The night was quiet, the autumn breeze was cold, and the atmosphere in the yard was slightly condensed.

"Ai, I remember that Sun Shoubei committed suicide in Yuncheng?" Guan Yubai interjected.


When referring to the war between the two countries, Xiao Yi's face was less indifferent, his face was positive, his expression was a little dignified, and he slowly said—

In May of this year, Nanliang sent tens of thousands of troops through Baiyue to attack the city of Yongjia and Dengli successively. The two cities fell to Nanliang less than two days in defense. The two cities fell to their opponents with lightning speed. Later, the morale of the Nanliang Army was greatly boosted, and it was as if going northward all the way through the bamboo fields. The 20,000 troops came out of the city to guard the city of Yanding, and they declared war on Yanding City.

After the city generals learned that Yongjia City and Dengli City surrendered to Nanliang, they were also disheartened. Nearly half of the soldiers proposed to use Yanding City's existing 5,000 troops to fight Nanliang's 20,000 troops. No doubt they would use a pebble to surrender. .

However, defending Sun Xiu can be unyielding and swear to die. He also pointed out that Yanding City, Yongjia City, Dengli City, and Huiling City are the defense lines in the southeast of South Xinjiang. Once Yanding City descends to Nanliang, Huiling City will have no chance, even Yu Ling may cause the Nanliang Army to lay down Huiling City, connecting the four cities to the front line. If this is the case, the southern Xinjiang will be in danger, and the iron hoofs of the barbaric aliens will march north to occupy our country and kill my people. Then they will become the southern Xinjiang and the sinners of the whole Dayu!

Sun Xiu Neng resolutely stated that even if this battle is defeated, he must also drag on the Nanliang army for a few days to get time for help in Huiling City!

Therefore, under the call and leadership of Sun Xiuneng, the 5,000 garrison soldiers and the civilians in the city participated in the defense of the city with all their heart and soul, resisted stubborn resistance, held on for three days and three nights, and fought to the last breath. After all, they could not reach the siege of Nanliang 20,000 troops. The last five thousand soldiers had less than three hundred ...

In this tragic atmosphere of Xiao Suo, even Xiao Yi's voice seemed a little vicissitudes: "The Sun family's sons died after fighting, and Sun Xiu-neng killed himself with a sword on the wall when the city broke. His wife and grandson After hearing the news of the city breaking, the wife and several daughters-in-law of the wife and the Sun's family also slayed the city in the garrison government ... "so as not to suffer the humiliation of the enemy, it is better to die!

Even if these things have not been witnessed in person, it is so tragic to hear them all. Everyone looks so calm, as if the temperature around them has plummeted a lot.

"After the recovery of Yanding City, when Li Shoubei ordered people to clean up the Shoufu government, a wounded two-year-old child's body was found in a dry well in the backyard. His body had decayed, but he was dressed from his clothes. It can be judged that Sun Xiuneng's two-year-old grandson is also his only grandson ... "Then, Xiao Yi could not help but sigh.

Fu Yunhe said: "Zong Qian and Sun Shoubei have been close friends for many years. Before he could not find the body of the eldest grandson of the Sun family, he thought that there might still be a pulse of incense in the world. All died with the city ... Only Sun was lucky to escape. "He frowned slightly, his expression solemn.

Han Qixia couldn't help but interjected: "Just say ... the Sun family now has only Sun girl ..."

Han Qixia knew that Sun Xinyi was the eldest daughter of Sun's family, her parents died, and she also knew that many of her relatives were affected in the flames of war, but she did not expect that Sun Xinyi's condition was even worse than she thought ...

Everyone in the world continues the incense, and Sun Xiu Neng now has only one daughter, and the Sun family has broken the incense.

Between words, the yard quieted again, and everyone was quite heavy.

Only Guanyubai's expression was faint, and he suddenly asked, "The grandchildren of the Sun family are dying in the well. What about the others in the Sun family?"

Fu Yunhe tried hard to think about it, and vaguely remembered listening to Mr. Jing Qian mentioned, and said: "Mrs. Sun brought her daughter-in-law, daughter, and aunts together in the main hall of the Shoubei government, hanging on the beam and committing suicide. Hou, what's the problem?"

Guan Yubai took the white porcelain cup in front of him, took a cup of tea, and calmly said, "The Sun family died in the main hall, but his elder grandson died alone in the dry well ..."

Xiao Yi frowned, looking thoughtfully to Guan Yubai, a pair of peach eyes half-squinted.

Nangong said with a thought: "Mrs. Sun left her grandson with her whole family. It should be because the grandson can leave a bloodline, but this long grandson did not escape the calamity, but died in the dry well ... ... Don't Mrs. Sun leave reliable people to look after him? "She always felt that something was wrong.

"The deceased is dead." Han Qixia sighed. "Only pity Sun, and now she is alone."

The courtyard couldn't help but be silent for a moment. The first to speak was Guan Yubai, but the words turned around and said, "Ai, is it going to put food tomorrow?"

Xiao Yi nodded: "The notice of putting in the grain was posted yesterday."

In Yanding City, the original rule was to put a batch of food every time a batch of food was received, but Guan Yubai felt that he could not better control the food stored in the city. After a close talk with Xiao Yi, the two decided In the future, the grain will be released every five days, and the new rules will be implemented tomorrow.

Of course, Fu Yunhe also knew the new rules and groaned, "This batch of grains and grasses is probably enough for Yandingcheng to support it for the last month." With that, his tone revealed a bit of pride, tomorrow The batch of grain to be put out was he again led the thousand soldiers of the God Arm Camp to **** them from the Nanliang people. Like the first time, the God Arm Camp did not kill anyone. This is enough for Fu Yunhe to be proud. for a long time!

Nan Gongxi smiled a little, and said with great interest: "Ai Yi, I will help out tomorrow, too?" It was the time when there was a shortage of staff in Yanding City. Since she is here, she cannot come here for nothing, hoping to help Xiao Yi handles the affairs of the city and divides his worries.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with the wounded barracks recently. I'll help you with it, too." Han Qixia responded in a hurry.

Xiao Yi has not always understood how to refuse Nangong Yan, he really wants to accompany his stinky girl all the time, but he just couldn't find time lately ...

"Xiaohezi," Xiao Yi thought for a while, then turned to Fu Yunhe, "You will also help your aunt tomorrow, and ... by the way, call them Xiaofanzi too." , He will not be tired of his stinky girl.

Xiao Yi didn't say it, but secretly winked at Fu Yunhe.

How did Fu Yunhe not understand Xiao Yi's heart? Naturally, he followed his brother's orders and looked at him with a smile, sitting in a fist with a smile: "Yes, brother."

As soon as his words fell, he heard Lin Jingchen greet, "Let's eat quickly. The dishes are going to be cold. It ’s not too late to finish anything ..."

Han Qixia smiled embarrassedly, it was because of her that she disturbed everyone's interest in eating. Another day, she will still make a rich meal for everyone.

Everyone held the chopsticks again, and although the food was a little cold, they still ate it with interest.

Guan Yubai glanced back at the little four who was still intently feeding Han Yu, and the smile on his face was more gentle.

Primary 4 was so absorbed in his mind that he didn't care what Xiao Yi said just now ...

Although Han Yu in the basket was as thin as a chicken and was poor, she ate a lot of meat when she ate raw meat. She swallowed a piece of diced meat as if hungry, as if she hadn't eaten for a long time.

The popularity on the side saw yawning straightly. He picked up a piece of meat boringly and threw it to Han Yu without warning. He also deliberately deflected half an inch, but when the meat pieces flew in front of the tender eagle beak Han Yu suddenly turned her head and swallowed "Ah-woo".

Seeing Xiaosi glaring at him, Fengxing sighed indifferently: "Han Yu really is a eagle!" He said, his eyes slipped and he quibbleed, "Little Four, Han Yu is Head eagle, don't keep it as a chicken! ... It is difficult for a domesticated eagle to fly! "

His words were almost cruel, but they were true.

The female eagle still needs to throw the eagle off the cliff and let it learn to fly. It can be seen that the "flying" level is the true ceremony for the eagle!

Either it becomes an eagle, or it becomes a chicken.

The fourth child understood this, and frowned, and became silent.

At this time, Lily could not help coming over, and also grabbed a handful of ground meat to feed Han Yu, unhappy: "Small four, you don't care about it. How cold is Han Yu! ... More Now, you're afraid that Han Yu can't fly! "Anyway, they have raised an eagle, OK?

Seeing Han Yu eat with great interest, Lily looked at the last piece of meat in her hand, and looked curiously, asking, "What kind of meat is this?" It doesn't look like pork or horse meat. Beef, rabbit ... not chicken ...

Xiao 4 answered blankly: "Rat meat."

Two words made Lily almost jump up, throwing her hands disgustingly and throwing away the meat in her hand. what! She hates mice, maggots, this kind of invisible thing ...

Xiaosi glanced at Lily lightly. Now when Yanding City was short of food and food, he could not feed the eagle with food that was eaten by people. Of course, it was catching mice. He also specially selected Han Yu for all the meat. Mouse.

Almost at the same time, a gray shadow flashed past Lily, and Xiao gray swooped down from the air, grabbing the piece of meat. Instead of eating it, it stopped at Han Yu and fed it to her, just like a mother bird feeding her chicks.


Han Yu swallowed.

By the time Han Yu finished eating a bowl of diced meat, Xiao Yi had also swept the food on the table, as if it had been washed, and the maidservant removed the dishes and chopsticks for dinner. Alas, some tea was served.

There is no good tea in Yanding City. These teas are prepared by Lin Jingchen with various herbs. It is best to digest food and help sleep.

Everyone was drinking tea and watching this scene, and they became interested and lightened up ...

After drinking tea, the night sky was already dark and the willows on the moon.

The crowds said goodbye to Lin Jingchen and Han Qixia, and returned to their places of residence.

Nangong Yu and Xiao Yi also returned to their house. As for Xiao Hui, they followed Han Yu again.

Until Nangong Yu bathed and changed clothes, Xiao Hui still showed no sign of returning. Lily could not help complaining again, and then retreated with Bai Hui.

Nangong Ai just thought it was funny, couldn't help but cover her mouth and laughed, "Ai, it seems you really found a little wife for Xiaohui."

She blinked at Xiao Yi through the bronze mirror with amusement. Xiao Yi likes to see the smile of Nangong Yan because of him, and she likes to see her smile from the heart, which makes him can't help but flutter, a pair of peach eyes Laughing like a meniscus.

He also blinked deliberately, and then said, "That's, my vision, is there any need to say?" His gaze was burning, showing off a little, showing a little, as if to say, look, I was a few years ago I picked myself such a good little daughter-in-law, and my eyes are always first-class!

Nangong Yu didn't know him today. How can he not understand his eyes, his heart is sweet, and there is a faint blush on his cheek? Eyes had to be scared to look at her.

Xiao Yi took the opportunity to take a step forward, circling her waist from behind, resting her chin on her shoulder, and smiling again, "Smelly girl, why don't you answer my question?"

His warm breath blew on her earlobe, as if adding a fire, and the faint blush on her cheek spread out, more red, and even her earlobe became red and tender.

She is like a half-open and half-opened flower, and it will soon bloom completely ...

Xiao Yi couldn't help but look foolish, and his heart was fiery.

Nangong Yu didn't know Xiao Yi's thoughts, she tried to suppress the banging heartbeat, took a deep breath, and said, "I think my vision is better!" Then, she couldn't help but raise her lips high, lips A shallow pear vortex emerged from the shore.

How lucky she was to have a chance to come back again; how lucky she was to find someone with whom she shared her heart among hundreds of millions!

Xiao Yi stood stupidly for a while, but didn't respond for a while, but the smile on his face had already flooded like a river of dykes, and the mood was surging.

He encircled Nangong's slim waist even harder and buried his face in her shoulder.

"Ama ..." He called her name softly, like a feather brushing her heart, and his voice was a little vague because of his gesture buried on her shoulder, "I lost ..."

Nangong froze, didn't understand what he meant, turned to look at him, and the next moment, he saw that he looked up, the peach blossom eyes shining with water was facing her, and gave her a charming wink, "You speak so sweetly, I have to work harder!"

Nangong Ai nodded again, then couldn't help laughing.

With A Yi, she is always so happy!

Suddenly, Xiao Yi's voice became a little low, with a firm tone in his tone, saying: "Ah, I'll be home soon!"

He will fight back Nanliang, he will protect their home, and he will return to see her in peace!

Nangong Yuan turned around, took the initiative to wrap around his waist, buried his face in his chest, and said, "He's really too modest." Compared to him, she is really far ...

The night was deep without knowing it ...

Early the next morning, when Nangong Yan woke up, he was already empty beside him, and Yu Wen was not there.

About Mo was because she was really tired yesterday, so she slept so deep that she didn't even know when Xiao Yi would leave.

Bai Hui and Lily heard the movement in the room and walked in to serve Nangong and get up.

When Nangong Yu sat up, she found a white piece of cloth in her hand, and saw the rough edge of the cloth, which was cut with a knife ...

Nangong Yan had a little sleepy eyes and suddenly came to his senses.

Bai Hui and Lily also saw it. The two sisters looked at each other. Could it be that Shi Zi pressed the sleeve of Shi Zi, and Shi Zi was reluctant to wake up Shi Zi, so had to cut off one sleeve?

Lily's eyes shone. I didn't expect Shizi to be so considerate. When she went back, she had to teach them how to make her family Alandu align with Shizi.

Who thought, Nangong said, "It's not the sleeves."

Xiao Yi's blouses were cut and sewn by her own hands, and she knew what kind of material she used. This piece of cloth in her hand should be a piece Xiao Xiao did not know where to cut it.

Lily looked closer, and sure enough, it was just the simplest piece of cotton.

She froze for a moment, and suddenly realized: "Yes, Shi Zifei, the blouse you made, Shi Ziye was reluctant to cut it!"

Nangong piqued the corner of his mouth, Lily was right.

Lily couldn't help but asked again, "Sir concubine, why would you put a piece of cloth in your hands?"

Nangong chuckled and said without a word, "Serve me and dress."

She pursed her lips with a smile, held the white cloth in her palm, and was reluctant to put it down. She knew that Ai was telling her that he was reluctant to wake her, but had to leave first.

Early in the morning, Nangong Yan was in a good mood, full of energy, and yesterday's fatigue was swept away.

More than half of the time, she and Han Qixia set out from the Shoufu Fu, and Fu Yunhe worked diligently as a messenger for the two.

When they arrived near the gate, it was not too late. In the blue sky, the rising sun hangs high, and the sun shines warmly.

From a distance, I saw several people already busy at the gate. Nowadays, most of the people in the city have no livelihood. The Southern Army often hires some people to help repair the city walls, demolish the walls and transport the bricks, and build the city. There are also some women who come here to help them.

At this moment, four or five women in coarse cloth skirts are setting up some tables and chairs, and they have also installed a simple pergola, using a bamboo pole as a frame, and using a huge turquoise tarpaulin as a roof to cover the upper part. Sun.

Nangong Yu and Han Qixia subconsciously slowed down the horse speed, and at a glance they saw a familiar figure among the helper women.

It was a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl, wearing a simple cyan dress, and the dark cyan color simply helped a child, except for a few cyan ribbons, and no jewelry at all. She looks like an ordinary woman who can't be more ordinary, but look at her elegant manners, beautiful face, it seems incompatible with other women around and this simple pergola.

After Nangong Yu and Han Qixia dismounted, they walked side by side. Han Qixia shouted at the familiar slender figure: "Girl Sun!"

Sun Xinyi turned around, and the moment she saw Nangong Yu and Han Qixia, her face was clearly surprised, and then she took a few steps forward, wishing to be blessed, but was stopped by Bai Hui's eyes, and Nangong Yu smiled slightly. "Miss Sun, I'm traveling in plain clothes today, so I don't have to be polite."

Sun Xinyi was not an uninterested person, and immediately changed her word from good to good: "Ms. Xiao, Girl Han, I didn't expect that two of them would come." Her attitude was not humble, and it made people feel like the breeze in the morning was just right.

After a pause, she volunteered to explain: "I accidentally heard that today's grandfather wants to put in food, thinking that I have nothing to do anyway, it is better to come and do something for the people in the city ..."

"Madam Sun, you are really interested ..." Han Qixia nodded slightly in agreement.

Yeah, it's better to keep yourself busy than thinking at home alone. I remembered that when she first arrived in South Xinjiang, she had been awake at night. It was her grandfather who let her out of resentment and self-esteem. It was better for Grandma Sun to understand this.

Han Qixia's words didn't fall, so she heard another horseshoe sound from the back, stepping on ...

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw two handsome teenagers driving the horse towards this side, running all the way. In fact, the street was wide enough for four or five horses to run in parallel, but the two horses were running too fast and shocked. Several passers-by subconsciously avoided both sides of the street.

The two teenagers immediately smiled, while the other had a black face, it was Yu Xiufan and Chang Huaixi.

Yu Xiufan's black horse stopped abruptly three or four feet away, the two front feet were raised high, and the horse hissed endlessly. Yu Xiufan's riding was very clever, and his face turned red without jumping or jumping from the horse. He strode forward and embarrassedly fisted: "Daddy, girl Han, sorry, we're late."

Chang Huaixi was one step slower than him, and immediately followed, but his face was still not very good, and he quickly glanced at Bai Hui behind Nangongyu. He certainly remembers Bai Hui ...

A few months ago, the scene that happened in Luo Yue City seemed to be still in sight.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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