Although it is night, the streets of Wangdu today are extremely lively.

Lanterns of various shapes are placed on the hawker's stalls, which are painted with zodiac signs, painted with various flower branches, pavilions and pavilions, and have beautiful peerless beauty. Applaud.

And those on stilts, lion dances, dragon lanterns, fire-breathing ... it's overwhelming.

The girls in Nangongfu rarely leave the house and have been dazzled for a long time.

Along the way, Nangong Yu was the busiest one, but she promised her brother to bring delicious food and fun for him. Therefore, when Nangong Yan saw good sales, he immediately sent Mei to buy; when he saw the delicate gadgets on the street stalls, he did not hesitate to buy him.

Stop and go all the way, until everyone walked to the door of Wang Yousheng's famous Shenghua Salou, Nangong Xi finally stopped.

Today is the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival, and many gorgeous and chic lanterns are naturally hung out of the entrance of Shenghua Restaurant and under the eaves of the second floor. In front of the restaurant, the gate was crowded.

Nangong Sheng was very curious, and quickly called Xiaoyu to inquire about the situation.

After a while, Xiaoyi reported back and forth: "Master Grandma, Shenghua Restaurant is about to hold a quiz contest, saying that if anyone can win the final quiz title, he will get a painting of the talented girl Corydalis."

Violet is one of the famous geniuses of the former dynasty. Its calligraphy and painting can be called a must. Many scholars and writers in the former dynasty admired her, but this Violet only fell in love with the former Liu Yan.

It is rumored that the former Liu Yanxiang was shocked to be stunning. He was young at the youngest age. Liu Yanxiang was generally not a woman, but she was involved with Viola alone. At that time, the story of the two of them was well-known, and everyone knew that when the world thought that this pair would hold hands for a hundred years, the Violet family was beheaded by the door, and the person who supervised it was Liu. Prime Minister.

In the end, it was said that Liu Yanxiang did not marry in his life and died at a time of replacement.

And the truth about the love and hatred between Xiu Lan and Liu Yanxiang has been changed with the dynasty and the time has passed ...

What remains is the only one who lamented the infatuation of Violet, but entrusted it to others!

Suddenly, Nangong Min remembered that his mother-in-law Lin loved this talented girl very much, and even collected some of her calligraphy and paintings from time to time to appreciate it. If she can get a painting of Violet, she will be happy.

"Her sister, do you want to participate?" Nangong Yan has always been observant. Nangong Yan's performance is so obvious, how could she not find out.

Nangong said, "Yes, big sister, I want to try."

Hearing that Nangong Yu wanted to participate in the quiz, Su Jinping, Nangong Yu and Nangong Lin could not help moving.

Nangong Yan frowned awkwardly. In her cognition, as a lady of everybody, she really shouldn't make a public appearance on such an occasion. But the sisters were all interested, and she didn't want to splash cold water to be a bad person.

Nangong Sheng also felt a bit wrong, but it was really unbearable to think that the younger sisters would be difficult to get to the government once, and thus refused their request.

Just then, a teenager in white wearing a pig's head mask hurried past them.

Nangong Sheng's gaze stayed on the other side, followed by a bright eye, and proposed: "Aunt Ping, and a few younger sisters, if you also want to go to the competition, it is better to wear a mask and go.

The girls also thought that the idea was elegant and fit the situation of the lantern festival, so they were all interested, and quickly found a stall selling masks at home, and each picked a mask.

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