Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1221: 527 Selfishness (2 more)

The Zhou family ’s succession was settled the day before yesterday.

Due to Wang's resolute attitude, and she did not give birth to her son for sixteen years after entering the door, she was almost extinct. Therefore, she should adopt a sister-in-law to inherit the incense of the long house.

General Zhou initially proposed to adopt the second son of the second room to the long room. After all, the blood was closer, but he was immediately refused by Wang. Wang knelt in front of Patriarch Zhou, saying that she wanted to adopt a child under five years of age and her parents died. She didn't want her sister-in-law to suffer the separation of the flesh and bones.

General Zhou and Lu's certainly disagreed.

After Wang entered the door, he was never favored, and naturally he did not care whether General Zhou would abandon her for this matter.

She was meek and forbearing all her life, in exchange for a daughter who could hardly keep her life. In that case, she would be a vixen. As a result, Wang had no worries for several days, and finally she took her daughter to her knees for three days in front of the in-law's in-laws seat, crying about her filial piety, and was unable to give birth to the long house, and the long house was extinct.

The city is full of storms.

In the end, General Zhou had to let go, and the old patriarch Zhou took the lead and found a child to adopt to the Wang family.

On the second day afterwards, Wang's handed in a post asking him to come.

Nangong Yu had been supporting the Wang family originally, so she had to give her face.

But as soon as I got busy, I almost forgot about it.

A night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Wang brought a four- or five-year-old boy to Bixiaotang to meet Nangong Yu.

The girl greeted the person to Xihong Hall.

Wang's wore a lake-green makeup zongzi, and only one jasper jade was inserted into the round zong. His expression was calmer and calmer than the last time he saw him.

In just a few days, a series of events had a near-cut effect on her.

Wang first gave a courtesy to Nan Gongyu, and then bowed his head and said softly to the child, "Brother Zhi, please hello to the concubine."

The four- or five-year-old boy was fat and white, wearing a sky blue robe, with embroidered clouds on the corners, a pair of black and white eyes, bright eyes, and clear.

"Please, concubine."

I saw him making milky and milky childish sounds, and saluting like an adult, watching people's mood could not help becoming lighter and softer.

"Zhigeer is free." Nangong saw that he was decent, and he didn't move his eyes because he came to a strange place.

Nangong looked at the boy imperceptibly, asking kindly: "How old is Zhier this year?"

The boy replied solemnly: "The second concubine will be five years old in two months."

"Have you started reading with your husband?"

"Zai Xue is following Mr. Qionglin Youxue ..."

Seeing the boy's decent answer, Wang looked aside and secretly relieved.

In just a few days, a series of earth-shaking changes took place in his life. Looking back now, she could hardly believe that she would have such a guts to fight against the master, and face up to the second house ...

She wanted to retreat countless times, but each time she stayed up. For her daughter, she could only keep going, she could only do her best to make trouble, and it was so busy that the master had to give in front of Dayi, finally He inherited the sister-in-law for the long house, so that her sister Jia had a brother.

Even in Fuchu, the status of the long room has been subtly changed unknowingly. Those who held the high and low in the Fufang area became charming and diligent. In the past, they have pushed back and forth about the long room ; Now, what she hasn't thought of yet, those subordinates have long thought about every aspect ...

Wang feels like he's been in the dream for decades, and has only woke up now.

Her modest concession and concession are only cowardly in front of some people. For her daughter, she must support the long house, and adopting a sister-in-law is only the first step ...

Wang's soft eyes had a little more vigor in his eyes, but his temperament became calmer and calmer, like a long-lost traveler finally found his way.

At this time, Nangong Yu and Zhigeer finished talking, and kindly gave him a gold collar, a set of four treasures in the study as a ceremony.

Zhigeer thanked Nangong Yan.

Wang's words were not good, and he reluctantly spoke with Nangong Yan for a while, then offered to resign.

Looking at Wang's slim but straight back, Nangong Yan smiled slightly. Compared to many people, Zhou Roujia is still very happy. Her mother can give everything for her ...

Nangong Ai couldn't help thinking of his mother Lin. Unconsciously, she has been in southern Xinjiang for more than half a year, and I don't know how good her mother is. She really misses her ... and dad, brother and Liu Niang ...

On the other side, Wang returned to General Dingyuan's Mansion with his brother Zhi Zhi. At this time, it was almost noon.

After spending time with his daughter and sister-in-law on lunch, Wang went to bath and change clothes, and replaced a new tuft of royal blue liufu welcoming a group of dark-textured mules, carefully recombed the hair again, and inserted a The ruby ​​peony pattern on the gold base is solemn and elegant.

Wang carefully adjusted the position of Zhu Zhuo, and stroked his dress, just like a soldier who was about to enter the battlefield and put on layers of armor.

At the end of the day, Wang went to the main hall with his elder brother accompanied by a girl.

Until the end, the main hall of General Dingyuan was crowded.

General Zhou, Lu's, and two young masters in the second room are here. In addition, the elder Zhou also arrived with his son.

The patriarch Zhou sat in the top mahogany chair and cleared his throat and said, "Today, I will be a witness to my nephew and nephew, and the second room will return all the property of the long room. The Wang family came to take care of him until Xunzi was an adult, and then gave the property to Xunzi. Do you have any opinions? "

The Wang family stood up gracefully, and blessed Blessing and said, "Patriarch, my nephew will act with caution and care for the brother."

Compared to Wang's radiant radiance, Lu's face sitting opposite Wang's face was embarrassed. The heavy shadow now seemed to have not slept for several nights, and the whole person was thinner. Lu's life went smoothly for half his life, but he couldn't figure out how to understand it. In just a few days, Wang actually turned the sky. The long house that he had always held in his palm was completely out of control ... and made himself the entire Luo Yuecheng. joke!

Lu gritted his teeth and swallowed the sarcastic words in his heart. She didn't believe that Wang would take care of the property for a sister-in-law. She was afraid that she would evacuate quietly, so she would dowry for her daughter!

He will never let Wang succeed!

"Patriarch," Lu Shipi said with a smile, "one yard to one yard, it is reasonable for the long house to get back his own industry, and his nephew should cooperate. The books, land deeds, house deeds, silver The tickets are all here. "Several big-waisted women carried out boxes of camphor boxes, each of which was heavy.

General Zhou looked at Lu's with satisfaction, and said: Lu's still sensible! Unlike this Wang family, his Zhou family raised her for so many years, turned out to be an elbow, and wanted to give them the property of Dingyuan General's Mansion for nothing! … I knew it already. He should n’t have agreed to let Dad do both houses. Since the elder brother passed away, should n’t the property of Zhoufu be taken for granted?

Lu said, turning his head to look at Wang's, and a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which disappeared, but continued on the surface with righteousness: "Patriarch, Jia Jiaer did such ugly things in the palace It ruined the reputation of our Zhou family, and it was such a bad thing that the nephew thought that he couldn't condone it. He also asked the patriarch to take the lead and send Jia Jiaer to the temple, so as not to affect the sisters of the clan.

Lu's anxious look, as if she had no selfishness, all for the Zhou family's consideration.

Patriarch Zhou's embarrassment was revealed, and the incidents of Zhou Roujia and Xiao Luan have been witnessed by people, and now they have been known to all governments. Although Shi Zifei has now expressed her goodwill to the Wang family, it seems that Zhou Roujia is very likely to marry into the Zhennan Royal Mansion. However, if this matter is not settled for a day, there may be variables. As the patriarch of the Zhou family, he needs to be more cautious in speaking, and it is not easy to talk around before the family affairs are settled.

In this case of Zhou Roujia, Lu's stand on the righteousness. Her proposal was reasonable and understandable. Even if it was passed on, she could not say that her aunt was deliberately taking revenge-although everyone at the scene knew what Lu's real intention was. .

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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