When it came out from listening to Yuge, it was already Shen Shi.

Upon learning that King Zhennan had returned to the palace, Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan went straight to the palace.

Nan Gongxi took the initiative to hold his hand, Wen said, "Ai, we are not in a hurry."

Xiao Yi looked at her side by side, gentle and weary, and of course said, "Just! We still have a daughter, how can it be a three-year delay!"

Nangong Yan's face flushed, and he couldn't help but glance at him.

Regarding the disposal of Fangjia Sanfang and Xiao Fangshi, Guan Yubai mentioned a problem-name. Xiao Fang is now the wife of Zhennan King, the mother of Xiao Yi. Once she has something that is both good and bad, Xiao Yi and Nangong will inevitably need to "hold filial piety for the mother" for three years.

Therefore, only by letting Xiao Fangshi lose this "reputation" can they act without fear.

Xiao Yi knew that Zhennan King had a good face and would not want to divorce his wife, so he had to push one ...

Xiao Yi's fingers rubbed in her palm, and Nangong's earlobe turned red again, pretending to be casual: "Ai, we have a good chance on our hands."

The share left by the old lord, a wealthy country!

The two looked at each other and smiled, Xiao Yi had already returned, and this matter should have ended early.

After arriving at Wang's study, the bellflower immediately went in to report and soon welcomed them in.

"Please give my father the king." The young couple saluted King Zhennan together.

The king of Zhennan was obviously in a good mood, so they sat down and followed his beard and said, "Just come back. How about Shi Zifei's body?"

"Thank you, Father, for your concern. Daughter-in-law is already very good."

King Zhennan nodded slightly and said, "My King thought about it. After your second brother gets married, let the second and third bedrooms be separated ..."

Since learning that niece Xiao Ni has secretly poisoned the world's concubine, King Zhennan's heart is both angry and chilling. He originally thought that the second and third bedrooms were the blood of the father, his family, and living in the palace is nothing. The place is big, and they can afford to raise such people. I didn't expect it to be well-known as the saying goes, Dou Mi En Sheng Mi Chou, some people just have unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

The King of Zhennan thought, there are too many people in this palace! With more people, more thoughts!

It's better to go out separately.

Xiao Yi and Nan Gongxi quickly exchanged a look, but did not expect that King Zhennan would suddenly propose a separation.

Father Wang finally made a comeback. Xiao Yi thought, while echoing: "The father is the master."

Seeing this unreasonable obedience, the king of Zhennan had a feeling of old comfort, and said, "Sir concubine, speaking, your second brother's marriage is settled, but your sisters have not yet landed. You also help Take a look. "The girls in the second and third bedrooms have their own parents. Naturally, they don't need to worry about Nangongyu. Zhennan Wang said that his three daughters Xiao Yue, Xiao Rongxuan and Xiao Rongying.

Nangong Yu should have agreed. As the eldest daughter of Wang Fu, Xiao Yu's marriage had to be prepared for at least a year or two, and it should have looked early.

In addition, there is Xiao Luan's marriage.

Originally as the sister-in-law of the royal palace, there will be corresponding rules for big weddings, as long as they follow the rules, there will be no mistakes.

However, the roots of Zhennan's palace are too shallow. In addition, except for Zhennan's wedding, more than ten years ago, Zhennan's palace has no more children. Therefore, the so-called statutes are almost blank here, all of which need her to arrange one by one. Originally, Nangong's time was still abundant, but he was too late for this serious illness.

So Nangong said, "Father Wang, the second brother is about to get married, and his daughter-in-law wants to ask the father to allow Wei Fangfei to help him."

Zhennan King nodded and said, "You directly ordered Wei Fangfei. After listening to the old lady of the Lin family, you need to rest for at least half a year, and don't worry too much recently."

Nangong Yufu said: "Thank you father."

Xiao Yi interfaced at this time, and said with a bit of annoyance: "Speaking of the second brother's marriage ... Father Wang, those account books brought from his mother, the son has ordered the account rooms to be taken care of, and he will move later Come and show your father. "

In fact, King Zhennan also planned to ask about the books in a few days. After all, Xiao Luan was about to get married, and he had some properties in hand, and he could give him a long face in front of the Yue family.

After listening to Xiao Yi's initiative, King Zhennan naturally sounded good, ignored his black face, and nodded, "It's time for your grandfather to leave your brother's inheritance a little earlier. For the father also I think your grandfather's proposal was good before. As a son, you should share more fields and villages. As for the shop and cash, I will share it with your second brother. "

Between words, there was a messy footsteps outside, followed by a long follow-up obituary, saying that the account book sent by the father of the world arrived.

Soon after, Thrush brought several women to carry the heavy books into the large boxes, and after the women went out, there were three fathers and sons and several servant girls in the study.

"Father, the books are here." Nangong Gong respectfully blessed him again. "What the father said just now is that this shop and cash should be given to the second brother, but ..."

Speaking, she narrowed her eyebrows, and said in a dilemma: "This account book counts a total of 2.3 million silver in the year, but ..." She hesitated, and at last she was in a spirited manner. He said, "But our mother only gave us thirty-one thousand silver tickets, which is two million dollars less ..."

"Two million two ?!" Zhennan Wang blurted out in shock.

Even if Zhennan Wang thought that there might be more or less problems in these books, tens of thousands of tens of thousands, for the sake of home and all things, just confusing the past, no matter how much he took out of his own pocket, anyway, it is not bad That little silver, but also never expected that the difference turned out to be such a huge sum of numbers.

Two million two!

This is how many years of military service of the Southern Army!

Thinking, Zhennan King's face suddenly gloomy. ,

As if worried about angering King Nan, he said carefully, "Father King, what your daughter-in-law said is true."

With a look in her eyes, Bai Hui immediately opened one of the boxes, took out a few books and handed them to Nan Gongyu.

Nan Gongxi picked up a book, turned it over, stopped at a certain page, and presented Bai Hui to Zhennan King, and then said, "Father Wang, this is the account book of a tea shop in Chengdong for nearly five years. According to the books, the tea shop's annual profit is five or six thousand silver ... Roughly calculated, this tea shop has made nearly 40 thousand silver in just five years. "

Nan Gongyu counted the tea shop's earnings over the past five years, deliberately frowned, and glanced at the account books of the remaining large boxes, letting Zhennan King imagine it.

There are dozens of old lords just left the shop, and there are a lot of fields and Zhuangzi ...

Xiao Yi drank tea aside, using a tea cup to conceal the smile on the corner of his mouth. He liked to look at his stinky girl so spiritually and with a bit of slyness, just like that year ...

Xiao Yi accidentally ran away.

"Father King," looking at the king of the south facing the water, Nan Gongxi respectfully and thoughtfully said, "The daughter-in-law understands that these years the mother has to take charge of the king's palace, and also has to worry about managing these accounts. Juniors really shouldn't bother with their mothers. It's just that the two million dollars and two silvers cannot be taken out by Bixiaotang ... "

King Zhennan quickly flipped through his account book and picked up the second and third books ... his face became increasingly ugly.

"I don't know if my father can be more graceful or give the second brother to the fields and Zhuangzi, and then Shizi will have these" cash "?"

Nan Gongxi said this kindly and respectfully, but with a hint of helplessness, he heard the blue muscles of Zhennan King's forehead beating, and suddenly he understood!

It turned out that Xiao Fang played such a "good idea".

Split production and production, if Xiao Yi asked Xiao Luan to take cash, he would simply take out two million yuan of silver to Xiao Luan, but if Xiao Yi could not get two million yuan, he would have to eat this dumb loss and retire And secondly, give up all the fields and Zhuangzi to Xiao Luan!

Xiao Yi ’s inverse son has always been incompatible with himself, and because of his stink-smelling temper, maybe he will come to quarrel with himself for this, and then when he is angry, he may help Xiao Luan All the properties left by his father were taken from Xiao Yi's hands ...

No wonder when it comes to industry, Xiao Yi ’s stinky kid ’s face is so dark, obviously it ’s a bit unpleasant, that is, Shi Zifei has a good temper and can hold him down, otherwise, would n’t Xiao Fangshi be accounted for? !! And hasn't he become a mallet in Xiao Fang's hand? !!

The abominable Xiao Fang even counted him!

Zhennan Wang grew more and more annoyed, Huo Di stood up, holding the account book, and picked the curtains to go outside the house. Even Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan in the study couldn't care less.

In the study, only the crisp sound of the beaded chain curtains colliding with each other ...

Xiao Yi diligently poured tea for Nangong Yu, and offered the tea himself, blinking with a smile, as if to say, my son-in-law is really capable!

Nangong Yuan took the tea cup, and his mouth was raised higher.

Since Xiao Fangshi likes to make fake accounts so much, she also uses her own way to give back her body, let her taste what it is to lift a stone and hit her own feet!

The books piled in this study are a new set of books carefully recreated by Xiao Fang from those fake accounts given by Xiao Fangshi, but it took several months.

According to those fake accounts originally given by Xiao Fangshi, so many shops and villages earn money every year that can only sustain the income and expenditures, and even some shops have a loss ... In the past ten years, these industries left by the old king All of them have earned more than one hundred thousand two hundred, plus the silver ticket left by the old grandfather that year, worth three hundred thousand two hundred. Where did those real profits go, you can imagine!

The intercepted silver was obviously in the hands of Xiao Fangshi, but she apparently wanted to make the illusion that Xiao Luan's obtained industry was far worse than Xiao Yi's. If it was opened by the clan elders, maybe it would be Forced Xiao Yi to divide the village ...

If it's just industry, Nangong Chen doesn't really care, she knows Xiao Yi certainly doesn't care. Xiao Luan in this life wasn't raised too badly by Xiao Fang's family. If he later split up in the palace, he would give him more industry and silver, and Nangong Xi would have nothing to say.

However, these things are left to Xiao Yi by the old man. It is the old man's love for his grandchildren. It must be clearly understood that Xiao Fang's must not be confused.

Therefore, Nangong Yu ordered the Shenzhangfang to make a set of "beautiful" books, exaggerating the amount of money that the shop earns every year by more than ten times. Therefore, the earnings of so many industries for more than ten years have become more than two million Big money for two.

I hope that this "heavy gift" Xiao Fangshi has a happy time.

Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan used tea leisurely in the study.

The king of Zhennan came aggressively to the main court of the palace. The mother-in-law of the yard did not dare to stop him. The girl rushed to find Xiao Fang's obituary, and she seemed happy and worried.

I was pleased that Lord Wang had finally come to see his wife, but I was so angry that I was afraid that the visitor was not good!

Before waiting for Xiao Fang to dress up, King Zhennan had stepped into the hall and asked, "Where's Madam?"

"Husband ... madam ..."

A little girl stammered and replied, between words, Xiao Fang's stepped out quickly, hurriedly saluting the king of Zhennan.

Only after her knees flexed a little, she heard the king of Zhennan snap out, "You are so brave! How dare you make a fake account!"

As he said, he threw the account book on Xiao Fang's skirt, and "snapped" the book slipped to the ground ...

In the past, how much the King Zhennan believed in this successor, how disappointed he is now.

When she thought of her father's inheritance in her hands for more than ten years, she dared to hide from him, and the thorn in his heart stung again. Why did she hide him, not just for silver!

His wife has such a big appetite!

Looking at the extremely disappointed eyes of Zhennan Wang, Xiao Fang was very anxious.

Xiao Fangshi glanced at the books that slipped to the ground, and knew at a glance that this was one of those books, and his eyes flashed.

I heard that Xiao Yi's stink boy and Nangong Yan just returned to the palace today. It seems that they ran to the king of Zhennan to sue!

"Master Wang!" Xiao Fangshi gritted his teeth, fell on his knees, and shouted injustice, "You are injustice! These accounts are true!" Her books are perfectly seamless, and there is nothing wrong with it!

To this day, she still repents! Zhennan Wang Meiyu was locked up, and even disappointed in his eyes, only bored.

"Master Wang ..." Xiao Fang took a few steps on his knees, his eyes flushed, and a thin layer of water mist appeared in his eyes. "I knew that Ai Yi and Shi Zifei had always disliked her body, and her stepmother couldn't do it. I can only swallow my own suffering. I have been in charge of these shops for so many years, and have been working hard, not seeking merit, but seeking nothing ... "

Speaking, she pretended to hold one of the squares to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and continued disappointedly: "How can Ayi and Shizifei be able to say nothing, and rebuked her for a false account? The stepmother is also a mother ... Looking at him, Ai would be so filial, it must have been instigated by the concubine behind that generation! "

These few words of Xiao Fangshi seem to put the responsibility on Nangong Yu, but they also covered Xiao Yi with the crime of filial piety!

If this is the past, the King of Zhennan may have to believe again, but this time is different.

He was not obedient to this lady for a long time, and the words of the other party seemed to be full of holes. Unfilial, she casually convicted Shizi of filial piety. Does she still want to give Xiaoluan the incompetent kid?

How can a man on the battlefield, in front of the soldiers, yelling no more on the battlefield, can afford the position of King Zhennan.

King Zhennan closed his eyes and said coldly, "Do you say those books are true?"

Xiao Fang thought that the Zhennan king had believed, and he quickly raised his right hand and cursed and vowed: "Wang Ye, the body swears that the books are true. Otherwise, the body is willing to be topped by the Five Thunders!"

She swears a poisonous oath casually, hoping to make her words more credible, but she doesn't know that it only ruined the last trace of pity in the heart of Zhennan King ...

The king of Zhennan stared at Xiao Fangshi with his eyes cold, and his ice was about to form ice dregs:

"Okay! Since the books are all real, the king will let them move them all later. Madam, you will hand over all the less than two million and two silvers as recorded in these books!"

After that, King Zhennan never wanted to ignore Xiao Fang's again, and strode away!

Two million two silver? !! Xiao Fang was a little confused for a moment, what two million two? !!

Mingmou didn't know what was going on. He hurriedly helped Xiao Fang to stand up, but saw that Xiao Fang's face seemed even more ugly than when Zhennan King was there.

"Hurry up! Show me that account book!"

Xiao Fang couldn't get up on his knees which were numb and sore, and hurriedly ordered Mingmou to give her the books.

Mingmou quickly picked up the account book, took the dust from it and handed it to Xiao Fang's, and Xiao Fang's eagerly turned up ...

Brush brush ...

As the densely written pages quickly turned, Xiao Fang's entire face was white and trembling, how could this happen? !!

At first glance, the appearance of these books are those books prepared by themselves, but the contents inside are completely wrong. The profit of the shop is exaggerated and I don't know how many times ...

Two million two ...

Xiao Fang's hands slumped, and the account book "snapped" to the ground.

Nangong 玥, it must be Nangong 玥 who copied these books!

I still care!

"Master Wang!" Xiao Fang rushed out of the room angrily and roared with hissing, "Master Wang, it's Xiao Yi! It's Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan ..."

But the back of King Zhennan could not be seen for a long time, and the two women who were guarding the courtyard opened their hands quickly and stopped Xiao Fang's. If you let the ladies run out, their errands can't be saved!

For a while, I only heard Xiao Fang cry like a crazy woman, but got no response ...

Two million two? !! Where do I go to raise two million two? !! The cold sweat of Xiao Fang's forehead fell down.

"Madam! Madam, Lord Wang has left." Ming eyes looked at Xiao Fang with anxiety, really afraid of his wife's magic barrier.

Xiao Fang finally calmed down, and for a while he didn't speak, his eyes were dark, like bottomless hell.

After a moment, she raised her eyes and looked at Mingmu. The look seemed to be a certain determination, cold and determined, and commanded: "Mingmu, call Aunt Mei."

"Yes, ma'am," Ming eyes responded respectfully.

Xiao Fang was banned, and even her relatives could not leave the main hospital at will, but Mingmu naturally had another way. Instead of going to the main entrance of the courtyard, she went to the small kitchen and cook for a while ...

After a cup of tea, Aunt Mei, who wore a pink butterfly and a flower-cut silk tassel, came in and said she wanted to greet Xiao Fang's. Aunt Mei was out in the yard of Xiao Fangshi. Since opening her face, she still comes here from time to time to please her. The gatekeeper's wife didn't think about it and let her in.

Mingmou hurriedly closed the door and stayed outside.

Xiao Fangshi had washed and dressed up again, and she was elegant and luxurious. Only those red eyes could not hide her embarrassment.

Upon seeing Aunt Mei coming, Xiao Fang couldn't wait to ask Geologically: "Why don't you do it, and when will you wait?" Her face was clearly irritable.

This aunt Mei has been here for months, but she hasn't done anything.

A month ago, when Xiao Fang heard that Nangong Yu was seriously ill, she thought that Auntie Mei had shot them. Who knows that Nangong Yu is still alive today!

Aunt Mei Mei looked at Xiao Fang's faintly, without any respect in her eyes, but she was quite polite and perfunctory: "Mrs. Mo Ji, since the master has sent me, I will take care of my errands."

There was a bit of impatience in her heart. She was just mixing in Wang Fang through Xiao Fang's, how to act, and she had no choice but to allow Xiao Fang's to point her finger!

Moreover, recently, Xiao Shizi almost washed Luo Yuecheng in blood, and his spies lost seven or eight. He managed to hide his identity without revealing the stuffing. The wind has not passed yet. It is not right to mix in at this time. !!

Where does Xiao Fangshi understand that the other party is perfunctory, and said coldly: "Auntie Mei, the old master left those industries. For so many years, half of the silver has been in your pocket. Now the old master asked me to take two million two. If the profit comes out, where do I go for the two million and two? If I ca n’t make it, do n’t think about it! ”

Speaking, her eyes uttered a vicious light and gritted her teeth: "Xiao Yi ... you said that you should discuss long-term discussions, and now I'm going to strangle Nangong! It's just a woman, can't you do it? ! "

Because of Nangong Yan, her children were facing her, and even Wang Ye was deceived by her, and he was placed under house arrest. Furthermore, Xiao Yi ’s evil species became more and more harmonious with Wang Ye. In this way, not only could he not escape “ "Severe illness", his son Xiao Luan will even further the throne of Zhennan King ...

When Nangong dies, she will have to see how Xiao Yi will die!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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