Early the next morning, the rising sun rose in the eastern sky, illuminating the entire city of Luo Yue.

The people in the city went out one after another, to go to work, to go to the street, to go out of the city ... but don't want to, overnight, Luo Yue City, which was still beaming yesterday, seemed to have changed the sky.

First, the gates of the city were blocked and no entry was allowed.

Then there were teams of royal guards and soldiers running around, searching from house to house.

In particular, those inns and restaurants are the focus of the search. It is like the Yunlai Inn near the city gate, which ushered in a team of royal guards early in the morning.

The guards seemed to come from a gust of wind, and they searched every room in the inn vigorously. All the guests who came to Luo Yue City for the first time repeatedly interrogated, checked their directions, and then came to the first floor in a mighty manner. The lobby.

The shopkeeper was accompanied by the guard from the beginning to the end and said with a smile to the head of the guard: "Head Guard Wang, you can rest assured! There are absolutely no suspicious people here! Most of the small shops are frequent customers and occasionally strangers Come to stay at the store, the small also carefully checked the crossing. "

The face-guarded Wang Weiwei still looked dignified, and commanded: "Treasurer, during this time, you have to tell the younger members to pay attention, in case of suspicious people, especially looking suspiciously like us. People, you must send someone to sue the palace immediately! "

The shopkeeper naturally reconciled, and then carefully asked: "Captain Wang, don't know what happened? Look at the city gates today!" Even if there was Nanliang in Luo Yue City before, The spies appear, that is, the city gates are rigorously interrogated, so as not to block the city gates. Could it be said that things are more serious?

Thinking, the shopkeeper's heart was a little embarrassed.

Xiao Er, who was on the side, couldn't help but interjected: "I heard that even today, the gates of the palace are closed ..."

Not only the shopkeeper and Xiao Er were curious, but those who were drinking tea and breakfast in the lobby were also puzzled, and all of them raised their ears.

After watching the circle of the lobby, Wang Weiwei said roughly: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, there is another Nanliang detective in Luo Yue City ..."

"What ?!" the shopkeeper took a breath and blurted out, "But wasn't Nanliang defeated?"

"That's it!" Chief Wang Weiwei said angrily, "Those Nanliang people on the battlefield can't beat us with a knife and a gun. We actually sent spies into the city, poisoning Shizi concubine secretly and killing Shizi. Concubine cannot be seriously ill now, and her life is in danger ... "

Suddenly, a series of exhausting sounds rang out in the lobby. An old man with white hair and beard patted the table and cursed: "The abominable Nanliang people have used such a sinister trick!"

"Hundred-footed insects are not dead!" Another middle-aged scholar wearing a green robe filled with indignation, "The Nanliang people must be unwilling to defeat the North, and hate the grandfather of the world before they poison the concubine! Damn hate! "

"The princes of the world have their own heavens, and they will certainly not let the Nanliang thieves succeed!" Said another big-handed man in a righteous manner.

"Yes! ..."

There was a tumult and an argument in the inn, and the people were all angry.

Similar scenes didn't just happen at the Yunlai Inn. After just one morning, they have spread to almost every corner of Luo Yue City ... It also includes a small tea shop on the roadside in the west of the city. Discussing them, one by one is filled with indignation.

In the corner of the tea shop, a girl in a blue dress drank half of her face and drank tea, her face was half bright and half dark in the shadow of the tea shed.

If Xiao Ni is here, she can recognize at a glance that she is intimidating her "Gu girl" with medicine.

Gu Gu seems to be using tea indifferently, in fact, she is paying attention to the conversation around her.

She didn't feel right early in the morning. It was clear that Xiao Yi had a big victory yesterday. In just one night, the entire Luo Yuecheng had no trace of joy. Instead, it was full of wind and rain, and it was quite a stormy wind.

Teahouses and restaurants have always been the easiest places to hear about the wind. She has been sitting here for almost an hour and she has heard a lot.


How could Nangong Su suddenly be bedridden? !!

Gu girl face sinks like water.

Nangong's death from poisoning was not good for their Baiyue, but it would affect the current cooperation with Xiao Yi. Therefore, the medicine in the ring incense will not make Nangong Yan deadly, and the weight is light. I originally planned to wait patiently for the first half of the year, and slowly use the special ring incense when it is burning Eroding Nangong's body a little bit, damaging her internal organs, making her weak and weak ...

Xiao Yi is the son of the king of Zhennan, the next king of Zhennan. He shoulders the important task of succeeding the heir to the Zhennan palace. Imagine that if Nangong Yu slipped again and again, could Xiao Yi be as dedicated to her as ever?

What's more, Wuzi is one of Dayu's "seven outs."

Taking a step back, even if Xiao Yineng waited, could the Zhennan King tolerate the next concubine who could not give birth to his grandson?

So, Xiao Yi wants to keep his position as a son, so he must accept ... that is their chance of Baiyue!

It doesn't matter if Xiao Yi prevails for the time being, it is important in the future!

As long as the next king of Zhennan has the blood of their Baiyue, this southern Xinjiang ... No, this Dayu will be at your fingertips!

The plan of His Highness Six was originally meticulous, but I don't know why such an accident suddenly happened? !!

The only thing that can be fortunate is that the guards of Zhennan ’s royal palace searched “Nanliang detectives” around the city, but they did n’t know that the person they were looking for was male, female, or young. With their shields, Xiao Ni should not have been exposed ...

For today's plan, you must get in touch with Xiao Ni ... ask her situation before deciding what to do next.

Thinking of this, Girl Gu narrowed her eyes slightly.

After drinking her tea, if she stood up casually, said "checkout", left the two copper plates, and left alone.

Girl Gu was walking along the street, she was generous. Even if she met the guards of the royal palace all the way, it was just like ordinary people. She should avoid it, and she should continue to go forward ... This road went smoothly, no one was suspicious. she was.

Gu Gu's heart was more calm. She randomly found a painting and calligraphy shop and went in. After a scent of incense, when she came out from the inside, she had an extra scroll.

After walking a few more streets, she came to a three-story building, and the dark red plaque said: Huanxi Pavilion.

At this time, Huanxi Pavilion seemed aloof. Obviously, it was also affected by today's martial law in the city. Many girls in the mansion feared to cause trouble and should not go out today.

"This elder sister," said Girl Gu, smiling to a woman in Jade, with a smile. "I don't know if Mrs. Jiang is here? I want to ask Mrs. Jiang to do something."

This woman in Cuiyi was the second child of Huanxi Pavilion. She also recognized the girl Gu who had rescued Xiao Ni and diligently led the other person to the room behind him to see Mrs. Jiang.

After the two met, the girl Gu opened her door and saw the truth: "Mrs. Jiang, last time Xiao San asked me to find a painting for her, but I don't know where Xiao San lived. Xiao San said, if it was If you find that you can come to trouble Mrs. Jiang, you can help me, so I took the liberty to come. "

Mrs. Jiang froze for a while, thinking that maybe Xiao San did not tell Gu girl her identity. That is to say, just hand in a picture, but it is also easy to handle, and then laughed and responded.

So Gu girl handed the scroll in a long box of red lacquered wood to Madam Chiang ...

In less than an hour, this long red lacquered wood box, which should have been sent to the second room, arrived at Bixiao Hall.

Bai Hui and Tonger checked the painting and searched the long box, but did not see any tricks. In the end, Bai Hui put the back of the painting on the candlelight and roasted it.

She respectfully presented it to Xiao Yi.

After fire roasting, a line of brown text appeared on the back of the painting, and Yue Xiaoni met from time to time in Huanxi Pavilion.

The fish is hooked! Xiao Yi ticked his lips and said, "Go and bring Xiao Ni!"

Bai Hui went down, and soon invited Xiao Ni, who had "rested" at Bixiaotang last night.

It was only one night that Xiao Ni had lost a lot of energy. The whole person was completely out of spirit, and now there was a thick shadow. Obviously, he did not sleep last night.

Xiao Yi threw the painting axis to her, "Next!"

Xiao Ni caught the scroll a little bit embarrassingly. Even if she saw the characters on the back of the painting, the handwriting was unfamiliar, but the three words "Huanxi Pavilion" firmly attracted her eyes. Could it be that……

Xiao Ni narrowed his eyes, looked up at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's cold eyes were looking at her. When the two of them met, Xiao Yi said coldly, "Xiao Ni, do you know what to do ..."

Xiao Ni only felt that the other party's eyes were like swords, sharp and cold. She couldn't help shaking, her face was whiter, almost white.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm down her mind and slowly said, "Big brother, please tell me, what should I do ..."

After a cup of tea, Xiao Ni came out, and Sang Rou, who was behind her, keenly noticed that her girl's body was shaking constantly, and she was worried and said, "Girl ..."

Xiao Ni raised her hand to interrupt Sang Rou, but softly said firmly, "Let me go and change clothes." She was still wearing the dress of yesterday, so she couldn't go out to see "the guest."

Sang Rou nodded.

Xiao Ni changed her younger sister-in-law to reflect her complexion, and asked Sang Rou to re-dress her meniscus and put on makeup.

After staring at himself in the bronze mirror for a long time, Xiao Ni resolutely went out and got into a green canopy carriage with Sang Rou.

Along the way, she was a little hesitant, a little absent-minded, and more so ...

Upon arriving at Wanxi Pavilion, a woman in green clothing immediately introduced the master and servant into the lobby.

Xiao Ni pretended to ask casually: "I'm here with Gu Gu, will she arrive?"

Lady Cuiyi shook her head and replied, "Mrs. Xiao San, early in the morning, Girl Gu came here, and met Mrs. Jiang, and then left. But please ask Mrs. Jiang to come over."

"No need," Xiao Ni said indifferently, and let the other person lead her to the seat she used to go to.

After the woman Cuiyi made tea, she retreated, leaving only Xiao Ni and her servants in the elegant seat.

None of them spoke, and there was nothing in the room. Xiao Ni didn't even have the thought of drinking tea, she just sat there straightly, watching the movement outside her ears ...

Time passed little by little, a cup of tea, a joss stick, half an hour, and it was almost time to see it, Gu Girl never appeared.

Suddenly a strange noise sounded, as if something hit the window, Xiao Niru woke up and widened her eyes.

Sang Rou hurriedly said, "Girl, slaves come and see."

Sang Rou quickly walked to the window and opened the window. The next instant, she saw a stone thrown in from the street. A naughty boy hurled a grimace at her and ran away.

Xiao Ni's gaze stared at the stone rolling on the floor, or a piece of silk paper wrapped around the stone.

She couldn't wait to get up, picked up the stone, and unrolled the crumpled silk paper. The silk paper had some familiar handwriting, just like the handwriting left on the painting.

Gu girl.

Xiao Ni crumpled the paper after reading it and said, "She will arrive an hour later ... Sang Rou, you can get me some porridge below."

Sang Rou froze and said, "Girl, you haven't eaten since last night, presumably you are hungry, slavery will go down."

Sangrou stepped downstairs. After her footsteps went away, Xiao Ni suddenly moved. Instead of sitting down, she walked to the door and opened the door with a "squeak".

She looked at the left and right corridors, and when she was sure that no one was there, she was out of the seat. She left Houxi Pavilion without telling Sang Rou and walked to Zuixiaolou.

Xiao Ni squeezed the paper ball in her hand, and on it was Gu's message, leaving herself to the place where they met on the fifteenth day of the first month, and had to arrive within half an hour.

Xiao Ni gritted his teeth and quickly walked away. Zui Xiaolou was at least eight miles from here. He didn't have much time ...

Xiao Ni walked forward as hard as he could, sweating, and finally arrived on Drunk Xiaolou on time.

But Xiao Er said she didn't know Gu Gu.

Xiao Ni could only go to the elegant seat on the second floor and waited ...

This class was another hour, and before it was known, the sky became yellow.

Xiao Ni lost her soul, and wondered if she should wait until the sky was completely dark, and she finally walked out of the drunk Xiaolou, thinking: Is it because she is one step late, so Gu Girl has left ... ...

As soon as she stepped out of the threshold, a little beggar slammed into it, taking her a step back.

"Girl, the little one didn't do it on purpose!" The little beggar bowed his head and apologized, and ran away, disappearing at the corner of the street in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Ni was still confused, Xiao Er came out kindly and reminded: "Girl, now many little beggars steal things by the time of hitting people, the girl is best to see if there is anything missing from her body?"

Xiao Ni subconsciously touched the purse hanging around her waist, and stared down with her eyes wide open. Instead, her things were not stolen, but there was one more thing in the belt—a folded note.

The note was still familiar with the handwriting, which led her to the Shanfeng Pavilion of Shanhua Temple. Shanhua Temple is a small temple just outside the street.

Although I don't know if Gu Gu is playing any tricks, but Xiao Ni has no choice but to hurry up.

It's dark now, and the Shanhua Temple is quiet. Xiao Ni enters the temple from the back door alone. There is no light or people in the black courtyard in the back yard. There is only the sound of the breeze blowing the trees ...

Xiao Ni pressed down the anxiety in her heart, and walked to the right according to the line drawn on the note. After a while, she saw an octagonal pavilion under an old banyan tree in front. There was a candle in the pavilion, the candlelight jumped, The pavilion was half-lit and half-dim, and there was a dim figure sitting in the pavilion.

Although she didn't see the other person's face clearly, Xiao Ni had already determined that it was her!

The pace at Xiao Ni's feet was delayed, and then he continued to move forward.

As she gradually approached, the description of the people in the pavilion became clearer. Girl Gu was sitting at the stone table in the pavilion, calmly playing with a ring, and greeted Xiao Ni when she saw it. "Girl, Xiao, please sit down."

Xiao Ni walked into the kiosk, didn't sit down, just stared at the other side, his eyes were dark and obscure.

Girl Gu didn't force her, narrowed her eyes, looked up at Xiao Ni with a sharp look, and straightened into one, and asked, "Mrs. Xiao, why do you martial suddenly in the city today?"

Xiao Ni clenched his fist subconsciously. If not for him, why would he be so!

Xiao Ni replied expressionlessly: "Yesterday, Aunt Su suddenly became seriously ill but was found to be caused by poisoning. When her elder brother came back, she was furious ..." Then, she suddenly took two steps forward and grabbed Gu girl's right wrist. , Excitedly raised his voice and asked, "Why is this ?! Don't you say that Huanxiang will not hurt Dasao's life?" The more she said, the more intense her emotions became, her eyes became red, and her strength became stronger and stronger. , Nails almost got into Gu's skin.

Gu Gu frowned, stood up sharply, and flung Xiao Ni away with a strong arm.

Xiao Ni was already weak and was thrown away by the other side. He stepped back two steps, his body was crooked, and he fell to the ground embarrassingly.

Gu Gu slightly raised her chin, looked down at Xiao Ni scornfully, and said coldly: "Girl Xiao, I'm here to meet you today, not to hear you complain!" She took a half step towards Xiao Ni, asking indifferently. "How is the situation in the palace now? ... Xiao Yi, does he doubt you?"

Xiao Ni pursed her lips, holding one hand on the hard ground, trying to get up, but suddenly her body was rigid.

The next moment, her breathing became heavy, her body curled up like a shrimp, pathetic like a kitten in the wind and rain.

Girl Gu looked at Xiao Ni frowning, and she was impatient, but she still had something to ask Xiao Ni.

"It's really troublesome."

Girl Gu took out a small porcelain bottle from the purse, then squatted down, opened the stopper, and planned to feed Xiao Ni.

But just when she pinched Xiao Ni's chin, she felt a burst of air coming from behind, like the sound of sharp arrows penetrating the air, causing the cold hair behind her neck to stand up instantly ...

As she was about to turn back, she felt a strong impact on her back, accompanied by a sharp sting ...

bad! She did it!

how come? !! She deliberately changed places and chose the pavilions here to make sure there was no ambush.


Her eyes glared at the boss, her blood color disappeared instantly, as pale as paper.

She stared at Xiao Ni fiercely, with a nasty hatred in her eyes.

Xiao Ni ... how dare she? !! How to hurry ...


Girl Gu fell heavily on the ground, and it seemed that even the dust on the ground flew up. It was obvious that she had a black iron rod on her back.

Xiao Ni's gaze passed through Gu Girl and looked to the rear. A few feet away, two men in black jumped lightly from two trees, one of them holding a crossbow, apparently Tieya just now Shot from him.

The two strode forward one after the other without expression.

This Tieya's arrow was coated with a special drug, and she was able to pass out instantly. And in order to prevent her from committing suicide after waking up, one of the men in black removed her chin neatly.

Xiao Ni slowly stood up and looked at the girl Gu who fell to the ground, finally relieved.

Gu Gu thought that her actions were secretive, but everything was expected by her brother.

Neither Huanxi Pavilion, Zuixiao Tower, or Shanhua Temple were ambushed. Only two dark guards followed themselves to ensure that the girl would take care of the girl ...

Everything is so easy and simple, and without much effort, Girl Gu fell into a trap.

In her eyes, Gu Gu is as cunning as a fox and venomous as a snake, like a mountain that makes her breathless, but in front of her brother, Gu Gu ’s unscrupulous tricks are nothing more than shocking trees, not worth it at all A mention.

Xiao Ni couldn't help but have a thought in her mind: If she chose to tell Dashang about this at first, would it be completely different now?

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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