"Sister of the world," Bai Hui walked silently to the side of Nangongyu, whispering to her ears, "the son of the father and son returned, and went to the king's camp."

Nangong Nian nodded slightly to indicate that she was holding the tea cup calmly, covering up the raised lips.

Mrs. An, who was sitting diagonally across the corner of Nangong, said in a frantic voice: "... It's not that I boast, my brother Rui Rui, both civil and military, and careful and careful. I have specifically told him that this hunting game Although important, it is important to participate. The most important thing is to protect the safety of the girls ... "Especially the safety of Xiao Xiao.

Mrs. An said more and more proud, thinking: God really is standing on their side of the house, otherwise why so many people just won the lot! This is fate!

Mrs. Chang, with a look of disdain, said that Mrs. An could talk. It must be her son, An Min Rui Wen, who could not do anything, but Mrs. An An just said as if An Min Rui was in this hunting game. S1 did not find anything because it was like protecting Xiao Xiao.

While Mrs. An was speaking, Mrs. Chang skillfully interjected: "Mrs. An, what you are saying is like my brother Heeer on the battlefield, it ’s not enough to just charge the charge, but also the robe next to him. Comrade, do you mean? "

Then, she gave Madame An an ostentatious glance, but her sister-in-law had gone to the battlefield and made a war effort. Brother Xi did not come today, but he mentioned Brother Brother a few times, and he could "show his face" in front of Shi Zifei. Although this family is related to Shi Ziye, after all, the relationship is far away. What is like his own brother Xi is under Shi Zi's Majesty and knows the truth.

Mrs. An's face was stiff, and she could not say that Mrs. Chang was wrong, but only answered.

Mrs. Chang is more proud and continues to say: "It is good for young people to be in the top position, but after all, there are girls at home today, and the most important thing is for everyone to be safe and sound. They are young people and they still want us to be elders More care. "

How Nangong Chen didn't know Mrs. Chang's careful thoughts, but her impression of Chang Huaixi is really good. The young man has a bit of arrogance, but he is a careful person.

Nan Gongxi showed a kind smile to Mrs. Chang and said, "Mrs. Chang, there is a way for children and grandchildren to have their own grandchildren. The grandfather told me that Ling Lang has grown so much in the army now, and Mrs. Chang can be described as a good child."

Listening to Nangong Yan's words, Mrs. Chang stood tall and proud. She just said, how could the relatives who have turned around several times, like Shizi, can compare with their own brother Xi.

Mrs. Chang subconsciously exclaimed: "The concubine is really an award ..."

Her slightly flaunting voice echoed in the breeze ...

By the lake, everyone laughed and laughed; on the lake, it gradually became lively. From time to time, water birds swept across the lake and waved waves.

Unconsciously, more than an hour has passed, and the tea has also changed a few pots, and the husbands are still gossiping.

The thrush on the side looked at the owner with admiration, and there was a saying: three women in one play. With so many ladies together, you say a word to me, even if they are still standing, it is really like a vegetable market.

Nan Gongxi always smiled, she felt that this spring feast was not in vain, and not to mention how the "look" between the sons and daughters was going on. The wives were bragging about their children while leaving no trace. The disdain of other people's homes in the disgrace of other people's homes was an unexpected surprise.

For example, the eldest son of the Li family is gentle and elegant in appearance. Hearing that he is young, he is already lifting people, which is in line with Xiao Yue ’s preferences. But today I know that the old eldest son of the Li family was under the control of his grandfather, General Li. , Married to Shijiao, and now the woman is declining, General Li is no longer there, and the Li family turns their faces away.

For example, the second son of the Huang Changshi family, who was born at the Wenchen family, is said to be fine, but it was not until that time that Mrs. Huang swallowed the dowry of the 嫡 Chang 媳, and also gave her niece niece to the eldest son as an aunt.

For another example, Tong Jiagong ...

In just a short period of time, the name on the selection list in Nangong's mind has been reduced by a third.

After another scent of incense, there were sounds of horseshoes in the direction of the mountain forest, mixed with crisp and hearty laughter, all the daughters and daughters by the lake looked at the sound, and saw only a few sons and girls The horse was being approached this way. The horse was carrying its prey.

During the walk, a few young people talked and laughed. Before they set off, they were a little rusty, but in less than two hours, they became more familiar because of cooperation. Yan Yan, pair of dark eyes Under the eyes, a bright light blooms, with youthful vigor.

Several ladies watched secretly, from time to time they talked to the acquaintances around them, and the corners of their mouths were slightly hooked. It seems that today may really achieve a few good destinies.

After that, many people came back one after another, including Xiao Rongxuan. When she came back, she trot to Nangongyu to present her treasure: "Oh, I just hunted a pheasant with my own hands. The feathers on the tail are beautiful. It can be used as a dumpling, it must be beautiful ... "Then, she glanced at Xiao Rongying, who was too young to go.

There was a flash of jealousy in Xiao Rongying's eyes, and he was about to sneer at Xiao Rongxuan for grabbing power, but a horseshoe sound came with a gasping voice from a little girl not far away: "Not good! My concubine, madam, not good It's up! "

Seeing the disappointed appearance of the little girl-in-law, the daughters and daughters all lingered in their hearts, and there was an ominous premonition, and Mrs. Chang suddenly recognized that the little girl-in-law was the daughter-in-law of the third daughter Chang Huanwei and stood up nervously Come.

The little girl in the blue and blue riding suit was rickety immediately, as if it was going to fall at any time. Seeing this, Bai Hui hurried forward to help Liu Li soothe some uneasy red horses, and then helped her off the horse. .

With the help of Bai Hui, Liuli hurriedly walked forward, and hurriedly bowed to Nangongyu and Mrs. Chang: "Sir concubine, madam, there is a wolf in the hunting field! The girl ordered slaves to come back for help!"

For a moment, all the women's relatives changed their appearances, and their expressions turned pale, especially Mrs. Chang's face turned pale, and her body shook a bit, and the cowardly servant beside her hurriedly supported her.

"Sister Wei, my sister Wei ..." Madam Chang murmured.

Her sister Wei has always had no good luck, but she has been smooth since childhood. Why is it so unlucky today! Good things do n’t matter if she does n’t get on with Wei, why do you meet a wolf? !!

Originally, the spring hunting organized by the palace was an accident. It was cleared a few days before the spring hunting, and the nearby beasts were expelled elsewhere, leaving only those relatively docile deer, sheep, magpies, etc., so the public It was only this lady who was so relieved to let the girls hunt with the boys.

Wild wolves are fierce beasts. Men are not necessarily able to handle them, let alone most girls will simply shoot and shoot. When the wolf chases, I'm afraid it's too late to escape.

Nangong Yuan looks dignified, she believes that Zhu Xing will not make such a big mistake, there must be something wrong!

She shouted, "Xiao Ying."

The moment the words fell, Xiao Ying in black jumped lightly from a nearby tree, not knowing how long he had been lurking there.

Nangong Yan commanded: "Xiao Ying, you and Bai Hui take a few guards!"

"Yes, Princess Shi." Xiao Ying and Bai Hui responded at the same time.

The two called up several guards, and turned over swiftly. Bai Hui let Liuli sit in front of herself and let her help to show the way. After a while, everyone's figure disappeared into the jungle ...

A lady wearing a golden pine crane-satin satin raccoon gratefully glanced at the daughter who had just returned, and comforted Mrs. Chang with a soft voice: "Mrs. Chang, don't worry too much, there is a guard from the palace, a wild wolf That's nothing. "

Although this lady was telling the truth, she couldn't relax the heavy atmosphere, let alone Mrs. Chang. She was afraid that something had happened now. Mrs. Chang folded her hands and silently prayed to God for blessing.

Bai Hui and Xiao Ying were galloping all the way. In fact, it is not easy to separate directions between the mountains and forests, but fortunately, Liuli is quite reliable, and points the direction to everyone from time to time.

After driving Sansili Road, Liuli exclaimed excitedly: "Just in front, just in front!"

Her voice has not fallen yet, Bai Hui has seen several familiar shadows, one of them turned out to be ...

Bai Hui was startled, and raised her heart suddenly: Big Girl!

Just next to a big tree in front, two beautiful-looking girls were supporting each other. One of them seemed to have a broken foot and was sloppy, and the other girl was supporting her with sweat, Bai Zhou Nervously trying to protect the two girls.

A few feet away from them, a dark gray wolf stood confronting each other. The wolf was so big that the head of the wolf had passed the girls' waist. Compared with this fierce beast, it also appeared The two girls became slimmer and weaker.

"Big girl!" Bai Hui hurriedly turned off the horse, fortunately they arrived in time, Xiao Yan looked unharmed.

When Bai Hui got off the horse, he had pulled out a dagger from his boots. The blade of the dagger was cold and glistening.

The gray wolf heard the movement, turned his head, Bai Hui grasped the dagger and stood ready to go, at the moment when the gray wolf turned his head to face his eyes, he flew forward ...

Just at the moment of the moment, Xiao Yan shouted to Bai Hui: "Bai Hui, don't! This wolf didn't hurt us."

Xiao Yan, who described the wolf and her right foot as Chang Huanwei, hurriedly echoed, "Yes, girl Baihui, it didn't hurt us."

Bai Hui froze for a moment, wondering what the situation was.

"What a cute puppy." Xiao Ying in the back stepped forward, walked to Bai Hui, and smiled chin, said, "This is not a wolf, it is a dog, I do not know who brought the retriever."

What a cute puppy? !! Bai Hui's mouth twitched. Although he always knew that Xiao Ying was a little strange, but the hound in front of him who was a bit bigger than the ordinary wild wolf was actually a "small" dog?

The hound had completely turned around, and seemed to be watching the group of Bai Hui and Xiao Ying alertly.

It appears to be a wolf dog, which is described as being similar to a wolf. If Xiao Ying uttered a reminder, it is easy to mistake it for a wild wolf at this moment in the wilderness.

As Bai Hui and others approached, the hound seemed to be frightened, stepping back one step at a time ...

Bai Hui frowned slightly, and it was not a way to let such a large hunting dog roam in this hunting ground. It was easy for others to mistake it for a wolf. She was trying to tell the guard to take it down first and ask who it was. At home, I heard a strange male voice in front of me: "Eagle Eagle, come here!"

Between words, a long, slender figure emerged from the woods. It was a young man who looked fifteen or sixteen years old, handsome and sturdy, wearing a blue riding suit and carrying a large bow behind him.

The hound made a "wang" excitedly, rushed to the young boy, and twirled his tail enthusiastically at him.

Bai Hui looked at each other and said, "This boy, is this your hound?"

The son of Tsing Yi raised his eyes and looked at Bai Hui and others. His eyes paused on Chang Huanwei's unnatural right foot and hugged his fist: "Xia Yan Xijun, but how many of my hounds were scared? It was just chasing one Pheasant, accidentally disappeared. "Then, he apologized in a hurry.

Bai Hui looked at the son of Tsing Yi who claimed to be Yan Xijun. It should not be the boy who went to the spring feast by Mingye Lake today. Presumably the other party did not expect that his hound would scare the girl in the forest. She asked for directions After Xiao Yan, "big girl ..."

Xiao Yan smiled lightly and said to Yan Xijun: "Yangzi, look after your hound in the future." The implication is not to care about him.

After Yan Xijun apologized again, he left with the hound.

Bai Hui walked to Xiao Yan and Chang Huanwei, saluted first, and then asked, "Big girl, what is going on? How did you stay with Chang girl?" Bai Hui can be sure that when the lottery was drawn, Xiao Yan and Chang Huanwei are definitely not a group.

Xiao Xuan explained: "Me and Chang, and Gu Gu and them," when talking about Gu Gu, there was a slight disdain in Xiao Yan's eyes, "I happened upon it half an hour ago, and I was here together. We searched for prey. Later, we separated with Liu Gongzi first, and then came back, An Gongzi and Yu Gongzi found a deer, and chased after them ... leaving me, Girl Chang and Girl Gu. "

She paused and continued: "When the hound first appeared, the three of us thought it was a wolf, scared and ran away ... When running, Gu girl pushed Chang girl out to save her life. It didn't She bit the girl, but she broke her foot ... "

Although the hounds didn't bite them, at the time Xiao Zhe and Chang Huanwei didn't know that this was not a wolf. Naturally, they were afraid to move when they looked at it, but they still stood there just because they refused to leave ...

Chang Huanwei looked at Xiao Yan gratefully, but Xiao Yan actually didn't say everything. Xiao Xiao had already been in the forefront, only to hear her own fall and exclaim, and then she turned back, and that one pushed herself A handful of Gu girl left without looking back.

Chang Huanwei knew that her mother, Mrs. Chang, wanted to marry Xiao Yun for his fifth brother. To be honest, she originally thought that this door was actually inappropriate. One way was to raise her head to marry her daughter and lower her head to marry her daughter-in-law. Xiao Yan's doorstep was too high, and his temperament was high, and he married her, wouldn't their family all be grandchildren to her?

Brother Wu is so arrogant, Chang Huanwei really doesn't want him to be a man with his tail in his life.

It turned out to be her magic barrier.

Regardless of Xiao Yan's identity, from the behavior she had just returned to help herself, she can see that she is a person of high character and purity. Such a person can not only be rich and rich, but also share a common affliction.

And seeing Xiao Ye and Shizi getting along so well, presumably they won't be embarrassed in the future.

The more Chang Huanwei thinks, the more she feels that there is such a bitch, which is also very good.

Chang Huanwei thought about it. When she went back, she had to plan with her mother and find a way to make the five brothers show up in front of Xiao Yan. Maybe they looked right!

At this moment, Xiao Yan looked at Chang Huanwei and said to Bai Hui, "Bai Hui, girl Chang's feet twisted. You should send her back first, and leave a few people to wait for Ong and Yugong."

After a pause, Xiao Zheng pointed in one direction, and said, "There is also Gu Gu. She just ran out of course just now. Where did she escape? It is easy to get lost in the mountains and forests, so she still has to send someone to look for her."

Bai Hui froze, and smiled. The eldest girl is very thorough now, and she must not wait too much for her after the eldest girl gets married.

The two guards who went to look for the girl's guard had just left, and the hind feet heard the sound of "stepping" horseshoes not far from the back, mixed with the excitement of the young man's excitement. After a while, they saw two men with a long body. Come here.

An Minrui and Yu Gongzi returned from hunting the deer. It was originally a matter of showing their face in front of Xiao Yue, but they did not expect that they would face such a scene.

After knowing what happened, An Minrui and Yu Gongzi regretted it. It is because they are too eager for quick success and want to show one or two in front of Xiao Yan, but did not expect such a thing to happen! If they are there, Zhunbao can beat a hero to save the beauty!

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret it.

Bai Hui ordered the two guards to go to the whereabouts of the Gu girl, and they followed Xiao Xiao and Chang Huanwei on their way home.

After a cup of tea, they returned to Mingye Lake, and everyone was so anxious that they were relieved to see them return.

Nangong Nian was surprised when Xiao Xun was with Chang Huanwei, and other female relatives were astonished.

"Sister Wei, are you okay?" Mrs. Chang hurried over, holding her daughter's hands to look up and down, seeing that she did not lack arms, legs, or bloodshed, but she was a little stomped, hanging high My heart finally let go, and she said, "Sister Wei, you are so scared to death!"

Mrs. Chang hurriedly folded her hands and thanked God for blessing, and murmured, "No, it's Thai!" When returning to Luo Yuecheng this time, she must take her daughter to Mazu Temple to worship, to get rid of bad feelings.

Seeing that Chang Huanwei stomped her feet, Nangong Xun hurriedly instructed: "Thrush, send someone to find a good doctor to show Chang girl a foot injury."

The thrush hurriedly led back. At this moment, a middle-aged woman wearing a purple cricket was walking towards Xiao Yue, anxiously and worriedly asked, "Girl Xiao, have you ever seen my house? Daughter? She's with the girl, An Ergong, and Yugong. "

Even if Xiao Yan didn't know the lady, she would have guessed that she should be the girl's mother, Mrs. Gu.

Although he was very shameless in regard to what Gu girl did, it had nothing to do with Mrs Gu. Xiao Yan said politely: "Mrs Gu, I have instructed the guard to look for girl Gu ... Please rest assured that there is no wolf in the forest It's just that the hunting dog was mistakenly regarded as a bad wolf, and the guards will probably find them back soon. "

It turned out to be a false alarm. The people all around were relieved.

The next moment, the girl next to Mrs. Gu screamed excitedly: "Madam, look, it's the girl who is back."

Everyone looked at the sound, and saw a girl wearing a lake green riding suit, slightly embarrassed, and her girl-in-law were escorted from the mountains and forests to this side.

That was Gu Gu. At the moment she was riding on the steed on the guard of the royal palace, her body was stiff and cramped.

Xiao Yan looked coldly at the girl Gu immediately, with a cold flash in his eyes.

Girl Gu naturally saw Xiao Yan and Chang Huanwei, her body flinched, and she could only avoid Xiao Qing's cold eyes by dismounting.

Mrs. Gu rushed over and hugged her daughter to hush and ask warmth.

When everyone thought that this oolong was over, Xiao Su suddenly called out: "Girl Gu."

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes followed Xiao Chong's cry and focused on Gu Gu again. Seeing Xiao Xuan's eyes were as cold as frost, many savvy ladies and girls felt that something was wrong.

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