"Ai, which horse was the last one selected?" Nangong Yu asked thoughtfully.

"Dler's house."

Xiao Yi's answer was in return for Nan Gongyu's confused eyes, she knew very little about Nan Liang.

Even if she is interested, it's a pity that because she doesn't understand Nanliang language, Xunzi knows only a few buckets of water, but it's only half a bucket of water. Moreover, Xunzi is just a little maiden who knows everything about Nanliang It is also very shallow.

Nangong Yan almost sighed, and thought of Bai Hui them deeply, with them, what she needs to know, a command, they will find out clearly for her, and often can give her some unexpected surprises ... … It ’s not like she's in Nanliang now.

At the same time, Xiao Yi carefully explained to her concubine: "There are three major Malaysian merchants in Nanliang. In addition to the ancient merchant's house as the imperial merchant, there are also the Dele and Mori families who came to offer horses this time. The ancient family relied on the identity of the Emperor of the Nanliang Army to suppress the other two. Now that the country of Nanliang is dead, the ancient family appears to be in an awkward position and has been kept aloof by many merchants. Therefore, in just six months, There is a faint momentum to be pursued by the Dreer family. "

Nangong's brow frowned slightly, she played with the jade carving in her hand, thoughtfully.

Xiao Yi did not like to see Nangong frown. He told her that it was only because she asked, so he replied, that's all, he didn't ask her to make suggestions, let alone worry her.

He raised his right arm and stretched out two long, good-looking fingers to smooth her tangled eyebrows, soothing: "Ama, Xiaobai said that it was an accident, then it should be an accident ..."

As he said, he pressed the entire right palm against Nangong Yu's forehead, exerting a little force, and let Nangong Yu lean against his back.

His chin rested on the top of her hair, and the tone was casual, but the beautiful peach blossom eyes revealed a point, two points sharp, and three points killing.

He couldn't see his expression, and he heard his voice say softly: "Ah, if you frown again, be careful that our mother-in-law loves to frown when she is born." Then, a softness appeared in his mind. The little baby girl frowned seriously, and to be honest, she was also very cute.

As Xiao Yi said so, Nangong Ai hurriedly raised her brows, and the young couple smiled sillyly at each other.

Listening to Xiao Yi's mouth full of daughters and grandma, Nan Gongxi couldn't help but said, "Ayi, what if it's not grandma ..."

Having children is not something they can decide.

Xiao Yi's face changed slightly, and he couldn't imagine a stinky kid coming to grab him a grandma, and this stinky kid could face the grandma with coquettishness, be held in the arms by the grandma, and take good care of it ... Enjoy Xiao Yi's entire face was almost black, even if he hadn't enjoyed any treatment. He emphasized: "I said 囡囡, 囡囡!"

Nangong Yan frowned silently, trying to tell his son's advantages: "Ai, You are getting married." And the son can stay with him.

Although the second half of Nangongyu didn't export, Xiao Yi understood her unfinished words and said disdainfully: Yeah, the bad boy has grown up, and he still has to stay at home!

Still a daughter!

Xiao Yi's thoughts were even firmer, saying: "Who said we were going to get married? Why did my Xiao Yi's baby daughter get married?

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea. As long as he gave him a trick, he could stay in Bixiaotang forever.

Ai is whimsical again, how many men who are willing to get extra can match their daughter? !! Nan Gongxi's brow twitched again, feeling that he seemed to have a bad topic. Ai Yi always said that the wind is the rain, and he often took the truth that should not be taken seriously.

Xiao Yi eloquently said: "The world is really boring, what marries, enters the burden, what inherits the incense, I see, as long as the two love each other is a bar. If it is me, for the sake of you, it is not a problem. of!"

As he said, he also seized the opportunity to show loyalty, so that Nangong Nang could not say anything more, and was almost worried, and his daughter seemed to be worried about marrying before she was born.

Nangong Yu tried to turn the tide weakly: "Ai Yi, his daughter asked for trouble because there was no incense in the house ..."

"Isn't it our incense?" Xiao Yi said cheerfully. "Actually, the daughter is not worse than the son, just like Aya you, more capable. Our family will inherit the advantages of both of us. How many men can compare with her? !!! As long as she has the ability and can't do anything, even the king of Zhennan can be regarded as a dear! "

He originally said it casually, but after the words came out, his eyes suddenly became brighter and more excited. "Ama, Nanjiang has me as the master, and Xiaobai as her righteous father. I said our daughter can be Zhennan Wang, she can be! "

Dayu, no, and several generations ago, there is no female prince yet!

interesting! Xiaobai must also find it interesting!

Seeing Xiao Yixuan's peach-eyes shining like obsidian, Nangong Nian already didn't know what to say. She wondered what she was saying wrong, so that her daughter had the burden of Nanjiang before she was born.

Nangong Yan could not help but bowed and stroked his still flat stomach, silently apologizing to his belly daughter.

Alas, I'm sorry, it's because your mother can't control your father ... wait, why is she distorted by Xiao Yi? Maybe it's a son!

Xiao Yi lazily leaned his back on the back of the chair, and the light in the corner of his eyes looked at Nangong Yan with small eyes of joy and entanglement, and his heart was occupied by a kind of warmth like a hot spring ...

"Hmm ..."

Under the scorching sun, the wind was hot, dry and stuffy.

For the first time, Xiao Yi, who was in a good mood, felt that the dull summer breeze was not so unpleasant.

The weather was getting hotter every day. A few days ago, Nangong Yu dare to sit in the water pavilion in the back garden during the day. On these days, she stayed in the moonlight hall with several ice basins during the day.

Nangong is afraid of the heat, but for Xiao Yi, the weather at this moment is still a long way from the hottest time in southern Xinjiang. It goes in and out in the sun every day.

Although there are official words in charge of most of Nanliang's affairs, since Xiao Yiren is here, he can't really let go. He still went to the barracks from time to time, to meet with generals from time to time, and from time to time there were certain military affairs to be dealt with ... and the three thousand good horses previously purchased were quickly sent to the barracks by the people of Dler's family three days later.

Each of the three thousand rider camp soldiers was assigned a horse. According to the official language, all the rider camp officers had to brush their horses and feed them in order to adapt them to the new environment. He came to familiarize the horse with his new owner and to support him.

Although it seems that there are extra things in the course of training, each soldier of the You Qi camp is full of spirits. The preciousness of the horse, whether it is the ordinary Dayu people or their soldiers in the Southern Xinjiang Army, With profound experience, these three thousand horses are added together, and it is not overvalued to say that they are worth the city.

More importantly, these warhorses are still their companions, and they will fight alongside them in the future, killing the enemy together. Even at the critical moment, their robes may be too late, but their horses will always be with them. Around ...

It ’s just that this **** turbulence didn't last for long. Soon, many soldiers in the riding camp found that the new steed seemed to be a little uncomfortable. Within two days, horses became ill and symptoms were not serious. Look It feels like being unconvinced.

At the beginning, I didn't care too much, just let the veterinarian come to see it. However, over time, the warhorses who were not convinced by the soil did not recover, but they had a few more horses.

It is trivial for war horses to become ill because of water and soil dissatisfaction, but it is strange that so many war horses fell ill in a short period of time.

I do not know since when a rumor emerged in the army that An Yihou purchased sick horses as war horses in order to fill his pockets.

Obviously, Xiao Yi decided to purchase war horses from the Dele family that day, but in the rumors, it turned into an easy-going one and insisted on purchasing the horses of the Dele family.

At first, this statement was only spread in a small area, but gradually, somehow, almost all the army heard about it. Those who had followed Guan Yubai to guard Yanding City and Yongjia City were all right. They still knew Guan Yubai as human beings and did not believe the rumors.

However, those soldiers who were recently transferred from Luo Yuecheng were unfamiliar with the official language. These rumors came from among them. As the rumors got stronger, a kind of resentment was in their hearts. Breed ...

In this regard, Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai did not see any appeasement and explanation.

They both seemed to stay out of the matter and ignored the matter in the slightest, leaving the rumor to ferment in the army.

Meng Yiliang, who was in charge of military affairs, followed the veterinarian anxiously to see these sick horses, and shook his head when he came out and sighed.

Later, Meng Yiliang went to plead guilty to his son Xiao Yi, saying that he did not fulfill his duty, so that the army and horses purchased had fallen ill ...

Upon hearing the Bao Bao, Xiao Yi evoked a smile and said, "Ben Shizi really gave him a high look."

Guan Yu smiled at Han Yu, who was standing on the armrest of the circle chair with a smile, saying: "General Meng didn't seem to give the Dele family a chance to offer horses, but I misunderstood it."

On the same day, when the horse was shocked, Guan Yubai found that the white horse should have been fed with calamus grass. This grass is very similar to the hay that Ma usually eats. They are mixed and fed, and they are basically not seen. from.

Camomile does not cause any substantial harm to the horse. Only when the horse's body temperature rises, it becomes more agitated and even irritable.

The test horse needs to run, and the horse's body temperature will naturally rise, and the shock of the horse is taken for granted.

On the surface, it seems that someone deliberately guided them to choose the horses of the Dele family, but Guan Yubai felt that things might not be so simple, and he ended up shocked by an accident and planned to watch the changes.

Unexpectedly, there really was a "change."

"Ama is right." Xiao Yi laughed, seemingly casually, "This general Meng's plan is not small ..."

Although his face was smiling, his eyes were sharp.

No matter what Meng Yiliang plans, he dares to attack Xiaobai, and don't blame himself for not caring about his grandfather's friendship with these old men.

Xiao Yi leaned back on the chair and looked out the window.

Nanliang in June is the bright sunshine, I do n’t know how long Meng Yiliang can kneel on, and he wants to learn “loyalty and loyalty”, how can he not “complete” him? !!

Meng Yiliang outside the Sundial Hall was dizzy and kneeling. He was also at the age of knowing his fate. Although he was well maintained on weekdays, he was not as good as a young man. He thought he was on such a knee. He will come to comfort himself, and he can take the opportunity to talk, so that the world grandfather can see his loyalty.

did not expect……

Shizi really let him kneel all the time!

Meng Yiliang's heart was resentful, but now he is kneeling here in the name of inviting sins, and unless Shizi sends someone to invite him, he can only kneel.

The sun is getting bigger and bigger, and Meng Yiliang's sweat is dripping. He looks at the Sundial Hall with a probe, even though the gate is closed, he knows that An Yihou must be in it! It must be the ease and beauty of Hou Qiao that coaxed Shizi.

Really treacherous!

Meng Yiliang thought indignantly, wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeve raised.

Now, he can't step down ...

He just basks in this way again, I'm afraid he won't be able to support it ... By the way, Meng Yiliang's mind moved, her body crooked, and she fell down.

Meng Yiliang's fainting soon came to Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi sneered and said slowly: "General Meng is old, and today the sun is big outside, go and pour a bucket of cold water for him, cool and cool . Say that this son remembers his loyalty as the Lord, and ca n’t bear to let him be in vain, so he will not be called up. ”

Then, Xiao Yi waved his hand.

"Yes, sir!"

The soldier took the lead and stepped back without mentioning it, and Guan Guan smiled whitely: "Ai, you don't have to be angry for me."

Xiao Yi laughed recklessly, "Isn't he trying to be faithful, and this son has been fulfilled? Not to mention this ..." He turned sharply and said, "The grandmother's daughters should be here in the past two days. , I asked Zhu Xing to prepare some good tea and bamboo tube wine, and I will bring it to you afterwards ... "

Xiao Yi was right. On the same day, Bai Hui and his party arrived at Wulu Town smoothly.

When Xunzi walked back and forth in a stiff Dayu language, Nangong Xun's face was a joy, but not much surprised.

On that day, she and Xiao Yi swam all the way to the mountains and waters, and spent a dozen days in Wulucheng. If you speed up the horse, it usually takes seven or eight days. Counting the time, these days they should also arrive .

Soon, a palace girl brought two girls.

I came with Bai Hui, as well as Chen Er, both of whom looked like a dusty servant. Thinking of Nan Gongyu pregnant in Nanliang, who was unfamiliar with life, and there was no one to serve, The two girls were anxious.

On this trip, they rushed all the way, both of them were tired, Bai Hui looked better, and there was already a dark shadow under her eyes.

This tiredness disappeared as soon as I saw Nangong Yan.

Xuner's spirit was refreshed, and she couldn't hold back the excitement in her heart and shouted, "Sir concubine!"

She speeded up her steps excitedly, saluting Nangong Yan's abdomen while saluting Nangong Yanfu.

For the stars and the moon, the concubine finally has a little grandson!

Had known that Shi Zifei and Shi Zi went out alone, there would be Shi Sun, Shi Zi and Shi Zifei should have come out and walked.

Bai Hui, who was a step behind, was not impatient, and looked at Nangong Yan calmly in the rear. Seeing her good looks, her cheeks even became a little plump, she finally relieved her.

I was talking to Nan Gongji in trivial matters. For example, this time she won a lottery with Thrush and Yinger, only to get the opportunity to come to Wuxu City, while Thrush and Yinger stayed in Bixiao. Don's housekeeper ... made Nangong suffocate.

In the words, Bai Hui walked to the side of the uncle, and the second son went back to the cage rationally, spat out his tongue, and took a half step back.

"Slave, please treat the concubine." After Bai Hui saluting respectfully, she took up the business in an orderly manner. "Sister concubine, the slaves came here purposefully to bring some of your common things in accordance with the instructions of the emperor Some herbs ... "

Xie Er grinned and said, "Sir concubine, please rest assured. Grandpa also ordered to bring the best doctor in Luo Yue City with you. Don't worry about everything, just rest assured that you can raise your baby."

In a letter sent by Xiao Yi to Luo Yuecheng, the Nanliang Royal Medical Doctors were worthless, and Zhu Xing was specifically instructed to find the best doctor and ask Bai Hui to bring them together. And Bai Hui prepared a large amount of medicinal materials carefully, bringing most of the commonly used medicinal materials that she could think of.

What else can Nangong Yan say? Xiao Yi, who has been too careful with these days, is already the first two. It's better now, and she has added Bai Hui and Aunt!

In addition to this "helplessness", her eyes are more joy.

With Bai Hui and Yuner, her days will definitely be more comfortable. The two girls have served her for so many years, and she is clear about her preferences. Sometimes, she does n’t even need to say anything, one look, one Look, these girls know what she means.

In contrast, the court ladies in Nanliang Palace treated her and looked respectfully, but they were most sincere and fearful. They often made Nangongyu feel like an executioner who did not blink.

Bai Hui continued to yell: "The prince was very pleased to learn that the concubine was pregnant, and said that it was most important that the prince and concubine don't rush back to Luo Yuecheng to settle the tire. Concubine don't worry about trivia in the house.

Nangong Rongben was also impatient with those housework in charge of the palace, and just wanted to take care of Bixiaotang, and responded lightly.

"Sir concubine, in fact, you may not be in the palace ..." Yan Er said meaningfully.

As soon as Nangong heard it, she knew that there was something in her son's words and raised her eyebrows to ask.

Xieer said happily: "Second concubine, the person who Wang Ye sent to Xing'an City recently to inquire about Ansan girl returned. Wang Ye seemed very satisfied, so he instructed Wei Fangfei to prepare matters and prepare to marry An Her daughter is the successor. "

Nangong froze for a moment, laughing and laughing.

She originally thought that when Xiao Yi would send someone to investigate in King Zhennan, he leaked the bottom of his home. Now it seems that Ai doesn't want to end the matter so easily.

Thinking, Nangong Yan's eyebrows were smiling, and he heard this as a joke.

She took a tea cup aside and moisturized her throat, and asked, "Bai Hui, what's happened in the palace recently?" Otherwise, it's time to let Wei Fangfei help Xiao Yan's housekeeper.

Bai Hui's eyes flashed a bit of complexity, and then she replied: "Sir concubine, Xiao Fang's 'illness' has become more serious a few days ago. When the slaves started from Luo Yuecheng, they heard that she had been unconscious for several days ..." It seems that he will soon be ill.

After a pause, Bai Hui continued: "The big girl asked her to pray for her mother in the temple, and the Lord promised." Speaking of Xiao Yan, Bai Hui's expression was inevitably dignified ... Unfortunately, no one can choose their own Birth mother.

Nangong Yan was silent, with a sigh of sigh in his heart, and also felt heartache for Xiao Yan.

With Xiao Yun's intelligence, she must have guessed what happened to Xiao Fang's "illness".

Xiao Fang ’s mother is Xiao Bi ’s. The blood of mother and daughter ca n’t be broken. It ’s because Xiao Fang committed an unforgivable felony, making Xiao Yi unable to plead for her. Today ’s Xiao Yi can only pass In this way, filial piety for the mother.

It's really hard to be a sister.

Speaking of Xiao Yan, even the two maids were silent for a while, the room was silent for a moment, and the air was a little dignified ...

Bai Hui didn't want Nangong Yu to worry, so she shifted the topic and said, "Second concubine, grandmother Erhuang sent a letter to concubine."

Then, Bai Hui took out a letter from his sleeve and presented it to Nangong Yu.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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