At dusk, the setting sun shrouded the earth.

Xiaosi was riding on a black high-headed big horse, guarding a horse-drawn carriage, and rushing his horse. He seemed agitated, and did not know how many times he glanced back.

Li Yunqi, who was on the other side of the carriage, noticed that the fourth was wrong, and smiled, "Small four, is there anything wrong?" On this day, he saw that the fourth was turning around from time to time, and he didn't know he was watching. what.

Xiaosi looked back and said coldly, "I feel like something is following us ..."

He said this, not only Li Yunqi's face was frozen, the other soldiers accompanying him were also alert and looked back, but the back was empty, there were no carriages, pedestrians at all.

It seemed that Xiaosi was more worried, but Li Yunqi was still not at ease. South Xinjiang was even more chaotic than he originally expected, and I wonder if there would be any Nanliang assassin secretly preparing to assassinate Anyihou!

But he was ordered by the emperor.

Li Yunqi secretly gave the accompanying officers and soldiers a wink and made them take them seriously.

A group of horses and horses continued to move forward, and Li Yunqi and his team were tense as if they were tightened, but they were safe all the way.

Before the sky was completely dark, the group finally arrived at the post.

After looking at the other person's presentation of the silver medal coupon, Yi Yun naturally was attentive and thoughtful, and arranged the best Tianzi room for Guan Yubai, while Li Yunqi and other people lived in the ground-size room.

One day the boat was tiring, and Guan Yu was so tired that he could not hide his face, so the younger four went straight to help him with dinner.

Guan Yubai sat on a ring chair by the window, closed his eyes and reassured himself. Suddenly, a familiar and bright hawk came from outside ...

Guan Yu opened his eyes violently, and then a slight smile appeared on his face, and he got up and opened the window.

A breeze blew, and a gray hawk spread its wings and flew in through the window. Its wings blew a gust of wind in the room, and several sheets of paper flew aside.

It aimed to fly towards the carrier pigeon cage on the round table, scared the white pigeons in the cage, and the chickens and dogs jumped with a frightened cry: "Coogo ..." Poor white dove She hid in the cage and shed white feathers in a cage.

Xiao Hui proudly flew around the cage for more than half a circle, suddenly pecked a thin bamboo tube placed next to the cage, then flapped his wings and flew to a circle chair by the window, and stopped firmly on the armrest.

It just dropped, and he heard a creak—the door was pushed open from the outside, and the small four stepped in, staring at the little gray on the circle chair, his eyes twitched.

"My son," Xiao Si said with a clear expression, arms crossed his chest, "I'll just say, there seems to be something following us!"

Looking at Xiaosi's childish expression, Guan Yubai was a bit funny, and then she looked at Xiao Hui again, and her eyes fell on the bamboo tube in its pointed beak. "It seems that you really like this bamboo tube ... this is for you You. "

Xiaosi kept silent, but he didn't think so: This stupid eagle didn't like this kind of bamboo tube, because it was taken back by himself last time, it kept thinking about waiting for an opportunity to grab it again, right?

The official language Baizheng said: "You have been flying out for a day, your master is afraid to worry!"

Xiao gray stared at Guan Yubai for a while, motionless ...

Xiaosi on the side was about to ask someone to send it back. It suddenly vibrated its wings, flew out of the window, and flew higher and higher ... Looking at its direction, it apparently flew back to Luo Yuecheng.

The official language sent Xiaohui flying away until it turned into a black spot.

Although their car and horse traveled for a day, at the speed of an eagle, it was estimated that it would only take more than half an hour to fly back to Luo Yue City.

In the yellowish sky, Xiao Hui vibrated several wings randomly, gliding along the wind ... Suddenly, he found a little guy in front of him trying to flap his wings and flew forward.

Its golden eyes stared at the little guy without blinking. It remembered that the human raised a lot of these little guys. He must have liked them?

That human being is so weak and has no wings, he will certainly not prey, nor is he taking things for nothing!

Thinking of it, its golden eagle eyes flashed a cold light, and it suddenly swooped down on the little guy. The little guy seemed to realize that the wings were shooting faster, but in front of the sky overlord, he couldn't help it.

Xiao Hui fluttered his wings a little, and easily caught the little guy with hook-like eagle claws, and then continued to swing his wings and turned to fly towards the station.

This time, he casually threw the little guy into the window without stopping, and flew away.

The fourth child in the room found that Xiao Hui was back for the first time, but she did not expect that it suddenly threw a grey pigeon in. Xiaosi intuitively thought that he was his own carrier pigeon, frowning, and hurried forward, catching the poor carrier pigeon, the gray pigeon was frightened even though he was not injured, his warm and furry body trembling.

Xiaosi took a moment to look at it and confirmed at a glance that this was not his own carrier pigeon. The bamboo tube tied to the pigeon's leg was also obviously different from his own.

"Son," Xiao Si said with a weird expression, and turned to Guan Yubai, "Xiao Hui grabbed a carrier pigeon from someone's house and gave it to you as a gift ..."

Guan Yubai's eyes stopped on the bamboo tube on the gray pigeon's leg, his eyes darkened, and he said slowly: "The pattern carved on this bamboo tube seems to be a foreign style ..."

Xiaosi also looked at the bamboo tube, and saw a weird, indescribable pattern carved on it.

Could it be that……

Xiaosi thought of a possibility, quickly untied the bamboo tube on the gray pigeon's leg and gave it to Guan Yubai.

Guan Yubai took a piece of beige silk paper folded into a strip from a bamboo tube, and after unrolling, the writing on the silk paper was Nanliang.

He glanced at it ten lines at a time, a light smile twitched the corner of his mouth, and the dark eyes overflowed with light.

"This time, Little Grey has done a great job!"

Xiao gray knows nothing of this, of course, and is trying his best to get home ...

When it flew outside Luo Yue City, the gate had already been closed, but for it, this was not a problem at all, and it flew over the high city walls in a hurry.

At this time, the sky was completely dark.

The maid in the king's house knew that Shi Zi was worried about Xiao Hui's delay, and when she saw it flew back, she hurriedly made an obituary.

Nangong Xiu was sitting in front of the dresser with a piece of wet hair, and Wen Yan only thought that Xiaohui had gone wild for a day, but didn't think much about it, and ordered the thrush to feed it some raw meat.

When Bai Hui was helping her to dry her hair, the thrush came back, and she cried strangely: "Second concubine, the slave went to feed Xiaohui just now. It was playing with a bamboo tube. The slave looked at the bamboo tube as it was from Qingyunwu that day. Stealing ... the one was the same. "The thrush clearly remembered that the bamboo tube had been taken away by Xiaosi. Where did Xiaohui come from now?

The masters in the house looked at each other and understood.

It turned out that Xiao Hui had disappeared all day, and they ran away after Guan Yubai. No wonder he came back so late.

Nangong Yu rubbed her eyebrows, but she was worried from dusk to now.

This little grey courage is getting bigger and bigger, and it really was ruined by A Yi!

"Thrush, wait and see!"

Nangong Yan stood up and walked towards the small study. She would write a letter to Ai Yi!

The girls looked at Nangong's mouth with a faint smile, knowing that she was not angry, and exchanged a look with a smile.

The night passed quietly, and the day followed.

Night and day alternated, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

For three consecutive days, Han Lingfu never entered Bai Muxiao's Xinghui Academy.

The people in the government naturally knew this, and secretly speculated, could it be that Bai Fangfei fell out of favor because the princess had a sister-in-law?

These rumors and gossips in the Fufu will inevitably reach the ears of blue sky and blue marks, but no one dare to tell Bai Mu Xiao.

For the past three days, Bai Muxiao kept herself in the house and never went out.

The two maidservants looked at the direction of the curtain anxiously, and both sighed, hoping that their own girl and His Royal Highness the Three Princes could reconcile as soon as possible.

In the inner room, Bai Muxiao's mentality is quite different from three days ago.

At that time, when her anger was the highest, she felt deceived and juggled. She didn't want to see Han Lingfu again. She even thought about killing the child in her belly, and then left Han Lingfu, left Wangdu, and went to a place where nobody knew her Place to start again.

But the child had been in her belly for months, and she hadn't slept all night.

Even if the child has just taken shape, it is always a small life, it is her bone blood!

How could she cruelly deprive this child of the opportunity to come to this world!

Bai Muxiao hesitated for two days, and finally decided to give birth to this child.

So new questions arise--

This child bleeds blood from the royal family of Dayu. If he was born by himself, would Han Lingfu allow himself to take this child away?

Even if Han Ling was allowed, would the emperor agree?

In her repeated struggles, the days passed chaotically for three days.

When she was suddenly awake, she suddenly realized that since Han Lingfu had left that day, she had never seen her again.

Has he given up on their feelings?

Bai Muxiao asked herself in her heart, and the answer came naturally to her, yeah, he had Cui Yanyan's sister-in-law, why not himself and the child in his belly ...

Bai Muxiao showed a sad smile, stroked her belly, and said softly to the child, "Baby, it's fine, even if your father doesn't love you, you still have a mother ..."

Others don't come to distress them, then, it's the only one who distresses herself!

Bai Muxiao admonished herself in her heart, took a deep breath, raised her spirits and shouted, "Bichen, blue!"

The girl outside was watching the movement in the inner room from time to time, and when she heard Bai Muxiao shouting, she couldn't wait to get in.

"Serve me to dress and change clothes," Bai Muxiao said lightly.

Bi Chen and Bi Luo responded with a rush, and when they saw Bai Muxiao's expressions were a lot clearer, she felt a sigh of relief: The girl just wanted to understand. The girl is now the concubine of the three princes, no matter how wanty you can be willful.

Two maids serve Bai Muxiao bathing, changing, dressing ...

When Bichen combed Bai Muxiao's hair, Bi Luo went to help clean up the house, and a lot of books and paper were piled up in a mess by the window. Bi Luo put the books neatly back to the small bookshelf aside, and then collected the writing and drawing papers one by one. Suddenly, a breeze blew out of the window, and one of the blue papers was unguarded, and one of the papers was blown and flew in the direction of Bai Mu Xiao ...

bad! Bi Luo nervously reached out to grab, but it failed, and hurried forward two steps before catching.

Her movements were too big, and all of a sudden attracted Bai Muxiao's attention. Bai Muxiao frowned and came to see the paper falling to her feet.

Several thin pots of earthenware, corks, threads, wax were painted on the thin silk paper, and many notes were written densely ...

Bi Luo picked up the piece of paper at the fastest speed, but even though the ground was empty, Bai Muxiao still stared straight there.

Bi Luo was a little nervous, in fact, this paper was nothing, just thinking that Fang Fei's heart was still angry with the third prince. At this time, it's better not to let the side concubine see something about the third prince.

"Give me!" Bai Mu Xiaomu said rudely.

Bi Luo swallowed, and presented the paper to Bai Muxiao.

Bai Muxiao stared at the piece of paper with a hesitation, the picture above, the text, and it didn't reflect in her eyes at all.

The focus is on her intentions for Han Lingfu!

In order to help Han Lingfu get the emperor's appreciation, even if she is pregnant, these days, she has been trying her best to help him get to the supreme position.

She thought that everything she did was for the future of the two of them, and for their children, but she didn't want everything she did, just "make clothes for others"!

Make clothes for Han Lingfu and Cui Yanyan's son!

Bai Muxiao's pupils shrank sharply, suddenly tearing that piece of silk paper into pieces, and then throwing it away, the shredded paper like snowflakes fell down one after another, Bai Muxiao's eyes were dark and dark, like black There is no light in the abyss.

She is so stupid!

The last time she betrayed, she realized that this relationship was not as pure as her own.

However, after hearing that Han Lingfu was banned, her love for him still overwhelmed her, and she returned to him. She wanted to give the two of them the last chance. However, she did not expect that her compromise would be exchanged again. Betrayal, heartbreaking betrayal!

Yeah, hasn't the history of thousands of years said everything?

A man, especially a powerful prince and emperor, couldn't believe it at all. She was just a small flower in his garden. It was trivial.

But her child is different. She is the only mother of the child. Only her child will consider it for her sincerely and stand on her side!

and so--

She will continue to help Han Ling win the prize.

It ’s just that she wo n’t give up her obsession again. She wo n’t love this man anymore. From now on, everything she does is for this child in the belly. She will let her child sit on that day. Position, she wants all those who despise her and deceive her to regret it!

Bai Muxiao clenched her fists. Gradually, her eyes became firm and determined.

After setting aside that period of unworthy love, Bai Muxiao's mind calmed down, and the situation in front of him seemed clear and clear.

Now it is a foregone conclusion that the five princes have been established as Chujun.

But a series of rituals of the ceremony department came down at least half a year, and she was too late.

The five princes were assassinated. If everything goes according to her and Han Lingfu's plan, the emperor will doubt that the second prince has done it. This time, Nangong Xin stopped the calamity. The five princes were unharmed. Most of the emperors would not be too prosecuted, but they would leave a sting in his heart. And the next time, once the five princes died, the thunder of the emperor's thunder would surely burn to the second prince.

As a result, the two biggest competitors will lose out.

The prince is the most dull and reckless of all the princes, but he thinks that he is very high and wants to get rid of him. It is almost effortless. Then the final winner will be Han Lingfu. No, it is in her belly. Child.


Her child will be the sole successor to this dynasty!

and so……

Bai Muxiao touched her abdomen subconsciously. Except for the child in her belly, she would not let Han Lingfu have any other children!

She remembered that she had heard people say that there was some kind of strange medicine that could sterilize a man, maybe try it.

And Cui Yanyan's evil species can't stay ...

In the eyes of Bai Muxiao, a rough sea broke out, and soon returned to calm.

"Bichen," Bai Muxiao lifted her eyes and looked at herself in the bronze mirror, stroked her hair, and said lightly, "Chang me for the beaded phoenix phoenix with red jade and silk jade."

Bichen was stunned. Of course she knew that the beaded phoenix phoenix bead with red gold and silk jade inlay was given to the master by His Royal Highness Three. The master would wear this bun at this time, wouldn't that mean ...

Bichen's spirit shook, her eyebrows beamed, and she responded in a hurry: "Yes, side concubine." Then, she took the phoenix from the jewelry box and carefully inserted it into Bai Muxiao's horn.

Since this phoenix is ​​donated by Han Lingfu, it is naturally nothing special. The silky phoenix wings are as thin as cicada wings. The phoenix hangs three strings of pearls and hangs on the cheek. It shakes slightly as it walks. .

After Bai Muxiao Lan Jing felt a little pity, she stood up and said, "Bichen, follow me to the study room!"

The Lord is really going to see His Royal Highness! Great, master figured it out! The two aunts exchanged a look with each other, rejoicing even more.

The master and servant knew each other from Xinghuiyuan to the study room of Han Lingfu.

The little encourager who was outside the study looked at Bai Muxiao's arrival, and he was so sad that he hurried forward to please: "The minion sent a greeting to Bai Fangfei." After a pause, he said, "Bai Fangfei, you're here. Well, Your Highness is in a bad mood these few days ... The minion will tell you this. "

Xiao Lizi quickly stepped forward to the study, Bai Mu Xiao stood almost under the eaves almost indifferently, she would not be easily moved by these vague words.

Soon after, Xiao Lizi came out with a smile, and asked Bai Mu Xiao to enter in a heartfelt manner, and she said: Sure enough, His Highness heard that Bai Fangfei was here, and all of a sudden the sorrow disappeared.

Bai Muxiao raised her skirt and walked into the study, while Lilizi and Bichen stayed outside.

In the study, Han Lingfu, in a purple brocade, stood up from the sandalwood book case, and could not hide the excitement on Jun Yi's face, as if he couldn't believe that Bai Muxiao had really arrived.

Bai Muxiao wore a light blue wreath of magnolia flowers, and a light-colored moonlight skirt under her head. Although she was pregnant, her waist was no longer gripping, but she was still so beautiful.

"Xiaoer ..." He stared at Bai Muxiao, who was walking towards him, and his eyes, like the stars of the dark night, bloomed with incredible brilliance.

Xiaoer really figured it out!

Han Lingfu was ecstatic and thought: It seems that she is still doing the right thing. It's time to be cold and cold, and Xiaoer will grow up and know how important she is to her!

"His Royal Highness." Bai Muxiao gave Ying Ying a blessing in front of Han Ling. Han Lingfu intuitively wanted to help her as usual, but her hand moved slightly and she retracted it.

Bai Muxiao was so cold that a flash of coldness flashed in her eyes. At this moment, her mind became more firm.

She has no retreat!

By the time she lifted her face again, her expression had returned to her usual appearance, and she looked at Han Lingfu affectionately and said, "His Royal Highness, are you still angry with Xiaoer?"

At this time, Han Lingfu was completely relieved. Xiaoer really came to seek peace. She never said anything silly about leaving him.

"Xiaoer, how can I be mad at you!" Han Lingfu sighed, and then pulled Bai Muxiao's hand, and her eyes became glorious again.

The two sat down side by side on Luo Han's bed, Han Lingfu took Bai Muxiao into his arms and sighed pitifully: "Xiaoer, you're thin! Haven't you had anything to eat in these days?" He called loudly to Xiaolizi to prepare some snacks.

"His Royal Highness, you are also thin." Bai Muxiao leaned on Han Lingfu's arms tenderly and docilely, but Han Lingfu could not see the indifference in her dark eyes.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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