Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1400: 705 network break (one more)

The emperor was almost speechless, heartbroken and disappointed. Regardless of whether the second son was the mastermind or the accomplice, there was no remission. He might want to drag another person into the water ... but this matter was in the end with the third son Does it matter?

The emperor thought grimly and gave five words:

"What evidence do you have ?!"

Han Lingguan stopped for a moment and sank to the bottom.

This time, the fraud case was basically that of the three emperor brothers Han Ling, who had devised a plan, and he used his strength in the chapel to help the situation. Only Liu Wenhui and Deng Tinglei, who were inflaming among the children, were Han Lingfu. No one of these three emperor brothers is available, but now he knows that Han Lingfu is so arrogant!

Deng Tinglei died, Liu Wenhui sued himself, what else can he say?

Just as Father Emperor would not believe that he did not slap his hands behind Su's family, he would not believe that he had unfounded charges.

Han Lingfu, Han Lingfu didn't leave any handle in this whole incident! I underestimated him too much!

Seeing that Han Lingguan was speechless, the emperor was disappointed. If you make a mistake, you have to drag your brother into the water. Such a character is really embarrassing!

Han Lingguan knew that he was defeated this time.

Years of accumulation and years of hard work may be ruined once ...

Han Lingguan's chest was sulking, and a smelt of sweetness poured directly into his throat, hoarsely: "Pray for the Father's favor!" He nodded hard, and his forehead was red and shocking.

The emperor looked at him deeply without speaking.

Half an hour later, the emperor made two wills. One was to allow Han Lingguan to temporarily stay out of the county king's palace to cooperate with Dali Temple for verification; the second was that Nangong Qin will resume his official duties immediately.

Han Lingfu was finally relieved when he heard the news at Gong County Wangfu.

Finally nothing went wrong!

He didn't plan to fall out with Han Lingguan so early. He doesn't have many people at hand, and his accumulation in the court is far less than that of Han Lingguan. In many cases, he must rely on the second emperor to get things done smoothly. According to his original plan, he would at least wait until they joined forces to eliminate the small five, and then he would look for opportunities.

Without the shield of the second emperor, I really have to plan step by step.

What most annoyed him was that he had planned this fraud for a long time, and he could definitely dismiss Nangong Qin and destroy the Nangong family. Seeing that things were about to come to pass, the plan was to be stopped in person.

Blame Kui Lang!

I don't know if Kuang Lang has gone crazy, he has to force himself to take out Nangong Qin from the fraud case!

He thought about it, the only guess was that Kui Lang wanted to borrow this to please Xiao Yi ... it was horrible!

He just had to start!

As long as he didn't figure out the formula of Wuhe Ointment in a day, he would be subject to Kui Lang, and he could only act in accordance with Kui Lang's meaning.

Compared with the rubble in the Nangong family, of course, it is of great importance to his own life.

Therefore, he acted in accordance with Kui Lang's words fifteen and ten, and even if he would turn his face with Brother Erhuang, which would affect his grand plan and hegemony, he would not care.

He even prepared the psychological preparations for the father to announce that he would enter the palace and confront the second emperor ...

The only thing he was lucky was that because no one was available, there was no handle left, and as long as there was no conclusive evidence, he believed that the father would not cure his sin!


Han Lingfu leaned against the window and looked out.

Most of the sunset had fallen, and the sky to the west was stained red, blood-like.

The road of the emperor was originally made of blood. Since Han Lingguan was in that position, he should have expected that there would be a day when blood was lost.

Both brothers lost this battle, but they barely reduced their losses to the minimum ...

Quietly all around, the sunset continued to fall until the sky completely darkened.

The sunset rose and the days passed in a blink.

It was another early morning, when the rising sun rose by half, and the temperature was just right, so it was suitable for gossip.

In the Qinglian Hall of the Nanliang Palace, the sound of falling water is endless, as if playing a movement to this early morning.

Xiao Yi strode around the main hall of the Qingying Hall, and saw Guan Yubai straighten a book in a gazebo behind the hall. Xiaosi was lying at the top of the gazebo, and the dense shade of trees was just above him, covering him. Light is really a place to rest with eyes closed.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the small four eyes glanced in the direction of Xiao Yi, then closed his eyes comfortably, ignoring Xiao Yi's meaning.

But Xiao Yi is not uncommon, and welcomes his own voice.

The two eagles, who had stopped at the branches and pecking at each other, immediately tweeted and came towards Xiao Yifei. They circled around him and sent him into the gazebo. Then they flew back to the branches.

At this time, Guan Yubai just closed his pen, Xiao Yi glanced casually, only to find that Guan Yubai was painting.

This painting is made of no other pigments and is purely made of ink. The deep and light ink colors make up the afterglow of the setting sun, lush branches, intersecting gray eagles, and white eagles.

The double eagles are strong and masculine, but when they play around the branches and necks, they show a soft feeling.

Rigid and soft.

Xiao Yi couldn't help but brighten his eyes and praised, "Xiao Bai, you have painted this picture well, and you have the essence of Xiao Hui and Han Yu. Just as I plan to engrav a button recently, you lend me this picture for a few days Right? "

Guan Yubai didn't even say a word, he heard Xiao Hui's bright eagle cry, flew from the branch into the pavilion, and finally landed beside the painting, as if Xiao Yi was calling it.

Guan Yu looked at Xiaohui with a smile and said, "When you have carved the seal, remember to let me appreciate it."

The implication is, of course, yes.

Xiao Yi sat down at the stone table, stretched out an index finger to tease Xiaohui, and appreciated the double eagle cross-neck picture for a while. Dove Book ... "

Speaking, Xiao Yi drew a sly smug smile, took a piece of silk paper that was randomly folded from his sleeve, and handed it to Guan Yubai.

The official language was opened immediately.

Tian Detao wrote in the secret letter that the fraud case ended with Su Zongyuan's release of the title, and all the involved parties were removed from the team. That is to say, the emperor finally saved the king of Shun County, Han Lingguan, and let Su Zongyuan bear all the crimes.

When looking at this, Guan Yubai smiled helplessly. The emperor's temperament has always been this way, and he keeps breaking ...

This was his last temptation. If this happened, the emperor could severely punish the king of Shun County, clear the court, and support the five princes as princes, so Dayu could still be saved, and now ...

Guan Yubai exchanged a look with Xiao Yi. Fortunately, they were well prepared. No matter what happened to Dayu in the end, they would not be too passive.

Guan Yubai continued to look down.

Tian Detao martyrled in the letter. After the fraud case was concluded, Cheng Shilang entered the palace at the order of Xiao Yi, and expressed anxiously in front of the emperor. Because the fraud case has undergone many twists and turns, now the Nangong family ’s prestige in Shilin is better than before, Wang Shizi has recently made great military achievements. Both of them have one reputation and one martial art, and they are both famous and in-laws. Once the Zhennan royal palace has a different heart, and the Nangong family will stand on the side of the Zhennan royal palace, I am afraid it will be bad for the court. .

Cheng Shilang's words were so eloquent that the emperor could not help but worry.

Later in the early dynasty, Nangong Qin asked the emperor in front of the hundred officials in the Golden Palace, showing that the princes of the monarchs were divided, and the worries of the monarchs were divided. It was his duty as a courtier, but his incompetence caused the Enke storm Constantly, although the fraud case has been found out, he is not strict under the supervision of the examiner, and it is difficult to blame him. He also asked him to return to his hometown.

The Baiguan uproar, the emperor naturally could not allow it, and immediately rejected Nangong Qin's solicitation ...

Guan Yubai looked at the silk paper, while Xiao Yi fed Xiaohui with the jerky. At first, the jerky was still fed to Xiao Hui's mouth. Gradually, Xiao Yi became more and more disgusting, and dropped it for a while. You can't afford to play it ... Seeing this person has a full eagle, even Han Yu on the branch can't help but flew over, and also grabs the jerky thrown by Xiao Yi.

When Guan Yubai put down the silk paper, the purpose was exactly this, and a little smile appeared in the eyes of the moist.

Guan Yubai casually folded the stationery in half, and said lightly: "Our emperor, suspicious and wary, this time I rejected the invitation of Lord Nangong, and I will probably regret it later."

"Not so!" Xiao Yi threw two pieces of jerky out of the pavilion again, causing the double eagles to fly out. He said casually, "When the uncle of Grandma makes a few more discounts, the emperor will keep them If you do your best, you will naturally let go. "

The Nangong family had a great reputation from the previous dynasty. Because of its status in Shilin, the emperor broke the seal of Nangong Qin out of fear, ordered him to become the official, and moved the family to the capital. Therefore, if Nangong Qin offered to resign and return to his hometown for no reason, the emperor would not only let people go but also be suspicious. But now, the fraud case comes first, and then the Zhennan royal palace threatens, and the emperor is afraid that he won't want them to stay in the court again.

As Guan Yubai once said, failure also springs, and success also springs. Regardless of whether the emperor would agree to modify the examination questions for the Spring Festival that day, when he put forward the timing, he had already taken into account everything that followed.

Guan Yubai looked up at the sunset, and squinted slightly. After a long time, she just said, "Dayu is in chaos."

King Shunjun suffered a big loss this time, I am afraid that he will not let King Gong, and King Gong ... After this temptation, Guan Yubai can be sure that Kui Lang has taken some of his handles, otherwise It would be so easy for him to take orders.

The prince is still undecided, the princes are fighting endlessly, the courtiers are eager to move, and the unwilling man is side by side.

Dayu may find it difficult to settle down.

Xiao Yiman continued to tease his eagle, and Dayu's chaos did not matter about his southern Xinjiang. Anyway, as long as the Yue family is okay, Grandma is now pregnant, but she can't worry. If anyone makes Grandma worry, he You have to be polite!

There was a hint of coldness in Xiao Yihua's peach blossom eyes.

Despite Dayu's crisis, I don't know when the next big wave will come. Nanliang's side is going well.

In the past month or so, after the siege of the Southern Army, the remnants of the former royal family of Nanliang were gradually cut off one by one, but even so, the remnants of the former Nanliang royal family were still unwilling, and the dog jumped off the wall repeatedly A conspiracy.

However, the strengths of the two sides are very different, and their means are nothing more than pebbles.

Guan Yubai simply treated them as test stones and left them to practice at Youqi Camp and Xinying Camp.

Actual combat is always the best way to train an army. With the gradual formation of the Yuqi Camp and the reborn of the Xinrui Camp, Nanliang ’s revenge is also a vital injury ... Until two days ago, Hua Chuyu was ordered to lead the Yuqi Camp. The line of "Fleeing King" Sun Modler completely eliminated the last batch of iniquity.

The continuous deterrence of the South Xinjiang Army, coupled with a series of government policies to care for the people, both soft and hard, and the minds of the people in Nanliang began to stabilize.

Following the Xili Kingdom and the Dachi Kingdom, those small neighboring countries that were waiting to see soon sent envoys to Nanliang, and charmingly handed over peace books and gifts to the king of the south of the town, and would like to pay tribute to Nanjiang every year.

Bai Hui and Tong Er just want to put these gifts into the inventory, they are so busy that they can't stop like a gyro. It is because they think they have seen a lot of strange things with Nangong Yan, and they are also dazzled. What? Pearl of the Moon, Kalan Agarwood, Coral Yao Yao, Ivory Jade, Basket Perfume, Wool Rug and many more.

It ’s unusual to send dead things, and some small countries have embarked on an unusual journey, sending horses, elephants, and macaques ... and even some animals unheard of by Dayu have been sent to the palace, causing hundreds of people A garden was opened in the northwest corner of the Royal Palace to house these exotic animals.

When everything that can be sent is sent, some people start to use their brains that they should not have, and propose to send the princess to say that it is with the pro-Southern Xinjiang, in order to protect the two countries forever ...

Speaking of Nangong Yu and Bai Hui, the master and servant were both heart-hearted and unhappy, wondering whether they should sympathize with those delusional and pro-envoy ministers, or whether they should be gloating.

Even the grandfather of the world did not grasp the temper, so he dared to mention any princess and dear, he just didn't know how to live or die!

In these days, a lot of interesting things about the palace and the city were introduced into the ears of the Nangong by the children. Nangong had to admit that the child was really talented. When he first arrived in the city of Quinoa, the children also I learned a few Nanliang words such as "Thank you" and "Hello" on the road, but how many days have she spent, she can gossip by chatting with Nanliang women in the palace every day. Cold words, basic communication is no problem at all, but her Nan Liang words are learned while chatting, but she is a big character and she does n’t know any of them.

Rao is so. She has enough news to pass. For example, she knows that there is a market every ten days near Beichengmen. It is very lively. Xiao Yi heard it and thought about Nangong Yan recently I've always been bored in the palace, and very boring, so I thought I should take his son-in-law out to go shopping.

So early in the morning, Xiao Yi accompanied Nangong Yu to a carriage and went out.

This surface looks like an ordinary green-covered carriage, but the carriage is exquisite everywhere. Not only are there ice trays and refreshments, but the cushions have been placed on several layers, so as not to cause too much shock to make Nangong 玥 uncomfortable.

Nangong Yan sat by the window, opened a corner of the curtain, and watched the scenery outside the window with interest.

On the street, people come and go, and the closer to the North City Gate, the denser the flow of people.

Those people have forgotten the rumblings of the past few days, and began to live a normal day again. They should go out and go out, they should set up their stalls, they should open their stores ...

On this lively street, a gate sealed by a seal seemed very abrupt. Both Dayu and Nanliang were written on this seal. Of course, it was sealed by the people of the Southern Army.

Nangong Yan looked up at the red lacquered door plaque above the gate, and he narrowed for a moment.

She doesn't recognize many Nanliang characters, but the words on this plaque are one of them.

Nangong Yan's gaze was stagnant, and his expression was a little complicated.

It turns out that this family is the ancient one.

Since Heragu's father and son Fufa, the ancient family was copied, all properties were confiscated, men over the age of ten were sentenced to death, and female dependents and boys under the age of ten were all degraded to slavery ... The girl named Lisa Luo did not succumb to her life as a result of being sentenced to slavery. Instead, she used her new breed of horses to give her and her mother-in-law an opportunity, a chance to obtain a good citizenship.

Neither the slaves nor their wealth belonged to themselves. Only when they became good people did Li Shaluo have a chance to rise again.

Although this girl had some quick successes and shortcomings in the past, she was able to continue to strengthen herself in the setbacks. Maybe in the future the ancient family wanted to be revived, and she had to rely on her.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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