The title proposed by the ceremony was naturally auspicious and peaceful. The emperor glanced at it with one stroke, and circled three.

Then he submitted the decree to the university scholar, and the next day, the father-in-law went to the palace of the three princes to declare it.

The princes were all named kings of the county, so that in the future, the prince would be able to grant grace after he ascended the throne.

The title of the great prince is sincerity, the title of the second prince is Shun, and the third prince ...

"... Han Ling, the third son of the emperor, is named the county king, with the title‘ Gong ’, and his sister-in-law Cui is the princess of Gong County.

"Children and courtiers thank the father for grace."

In the main hall of the third prince's house, Han Lingfu and Cui Yanyan both worshiped the ceremony.

Han Lingfu held his hands up and took the bright yellow imperial decree from the father of Liu Gong. Then he stood up and motioned to the young man beside him to put a purse in his gong and smiled softly. . "

"King Gong is very polite."

Gonggong Liu accepted it cheerfully, glancing at Cui Yanyan who was standing up by her daughter-in-law, and said, "The princess of the county looks bad ..."

Cui Yanyan got up strenuously and reluctantly smiled and said, "Thank you Father for your concern."

Her face was pale, with a serious illness, and she looked a little weak. Even wearing a full set of princesses' heads and faces, she did not see the grace and nobleness, just like the same flower that had passed the flowering stage, was slowly withering.

Gonggong Liu remembers that not long ago, the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to say that the three princesses ... No, it should be called the princess of Gong County now, saying that the princess of Gong county was pregnant. At that time, the emperor was still very happy. Until now, there was only one emperor and grandson, and the emperor of Nashun County was born. The emperor naturally wanted his own son, Sun Mantang.

Liu Gonggong thought about what the emperor thought, and could not help mentioning: "If the county princess is unwell, let's call a Physician to see it." So far, without saying anything, she said with a smile, "That Our family will leave first. "

It wasn't until the father-in-law went out that Han Lingfu's expression cooled down, looking at the imperial edict in disdain.

King Gong County?

Father Emperor is admonishing himself to be obedient, don't have unrealistic ideas about the throne.


Han Lingfu couldn't help sneering, thinking: The emperor always only cared about the five emperor brothers, he didn't put him in his eyes at all, and a king of Christine County wanted to pass him on ... why? !!

Han Lingfu concealed the injustice in his eyes and enshrined the decree in person.

All the men fell to their knees and shouted, "Congratulations to the Lord."

Han Lingfu ordered a grand prize at Pufu, which attracted people to praise again.

Later, Han Lingfu came to Cui Yanyan very thoughtfully, and said, "My lord accompany the princess and go back to rest."

A tender smile appeared on Cui Yanyan's pale face, "Thank you to the temple ... Thank you Grandpa."

"Thank you, my husband and wife."

Han Ling helped Cui Yanyan walk gently towards the inner courtyard. He was tender and considerate on his face, but absent-minded in his heart.

In recent days, Han Lingfu apparently stayed away from the court in order to widen the emperor's heart, but he heard from Han Lingchao that yesterday, Xiao Yi from South Xinjiang sent a merit offer to Fu Yunhe. The emperor was overjoyed, obviously There will be rewards soon.

At that time, I must go and congratulate myself!

There is also Xiaoer, so she has to ask Fang Fang for her.

Although Xiaoer didn't care about this kind of foreign body, but the county king's side concubine was on the jade, and she also had a fatal life. Only wronged Xiaoer, he will give her better in the future.

Han Lingfu was careless all the way, naturally he did not notice that Cui Yanyan, who was walking next to him, had gradually fallen behind unconsciously, and his face was getting paler, sweat was covered on his forehead, even the red lips Can't cover bloodless lips.


Suddenly, Qing Lin yelled sharply.

Han Lingfu frowned slightly, turned her head to see, and saw that Cui Yanyan was three or five steps away from him. At this time, she was covering her lower abdomen, her facial features wrinkled in pain, and drops of blood flowed from her skirt. Next, dyed a place ...

Han Ling subconsciously walked over the two steps.

Cui Yanyan stretched out his hand to him, and made a painful voice: "... Your Highness ..." Then, her body softened and fell to the ground, blood fainted from under her, and stained the floor of Shi Qingban It was dazzling bright red.


Qing Lin yelled in a sigh of exhaustion, and hurriedly yelled to the surrounding ladies: "Quick, please seek medical attention!"

There is a chaos in the new King Gong County Palace.

Han Lingfu stared silently at the pool of blood under Cui Yanyan's body, looking a little dumbfounded.

This was the result he had expected long ago, and it was also the result of his own efforts. However, when he saw this scene with his own eyes and watched his bones quietly "leave", there was still an inexplicable heartache lingering in his heart.

He clenched his fist subconsciously, then slowly let go.

Just blame this kid, it's too late.

He also has a child in Xiaoer's belly, and that child is everything to him.

Han Lingfu watched the mother-in-law lift Cui Yanyan onto the soft car and returned to the main courtyard. He could not help lowering his head again, watching the blood stains on the ground ...

The doctor came in a hurry, Cui Yanyan was sore in pain, and a bowl of blood was lifted out of the room.

On this day, the newly-increased King Gong County Mansion seems to be shrouded in a lingering cloud.

In Xinghuiyuan, the furthest away from the main courtyard, Bai Muxiao sips tea leisurely. Cui Yanyan sees red is a big thing. Even if she is too lazy to manage the main courtyard, she still inevitably gets into her ears.

"... Side concubine, slaver went to inquire about it, there were five or six pots of blood in the main courtyard, Taiyi and Wenpo were called, but according to slavery, the child must be ..." It's up!

Bai Muxiao leaned against the window and listened to the obituary obliviously.

The excitement that could not be concealed in the blue face, said: Once the child in the princess's abdomen is gone, when his own son is born, he will be the only son of the grandfather and the grandson of the emperor. , Directly sealed the little master as the son ...

Bai Muxiao put the tea cup in his hand on the case table, his expression was still so contented, his gaze was looking at the residual chrysanthemum moving with the wind outside the window. In the autumn wind, the petals that had once been beautifully bloomed had withered most of the time It will fade away ...

Bai Muxiao's eyes flashed a near-pleasant look, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, drawing a cold arc.

Although Cui Yanyan's child who never had a chance to be born is innocent, she was involved in the grievances of the previous generation before she was born ...

If it was the naive she was before, maybe this innocent child would feel sympathy and regret ...

But after going through the **** lessons of these years, Bai Muxiao has clearly realized that those weak emotions are useless. The child must blame, hate, and can only complain about why he was born in the belly of Cui Yanyan. !!

As for Han Lingfu ...

After losing the child in the belly and Cui Yanyan's belly, he will know how to cherish it. After that, he will surely care more about this one in his belly.

Bai Muxiao caressed her slightly swollen abdomen with a smile, feeling that the child thrived day by day in her belly, the blood between mother and child was connected, and only this child would not betray herself!

"Lamei is about to open soon ..." Bai Muxiao murmured, looking out the window while talking.

Blue fell for a while, and before responding, he listened to Bai Muxiao's command: "Blue, the chrysanthemum in the courtyard should be hurry up ..."

"Yes." Bi Luo rushed to his knees and answered with a stun in her heart, always feeling that her own master seemed to be a person without knowing it.

At this moment, Bi Hen hurriedly pulled in the curtains, and said, "Side concubine, the palace ... Here is the royal prince!" Bi Chen originally thought that the royal prince would not come today. .

Unexpectedly, at this time, Wang Ye still only thought of the side concubine, which shows that the position of the side concubine in the heart of Wang Ye cannot be easily replaced!

Bai Muxiao's mouth slightly hooked, and when she heard the voice of maid salute from inside and outside, she raised her hand and said to the blue sky, "Blue sky, help me ..."

Bai Muxiao supported her waist and slowly stood up from Luo Han's bed with the help of the blue sky. At this moment, a sound of curtains rang, and a handsome man with a long body of lumber stepped into the inner room. His near-perfect face was originally obscure, but when he saw Bai Muxiao and her apparently bulging abdomen, his face softened and he strode to the front with distress: "Xiaoer, you are heavy and you don't have to get up. "

Han Ling gave her a gentle support, and helped her back.

But Bi Luo hurriedly backed away, and the two girls exchanged a rejoicing look, one backed away and the other hurriedly gave Han Ling tea.

How could Han Lingfu drink tea? He was in a restless mood sitting on the bed of Luo Han with Bai Muxiao, and the blood was constantly appearing in front of him, so shocking that his heart seemed to be choked.

Seeing his disappointment, Bai Muxiao knew that he still felt heartache and still cared about the child who passed away, just like the child he cared about at first ...

And she may have been stabbed by this in the past, but now she no longer cares.

After all, this man is too emotional ...

Bai Muxiao sneered in her heart, but she made a small and gentle look on her face, and said softly: "Prince, Xiaoer heard that the princess ..." Her lips trembled slightly and she couldn't bear to say any more.

Han Lingfu didn't speak. Bai Muxiao grabbed Han Lingfu's hand and put it on her abdomen, comforting softly: "Master, don't be too sad, lest you hurt yourself. Life is long ..."

The warmth from the palm of his hand warmed Han Ling's heart. He pressed his palm subconsciously against Bai Muxiao's abdomen and felt the vitality of his fingers. There was a voice in his heart saying: This is his child, their child!

When the child is born, he will give him the best of everything ...

He, Xiaoer, and this child will get better and better ... Anyway, Cui Yanyan is still young and will eventually have children.

There is room for gain!

There was a touch of tenderness in Han Lingfu's eyes, and she gently embraced Bai Muxiao, letting her lean against his arms and kissing her hair, but she couldn't see the taunting light shining under Bai Muxiao's half-dropped eyes. .

"Xiaoer, tomorrow I'll invite the King of Concubine for you." Han Ling's gentle voice came from above her head. "Father Emperor picked up the post from King Zhennan's son to Fu Yunhe, presumably Father Emperor these days Fu Yunhe will be rewarded. After the sacred order, how about Xiaoer accompanied me to Yongyang's aunt's house? "Cui Yanyan will definitely not be able to go because of the small birth. At that time, he can just take Xiaoer with him. , Also let Xiaoer show up in Yongyang and Fu's house.

Bai Muxiao responded meekly, snuggling in Han Lingfu's arms, looking out of the window, the pots of residual chrysanthemums have not been removed by the girl ...

Bai Muxiao smiled slightly. People blocked killing, Buddha blocked killing Buddha. Whoever dares to obstruct her eyes, she will never show mercy again!

Han Lingfu stayed at Xinghuiyuan for the night again. This incident can't be hidden from the eyes of the servants in the house, secretly thinking about it. The princess gave birth, but the king went to Bai Fangfei, in the mind of Wang , The princess and white side concubine are trivial and trivial at a glance. What's more, Bai Fangfei was still pregnant with Wang ’s flesh in her belly. Seeing that she would become the first woman in Wangfu to give birth to her!

Even if Bai Fangfei's mother is weak, but the mother and son are the same truth forever. As long as Bai Fangfei can give birth to the eldest son for the grandfather, even if she is the eldest son, the status is not the same ... And the princess, this time After giving birth to a person, I was afraid that I could no longer conceive after a few years ...

It seems that I still have to please the Xinghuiyuan side a lot in the future ...

This night, people passed by different thoughts in Fuzhong. Three days later, as expected by Han Lingfu, an imperial edict of the emperor was personally sent to the Grand Princess Palace of Yongyang by Liu Gongfu. In addition to the gold and silver jewelry, It even sealed Fu Yunhe as a captain.

In Dayu, Captain Rider Captain from the fourth grade of Honor, at the age of Fu Yunhe, was able to receive such a reward. It is conceivable that the future will have no future!

For a time, the Grand Princess Palace of Yongyang became the focus of all the capitals of the capital.

Han Lingfu deliberately brought Bai Muxiao to the Congratulations to the Grand Princess Palace of Yongyang. The guests who came to the Congratulations were not just the two. The visitors from the Princess Palace were endless, and the carriages lined up from the gate to the end of the street.

The concierge and mother-in-law who were welcoming guests at the gate were too busy to touch the ground, but Han Ling was the king of the county. Naturally, the concierge did not dare to leave him outside for a long time, and immediately a steward greeted him. Personally welcome Han Lingfu and Bai Muxiao into the house.

Guan Shiyun personally led the two to the back garden of the Princess Mansion. Yong Yangzheng and Madam Fu sat in a gazebo by the lake, talking and admiring the scenery.

A dozen feet away from the gazebo, many long tables and swivel chairs have been arranged neatly. Several ladies and girls sat chatting at the long table and saw Han Lingfu coming. The female relatives came over and whispered. Bai Muxiao could obviously feel that the eyes of many ladies stayed in the abdomen she was already pregnant with, and her eyes were weighed and measured.

After Han Lingfu and Bai Muxiao went to the pavilion to greet Yongyang, a clerk led Han Lingfu to the outer courtyard respectfully, while Bai Muxiao was led by the girl to the long table. As Bai Muxiao walked, she glanced for half a circle, her eyes suddenly locked on Fu Yunyan, who was joking with Yuan Yuyi, and her eyes flashed.

Bai Muxiao is now a concubine from the third king of Sanpin. In this large capital, her title is not high, but not low. When she walks to the long table, she immediately has some products. The lower lady and girl got up to see her.

Bai Muxiao smiled at them with a smile, but her heart only sneered: these people are just flaming villains. If she was still the bereaved daughter of the Bai family, who would be willing to say more to her?

After Bai Muxiao and these female relatives casually greeted a few words, they walked towards Fu Yunyan and Yuan Yuyi at a long table a few feet away.

Today, Fu Yunyan wore a gilt silk button peony pattern brocade gardener, combed a meniscus bow, and inserted a red gold flower bow-like treasure chest, bright and beautiful, seeing her eyes and temperament as before marriage Jing, Chan, like the first day, knew that she must be in harmony with Nangong Xin.

"I've seen the watch." Bai Muxiao ticked her lips and blessed her slightly against Fu Yunyan. Although her stomach was already pregnant, she was still flexible at this moment.

Fu Yunyan met her with her, but did not call her cousin, but passed a cold and distant place with a "white concubine".

Some ladies and girls around were also paying attention to the movements here, and when they heard Fu Yunyan's tone, they knew Nangongfu's attitude towards the cousin's grandmother.

Bai Muxiao didn't know, she was cold, but now it is not the time to turn her face with Nangong Palace and Princess Palace.

She smiled slightly and said casually: "Cousin, I heard that Cousin Xin was injured a few days ago, and came to visit me on purpose, but was stopped by the porter ... I don't know how well Cousin Xin is recovering now?" Anyway, she has done enough rituals. If Fu Yunyan and Nangongfu do n’t know how to show favor, it ’s also their rudeness to make a joke.

Fu Yunyan is still calm and calm. Since Axin was injured a month ago, their husband and wife do not know how many people they have received, or the kindness or courtesy or temptation of condolences. For these, Fu Yunyan has been very skilled in dealing with it, and said with a smile: "Thank you Concubine cares, my husband is much better. Xu Shibai's concubine came by no means. After the husband was injured, his uncle and grandmother instructed Li to close the door to thank guests ... "

What else did Fu Yunyan say, Yuan Yuyi hadn't heard it yet, she lowered her eyes and avoided Bai Muxiao's sight.

For some reason, she always feels that the cousin of the child seems to have changed again, from being a high person who has seen people to becoming a solitary crowd later, and now she is so deliberately uncomfortable. Should I write to my sister to talk about it?

Yuan Yuyi raised her eyebrows. At this moment, Guan Shiyun led a mother and daughter to the back garden and went to the gazebo, attracting the attention of the young girl's family.

I saw that the woman was thirty-six and sixty-year-old, wearing a lake-colored makeup flower dumpling, dignified and generous, while the girl next to her was fifteen or sixteen, wearing a moon-white silk silk brocade with a month Hua skirt, Qing Li Sven.

Fu Yunyan only glanced at the mother and daughter, and then she looked back, and did not notice the joy that Madame Fu in the gazebo could not hide.

"Mother," Madam Fu looked at the young girl coming down, and lowered her voice in Yongyang's ear. "This girl Su is the second girl in the House of the Supreme Master Su, and her daughter-in-law mentioned to her a few days ago ..."

Mrs. Fu said that Mr. Su was respected by Su Lin, the bachelor of Hanlin Academy, and the second prince was named the king of Shun County. This Su family is the princess of Shun county, the mother of the original second princess. Girl Su is naturally the sister-in-law of Princess Shunjun.

In the words, the lady Su and the girl Su Er had walked into the gazebo and respectfully saluted to Yongyang and Madam Fu.

Mrs. Fu looked at the girl Su Er with a smile, with a deep smile on her face, and said, "Mrs. Su really raises her daughters, and the girls in the house are all Zhong Lingyuxiu ..." Her sentence is not just an exaggeration of Su Er The girl even princess Shunjun also boasted.

Mrs. Su said with a smile: "Mrs. Fu has won a prize."

The girl Su Er on the side half-closed her eyes, and there was a trace of haggard on her face.

Mrs. Fu beckoned to the girl Su Er and said affectionately, "How old is the girl Su Er?"

Girl Su Er stepped forward, walked to Madam Fu, and replied softly ...

Yong Yang looked at the girl lightly, knowing what her daughter-in-law was planning.

It is true that He Geer is not too young, and his daughter-in-law should be anxious, but now that he has let He Geer go to the future, the government should not hold him anymore.

Although the marriage matter, parents' lives, matchmaker's words, Ke Yongyang intends to let Fu Yunhe choose.

Moreover, this Su family ...

Yong Yang narrowed his eyes, narrowing his sharp edges.

Daughter-in-law would look at the girls of the Chinese and Soviet families, and wanted to come to Wenyu to "make great achievements."

Since that talk with Guan Yubai, Yong Yang has quietly paid attention to Wen Yu's every move. Even if Wen Yu carefully hides it, he can't hide it. Judging from the actions of several Wen Yu, Yong Yang can be sure that behind him is Han Lingguan!

It turns out that her niece's heart is not small ...

And Wen Yu ...

Thinking of her premature daughter, Yongyang's heart was throbbing for a while, this Wen Yu, she had enough!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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