The sky was lit, and the entire city of Yanding was still quiet, but the courtyard where Zhongnan Gongyu, the garrison house, was already busy and noisy.

Early in the morning, before Nangong Yan had used her breakfast, Han Qixia hurriedly rushed in and brought a bowl of thick brown medicinal juice.

Naturally, this bowl of juice is not for Nangong.

"Hey, look at it, my grandfather said that this time the recipe should be almost ..." Han Qixia eagerly brought the wooden tray with the medicine bowl to Nangong Yan.

Watching Han Qixia carrying the large bowl full of medicinal juices, but walking fast, Nangong Xi could not help but nervous for her, until she lowered the tray, she was secretly relieved, wondering how many times she sighed: Sister Xia ’s The change is too great!

"Sister Xia, sit down quickly." Nangong Yan took Han Qixia's hand and sat down without missing the shadow caused by Han Qixia's tiredness.

Since Mo Xiuyu returned two days ago, Nangong Yu and Lin Jingchen began to adjust the recipe of the medicinal solution and revised it several times. They always felt dissatisfied and hoped to be perfect.

This medicinal solution will be used in the Southern Xinjiang Army. If the soldiers' physical discomfort occurs, it will affect the war with Nanliang. It is really important and unreasonable.

Until last night, they deliberated and discussed in the middle of the night before they dispersed separately ...

It's not too early yet, but the medicine has already been boiled. Nangong Yu counted the time, presumably the grandfather and sister Xia got up early, and began to be busy before dawn.

Nangong Yu didn't say thanks, because of the relationship between them, saying that thank is really polite, as long as you keep in mind many things.

Nangong calmed down and focused on the bowl of medicinal juice in front of her, watching its color, smelling its fragrance, and eating its taste ... She groaned for a moment, showing joy on her face, and said, "Sister Xia, just right, this It must be OK once! "

Han Qixia is also very happy.

Nangong groaned and instructed: "Bai Hui, send this medicinal sauce to the official son, and then post a notice in front of the garrison government, and then recruit some women to help." The next step is to make a lot of masks. The woman recruited last time is not enough.

"Yes, concubine."

Bai Hui led the way, she only stepped out of her front feet, and her hind feet lily and thrush came in with the food container.

Han Qixia didn't notice at all, her thoughts were still immersed in the matter of medicinal juice, and she said, "Hey, about medicine ..."

"Sister Xia," Nan Gongxi interrupted Han Qixia in a soft voice. "It's not too fast for a while ... you haven't had breakfast?"

She seemed to use a questioning tone, but her eyes looking at Han Qixia were very affirmative, and she saw that Han Qixia's face was astonished— Needless to say, the answer was clear.

With a sigh in her heart, Nangong Yan hurriedly gestured to wink.

"Lily, take some porridge to your grandfather." Nangong Ai instructed, as soon as the grandfather's temper is busy, it is easy to lose sleep and forget to eat.

Lily gave a crisp response, and hurried away.

Breakfast is as simple as ever, just a bowl of porridge and two plates of side dishes, but today there is one more golden burrito ...

When they saw the golden burrito from the north appearing on the dinner table in the southern Xinjiang, the expressions of Nangong Yu and Han Qixia were a bit subtle, a touch of homesickness haunting their hearts.

They left Wangdu for different reasons, but one thing was the same—

They have no complaints!

The two girls looked at each other and smiled resolutely, looking back at the long-lost taste of the golden burrito.

This golden burrito tasted really good, Nangong Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, his lips were raised.

Thrush explained aside: "Second concubine, Liu Chuzi in the government had previously learned a few royal dishes for the guests from the capital. Today, I specially made this silk cake for you to taste ..." A few maids thought about Nangong's poor appetite recently, they deliberately asked the chef if he would make Wangdu's snacks, but the chef really did ...

Han Qixia nodded and praised: "This chef has a good skill. I will learn from him the other day, and I can also feed it to my grandfather ..." Then, another shape appeared in her mind, and he should like it too. ?

Nan Gongxi sat next to Han Qixia, naturally noticed her subtle expression changes, and knew her heart. She deliberately said, "Thrush, you let the cook do something and send it to Fu Sangong." She also glanced at Han Qixia with a smile. With a hint of ridicule.

"Yes, Princess Shi." The thrush led his knees, and the smile on his face couldn't hide.

Seeing this, Han Qixia Qiao's face appeared a faint blush again, ignoring Nangong Yu, and focused her attention on the food.

Nangong Aya also took it as soon as she saw it, and started with breakfast.

Both had a good appetite and ate breakfast at this table.

At this time, Bai Hui, who went out to work, also returned. A few of the master and servant went to Xishoujian. This room was small. It was a small study room that Nangong Yan specially ordered the girls to clean up. It was a place where she read books and directors on weekdays.

As Bai Hui waited for the pen and ink, they continued to discuss what had not been done before breakfast.

If Han Qixia had a full stomach, she would sit down and ask, "Hey, how are we preparing the herbs now?" If the medicine is less than a day away, Yanding City is like a clever woman who ca n’t cook without rice. .

Nangong said with a smile: "Zhou Dacheng's Flying Pigeon Biography said that the medicinal materials we have prepared have been prepared in 7878 ... I also plan to ask Anyihou to join the army to borrow a few more medics to help." Masks, any girl or woman who can be a little girl can help, but pharmaceuticals are very meticulous and trivial, you must ask someone who knows medicine to go out.

Seeing that Nangong Yan also had a plan in mind, Han Qixia was relieved and said, "Hey, grandfather said the same thing." This kind of medicinal sauce is related to the military situation, and it is not easy to hire a doctor in the city. The most suitable candidate is a military doctor.

The two carefully discussed the preparation of the medicinal juice, from collecting and processing the medicine to boiling it, and they planned to divide it into several steps, each of which was carried out separately to improve efficiency.

Bai Hui wrote the notes on the side, and skillfully compiled several concise lists, which were then viewed by Nangong Yu and Han Qixia.

This time is busy, time passes very fast, seeing that noon has passed, and thrushes come in, just to remind the two masters to have some lunch, but do not want to welcome an unexpected guest in the Fuchu-

The concierge sent someone to say, Sun Xinyi is here.

Bai Hui thought about the day before that the concubine said that Sun Xinyi would come to invite her recently, and it really came!

A short while later, Sun Xinyi, a plain-dressed and elegantly dressed, came under the guidance of a little girl.

Sun Xinyi saluted the two with grace and grace, with a small smile on Qingli's face, with a gentle and elegant expression.

"Girl Sun is free." Nangong Yan politely raised his hand and motioned to Sun Xinyi to sit down.

Han Qixia courtesy of courtesy.

On that day, after she and Sun Xinyi broke up in the garrison, they met again at the wounded barracks the next day. At that time, Sun Xinyi apologized to her in private, saying that she had been fooled by horns or something ...

This did not make Han Qixia feel relieved, but she even felt that she had a lot of thoughts in her heart. There was some sigh in her heart, and she couldn't help but sigh for the deceased Sun Shoubei and Mrs. Sun, only wishing that the heroic family of Sun's house would not be flawed by Sun Xinyi's misbehavior.

However, even if Han Qixia believes that Sun Xinyi cannot be a deep friend, after all, the other party is loyal, and the number of courtesy should not be less.

Sun Xinyi knew Han Qixia's sparseness, but she was still generous. If she sat down opposite Han Qixia casually, there was always a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

After the thrush quickly refreshed, Sun Xinyi smiled and said: "Sir concubine, girl Han, take the liberty to visit, don't be surprised at the politeness. Yandingcheng has a lot of poisonous insects this season, Xinyi sews these days A few sachets were placed, and some cordyceps that were unique to Yanding City were placed in them.

While talking, her girl-in-law Cai Wei took out two sachets, one rose red and one green lotus. She respectfully presented the former to the thrush and sent the latter to Han Qixia.

At a glance, you know the color, and you know that it was Sun Xinyi's specially selected fabric for Nangong Yu and Han Qixia, and it was carefully sewn.

Nangong Yan looked at the sachet in his hand, with a pair of delicate pomegranates embroidered on it, which symbolized many sons and blessings-this granddaughter really had the heart.

Nangong Ai played with it, and handed the sachet to the thrush to close it up. He smiled and praised, "The craftsmanship of Sun is really good."

Hearing that Sun Xinyi's heart suddenly dropped in mid-air. She was originally worried that Han Qixia would rely on her to make friends with Shi Zifei, and arbitrarily slandered herself in front of Shi Zifei. Fortunately, Shi Zifei was reasonable.

Sun Xinyi's whole person is solid, and even her thin waist plate has been straightened a lot, so she said, "When the concubine, Xin Yi just came, I saw that you were recruiting women on the notice board in front of the gate. Help make some female red, Xinyi also wants to try ... "said, her expression reveals a trace of sadness and sadness," the ancestor and mother died for Yan Dingcheng, Xinyi is only a female stream, can not go to the battlefield for Parents and brothers have revenge, but they also hope that with a modest effort, they can do their best for Yan Dingcheng and hope that the concubines will be fulfilled. "

Nan Gongxi smiled slightly, and readily responded: "Grandma Sun is so kind to have this kind of heart. Now is the time when there is no manpower, then I'm welcome."

Then, she turned around and instructed Bai Hui: "Bai Hui, tell Sun what you need to make."

Bai Hui naturally resigned.

It's done! The smile on Sun Xinyi's mouth was stronger.

She's a niece, and she's been good at reading and watching since childhood.

From the first time she asked Nangong Yu to ask her, Sun Xinyi began to wonder which kind of temperament she prefers. When she saw Nangong Yu and Han Qixia, she worked hard to make her behavior look like Han Qixia ...

Han Qixia is gentle, she must be gentler than her;

Han Qixia is simple, she must be simpler than her;

Han Qixia is harmless, she will be more harmless than her ...

Sure enough, Shi Zifei has become more and more kind to herself in recent days.

Someday, I will be able to replace Han Qixia's status. By then ...

A light flashed in Sun Xinyi's eyes.

Nangong smiled faintly, and a lonely degree of loneliness swept across the corners of his lips. After a few words of arrogance, she let Bai Hui take Sun Xinyi down. ... After half an hour, Sun Xinyi left with some gauze.

The master and servant walked back to a two-in courtyard on East Street.

After the Southern Army recaptured Yanding City, it was cleared up for temporary residence.

President Jing Qian and Sun Shoubei made good friends, and treated Sun Xinyi like his own junior. She had only seen a girl named Cai Wei beside her, and she came to ask if she wanted to send a little girl to avoid being wronged. she was. However, Sun Xinyi refused it cleverly and sensibly, and said rightly that she would share the same sufferings with the people in the city, and insist that she has one of them.

Jing Qian, a big man, naturally didn't bother with these trivial matters, so he didn't mention it again, and only let people send some rice over every few days.

Therefore, in addition to a rude wife coming to the courtyard every morning to help with some sweeping, only Sun Xinyi and Cai Wei, the master and servant, are in the yard.

But today, Sun Xinyi entered the house, and found that there was a person in the room, like a ghost, silent.

A dark-skinned, thin-skinned man was sitting at the table, looking at Sun Xinyi coldly.

"..." Cai Wei, who was behind Sun Xinyi, was so scared that she narrowed her eyes instantly, almost screaming out loud, and she hurriedly covered her mouth.

Sun Xinyi was also blushing, and reluctantly commanded Cai Wei to say, "Go outside and watch."

"It's ... girl." Cai Weiner answered, looking at the man, and he was frightened by the cold eyes of the other person, and ran to the courtyard in a panic.

The man sneered, sitting unhurriedly at the same place, and ran out with that girl-in-law, without fear that the other party would go to rescue the soldiers.

Sun Xinyi gritted her teeth and finally asked, "What do you ... what do you want?" Her hands clenched into fists unconsciously.

The man raised his eyebrows and opened the door and asked, "Isn't this the concubine now in Yanding City?" With a hint of disdain and taunt.

It turned out that his goal was Shi Zifei ... Sun Xinyi let go of her heart a little and nodded.

"Looks like you've already seen the concubine?" The man in black narrowed his triangular eyes and asked thoughtfully.

Sun Xinyi felt that her heart was raised again, but she nodded again.

The man touched Hu Jiezi's chin, and then threw a series of questions: "Tell me about the temperament of Shi Zifei, how many guards are there? What is the relationship between Zhennan Wang Shizi and her ..."

Listening to these questions one after another, Sun Xinyi's heart sank completely, and an ominous feeling sprang up, but she had already fallen deep into the mud, and could no longer crawl out ...

After a scent of incense, the man quietly turned over the wall and left. From the beginning to the end, except Sun Xinyi's master and servant, the whole street did not know that an uninvited guest was here.

On that day, a gray carrier pigeon fluttered from one corner of the city with wings fluttering ... that night, the carrier pigeon flew into a mansion in Dengli City.

The dark-faced Lieutenant-General Nanan Conanli immediately presented the secret letter brought by the pigeon to the coach Icaro.

"Master, this is a flying pigeon biography from Yanding City!"

Icarus had a slight jaw, and it was time for this pigeon to pass the book.

Early this morning, he had to report that Zhen Yi, the king of the south of the town, Xiao Yi led the army to Yongjia City. This move revealed the war intentions. After the other party had camped and formed an army, he would formally attack Dengli City.

A few months after the truce between the two parties, it was finally about to reignite the war. Ikaruo had no fear in his heart, only expectations, and even blood.

Although he did not expect that Xiao Yi would be the first to send troops, but this timing is really great!

Now it is mid-November, when Qian Manlan is in full bloom, it means that more pollen will fall.

And everything he laid out for months will be the key to disintegrating the Southern Army!

In this battle, Nanliang will win!

Ikaruo quickly took the stationery and looked down in ten lines. His eyes stopped for a moment in the words of Zhennan Wang Shizi, and there was a flash of fierceness in his eyes ...

When Zhennan Wangshi ’s concubine first arrived in Yanding City, she was still low-key, and the spies almost looked away, but apparently she was a brash woman. She had a lot of fanfare in Yanding City in the past few days. The recruiting women made some strange female reds. This one, naturally, could not conceal the spies he installed in Yanding City. He had already obtained the biography of flying pigeons a few days ago and knew about it.

Last time in Luoyue City, they tried their best to seduce the concubine of the king of the south of the town, but suffered heavy losses ... Finally, the nine kings were captured, and Yanding City and Yongjia City were taken down by the other side. Ka Luo still wanted to come, but he still hated his teeth.

This time it was her chance.

Although according to his original plan, this battle can also be won, but with Zhennan Wang Shizi in hand, maybe it will be smoother. So Ikaruo immediately let the spy continue to probe ...

Ikaruo quickly read the stationery in his hand, and a grinning grin appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Like the news from Luo Yuecheng, Xiao Yi has a good relationship with his concubine. Last time, Xiao Yi dared to use the nine kings as a shield to attack Yanding City. This time, he will let Xiao Yi have a good experience. What? Called "the way of others but also the body of others"!

Not only that, but there was some good news that he didn't expect ...

Conan, standing on the side, saw the coach in a good mood, and boldly said, "Master, the woman of the day, finally had a use, and did not save her life!" He said diligently, "Master is so wise!"

At first, in his opinion, such a weak woman could be killed with one shot or sent to the red account. I never expected that this woman would have such a usefulness!

Icarus casually placed the letter on the book case and said meaningfully: "If you accidentally lose the entire game! Sometimes a small humble chess piece will be crucial to the game. Important role ... "

Conan could seem to understand.

Ikaruo added: "... Xiao Yi hurriedly sent people out of the city a few days ago to **** a batch of important things to Yanding City. If I didn't expect it to be bad, it should be a group of Tieya, Conanli, I want You rob it! "

"Tieya ?! Tieya for the crossbow?" Konan blurted out in shock, his face was not very good-looking.

I don't know who actually designed such a terrible crossbow. It can be called a weapon that is invincible. If the entire South Xinjiang Army could be equipped with such a crossbow, they would lose the Nanliang Army.

However, the iron vector used by the crossbow requires a large amount of iron ore. The Southern Army can never be equipped with such a crossbowman on a large scale ...

Tieya is not only the advantage of the crossbow, but also the biggest weakness of the crossbow.

Conan calmed himself and asked respectfully, "Master, how did you know that these things were Tieya?" The secret letter from the spy also read, and the letter clearly did not mention a word about Tieya Thing.

Ikaruo smiled calmly, and said, "Xiao Yi led his troops to leave, but he left his Divine Arm Camp in Yanding City. What do you think? There is probably something missing ..." What is it? Naturally, it is the most missing Tieya of the God Arm Camp! "Unfortunately, Xiao Yi can never wait for these Tieya."

"Master, let's leave everything to the end!" Conan Limo said with a fist of his hands, his eyes splattered with bloodthirsty, almost impatient. They have been aggrieved for a while, and the Southern Army robbed them of two batches of forage, and killed many soldiers in Nanliang ... New hatred and old hatred should be counted together!

Ikaruo didn't say a word, got up and walked to the map on the wall, looked at the terrain near Yanding City, and his sight first fell on Yulan Mountain in the south of Yanding City ... This trail is the next key. Not available yet, so ...

His gaze shifted to the left, and he stopped on a swamp a dozen miles southwest of Yanding City, with a flash of decisive light in his eyes.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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