How can a little housekeeper have the courage to murder the Five Princes? What's more, such a precise layout is also impossible for a small housekeeper, and there must be some instructions behind it.

Who is the one?

Guan Yubai's eyes were drooping and thoughtful.

The three princes contributed to this rain, and once something happened to the five princes, he could not escape his guilt, and the queen was likely to be directly angry. Today, he has lost the favor of the emperor, and he is weak in the Central and Central Korea. Even without the five princes, he will not be able to rise to the ranks, and it will only make him foul.

The great prince is reckless. If he said that he was impulsive, it was quite possible that he bought the housekeeper and pushed the five princes down the steps. However, this matter is done in an extremely thorough manner, which is not like his style of business.


Is it the second prince Han Lingguan?

The second prince has always been good at hiding. He is not as reckless as the great prince, and he is not as cautious and meticulous as the third prince. Everything is prudent and meticulous, which is quite in line with his style.


A naive call interrupted Guan Yubai's thoughts. The voice came from the case near the window. A fluffy white baby chick leaped out of the bamboo basket. After waking up, it With a large yellow beak, he shouted pitifully ...

The slight sound immediately attracted several attentions, from Guanyubai and Xiaosi in the room to Xiaohui outside the room, all looking at the case.

Xiao gray fluttered his wings directly from the tree in the courtyard, stopped on the window sill, and peckingly fluffed under the wings for Xiao Hanyu.

Xiaosi looked at Xiaohui disgustedly, thinking about driving it away, and saw Guan Yubai walk towards the window, stretch out an index finger and pinch at Han Yu's neck, Han Yu immediately put his head together. past.

In the weekdays, most of them are taking care of it, but Han Yu is the closest to Guan Yubai. As soon as she feels the flavor of Guan Yubai, the cry of "啾啾 ——" becomes even more pitiful. A coquettish meaning.

Xiaosi went to the side and took a large celadon bowl and put it on the case table. Inside it was half a bowl of **** minced meat.

Guan Yubai picked up the diced meat with chopsticks, and seemed to feed Han Yu leisurely.

Little Gray tilted his neck, a pair of golden eagle eyes, staring at him coldly.

Han Yu was obviously hungry and ate quickly.

The official language looked at Han Yu softly, just like Han Yu. Today the five princes are just a fragile young eagle, attached to the eagle of the emperor. It's up to him if he can fly again.

If the five princes really couldn't escape the disaster, the situation in the capital would surely change again ...

After a while, half a bowl of diced meat had been eaten completely, and Guan Yubai wiped his hands with a white towel and returned to the book case.

If this is really what the second prince did, then he should try to frame the big prince and push the whole thing onto the big prince ...

Guan Yubai didn't have much interest in the contention for the reserve, but there are still some things that can't be out of control if he wants to live in South Xinjiang.

He quickly finished writing a letter on a piece of silk paper, carefully folded it and put it in a small bamboo tube, and said, "Little Four, send this letter for me. Let Bai Hui take a message ... Talking, Guan Yubai carefully explained the five princes' injuries and their current conditions.

The fourth responded, took out a grey pigeon from the dovecote, and carefully tied the bamboo tube to its leg.

He glanced at the grey hawk combing his feathers on the case, and took the opportunity to release the pigeons, so he went to Baihui ...

When Nan Gongxi heard Bai Hui's message, the whole person was still, her hands trembled, and a freshly picked up mask fell into a pot full of medicinal herbs, and the hot medicinal solution splashed When she got up, she left mottled medicine stains on her purple skirt.

"... The son-in-law said that the son-in-law gave you the life-saving pills left by His Highness, and His Highness Five had no worries for the time being."

After Bai Hui had spoken, seeing that Nangong Jiu did not move for a long time, she picked up another pair of long chopsticks by herself and clamped the mask that had just fallen. She put the dried medicine on the dripper aside.

Nangong turned back to God and sighed, "What else did the official son say?"

Bai Hui responded, "The son said that he had sent some people to pay attention to the movement of the capital. If there is any change in the condition of the fifth prince, he will come to inform you."

Nangong Yan nodded and didn't speak again.

She lowered her head to examine the mask carefully, stirred the pot of juice again, and after confirming the heat, said, "Thrush, bring this pot of medicine to the front yard."

A large number of medicinal materials have not been delivered, but there are still medicinal materials reserves in Yanding City. The military came forward yesterday and recruited some doctors in Yanding City. Early this morning, the doctors came with their apprentices. Most of these apprentices were orphans in the city. Although the doctor asked some orphans to be apprentices, they were proposed by Nangong Yu. The apprentices are not only doctors, but also some craftsmen, such as blacksmiths, carpenters, weavers, embroiders and so on ... so that some orphans in the city can count on them.

Of course, such admission is voluntary.

Although craftsmen want the inheritance of craftsmanship, orphans need a craftsmanship to make a living.

Now, these doctors and apprentices who have been urgently recruited as military doctors have helped the Southern Xinjiang Army a lot.

This pot of medicinal sauce was prepared by Nangong Li himself. Today, let them help soak and dry the masks to let these doctors adapt.

Thrush rushed to do it, Bai Hui handed her a wet cloth to wipe her hands, and said, "Sir concubine, would you like to take a break?"

"No," Nangong shook his head, "finish things early so as not to miss important events in the military ..."

The batch of pills sent from Luo Yuecheng was put into the warehouse after being counted yesterday. This is the third batch. The previous two batches were sent to Yanding City only after they were inspected by Nangong Yan. Now, this batch, naturally It also needs her to be tested before she can distribute it.

Nangong Yan took Bai Hui on his way to the Treasury, and still remembered the five princes.

The life-saving pills she left can indeed protect the heart and veins at an emergency, but this does not mean that the disease can be cured, especially because the five princes were in critical condition due to the head injury. It is useless to rely on the life-saving pills alone.

When I first saw the little prince, after escaping from a life and death catastrophe, he grew up slowly. Nangong Yu looked in his eyes, and he was still very relieved, but now ... Is this a destiny?

Nangong Yu is in a very low mood. She is now far in southern Xinjiang, and she has more than enough power.

The fifth prince's condition is mostly dominated by silver needles, supplemented by decoction, but the acupuncture points on the head are very important. There can be no slightest mistake, even if he got his case, before he saw his condition with his own eyes, It is difficult for Nangong Yu to make a diagnosis and treatment plan.

"Shi Zifei." Bai Hui called out, "The storeroom has arrived."

Nangong fixed his mind, this batch of drugs is very important, there must be no mistake at all.

The moment she entered the storeroom, she was fully absorbed.

In one afternoon, Nangong Yu checked all the medicines one by one, and then asked Bai Hui to destroy one of the small boxes.

On that day, Guan Yubai ordered the medicine to be distributed.

Xiao Yi, the son of a child, led a 20,000-person expedition. Today, Yanding City has three battalions of Peregrine Falcon, Xian Deng and Xuanfeng as defense. There are 5,000 men in the three battalions. Once the enemy forces have a large-scale change, they will be able to escape them.

The garrison in Yanding City, including the Divine Arm Camp, also had 5,000 people.

A total of 10,000 garrisons will not have any problems in the face of small-scale raids by the enemy. Even if the enemy forces invade, it will take at least one day and one night to march from Dengli City to Yanding City. There are three battalion patrol guards They will be found before approaching the boundary of Yanding City. Yan Dingcheng can also enter martial law immediately, as long as he stays for two or three days, Xiao Yi, the son of the world, can promptly return the army.

Therefore, Yanding City must be worry-free.

It was mid-November, which was the most prosperous season of Qianmanlan. More pollen drifted along the Yanlai River Basin. The impact on the three battalions stationed outside was very great. Therefore, whenever medicine came, the three battalions were always given priority. . This time is no exception, with Guan Yubai in charge, all the medicines were delivered to the Third Battalion.

There is no longer any need to be conquered by "adversity to water and soil," and the soldiers of the Three Battalions naturally cheered.

Nangong Yu who had completed this important event was also relieved. The next day, she began to teach doctors in the city to cook the medicine juice. Two days later, Luo Yuecheng sent a large number of medicinal materials, and the doctors were all on board. Hand, soon, a mask soaked in medicinal juice was aired ...

Time is passing fast in a busy day. On the night of this day, outside the city of Yanding and northeast of Yulan Mountain, hundreds of Nanliang soldiers quietly set foot on the night and walked around a mountain trail. Then came the middle and upper reaches of the Yanlai River.

At this moment, the sky is bright, and the sky looks gray and blue. Only the eastern half shines with the golden light ...

"Captain of the thousand," a few quick spies returned to their lives after exploring the road. "Small people have already searched all around Fangyuan, and haven't seen anyone in the Southern Army."

The team was led by a lean middle-aged centurion. He heard that he was slightly relieved, and it appeared that their whereabouts had not been revealed.

The lesson of Vice Admiral Conan Li's entire car in the swamp area is still in sight. The chief fear of the thousand captain is to repeat the same mistake-and also hit the ambush of the Southern Army.

They can't go wrong anymore!

"Hurry up and act!"

With the order of the captain, hundreds of elite soldiers acted, relieved the burden behind them, and scattered the powder in the burden towards the river ...

The milky powder was like a snowy goose feather, falling down with the icy wind, and finally fell into the clear river water, disappearing with the gurgling water flow, as if it had never existed ...

The corner of Qianfu's mouth twitched slightly, revealing a venomous smile.

Except for the wells in Yanding City, this Yanlai River is the only source of water within a few miles. According to previous news from Baulach, the battalions stationed outside the city basically sent people to the river around the time. Take water. It's halfway through the past, and the powder that is dropped will go downstream with the water, and then be taken away by the Southern Army, and they will only think that the powder in the water is the pollen of Qian Manlan ... The opportunity is fleeting, they must Hurry up!

At this time, a scout sent a hurried rush over, yelling with a fist: "Thousand captains, there are a dozen people from the Southern Army coming here ..."

The other party seemed to be coming early ... The Qianfu long frowned and made a gesture to signal his brothers to retreat hurriedly, while he took two parents behind him, making sure that there were no traces of powder left nearby, they The three climbed quickly to several large trees.

A short while later, it turned out that fifteen or sixty-six soldiers of the Southern Xinjiang Army came towards this side carrying a bucket, talking and smiling, seemingly unguarded.

The three Nanliang people hiding from the tree held their breath unconsciously, motionless.

The dozen soldiers of the Southern Army soon stopped by the river, but not far away, the captain of the Liangliang Qianliang hiding in the tree stared brightly, staring at them deadly, thinking in his heart: Get water fast !! Snap water!

Seeing that the soldiers leaned down to lift the water from the river with a water bucket, a sound came again not far away, and some soldiers of the Southern Army came over, some holding a bucket, some holding a water bag ... this The two groups were apparently acquaintances, ignoring the loading water, and greeted each other, seeing that the Nanliang Qianfu secretly liked the good news given by Bao Lahe, but also anxious.

Fortunately, the soldiers only said a few words casually, they each took water, and returned with the full bucket and water bag ...

It wasn't until their figures completely disappeared into the woods that the captain of the millennium and the two pro soldiers rolled sharply down the tree.

One of the dark-skinned soldiers couldn't conceal his excitement and said, "Captain Qian, it's not too early now, presumably the southern Xinjiang army has just got up. After a while, there will definitely be more people fetching water along the river, when ..."

With that said, the pro soldiers couldn't help but think of the end of the southern army, and their blood was boiling.

The captain of the millennium glanced towards Yulan Mountain and said, "Let's go, we will rush to meet the Five Kings!"

Counting the time, the 20,000 army led by the five kings should be able to arrive within an hour. By then, all the southern Xinjiang troops stationed outside the Yanding City had poisoned their hair, and their Nanliang army could drive straight into Yanding. Under the city.

Xiao Yi has taken most of the troops of Yanding City, and then removed these soldiers stationed outside the city. The South Xinjiang Army guards currently left in the city are only 4,000 or 5,000, and they are in line with their 20,000 Nanliang army. Than, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a egg.

Xiao Yiyuan is in Yongjia City, even if he receives help and rushes back, it is too late!

Not to mention they have an important **** ...

With "it", let alone a day, I am afraid that you can break the city in half a day!

Yan Dingcheng will return to their Nanliang hands again!

The captain of the thousand was more and more excited, and couldn't help but glance in the direction of Yanding City ...

At this moment, people are starting to travel on the streets of Yanding City, and a new day has begun.

The main entrance of the guarding government was wide open. Sun Xinyi and Yayi Caiwei were greeted with a smile by a woman in Tsing Yi and led the master and servant to the second gate. I saw a green caravan stopped there. The child was on the side, and after he was busy, he put a few baskets on the carriage.

The leading Tsing Yi mother-in-law said politely, "Grandma, wait a minute, Shizi and Han will be here soon."

Sun Xinyi looked up and looked forward, and they saw Nangong Yu and Han Qixia walking towards this side together, and they both talked and laughed.

Sun Xinyi's gaze paused on Han Qixia's body, and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes.

She didn't think about inviting Han Qixia at first, but that day, just when she left Hanbei, she met Han Qixia, and suddenly she flashed.

Originally, this incident had nothing to do with Han Qixia. Nanliang people wanted to target the concubine, but the existence of Han Qixia was too troublesome for herself.

As long as there is no Han Qixia, she and Fu Yunhe have a chance!

Thinking of the scenes these days, Sun Xinyi gritted his teeth, and there was a flash of bruises in his eyes. It's strange that Han Qixia had to oppose herself, so don't blame her for killing with a knife! ... All this is what she forced herself!

Sun Xinyi thought so, but her face showed a gentle and gentle smile, and she stepped forward a few steps, and saluted the two with a smile: "I have seen the concubine, girl Han."

After seeing the ceremony, the three got on the green caravan in turn. After a short while, the carriage slowly drove out of Fangbeifu, and along Dong'an Avenue all the way to the front gate ...

In the carriage, Sun Xinyi was sitting opposite Nangong Yu, looking at the carriage without any trace. From the outside, this carriage is so ordinary, but you know that it is specially designed. The carriage is more spacious and comfortable than the surface, even if you have three masters and two maids. Doesn't look crowded.

Moreover, the various arrangements from curtains, carpets to box benches, etc. are very elegant, low-key but not luxurious, and even this carriage is much smoother than an ordinary carriage.

Sun Xinyi can be sure that even when his father Sun Shoubei was alive, the carriage of his grandmother and granddaughter was not comparable to this one ...

Ever since Nangongyu came to Yanding City, he has always been simple and low-key in acting for people. Even Sun Xinyi knew that the other party's status was far higher than himself, and he didn't feel the huge gap. Only at this moment did he glimpse one of them.

The other party is Shi Zifei. No matter in status, status, or food or clothing, she is different from herself ... whether it is past or present.

Sun Xinyi half-closed his eyes, covering the different colors in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Sir concubine, girl Han, I made some snacks myself this morning, and invited two to taste."

While she was talking, Yamei Caiwei had opened the food container, and I saw a few dishes of date mud yam cake in the mahogany food container.

In the carriage, the girls laughed and laughed; outside the carriage, the street was empty, and only a few pedestrians passed by occasionally. A middle-aged driver with a blue batter raised his whip and started to scream from time to time: "Drive--"

"Da da da……"

Shou Bei Fu is not far from the city gate. Soon, the carriage came to Shunde Street, which leads directly to the city gate. There was a sudden noise all around, just listening to the rapid pace of footsteps from outside. Several people ran as they ran. :

"Nanliang Army is here!"

"Nanliang Army soldiers came down!"


The coachman slowed the horse, and asked a little at a loss: "Girl Baihui ..."

"Brother Yang, stop by first."

Bai Hui glanced at Nangong and instructed the driver.

The carriage slowly stopped at the side of the road, and Nangong Yan raised a corner of the curtain and looked out, only to see that Shunde Street outside had become a mess of porridge.

"Treading ..."

A team of soldiers of the South Xinjiang Army rushed to the city gate from all directions under the leadership of the soldiers, and then swelled on the bench on the wall. Soon, the wall was full of soldiers, or held up. Even crossbows, or pulling out long swords, or setting up feather arrows ... one by one are ready to go, just looking at their back from below, I feel a strong sense of crisis.

At the same time, thousands of soldiers of the Southern Xinjiang Army were pouring in like tides, crowded and crowded.

Sun Xinyi opened the curtains on the other side of the carriage and looked out at the city wall. Then his eyes slowly moved down, and he looked at the people who were disturbed nearby, his eyes flashed, and his eyes became firmer for a moment.

"Did the Nanliang people really come?" Not far away, a young man in his twenties said uneasily.

"That's still false." A middle-aged big frown beside him said, "Since our Yanding City was recaptured, when have you seen the South Xinjiang Army so alert?" Even the last time Nanliang They sent envoys, which meant sending hundreds of soldiers.

"But, is n’t Shizi going to lead soldiers to attack the city of Dengli?" The young man became more nervous, and Trill couldn't hide in his voice. "Why is this Nanliang man here again! Isn't Shizi he ... "

"Don't talk nonsense!" A middle-aged man in his forties approached the young man and interrupted him in a cold voice. "The grandfather of the world is wise and savvy, he will definitely defeat the Nanliang people!" Then, the middle-aged man was cruel Clenched his fist fiercely, biting the back molars, "Nanliang people killed my children and grandchildren, this revenge is not reported, I am not a man!"

"That's right!" An old man with white hair also echoed, "Even if he died, let a Nanliang person bury my old man for me!" Then, he had drawn out a hatchet from the waist, a pair of muddy In his old eyes, I shot the light of hatred.

Seeing that the people were all angry and indignant, Sun Xinyi's eyes flashed a mockery, and he said: It's really beyond control.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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