mouth and snickered.

Nangong Yu was amused by Xiaobai a lot, and felt that it was time to clear her ears.

The two little girls continued to make trouble, not yet tossing themselves.

"Second sister, fourth sister," Nangong interrupted their conversation without a trace. "A few days will be the father's birthday, can you prepare a birthday gift for the father?"

This is a matter of filial piety, two girls rushed and said:

"I embroidered a parchment for my father, and two pairs of shoes and socks as a birthday gift."

"I found a father-in-law Penglai Xuetang dragon-tailed hawk for the father."

After speaking, both of them looked at each other with contempt. The former felt that the gift of the latter had no filial piety at all, and the latter felt that the former made two pairs of socks just to spit out the paupers.

Nangong frowned slightly and said with a straight face: "This year is the 40th birthday of the father and king, and the ceremony is not light. In my opinion, the two younger sisters should make clothes and shoes for the father."

Making clothes and shoes ... Both girls' faces are a bit stiff, and now it's been a few days before the birthday party. If you want to make a robe and shoes that can be used, you can't rest well in these days. . But there are girls who can help ...

The two sisters thought about it, thinking about the steps to let the girl-in-law help, they can be responsible for the final stitching, and then embroider, then the time should be about the same.

As if Nangong Yu didn't see the two in distress, he continued with a smile: "When the father sees the filial piety of the two sisters, he will always be comforted. Go back and get ready."

The two had to get up and retreat.

Nangong Nian finally sent the two sisters through Zhennan King, but this plan could only be dealt with for a while. She secretly planned that after the birthday party, let Mr. give them some homework and save them both too much time. Run all day towards my Bixiaotang.

It's not just Nangong Ning who feels clean, even the children on the other side also smile at each other, and said to her: Shi Zifei's trick is absolutely amazing!

At this time, the thrush came in quickly and felt that the atmosphere in Dongji room was a little weird, but I didn't think about it. I took out a small blue porcelain bottle and bowed my knees, "Sir concubine, someone came to the tea shop outside the city today. Selling antipyretics, he kept a small bottle of medicine, and said that he would go to the tea shop tomorrow. The tea shop helpers would not dare to decide, so he sent it to the palace to show you. "

Nangong Yan took the porcelain bottle, opened the stopper, put the porcelain bottle to the tip of the nose, and smelled a faint medicinal scent, Huoxiang, Perilla leaf, Bai Zhi, Atractylodes, Chenpi, Pinellia ... seems to be still It uses a special herb called Nanyezhu from southern Xinjiang.

Nangong Rong can roughly judge that this medicine is made up of dozens of herbs, one or two of which can't be confirmed by smell alone, but she can definitely have the effect of cooling off the heat.

She poured out a dark brown pill and took a closer look, then took another sip. The bitter texture made her squint slightly, but her eyes were bright.

The quality of this summer remedy is really good!

The so-called "specialist in surgery", maybe this pharmaceutical person specializes in antipyretics, in order to make such a good medicine!

Nangong Yan said decisively: "Thrush, I plan to go to the tea shop tomorrow morning to meet the drug seller." After a pause, she said, "... Thrush, see if the big girl is back and see her tomorrow Would you like to go with me. "

Xiao Ying told her yesterday that she would go to Fangzhai today to see her grandparents from afar.

"Yes, concubine." Thrush led.

Soon after, the thrush came back and yelled, "Sir concubine, the big girl hasn't returned yet."

Nangong stunned, it is now dusk. Since Xiao Suan has not returned, it is estimated that he will stay at the square house for dinner.

Nangong Yu's third room didn't have a good impression, but it was also Xiao Yu's home.

Nan Gongxi slightly knew his head and asked, "Have Baihui followed?"

In these days, Xiao Yan was a novice director, and Nangong Yan asked Bai Hui to stay with her for a while to help her. Yesterday she heard that she was going to the house, and quietly ordered Bai Hui to follow her.

"Yes." Thrush answered, "Sister Bai Hui and Tao Yan went with the big girl."

Nangong Rong didn't ask any more, only said, "Then wait for the big girl to go back to her house."

Throwing a thrush, he instructed a little girl to go to the concierge and tell Xiao Xiao to come back and send someone here to report ...

As Nangong Yu expected, Xiao Yan was left. At the moment, she was in the small flower hall of Fang's house to accompany a daughter-in-law such as Mrs. Fang and Mrs. Fang.

In addition to the two elders, there were three young Fang family girls who accompanied him.

In the feast, quietly, everyone was very concerned about eating, but only occasionally heard the sound of chopsticks bumping into the dishes when maidservant ...

At this time, a girl put a cup of soup in front of Xiao Yan, and said respectfully, "Please use soup." The girl raised her hand and opened the lid of the bowl.

The soup just came out of the oven. The bowl lid was a bit hot. The girl did n’t hold it for a while. The bowl lid slammed into the soup. The hot soup splashed out, but it was in Xiao Yueyue's white sleeves. There was a pool of brown soup stains on it.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, and the girl in soup, Tsing Yi, fell to her knees on the ground in fright, begging for mercy again and again, "Listen girl forgive me! List girl forgive me!"

Mrs. Fang reprimanded the aunt unpleasantly, "Why so careless! Don't hurry to step down!"

That girl-in-law leaned back in a panic, and Mrs. Fang apologized again: "Sister-in-law, the slave-in-law in the house is rude and careless. I'll make you laugh. I'll ask you to change your clothes."

Fangliu Zi said, "My cousin, I have a new dress, I just finished it, and I haven't passed it yet. I'll send it to you."

It was inevitable that there was an accident during the banquet. Xiao Zheng nodded: "Then I will trouble your aunt."

Mrs. Fang San said enthusiastically: "No trouble! No trouble!"

Then, Mrs. Fang San's eldest son Yao Huang came over and saluted Xiao Xiao's knees, "Cosmetic girl, please follow your slave."

After Xiao Huang got up and blessed politely, he followed Yao Huang out of the small flower hall.

Yao Huang and Xiao Zheng walked along a cobblestone path for a while, then turned right through a veranda and entered the courtyard.

Ordinary mansions will specially prepare one or two small yards for the guests to relax. Xiao Yuan used to come to the square house, so he is no stranger to this yard.

Yao Huang led the way and said, "Come girl, please."

Yao Huang led Master Xiao's servant into the inner room. Soon, a little girl rushed over panting, holding a bag in her hand.

"I've seen the girl in the table. Seven girls in my family ordered slaves to send clothes to the girl in the table." After Xiaoya's kneeling and saluting, she gave Fang Zichen's new clothes to Tao Yan.

After that, the maids of the two square houses resigned respectfully from the inner room.

Xiao Yan was served by Tao Yan, avoiding changing clothes behind the screen, while Bai Hui was waiting outside.

Since coming to Fangzhai, Bai Hui has not left Xiao Yan a step, nor did she relax her vigilance. Therefore, she noticed immediately when strange footsteps sounded outside.

The footsteps sounded a little heavier and did not sound like the gentleness of a woman, and there was a strange "da da" sound.

This is the inner court. Who is it? !!

Bai Hui glanced at the screen, walked out of the inner room, and closed the door gently.

She lifted her eyes and looked in the direction of the footsteps. At a glance, he saw a man in a blue brocade holding a cane and walking around with a crutch. It was hit by a crutch on the ground.

It's Fang Shilei!

There was a smile in Bai Hui's mouth, and his cold eyes fell on Fang Shilei's difficult legs and the rosewood crutch.

He appeared here at this time, wanting to "coincidentally" run into Xiao Xiao, who was changing clothes.

Bai Hui stepped out of the room, Fang Shilei naturally saw her, and felt that the girl-in-law seemed familiar ... wait, isn't this the sister-in-law of Shi Zifei?

Fang Shilei chuckled in his heart, immediately made a drunk look, crooked crutches and went forward.

Really can't die until the Yellow River! There was a cold flash in Bai Hui's eyes, and he walked down the steps and blessed himself. "Master, this is the inner house, please avoid it!"

"Bold slaves, this is Master Ben's home. Where can Master Ben go? Not yet giving way to Master Ben!" Fang Shilei cursed loudly, then pushed rudely, trying to push Bai Hui to the side, I didn't want my left wrist to be caught by the opponent, and the original momentum was resolved.

Bai Hui was not polite to him either. He just pulled and twisted, but in a blink of an eye, Fang Shilei felt his right arm empty, his crutch was taken away by life, he fell to the ground with a slap, and exclaimed: "Hey Hey! How dare you, dare to do something to Master Ben! "

What a foul language! Bai Hui scorned and whispered in surprise on her face: "Master, how did you fall!" She tried to help, but her right foot took the opportunity to step on his right leg that was unhealed. Kicked.

This time, it really hurts!

Fang Shilei screamed like a pig, almost overturning the roof.

At this moment, a sound of curtains rang, and Xiao Yan walked out of the inner room quickly. She was still wearing that already stained clothes, and a large piece of soup stains on the sleeves were dazzling.

She looked at Fang Shilei, who had fallen in the yard, her pupils shrinking. At this time, Fang Shilei had forgotten to be drunk, and shouted at Xiao Yan: "Cousin, you dare, you are so brave, you dare to start with me ! "

After nearly a year of teaching from Nangong Yu, Xiao Yu was not the little girl who was purely ignorant and did not understand human accidents. She could see what was going on at a glance.

She looked at Fang Shilei with a tremor of perseverance, her eyes cold and cold, and slowly said, "Cousin Lei, I only ask you one question, why are you here?"

"I ... I'm drunk!" Fang Shilei said indignantly.

Xiao Yan's eyes were even colder, just like the frost in the autumn, and she didn't want to talk with such a low-quality person any more, it was just her eyes and her mouth.

"Trouble cousin said to my grandmother and aunt, I said goodbye!" Xiao Yan said lightly, without returning to the seat of the Xiaohuating Hall, and did not intend to go to Chu's and Mrs. Fang farewell again, and left .

Of course she knew that it was extremely rude to do so, but the grandparents were so mean, she was so ashamed to be with them, and she didn't want to stay for a moment!

"Cousin! Cousin, listen to me ..."

Fang Shilei shouted in the back, thinking of getting up, but the kind of heartbreaking pain from his right calf made him fall down again immediately, cold sweats. Looking at Xiao Yan's gangster, I'm afraid this thing can't be good!

He had to hurry up and talk to his mother, it is better to start first!

Xiao Yan could not care what Shi Lei thinks about. She took Bai Hui and Tao Yan aggressively, and naturally encountered Fang's servants along the way, including Yao Huang who had given them the way, but who Dare to forcefully block the big girl in Zhennan Palace!

Xiao Yan took the carriage of the palace in Ermen and returned directly to the palace.

As soon as he returned to his house, Xiao Xuan retired and hid himself in the house.

Bai Zhou didn't know what was going on, Tao Tao said what happened just now in Fangzhai. Bai Zhou was dumbfounded, and was silent for a moment. People who are cheap are invincible, what this family has done is really outrageous!

Tao Yan glanced worriedly at the bamboo curtain of Fei Xiang, and sighed in her heart: now she can only wait for Sister Bai Hui to find Shi Zifei.

After a fragrant incense, Nan Gongxi hurried along with Bai Hui.

Tao Yan pulled the curtain to lead Nangong Yan into the house, but she retreated quietly, and couldn't help but sighed secretly.

Xiao Yan leaned sideways against the wide open window, his right arm rested on the window sill, his small face pressed against his arm, his dark eyes penetrating melancholy and sadness in the moonlight, looking up at the full moon outside the window.

Nangong Yu sat down beside Xiao Yu, did not speak, and quietly enjoyed the moon with her.

Even this great moonlight cannot save Xiao Yan's depressed mood.

Xiao Yan was very disciplined, but this time, Mrs. Fang San and Mrs. Fang San came to Luo Yuecheng, but she never came to see her, because she didn't want to step into the door of Fang's house until yesterday Mrs. Fang Santai called for someone.

These days, the things that Fang's family has done have shamed her, made her sad, and alarmed her heart.

Therefore, she intentionally left Bai Zhou, but brought Bai Hui instead.

Xiao Zhen really hoped that he had thought too much, and hoped that Fang's family was not as embarrassed as she had thought, but the facts have repeatedly proved the frustration of Fang's family.

Xiao Yan whispered lowly, and said, "Dasao, why do I have such unscrupulous relatives?" Her voice was depressed and low, like a little girl who was aggrieved, and a thin layer of mist appeared in her eyes.

Nangong Yan looked at Xiao Yan, Wen Yan said, "My sister, this person is unpredictable. Since they know their shame, they will stay away from it in the future."

Xiao Yan bowed his head and didn't say anything.

Nangong Yan slowly said: "Sister, you still remember my four sisters?"

Nangong Lin ... Xiao Min blinked. She remembered that when she was in the capital, Nangong Lin seemed to have made an appointment with the son of Guangping Houfu.

Nangong Rong was also not afraid of the family being ugly. He told Xiao Rong concisely how Nangong Lin snatched the family from Nangong Rong, and finally sighed: "Although the four sisters and I are sisters in the next room, Come, we are all Nangongfu daughters, that is, "all glory and glory, all shame." Sister, can you look down on me because of my four sisters' misconduct? "

"Sister-in-law, of course not!" Xiao Yan raised his head hurriedly and said, then he stunned, and suddenly became cheerful.

Yes! Fang's is Fang's, she is her ...

Even if Fang's blood shed on her body, she was different from those people.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan's dark eyes flashed a pearl-like brilliance.

Nangong Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, in the final analysis, sister Ye also drilled the horns of the horns, just want to open.

The Fang family's three bedrooms are indeed despicable, but the Fang family hasn't. Not to mention, it's not only Xiao Yi, but even Xiao Yi's body is half bleeding.

At this time, Tao Yan's voice came from the outside: "The old girl, the concubine, the lord sent a girl of the Chinese bellflower to let the old girl go to the study." After a pause, Tao Yan continued, "Ms. Fang's third wife , Mrs. Misaki and Master Leibei are at the place of Wang. "

Nangong's eyes darkened, and he stood up and said, "Sister Xi, I'll go with you."

Even if they do n’t come, she wo n’t give up on this matter. She ca n’t let these shameless things think that the big girl in the royal south palace is letting them do whatever they want!

Xiao Yan gave a soft reply, Liu Mei frowned slightly, her face sinking like water.

The two sorted out their clothes slightly, and went to the study room of Zhennan King with Kikyo.

Zhennan Wang Zhengda was sitting with a golden knife on the back of the book case, while Mrs. Fang Santai and Mrs. Fang were sitting on a chair by the window across a case, while Fang Shilei knelt on the ground with a cane, describing Come a little embarrassed.

Seeing an unfamiliar young lady beside Xiao Yan, Chu immediately guessed that the other party should be Shi Zifei, and her heart became even more tense. I heard that Shi Zifei was very powerful, wouldn't she let herself out?

"I've seen my father!" Nangong Ning and Xiao Xun only treated Zhennan Wang Fu, and they did not exist as Chu's mother-in-law.

"Sister Sister ..." Chu said stubbornly, "Sister Sister, your cousin was not intentional. He drank too much tonight and was drunk. Then he lost his head and didn't know where he was. Sister Sister Son, you did n’t hit you anyway. You see it in the face of your grandmother. Forgive your cousin. "

Xiao Yan was silent and expressionless.

Seeing that the scene was a little awkward, King Zhennan coughed twice and said, "Sister, your cousin did have a mistake in the first place, but it was also inadvertent. According to the king's opinion, this is the case ..."

"The father and the king are saying this." Nangong said with a dark face, interrupting the king of Zhennan, saying, "Men and women are different at the age of seven. When the daughter-in-law used to be in the capital, every government had rules. At the age of eight, you have to move to the outer courtyard, and you are not allowed to enter the inner house privately without any incident. The ancients Yun: The rule of the rule of family is the rule of the family.

The king of Zhennan could make his daughter-in-law feel that southern Xinjiang is not as good as the capital of the king, and he said, "Of course it is."

"That's weird." Nangong looked at Mrs. Fang with a smile, "Dare to ask Fang Si Gong Guigui this year?"

Mrs. Fang said in a hurry: "Second concubine, that's not what it said. My brother Lei and sister-in-law have no guesses and play together. Tonight is a family banquet. Without an outsider, I am not too restrained. , I am too negligent to say. "

"Oh." Nangong said with a smile, "It turns out that the rules of your government can be changed at will. Men can move around in the house, and it is no wonder that the ugly brother-in-law's ugly thing will happen!"

Mrs. Fang's face changed, "Sir concubine, how can you talk to your elders privately, it's just too arbitrary!"

"The elders don't practice their own morals, and the younger ones are naturally negotiable," Nangong said coldly. "Not to mention, Fang's misconduct has also lost the face of our palace."

The words of Nan Gongyu made Zhennan Wang take it for granted.

These days, one after another the scandals of the Fang family make himself the king of the south of the town.

He repeatedly urged the Fang family to rectify the family style, but now it seems that they are treating their words as a breeze?

Seeing that King Zhennan's face was getting more and more ugly, Mrs. Fang couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and quickly said: "Master, since you have issued a strict order, we dare not neglect to go up and down our house."

Nangong raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "So, is your government very strict?"

Mrs. Fang raised her chest and said, "Naturally."

Nangong sternly said: "Since the rules are strict, the fourth son of Prince Fang ran into the house privately, could it have been deliberately impossible?"


Mrs. Fang's face was blue and white for a while, and she realized at this time that she had let Nangong Yu go around.

To admit that the rules are loose in the government means that they have turned a deaf ear to the strict rules of the king of the south of the city.

Nangong Yan is simply too despicable!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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