Mrs. Qiao's eyes were already filled with tears, and she could no longer see the arrogance and arrogance of everyday life.

Zhennan King comforted him: "Sister, don't worry. As long as Sister Lan is still in Luo Yue City, even if the heavens and the heavens enter the earth, the King will find her out."

Qiao Ruolan disappeared ... Nangong frowned slightly and could not help thinking of yesterday's incident.

Nangong Nun turned his thoughts fast, took a few steps forward, and then blessed and said, "Father, yesterday, my daughter-in-law and sister-in-law went to the tea shop outside the city, and met Cousin Lan, and Cousin Lan mentioned to us that she I found a pharmacist to buy medicine, and I will go to get it today. I don't know if it has anything to do with Cousin Lan's disappearance. "

"Must be!" Mrs. Qiao seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and couldn't wait to respond. "Sister Lan went out early in the morning, definitely to see the drug dealer!" She took a step forward, tightly He grabbed Nangong Yan's arm, "Sir concubine, what does that drug dealer look like? Where is the person?"

"Aunt, I have never seen the drug dealer." Nangong Ai simply explained the ins and outs of the matter, "Father King, aunt, tea shop helper should have seen, it is better to summon into the house, let the painter draw a portrait It ’s easy to find people ... "

Mrs. Joe had no idea for a long time, all she knew was that she even claimed.

The king of Zhennan decisively issued two orders. One was to summon the helpers' women and the house's painter to enter the palace, and the other was to make the palace's guards seek people in the city.

This night, Luo Yuecheng, which was supposed to be in a curfew, rioted, and numerous torches were burning and shining.

On each street of Luo Yuecheng, a team of people held torches and looked around. The streets, gates, and towers were all bright and bright, reflecting like white night.

The guards of the palace holding the torches patted the door one by one and searched around.

Although the guards of the Wangfu are not like the ministry and have no official positions, they were sent by the Wangfu in the end. They said that they would search the ordinary people.

Luo Yuecheng was restless. All I knew was that I was looking for a young girl and a middle-aged man with five senses—the identity of these two people must be very important, otherwise the Zhennan Royal Palace would be searched overnight.

Knocking at the door and exclaiming one after another, this is bound to be a restless night ...

Unconsciously, the night faded, and the sky had become bright. The guards of the palace had been busy all night, almost turning over the entire Luo Yue City, but still could not find the trace of Qiao Ruolan.

Not only did the guards stay up all night, but even the Zhennan Palace was brightly lit until dawn.

"Master, people haven't found it yet." The guard knelt down on one knee kneeling down on the ground, and bowed his head back to yell, because there was no sleep all night, and there was a heavy shadow.

King Zhennan had not spoken yet, and Mrs. Qiao had hysterically shouted, "Look! Give me a look! Someone must be in the city!" She didn't know if she was persuading others or persuading herself.

King Zhennan knew that the elder sister was worried about her daughter and didn't care about her, and she asked calmly: "Keep looking for my king!"

"Yes, Lord."

The head of the security guard bowed his head and retreated, and he did not dare to look up, until he retired from the study, he was relieved. It seems that before finding the girl Joe, don't want to sleep well!

As soon as the captain left, Mrs. Qiao said, "Brother, you must seal the city, you must seal the city! No one is allowed to enter and leave Luo Yuecheng! Sister Lan must be still in the city." She already cried and swollen her eyes, her heart panicked Uneasy: Once dawn, the gates of the city are wide open to let the thief escape. Then the sky is big, and where do you go to find your daughter?

King Zhennan hesitated for a moment. According to Dayu's law, unless it was an invasion of a foreign enemy or a mob, he usually could not close the city at will. Sealing the city is not just the city, but also the people ’s hearts. One is not good, causing panic among the people. In case of civil unrest, it will not end well.

"Brother!" Madam Qiao's tears dripped again, her voice hoarse, "Sister Lan is my only daughter, your uncle's niece and granddaughter! Can you keep her safety at bay!"

After a moment of groaning by King Zhennan, Zhengzheng said: "Sister, it is absolutely necessary to completely seal the city. At most, you can only strengthen patrolling at the city gate and strictly detect the people who entered the city." I hope that suspicious people can be found there.

Mrs. Qiao knew that this was the decision of King Zhennan after concession, and she responded with tears. Then she said, "Brother, you must tell the gatemen to strictly detect the entrants. I can only rely on you. "

King Zhennan immediately asked Changsui to enter the house, and after a series of orders in front of Mrs. Qiao, he followed up with good news and said that he finally persuaded Mrs. Qiao to return to Qiao's house to wait for the news.

The sky gradually brightened and it was a brand new day.

However, the people of Luo Yuecheng found that the nightmare of last night had not ended. This time, it was not only the guards of the palace. There were even patrolling officers and soldiers passing by on the street from time to time. It was called "three steps, one post, five steps and one whistle." The people were unconsciously affected, shrouded in an atmosphere of panic and tension.

Some people are afraid of getting into trouble and simply choose to stay behind their doors, but not everyone can do the same. Many poor people who have to make a living still have to go out and head out of the city.

There were two long queues at the gate of the city gate early in the morning. One was out of the city and the other was in the city. No matter whether they were out of the city or into the city, they had to be questioned and inspected by the gatemen.

The city gatemen were instructed from above, and all of them checked the scores strictly, and large, small items, and even a vegetable basket turned upside down. In order to prevent someone from posing as if out of town, a bearded bearded man was even pulled by his officers and men to make sure it was a real beard, and those young women were carefully contrasted with a portrait of a girl ...

In contrast, the team entering the city was slightly faster than the one leaving the city. The guards mainly investigated whether there were any suspicious characters who might be associates of the kidnappers.

Looking at the city gate soldiers one by one as if they were black-faced, the people waiting in and out of the city were all embarrassed, and even the atmosphere did not dare to go out, they could only wait patiently for the team to advance like a snail.


"... Princess Shi, today the tea shop outside the North City Gate was ordered to be closed by the prince. Now when entering and exiting Luo Yue City, they must be strictly inspected, and the people are very disturbed."

Listening to Mi Er's news report, Nangong slightly jawed his head and said, "What's the tea shop say?"

"Zhang Ye, a helper, won a reward of two or two silvers from Table Girl. From time to time, she would tell our girl about the tea shop, but it was only trivial. This time someone came to sell the antipyretic medicine. I went out. "Jiu Er said the news from the probe in 151." The day before, the cousin girl came to the tea shop half an hour earlier than the concubine. You waited for the merchant who came to sell the medicine, and did not negotiate. , Bought all the medicines directly, and then made an appointment to get the medicine yesterday. "

Nangong looked down and said with a thought, "Does the merchant know that the lady who bought the medicine is Wang Ye's cousin?"

Yi Er shook her head and shook her head: "I don't know." She recalled what the helper said, and said, "When the businessman came, Zhang Ye greeted him. Others heard him ask if the tea shop owner was here, and then he said The girl passed ... "

Nangong Ai was silent for a moment, and opened his lips, "This is a coincidence, I'm afraid this group came at me."

Several girls looked at each other. Of course, they would not question Nangong's judgment. Xuner said nervously: "The slaves hurried to let the housekeeper Zhu strengthen the protection ... Princess Shi, let Sister Bai Hui come back from the big girl. ? "

Nangong Yi raised his hand and motioned for their snoring and immersed in their thoughts.

It is no secret that Zhennan Palace used to buy antipyretics in Luo Yue City. Of course, it was used for the application of dozens of tea shops in the entire southern Xinjiang, but in the final analysis, it still made people feel that they needed urgent antipyretics.

Beginning with someone selling to sell antipyretic drugs, they first led themselves out, and then they took advantage of the drugs to sell people. This link was a matter of course.

However, Qiao Ruolan's fight against the wind actually caused the "them" to mistake her for herself ...

If that's the case, it would be a disaster for Qiao Ruolan.

Nangong Yu believes that this speculation should not be far from the truth.

Nangong Yan wouldn't think that he had caused Qiao Ruolan to be involved. After all, if the same thing was changed to himself, he would not necessarily be easily hooked, not to mention that the dark guard was on the side and would not fall into Qiao Ruolan's passiveness. situation.

It's just ... who will it be?

To take such a big risk, shouldn't it be simply asking for money? Is it for profit?

Nangong Yan's eyes brightened and he blurted out, "Nanliang!"

Could it be that the Nanliang people tried to coerce themselves to coerce Xiao Yi? !!

Nan Gongxi's hands could not help but clenched into fists. The more she thought about it, the more likely she was, and her eyes lightly asked, "Go and see if Lord Ye is in the house, and say that I have something to ask for."

Not long after, the son-in-law walked back and forth, and the king of Zhennan had not yet returned to his home.

Nangong nodded his head, went straight to the outer court, called Zhu Xing and asked him to arrange more staff to stare.

Zhu Xing suddenly responded, leaving in a hurry.

Luo Yuecheng ’s strict investigation is still going on, and it ’s unknowingly when the scorching sun is empty. On a hot summer day, whether it ’s soldiers guarding the city or people lining up and going in and out of the city, they are about to be scorched by the sun. The shop was also closed, and it was difficult to ask for a cup of herbal tea, but in the morning, several frail elderly children fell down due to heat stroke.

In front of the soldiers, the people did not dare to speak out, for fear of causing trouble, but once they left Luo Yuecheng, the complaints would endlessly.

In Maofeng Town, more than a hundred miles away from Luo Yuecheng, a man wearing two coarse clothes and carrying two bales of firewood stopped when he heard someone calling him.

"Li Erzhu, it's so late, don't you go to Luo Yuecheng to sell firewood?"

"Don't mention it." Li Erzhu said indignantly. "I just came back from Luo Yuecheng, and I don't know what happened. I was investigating it early and early this morning. I have to check it when entering and leaving the city. If I can't get in the city, I just come back. My old lady still needs medicine. "

"Sternly, shouldn't there be spies?"

"Who knows, I heard that it has been checked since last night ..." Li Erzhu became more and more annoyed, "Those who are in charge of the government like tossing around, and the bitter ones are not our people."

"I said Li Erzhu ..."


"My son!" Xiaosi's slightly helpless voice called Guan Yubai's attention back from the two men.

Their team just arrived in Maofeng Town not long ago. This place is not far from Luo Yue City. The long journey is really hard. All of them are a bit dusty. Guan Yubai proposes to rest here for the rest of the morning. Go to Luo Yuecheng again.

Maofeng Town is just a small town, with a lot of people attracting a lot of attention, Guan Yubai sent Li Yunqi to go to the inn to settle down, and he took Xiaosi to walk slowly.

Unexpectedly, there were unexpected gains.

Strict investigation?

What happened to Luo Yuecheng?

Guan Yubai could not help frowning slightly.

"My son!"

Xiaosi didn't care about Luo Yuecheng. What he cares about now is this time. The sons haven't used lunch yet! After getting through Dr. Lin's diagnosis and treatment, the son's body improved a bit. The ghost weather in this southern Xinjiang is sultry and hot, so take a good rest and eat, what to do in case of illness?

Poor little four, an informal warrior, is about to become an old mother for his son.

Under the gaze of Xiaosi's gaze, Guan Yubai finally took a step, and whispered, as he walked, "Give a message to Feng Xing and let him visit Luo Yuecheng."

This time when I came to Luo Yuecheng, the fourth child was in the bright and the dark was popular. Even Li Yunqi did not know the existence of the popular.

Of course, in addition to these two people, Guan Yubai also has some other manpower, which is even more secretive.

Xiaosi got the order, whistled a whistle, summoned the popularity in the dark, and then spoke with a lip. After a short while, when they went away, a young man in his 20s and a blue dress turned out from an alley. He also had a dark horse in his hand and walked lazily towards the outside of the town. .

When he was out of Maofeng Town, the popular horse immediately flew on the horse, and slightly clamped the horse's belly. The black horse ran out like a black lightning, leaving only a flying dust.

Maofeng Town is the closest town to Luoyue City, and it has been popular all the time. It was only half an hour outside the north gate of Luoyue City.

In the distance, he saw a long line waiting to enter the city, and some soldiers were patrolling closely near the city gate ... the situation was obviously unusual.

Underground horses prevailed decisively, holding the black horse, pretending to be on their way to the city gate.

Popularity came to the end of the team, and then sighed deliberately: "Hey, the team is so long, it will be in the year of the monkey." He said to a rich middle-aged woman in front of him, "Sister, you Do you know what happened? I don't have to check it when I come a few days ago. "

As soon as Popularity smiled, the dimples on his cheeks were exposed, which made people feel uncomfortable, especially the love of the oldest grandmothers and aunts.

"Yeah, I don't know what's going on today." The middle-aged woman frowned and complained. "I've waited for a pillar of incense."

The previous auntie heard their conversation, turned her head, and said quietly, "I heard people seem to be looking for two people in the palace, one of them is a girl ..."

"Yeah, yeah!" Another person echoed, "I heard that, and I heard ..." She looked around carefully and whispered, "It's our lord's little sister-in-law, Eloped with someone? "

The news was quite explosive, and several people gathered around immediately, and you said it to me as if it were true.

They were talking lively, but they could hear it. It was just a rumor. Most of them really didn't know what was going on.

Popular and calm, while talking casually with the people around, while walking slowly along with the team, his eyes glanced from time to time in the direction of the city gate.

Pedestrians had to check, luggage had to be checked, the carriage had to be searched inside and out, and it had been popular for half an hour before moving forward less than half.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the direction of the gate, and an old man complained angrily: "It's so bad!"

Popularity naturally saw it, and I don't know which family was driving a board carriage and was about to transport a black paint coffin out of the city.

A middle-aged man with gray hair rushed to the city gate timidly: "Grandfather, this is a family in Maofeng Town. They are rushing to use it ... this hot day, if Don't hurry, I'm afraid it will smell. "

The gate soldiers were also secretive, but this time it was a matter of great importance and could not be ignored.

The city gateman frowned and said, "Open the coffin!"

A young man sitting next to the coffin hugged his fist and bowed his head and said, "Army, it's just a coffin, don't you need it?"

"So much nonsense! Let's go!" The gatekeeper waved angrily and shoved the young man.

The young man's feet bumped into the coffin, and his arm accidentally hit the coffin cover. Hearing a click, the heavy coffin cover was knocked open by a quarter. From the point of view of the guard, you can see at a glance that there is nothing inside the coffin.

Unlucky, really unlucky!

The gatekeeper waved his hand impatiently, and said roughly: "Let's go! Let's go!"

"Thank you, Grandpa! Thank you, Grandpa!" The young man hurriedly moved the coffin cover back again. The driver immediately whip his whip, and the wagon slowly drove out of the gate.

Furiously stared at the carriage for a while, narrowing his eyes.

The city gate soldiers had to check even the coffin ... It should not be easy, let's go back and give the boy a life!

"Ah, it's so hot, when is this going to go! I'll come back someday."

Feng Xing said reluctantly, withdrew from the team, and led the horse back in despair.

On this day, many people couldn't bear the line and gave up entering the city. The soldiers were so busy that they didn't bother to look at him more.

On the horse, he ran all the way, and returned to Maofeng Town shortly after.

Follow the signs left by Xiaosi all the way, popular outside an inn, along a big tree, climbed into a room.

"My son."

A popular smile greeted Guanyu with a white fist, and when he saw the cold water prepared on the table, his eyes lighted, and he ignored the grimace of the fourth child and drank it.

Guan Yu smiled slightly, and Wen Yan asked, "Are there any findings?"

Popularly lowered the cup and quickly brought together what he saw and heard during this trip, "... son, Luo Yuecheng should be looking for a girl. Now entering and leaving the city must line up a team for more than a few hours. Even the coffin was not let go. If the coffin cover had been accidentally opened, maybe the gatemen would push it by themselves! "He said dryly, and drank two glasses of cold water.

Guan Yubai thoughtfully, holding his finger lightly on the table, and said after a while: "Will that coffin be sent to Maofeng Town?"

"That's what the partner who sent the coffin said." Feng Xing asked curiously. "My son, what's wrong with this coffin? There should be nothing in it, or they won't be let away."

"The timing of this coffin opening is too good." Guan Yubai said, standing up and saying, "Primary four, let's go down ..."

Guan Yubai and Xiaosi went out. It was blunt to think that his son was not a targetless person. Is there any problem with the coffin? He hastily jumped out of the window again ...

After Guanyubai took Xiaosi out of the inn, he slowly walked all the way to Zhenzikou, seemingly leisurely, and bought paper fans and dried fruit along the way.

When he got to the mouth of the town, he sat down casually in a tea shop on the street.

Sour plum soup came up shortly, Xiaosi's ears moved, and she looked towards the mouth of the town. At the end of the official road, you can see a board carriage coming quickly towards this side, getting closer and closer, and you can see the huge black lacquer coffin behind the driver.

The carriage slowed down near the town's mouth, and passed by the tea shop unhurriedly, and for a while attracted many people on the road, all pointing.

Guan Yu looked at the carriage and the coffin on the carriage without any trace ... his eyes fell on the traces left by the carriage, and there was a fine light in his eyes.

After the carriage passed, Guan Yubai made a gesture of catching up with the popular way of watching a play on the roadside, nodded popularly, mixed with the crowd flexibly, and chased the carriage ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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