In an ordinary inn in Huijiang Town, a dying old woman in Tsing Yi lies on the bed of a certain room.

The old woman seemed to be in her fifties, her face covered with yellow spots and wrinkles was paper-colored at the moment, and her mouth was stuffed with **** white gauze, looking at it was already out of breath and less air, as if at any time go with……

wanna die? !! How can it be so easy!

Nangong Yan smiled slightly, seemingly gentle, but revealing a hint of almost cold and bold.

She sat down on a little sister-in-law on the couch, cleaned her hands, and asked Bai Hui to take out the gauze from Lu Yi's mouth, and carefully observe the wound in her mouth.

At the same time, the head of the guard Wang Chaoyuan presented a box and was taken over by the thrush.

Wang Chaoyuan couldn't help but glanced back at his sister-in-law. There was a hint of uncertainty in his heart. Although I heard that the sister-in-law's skill is good, but his tongue is broken, can he really connect? This is too ridiculous, right?

On the side, Bai Hui is preparing to take out the fire candle, silver knife, silver needle, thread, and some bottles from the medicine box ...

Wang Chaoyuan wanted to see what was happening, but saw that the thrush blocked him, and asked for a smile.

Wang Chaoyuan smiled and had to exit the room and came to the corridor, and then "squeaked", the door was closed from the inside, leaving only Xiao Yi, Nangong and two girls.

"Boss," a moustache guard waiting in the hallway couldn't help coming up, asked in a low voice, "She can really speak?" Zi Zi's tone was inevitable.

He has heard the bones, heard tongue cutting, this tongue is really unheard of!

The moustache guard said so, this time several other guards who came to work with Wang Chaoyuan also looked at them, although they didn't speak, but their eyes were a little unsure.

Although they all know that Shi Zifei's medical skills are superb, but these tongues that have been bitten off, can they be taken back?

Doesn't it mean that even the cut off arms and thighs can be taken back?

If it weren't for the concubine in it, these young men with a strong temperament could not control their own voices one by one.

Wang Chaoyuan glanced at them lightly, his eyes paused on a dark-faced young man at the end, and said lightly: "Shi Zifei said that if you can connect, then you can do it, so much nonsense!"

In fact, Wang Chaoyuan's words have no confidence, but since Shi Ziye was shot by Shi Zifei, he must have confidence in Shi Zifei. Since Shi Ziyi believes in Shi Zifei, it must be done!

Now that Wang Chaoyuan said so, everyone else was still whispering, waiting outside silently ...

Quietly in the hallway, there was only the breathing of guards, and the occasional sound of walking in the room, mixed with the humming sound of Lu Yan's "wow".

The dark-skinned young man hiding in the corner was somber, staring nervously at the closed door, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

He was guarding Lu Lu yesterday, that is, she went to the hut. After a few breaths, he didn't hear the sound and felt wrong. When he rushed into the hut, he found that Lu Lu bit his tongue and committed suicide ... ...

The black-faced young man's fist was firmly held on the side of the body, the blue tendons on the back of the hand were raised, and there was only one thought in his heart: this tongue must be connected!

Otherwise, he is really shameless to face the world grandfather!

Of course, Wang Chaoyuan saw it, and sighed secretly in his heart: young people still need to experience!


I don't know how long, the door was opened from the inside, showing a small face with a round thrush, and said, "Okay, you can come in."

Does this tongue really catch up? !!

Everyone looked at each other, their faces were startled, and then they were hard to hide.

Wang Chaoyuan took the lead in returning to God with a smile on his face and quickly entered the room.

There was a faint **** smell in the room, mixed with a pungent medicine smell. On the bed, Lu Yan's mouth was still stuffed with **** white gauze. At first glance, the room seemed to be the same as before, but if you look closely, you will find that the silver knife and silver needle on the side of the small case are stained. Blood stained, only a small part of that line is left, and the box is empty ...

Nangong Nian was cleaning her hands in a copper basin, and her face could not conceal the tiredness. Obviously, although the treatment just took a while, it took her a lot of energy.

Xiao Yi diligently handed a white towel to her hands. She wiped her hands and said, "Captain Wang Huwei, in the next few days, I will let Bai Hui come to give her medicine, with a large amount of painkillers. , In a maximum of three days, she should be able to speak. "Be sure to see people these days!

The last word Nangong Yu didn't have an exit, but Wang Chaoyuan already knew it, his voice fisted loudly to lead his life.

This time, they will definitely take this Lu Yan! Never make a mistake again!

Following this, Nangong Yu and Xiao Yi left the inn with a couple of maids. They would return to Yucheng first, and Wang Chaoyuan and his party would wait for Lu Ye to stabilize before they went on the road, so that people would not accidentally die on the road, but not beautiful.

The dark-faced young man who followed Wang Weiwei blinked stupidly, and felt like a dream.

Is Lu Ye really okay? !!

Isn't he dreaming? !!

He strode forward to the couch, watching Lu Yan's sleepless breathing steady and messy, but in his eyes there was only the empty box. The truncated tongue in this box was still him. Put it in yourself.

For a moment, his eyes were a little moist, his hanging heart finally let go, and Changshu breathed a sigh of relief.

Princess Shi ... It's amazing!

A cool breeze blew into the room through the open window, bringing bursts of fragrance of spring flowers, blowing off the **** smell in the room, and spring light was flourishing.

On the other side of Dayu, the kings thousands of miles away are also immersed in the infinite spring. In March of the spring, the Yingying grass grows.

In the colorful garden of the Prince Gong's palace, next to a clear lake, a two-story water pavilion was built facing the lake. The rippling sparkling light was projected on the roof of the water pavilion, and the wall made the water pavilion and the The lake is perfectly soft together.

At this moment, there was a melodious and pleasant piano sound in the water pavilion, sad and sad, it seemed that a woman in a boudoir was talking to her heart ...

A breeze blew through, and the veil hanging on both sides of the water pavilion flew up. Vaguely, in the hall on the first floor, three women in pink dresses danced in music.

In addition to a few musicians and dancers, there are two young men in the Water Court sitting opposite each other over a pear flower case. The two men appear to be magnificent, but very different, one elegant and noble, the other handsome A bit exotic.

Each had a small wine glass in their hands, toasting and drinking together. Although the beauty is beautiful and the music is pleasant, the two have their own thoughts, and their attention is not on music and dance.

"My sister-in-law, what's wrong with your Wuhe cream, right?" Han Lingfu glanced at the exquisite small wine glass in his hand, and looked at Kui Lang with some anxiety. Wuhe Ointment was handed over to Tai Hospital, and someone went to try the medicine ... "

Han Ling subconsciously clenched the wine glass slightly, and finally came to this point. If this time he loses, the hard work in front of him will not be in vain!

"Brother Three Emperors, you can rest assured that there will be no problem." Kui Lang said confidently, and then drank the contents of the cup with his mouth, and said in his heart: The wine of Dayu is light, just like this song and dance In general, grievances are so boring!

Kui Lang's mouth made a tick, and his wolf-like fierceness appeared in his eyes, and he meaningfully continued: "Even if the Tai Hospital really tried something, the five emperor brothers could not 'run'."

Now I doubt it, it's too late to test it!

The future Prince of Dayu has been ruined!

Thinking of this, Kui Lang couldn't help feeling a little happy.

Daling ’s five princes Han Lingfan was already the future emperor. If he did not, Han Lingfan's succession in the future would be very beneficial to the stability of Dayu Jiangshan, but now everything is different ...

Han Lingfan is now a waste ...

Han Lingfu couldn't help but also laughed, and drank the rest of the drink in the glass, saying, "So, my king will be relieved!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, but their faces and hearts were at odds with each other.

Kui Lang glanced at Han Lingfu, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and the more chaotic Dayu was, the better it was for himself.

There is no father and son and no brother in the Tianjia family, he just watched the drama of the royal brothers of Dayu. In this way, his Baiyue can be a fisherman!

Excited, thinking of dressing, Kui Lang had a little worry.

Yeah, how can the royal family be related! Although the sixth emperor is his own mother and sixth brother, how can people not be selfish, and why people do not yearn for rights and status, will the sixth emperor always be towards himself?

If the Six Emperor Brothers really have a heart, will he take the opportunity to take his place instead.

With this in mind, Kui Lang's heart flickered, his eyes half-dark, blocking the different colors in his eyes.

The little encourager serving the side saw that their glasses were empty, and they poured the drinks again.

At this moment, the sound of the piano stopped, and there was only a whisper in the water pavilion, and then the music sounded again. This time, the piano sounded like a cascading waterfall. , Splashes of water.

Kui Lang took up the wine glass again, stared at the full wine, his eyes flashed, and said: "Brother Three Emperors, now that the battle between Nanjiang and Nanliang is over, Zhennan Royal Mansion must spare no effort to send hundreds of troops. The more you help me recover, "he said, looking up at Han Lingfu." Brother Three, Brother Huang, we must rely on Brother Three. "

In order to restore, in order to regain Baiyue, he has done everything he can, married the three princesses of Dayu, and hesitated to exchange half of the Baiyue Jiangshan in exchange, if it still ca n’t be done ... no, he will not fail!

Han Lingfu was also a smart man, his eyes flashed.

It can be heard from Kui Lang's tone that he is confident that Zhennan Wangfu will help him send troops. But Baiyue and Nanjiang have feuds! Where does Kurang come from? !! Couldn't Kui Lang have reached some sort of agreement with the father and son of Zhennan?

Kui Lang has stayed in the capital of the king, so it is self-evident who is going to negotiate with the father and son of Zhennan on behalf of him.

Han Lingfu knew it, but did not reveal it, but just reminded lightly: "Sister-in-law, if you want to reassure your father, you should also tighten up, and it is right for the king's three-huang sister to give birth to a baby as soon as possible."

Kui Lang looked slightly stiff, but still bowed his head: "Brother Three Emperors said yes."

Han Lingfu took hold of the glass and paused in the air. Kui Lang immediately realized that he was also holding the glass. The two looked at each other and laughed, both of them drank, their eyes seemed to be saying—

Happy cooperation!

After they put down their glasses, Lili was about to pour wine for the two again, so they heard a rush of footsteps from outside.

A little girl in a cyan dress ran over with her skirt panting, quickly stepping to her knees and saying: "Master, Bai Fangfei started early, I'm afraid she will be born!"

"Xiaoer is about to be born ?!" Han Lingfu suddenly stood up suddenly, bumped into the rose chair behind him, "clicked", and for a moment, the piano sound stopped abruptly, the dancers stopped, and there was silence in the water pavilion. silent.

Kui Lang stood up with interest and said, "Brother Three Emperors, since there is a happy event in the house, I will leave first."

Han Lingfu didn't leave him, and ordered Xiao Lizi to send Kui Lang, but he hurried to Bai Muxiao's yard.

When Han Lingfu rushed there, the courtyard was a mess. Mother-in-law's mothers and daughters rushed in and out. You can hear the painful screams of Bai Muxiao from the room and then one from the room. It seemed like a knife was poking hard at his heart ...

"Xiaoer!" Han Lingfu eagerly wanted to enter the house, but was stopped by a puppet.

"Master, the delivery room is an unclean place. You have a distinguished status, but you must not enter it. In the case of contaminated air and **** disaster, the slaves can't afford it."

Men are not allowed to enter the delivery room, which is indeed the truth from ancient times. Han Lingfu frowned, and the steps under her feet stopped outside the house a few feet, and instructed the uncle: "Take care of Bai Fangfei carefully and make sure she gives birth to a baby safely!"

Taiyi has consulted. Xiaoer's baby is a boy. His eldest son is finally going to be born ...

Thinking of this, Han Lingfu's eyes are both expectations and worries.

Seeing Han Lingfu listen to the persuasion, the uncle sighed a sigh of relief and responded in unison, she was afraid that she could not stop Wang Ye. The prince is distinguished. If she has to go into the delivery room, the princess knows it, and she will blame them as slaves ...

I hurried into the room.

Next, the mother-in-law's mothers and daughters went in and out, and a basin of clear hot water entered the delivery room. Instead, a basin of red blood was taken out again ...

Looking at the dazzling red in his eyes, and listening to Bai Muxiao's screams in his ears, Han Lingfu was so anxious that he walked back and forth in the yard outside the house ... I ca n’t wait to suffer for Bai Muxiao!

When Cui Yanyan came, she saw this scene.

Her eyes were dark, her hands were clenched into fists in her sleeves, her nails were deeply digged into her palms, but on the surface, she could only come forward casually, and kindly persuaded Han Ling to give some Bai Mu Xiaoji people. If there is a celestial face, he will definitely give Liner and other words for Han Lingfu ...

A few hours later, Wen Bo finally heard a slightly surprised voice in the delivery room: "I was born, I was born ..."

Immediately afterwards, the door was opened from the inside, Bichen exited the house happily, and bowed his knees to Han Lingfu and said, "Master Wang, he is a little boy."

"Master Wang, great!" Cui Yanyan said unhappyly.

Han Lingfu was ecstatic and was about to say "reward", but heard a hysterical cry in the delivery room:


Is something wrong with Xiaoer? Han Lingfu's original heart suddenly lifted, his face changed greatly. This time, he could no longer take care of anything else, and rushed into the delivery room without thinking.

"Master Wang!" Cui Yanyan hurriedly grabbed Han Lingfu's right wrist, trying to persuade him, but at this time Han Lingfu, who was in chaos at the moment, could not hear the outside voice. He did not see Cui Yanyan, and pushed her as soon as he pushed When it opened, she rushed straight into the room without even giving her a look.

Cui Yanyan whispered, and took a timid step, almost not falling, but the maid next to her hurriedly supported her.

"The princess of the county ..." The girl looked at Cui Yanyan anxiously, trembling.

The gloom in Cui Yanyan's eyes flashed away, and it was as poisonous as a poisonous snake lurking in a cave. Soon, she returned to normal, and lightly ordered the good doctor Li Congren, who was on standby: "Li Liangyi, Don't hurry in to show Bai Fangfei and Grandpa! "

"Yes, the queen of the county." Li Congrencheng responded in a frightened voice, and quickly hurried away.

Next, there were tumultuous noises in the delivery room, for a while, the salute of the people, and for a while, Han Lingfu's shocked questioning, and for a while the mother-in-law's apprehensive voice ...

Then, Han Ling stepped out of the house with a black face, and the appearance of the wolf was almost deserted, and the usual elegance disappeared ...

I heard that Bai Fangfei had a bad life. Although Lin Er was born, the child was disabled.

I heard that the child's hands and feet were twisted, and it looked like a monster ...

It is said that……

On that day, these rumors had spread to every corner of the county king's palace ...

By the next day, the whole king heard a rumor up and down. It is said that the white side concubine of King Gong County Palace was a demon girl and gave birth to a terrible freak. The rumor spread even ... The emperor also heard the news from the queen's mouth.

"Queen," the emperor frowned, looking at the queen and asked, "how could there be such a rumor?"

Regarding the matter of King Gong County, the queen actually didn't want to care about it, but it was spread to the whole king that everyone knew it. It really hurt the royal face and should be dealt with as soon as possible.

The queen replied: "The emperor, Chen Ye also felt strange. It is reasonable to say that if the white side concubine gave birth yesterday, the Prince Gong County should come to announce the good news ..." or Bai Muxiao's birth is a rumor, or I am afraid the child is real Some problems.

The emperor faced Shen Rushui and ordered Liu Gonggong to say: "Huairen, go to the palace of King Gong County in person and ask King Gong County's white concubine ..."

"Yes, emperor."

Liu Gonggong was ordered to leave.

The queen sighed quietly and said, "Hey, it should be a good thing to add to the royal family. Why did such a rumor suddenly come out?"

The emperor's complexion was even more ugly, revealing some obvious dissatisfaction.

The queen nodded and changed the subject with a wink: "The emperor, it's early in the morning, the Fu family cousin came to pay special respects to the court officials, and said the happy event of the elder brother." Fu family cousin in her mouth was right It is Madam Fu.

When the emperor heard it, he was distracted, and raised his eyebrows, and asked, "He Er's family affairs have been settled? Which girl did you choose?"

The queen hid her mouth and laughed: "The emperor, Chen Ye only realized today that He Geer looked like a child and was so opinionated. He was indeed the grandson of Aunt Yongyang. In that year, He Geer went south I told my aunt Yongyang before his marriage that he had to decide on his own marriage. Now that he really meets a girl she likes in Nanjiang, he writes to his aunt Yongyang. No, Fu Jiabei I plan to leave Wangdu in two days and rush to Nanjiang to propose to He Geer ... "

Then, the queen could not help thinking of Madam Fu's tangled expression. She was both happy for her son Fu Yunhe to be married and helpless for her stubbornness. She could only complain that her children were in debt.

The emperor heard it, only found it interesting, and gave a hearty laugh, saying: "I don't know what kind of girl can get into the eyes of He Geer. Although He Geer is naughty, he has been smart and has a good vision since he was young. That girl must be a good one, too. "

The queen followed the words of the emperor: "The emperor said yes. Brother He is not too young, and this family relationship should not be dragged on for a long time. Presumably, the emperor and his wife will soon see the bride."

Immediately after the words fell, Xueqin quickly walked into the temple, bowed her knees and saluted, and said, "The emperor, the queen mother, and Taiyi Wu."

The empresses were all in the same look.

Wu Tai Medical Wuhe Ointment has been testing for almost 20 days. This is the result! ?

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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