Aunt Mei looked like the first princess, and Nangong Yu didn't mention it to Xiao Yi.

When she first returned to Wangfu City from Yanding City, she heard that the son-in-law of Zhennan Wang Xinna looked like Xiao Yi's mother-in-law and felt disgusting as if she ate rice overnight. Even she is so. Imagine that Xiao Yi will only be more unbearable. She was distressed by Xiao Yi, so she didn't say it for the first time. Later, she would never think about it.

At this time, Auntie Mei will come here in a grand manner. Presumably, there will be a lady here who has seen the first princess and recognizes her looks similar to the first princess. Once someone said that Xiao Yi was in trouble because of that, the conflict with Zhennan King would not be suppressed, and she was considered to be successful.

Nangong moved his lips, but in the end he still didn't make a sound.

She knew that once she spoke, Xiao Yi would listen to herself and bear it for the time being. However, it wasn't Ai who did the wrong thing. Why should he be patient? Even if she knew that Auntie Mei was provoking, even if she knew that she was still the best choice now, Nangong Yu was not willing to wrong Xiao Yi.

At this time, Xiao Yi had already spoken and ordered in a cold voice: "Come, throw this woman back to Luo Yuecheng for Ben Shizi."

Xiao Yi gave an order, and immediately outside the camp came two women with large waists and round waists, and moved aggressively towards Aunt Mei.

Aunt Mei flinched, looking weak and sweet, looked at Xiao Yi aggrievedly: "Master Shi, I just came to give you concubine, and I don't know what I did wrong, Shizi ..."

Xiao Yi interrupted her impatiently: "Drag it!"

Although Xiao Yi used the word "drag", the two women did not dare to drag Aunt Mei. They could only pinch on Aunt Mei, and Aunt Mei was next to her nervously, Wai Qiang said dryly: "What do you want to do? Our aunts are twins. If there is a case, can you afford it?"

Then the other people in the account realized that the prince of the world did not know that the aunt of the king looked like the first princess!

This is troublesome!

Regardless of the two mother-in-law, she pushed the girl away rudely. Who knows that Shi Zi's temperament always says one or two?

The two women clamped Aunt Mei left and right, and lifted her down. Aunt Mei's daughter-in-law hurried to catch up and shouted, "Auntie ..."

The sound gradually went away, and soon I couldn't hear it.

Quietness was restored in the account, but both Mrs. Yao and Mrs. Tian frowned slightly, and felt that the father of the world was a little reckless. A maiden room looks like the first princess, which is really uncomfortable, but as Auntie Mei said, she is not at fault ... not to mention, this auntie is pregnant and may not make it, maybe it will make People think that the grandfather of the world can't bear his brother!

Several people in the account sighed in their hearts, saying: Shi Zifei looked clever in the past, how could she not have thought of this and did not hold some of the world grandfathers.

Mrs. Tang's eyes flashed, and she quickly got up and said goodbye, almost fleeing and fleeing with her children.

When the talents of the Tang family went out of the account, they saw a young girl who came running in a sincerity, panting, panting: "Shi Ziye, Shi Zifei, Wang came with Aunt Mei ..."

Mrs. Tang felt relieved, thankfully she came out in time. If Wang Ye saw them, maybe they thought that the Tang family also wanted to cling to the world grandfather!

The Tang family quickly walked away, but the atmosphere in the account was condensed. Everyone looked at each other, and several ladies secretly sighed: Sure enough, the worst situation occurred.

Soon after, the king of Zhennan came in anger. He didn't even let the little girl pick the curtain, and he ran straight into it. The blue ribs on his forehead were obviously angry.

Auntie Mei, who followed behind and returned, saw a thin layer of tears in her beautiful eyes, and looked pitiful and pitiful.

Everyone in the account stood up, and naturally included Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan, and the crowd either made fun of themselves or blessed themselves to salute the king of Zhennan.

"See Grandpa."

"I've seen my father."

But Zhennan King didn't seem to see anyone at all. A pair of Xiao Yi, who was burning with fierce eyes, was dying in front of him. If eyes can kill people, Xiao Yi may have been attacked by Zhennan King. Already.

Xiao Yi was indifferent. After arbitrarily holding his fist and saluting, he looked up at the king of Zhennan and said, "I don't know what the father king taught?"

His expression seemed casual, but his eyes were sharp, and the eyes of the father and son intersected in the air, sparkling.

The atmosphere in the tent became tense.

Everyone around them had a bad secret in their hearts, but did not dare to say a word.

The king of Zhennan is very self-conscious and doesn't like others to challenge his authority. Xiao Yi, the grandson of the world, seems to be timid and frivolous, but he has an idea, which is even more evident from his various records on the battlefield ...

The father and the son have always been at odds with each other.

I am afraid that the spring hunting has not started, and the Zhennan Royal Palace is about to make another wave.

The hearts of all gradually sink to the bottom.

Aunt Mei's body shrank behind Zhennan King. From beginning to end, she didn't say a word, but she wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes with her hand, and secretly wept. No one saw her mouth in the corner. There was a smug smile.

At this moment, a clear and pleasant female voice sounded in the tent, instantly breaking the original tense atmosphere that was stormy—

"Auntie Mei, grandfather ordered you to go back, why are you here again?" Nangong Ai looked at Auntie Mei hiding behind Zhennan Wang, and deliberately increased the volume on the word "you", gentle but not prestigious. He said, "Auntie Mei, you are a twin, you should pay attention to it. The camp in the hunting ground has just been tied up, and there are many people coming and going. If it was hit by the accompanying soldiers or the guards and princes of the provinces, would it be? Not beautiful ?! "

The king of Zhennan frowned. Aunt Mei's daughter-in-law came to him and cried, saying that it was Xiao Yi's overbearing and arrogant, and she wanted to send away Aunt Mei, but now there is something else hidden from the concubine.

Followed by, Nangong Yan looked at King Zhennan again, and blessed himself. He said, "Father Wang, Shuer Yueyue, daughter-in-law thought that since Aunt Mei traveled with her father, she should keep her duty. Stay in the camp and wait for her father Wang Zhouquan is right. "

Nan Gongyi glanced at Aunt Mei, and sighed softly, and said ceaselessly: "Daughter-in-law heard that three years ago, an aunt of Yanfu went to Dahua Temple with her mother and went to the house to smell incense and go to change clothes because There was only a little girl next to me, so I accidentally made people crash ... "

Nan Gongyu said implicitly that the real thing is much more ugly than that. The aunt actually took the opportunity to go out to serve incense and her cousin in a private meeting in Dahua Temple. When the two couldn't help but for a moment, they hugged each other. It was seen by a lady who came from Xiang from Beppu. It happened that this lady had some old grievances with Yan Fu. She simply let the storyteller spread the story, and made Luo Yue City take it as a tea after dinner. On the topic, Yan Fu lost his face, and Master Yan had to adjust it and moved away from Luo Yuecheng.

The aunt is only fifteen in the story, but Master Yan is sixty or so. Many people make fun of Master Yan “a tree pear blossoms begonia” outside, and it is no wonder that he will be wearing a green hat.

At that time, the matter was full of excitement, and the king of Zhennan naturally knew it. The more he wanted to look more gloomy, the pupils shrank, and the suspicious eyes turned away from Xiao Yi, pointing directly at Aunt Mei.

"Master Wang ..." Aunt Mei was sinking in her heart, she fell on her knees, and trembled slightly, "Well ... She just wanted to come and treat the world concubine."

She still seems so charming and charming, but since the heart of Zhennan King is doubtful, this charming is a bit dazzling.

She is only sixteen years old, at the age of Fanghua Zhengmao and Chunxin, but she has passed the age of no doubt ... A young aunt walking around in this camp is not afraid to be hit by the sons of other residences It's up! Or, is she deliberately trying to attract butterflies?

Thinking of this, Zhennan King's face was even more ugly.

Nangong Yanchao said, "Father Wang, Aunt Mei is pregnant. This hunting ground is not safe at all. If anything, it is not good. Daughter-in-law thinks that Aunt Mei will return to Luo Yuecheng first."

Zhennan Wang fixedly looked at Aunt Mei, who had given her this face to let her follow the spring hunt because she was pregnant, but she didn't expect her to be so restless ...

"Come here, take Aunt Mei back to the palace." King Shen Nan of the town ordered.

If this aunt Mei really had a scandal in the spring hunt, she would lose all her face!

"Master Wang!" Aunt Mei's face changed suddenly.

She worked hard to finally provoke the Zhennan king to be angry with Xiao Shizi, but did not expect that the concubine in this world had only a few words, and even brought the situation back? !!

What else did she want to say, but the king of Zhennan didn't want to listen? He didn't have a face to argue with an aunt. The two women immediately took Aunt Mei again.

"Father King," Nangong Yan pulled Xiao Yi, who was a ramen, and Wen Sheng said, "The son of the world is also impulsive because of ..."

Xiao Yi is still silent, but it can be regarded as the default of Nangongyu.

And Zhennan Wang has long been accustomed to Xiao Yi's temperament, why has this villain been soft before himself? However, this time, this boy is also for the fame of the royal palace ...

The king of Zhennan cleared his throat and said in a disciplinary tone: "A Yi, you are the son of the king of Zhennan, you should calm down and do things carefully, think twice, and don't be too impulsive."

After a few words of training, the king of Zhennan leaped away.

The surrounding people did not respond for a while. Shi Zifei has been in southern Xinjiang for more than a year. The changes in the palace have been obvious for more than a year. Many people have seen the power of Shi Zifei too early in their contact. But at this moment still boasting.

I thought that a storm was about to come. I didn't expect that Shi Zifei was just a few words, which calmed down the situation like a drizzle, which not only represents Shi Zifei's means, but also shows her status in the palace.

Mrs. Yao and Mrs. Tian secretly exchanged their gazes, taking the arrogance of the arrogant arrogant as he wanted. It is the reason that the prince of heaven does not want to control him, and he also has the arrogant arrogant next to him, so that he is still unbridled. Worry.

As the saying goes, the male lead is outside and the female lead is inside. This is the truth that has remained constant through the ages!

The An family and the Chang family present were just a few friends with Nangong Yu before. They only looked at Shi Zifei's kindness and closeness, but they did not expect that this gentle and elegant son-in-law looked so delicate and articulate. People, and, before Wang and Shizi, were so respectful!

After this episode of climax, the crowd no longer stayed long, and they resigned.

However, the camp was empty and silent. Only the sounds of busy running, carrying and yelling came from outside, and the governments were still busy camping and settling ...

These noisy sounds seemed close, and they seemed to come from another world.

The aunts felt a little dignified, and they all retreated silently, leaving the place to the two masters.

Xiao Yi, who looked at the half-closed eyes, released a gloomy atmosphere. Nangong Ai had some heartache and guilt. Her Ai should always smile, just like the sly teenager when she first met.

"Ai," she took a step closer to him, looked at him anxiously, and said, "I'm sorry ..." She didn't tell her about Aunt Mei and her mother-in-law.

Why is Grandma apologizing to herself? Xiao Yi suddenly returned to his senses, and then noticed that Nangong Yan's expression was cautious and his heart tightened.

He even made Grandma worry about himself!

He obviously wanted to make Grandma smile happily forever, but he made her feel uneasy ...

This matter clearly does not concern her. The father and king did not feel that he had done something wrong, but Grandma apologized for what she hadn't done here, all because of him!

It's all his fault!

He hurt someone he cared about for some irrelevant people!

It seemed as if a bucket of cold water had been poured into his head. Xiao Yi's eyes became clear and clear. He looked at Nangong Yan frantically, raised his right hand, and gently touched her white and delicate cheek with his fingertips, smiling. naughty.

"Smelly girl, are you a bug in Benshizi's stomach?" His fingers continued to move down and raised her chin lightly.

What and what !! Nangong Yan was almost fooled again by Xiao Yi's unreasonable licensing, but after a little thought, he understood. What he meant was how she spoke his voice, that is, he was saying sorry to her.

However, he made such an apology too round and uncomfortable.

She is not the bug in his stomach!

Nangong Yun didn't know for a moment whether he was relieved or angry. A pair of obsidian eyes glared at him angrily, and the whole person suddenly became vibrant.

This is his stinky girl. Looking at her swollen look, Xiao Yi's peach blossom eyes were so dazzling, gentle as if to drip water ...

He suddenly bowed his head, catching the anger in the corner of her mouth, and the ripples of heart lake rippled round and round, leaving only two breathing and heartbeats in the account ...

The thrush hovering outside felt the inside of the account quiet for a long time, and hesitantly glanced at the curtain.

Didn't move for so long, wouldn't it ...

A little girl swallowed a little nervously, and said, "Sister Thrush, will he be the grandfather ..." Thinking of the gloomy expression of the grandfather just now, the little girl could not help shivering. Although the grandfather of the world is honorable, it is a bit scary to be a human being. It is said that killing people on the battlefield is like chopping tofu, so the second master is so afraid of the grandfather of the world.

Thrush yanked the corners of her eyes silently, and stretched her fingers in the forehead of the little girl again, and said, "What do you want!" Seeing Shi Zifei, then Shi Ziye would be like honey, Shi Zi. Concubine said one, Grandpa Shi dare not say two.

The little girl touched her forehead in a grievance, and she also grew more cranky when she saw her thrush frowning.

The thrush is angry and funny. She is worried, but she is worried that the grandfather "doesn't care." After being poisoned, Shi Zifei has gradually recovered, but she is still empty. She rode a horse all day today and just greeted those who came to please her. Now she must be tired, and spring hunting will begin tomorrow. It is inevitable to get up early ...

If the grandfather of the world is in a hurry ...

Thrush thought with anxiety, until after a tea, Nangong yelled out to let them in, she was relieved.

This night, the people in the provinces stopped early. The entire camp quickly fell into silence. Only the Southern Army soldiers patrolling around, and some bonfires in the camp burned to dawn ...

The crowd fell into sleep, but others were destined to stay up all night. For example, Aunt Mei was sent away by the king of the south of the city, and she was not able to sleep at all in the carriage.

Her personal girl-in-law had begged on the way to beg the two royal palace guards to stay at the post on the road for one night. After all, Aunt Mei was still pregnant with Wang ’s flesh, but the guards refused without hesitation.

The guards were helpless, after all, it was Wang Ye ’s order to send Auntie Mei back to the palace. After finishing the errand, they had to go back to Wang Ye to return to life. If it was a delay, how would they explain to Wang Ye? !!

A carriage and two high-headed horses galloped all the way, hurrying overnight.

"Auntie," the little girl in the carriage looked anxiously at Aunt May, worried, and advised, "Would you like to rest with your eyes closed for a while?"

As if Aunt Mei hadn't heard it, she still regretted it, apparently this time she had succeeded, but in the last step, she was disturbed by Nangong. This Nangong magpie is simply too difficult.

There was no result on his own side, but I was afraid that His Highness Six had been dissatisfied.

The last trick has already been used, what should I do next?

As I was thinking, a guard's voice came from outside: "Old road, keep working hard, it will be Luo Yue City after a dozen miles, we can just enter the city at dawn."

The driver called the "Old Road" responded with a whip, and yelled, "Drive!"

The accident plummeted at this moment, and a feather arrow suddenly shot from a big tree on the side of the road, cutting through the night.


The icy crackling sound was shuddering.

The two accompanying guards were immediately alert and shouted, "Be careful! There are assassins!" Both of them pulled out long swords around their waists, pulled the leash, and tried to slow down.

However, I did not expect that the arrow was not directed at them at all. It passed from the right side of one of the guards and shot at the cymbal like lightning.

The guard's secret road was not good, but it was too late. In the next moment, the arrow flew through the gap of the car's bow, and the arrow body jammed the car's bow, making the car's bow unable to turn, so the carriage was forced to stop. The horse pulling the car in front was completely unguarded, so dragged, hissing in agony, and wailing forward ...

The aunt Mei and Xiaoya in the carriage fell forward because the carriage suddenly stopped.


The little girl sullenly protected Aunt Mei with her body, and slammed her back into the carriage window frame, her teeth grinning.

The little girl also heard the guard's phrase "the assassin", and was trembling with fright, but still gathered the courage to open the window slightly, and looked out, and saw a masked man in black leap from the tree, waving cold light. The glittering sword came this way.

Xiaoya's hands softened, she lowered the curtain, and soon heard the sound of a "hands-on" weapon transfer from outside. Just listening to it made people scared.

She fought straight with her teeth and asked, "Aunt ... Aunt, I ..." What should we do? !!

Before she finished speaking, the carriage curtain was torn off, followed by a man in black jumped onto the carriage agilely, and the long knife in her hand was held up against Aunt Mei, not far from his back, The man in black was fighting with two guards, and one of them looked panic-strickenly towards the carriage ...

The silver moonlight shone down from the night sky, and the sharp blade glowed cold in the moonlight, and it even revealed a kind of savage killing intention, and came straight towards Aunt Mei.

Suddenly, Auntie Mei found something, her face was incredible, and she blurted out, "Why, why ..."

Her last word didn't even have a chance to export, and the opponent's stubborn long knife had pierced her chest mercilessly ...

Auntie Mei's eyes widened in disbelief, and the scream of Xiaoya resounded in her ear:


This is the last voice she heard ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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