Nangong couldn't help crying and laughing. This Xiao Yi was mad and cold for a while, she couldn't figure out which one was the real one. But think again, can anyone be the simple side?

"Then I would be disrespectful." She didn't insist anymore, glanced at Cheng Bo's body, and said, "This, you take care of it yourself!" Although she didn't want to mention this astounding topic, it was just such an adult male body, but Not that you can ignore it. However, after this incident, Nangong Gao realized what it means to be "less hate when the medicine is used." He felt more and more that he should have several "useful" medicines on hand.

Xiao Yi's eyes fell on Cheng Bo's body, and his eyes became gloomy again. Yi Mei shrank her body unconsciously. Before, she only thought that Xiao Shizi's martial arts were good, but he was too fond of mischief. At this moment, I knew that he was the son of one of the princes' town Nannan Palace!

When Xiao Yi raised his eyes and looked at Nangong Yuan again, he had recovered as usual, and said lightly: "Relax, I will deal with it." He strode to Cheng Bo's body, and for a moment, the back seemed to be silent. ...

Nangong Ai thought she was already a heart of stone. Apart from her family, no one could shake herself for half a minute, but she did not expect that her heart was slightly touched at this moment ... She thought of herself, her previous life, was copied, and only left I was alone; when I thought of Xiao Yi in the previous life, the birth mother died prematurely, and his subsequent killing of his father and his younger brother was even criticized by the people of the world, not only the "killing god" but also secretly calling him "the heaven Lone Star "!

Nangong Ai sighed helplessly, still called him: "Xiao Yi ..." Heart said: In previous lives, they are also partners anyway, let's treat her as a fate in this life.

"..." Xiao Yi stopped walking and looked back at her with a puzzled look.

"My grandfather traveled the world over the years, and every time I met, he would tell me some interesting stories. Would you like to listen?" Nan Gongxi deliberately asked this, actually putting the choice in Xiao Yi's hands. She has lived for two lives, you should always know that even if you think you are good, you have to appreciate it; if the other party ca n’t listen, it ’s useless to speak a thousand words!

Xiao Yi's eyes twinkled. He was also a wise man, and naturally knew what Nangong Yan wanted to say. But this matter is right and wrong. For more than ten years, he has trusted and loved her so much for more than ten years, but she ...

He wanted to turn around and leave, but felt that his steps were extremely heavy. He stood still for a long time before he said, "You say it." The voice seemed to squeeze out of the throat, with a little hoarseness.

Nangong reluctantly recounted: "A long time ago, a prince of a small country, when he was young, met a group of people with lofty ideals. With their help, the prince stood out from the princes and became king. And his friends were either civil servants or military attachés, helping the king to govern the country. After decades passed, the king grew old, and his princes were young and strong. One day, the prince secretly dealt with a minister reused by the king. That is, one of the people with lofty ideals colluded together and forced the palace to rebel ... After a **** battle, the prince failed. However, although the king has kept his throne, he has not been able to sleep for a day, he began to doubt him Each of his sons doubted each of his ministers. The king's suspicion became more serious and his character became more extreme. He felt that he would rather kill a thousand by mistake than refuse to let one go! So the butcher waved and he ordered to kill one. Another prince, another minister ... until one day, when the enemy came, the king found himself no longer available, and his prince remained The two, a seriously ill in bed, a craving for less than a month, this small country perished! "

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