Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1405: 710 phase protection (second)

Xiao Yan wanted to talk about the little niece's life after she was born. The whole person seemed radiant at once, but talking about it, she thought of another thing, and said, "Da'ao, this time you come to Ming and Qing Temple, don't you get up early today? "

The Ming and Qing temples are three hours away from Luoyue City. It is only noon now, and it is said that Dasao should leave before dawn.

Nangong stunned but smiled.

Xiao Biao frowned slightly and said, "Da'ao, you are pregnant, but you need to pay attention to rest. Don't be tired ... Simply take a night here and leave tomorrow ... No, this Ming and Qing Temple is too rude . "

She said to herself, tangling herself for a moment.

Nangong Yu was both moved and a little funny, and he yawned intentionally, and said lazily: "Speaking of it, I am indeed more lethargic than I used to be, and I am often a bit unwell ..."

The thrush has always been clever. Seeing the appearance of Shi Zifei, she immediately guessed what kind of tricks Shi Zifei was going to play, and said, "Big girl, you can also help the slaves to persuade Shi Zi, there are many trivial matters in the palace. Now he ’s heavy, and nothing can be more important than concubine and little master. "

Nangong Yan gave Thrush a strange look on the surface, but she felt that the girl was doing well. When she went back, she would definitely reward her.

Xiao Xuan sternly said: "Dazhen, what the thrush said." Then, she was angry with Xiao Yi again, and said, "Brother is really right, Dazhen is pregnant, he doesn't know how much to look after ..." … Oh, how can a rude man like the elder brother be as careful as his daughter's family!

Nangong sighed and said, "Father Wang is about to continue the string, there is a lot of affairs in Fufu, I don't have a helper beside me, I can only do it myself ..." She looked at Xiao Yan with a hesitant look, and seemed to stop talking.

Xiao Yan's brow was tightened tighter, and after a moment of groaning, she said, "Oh, you still have to worry about raising your baby. As for the trivial things in the house, leave them to me." She must make her little niece safe and healthy. Born in good health!

The thought of Xiao Li's eyes was gleaming at the thought that she was about to have a little niece like a big cock.

When Tao Yan and Bai Zhou heard the words, they were ecstatic, and they barely held back the joy.

After the death of his wife, the elder girl took over her mother's sin and avoided the solitary Ming and Qing temples. She ritualized Buddha and copied the scriptures every day to atone for the wife. That self-denial made them really distressed.

Fortunately, the concubine came, and the big girl who couldn't listen to persuasion in the usual way offered to return home, which really admired them.

Nangong squinted his mouth high, and pulled up Xiao Xuan's hand and said, "Sister, then, you'll have a hard time."

Although they decided to return to their homes, the two did not rush to set off. Xiao Xun and Nangong Xun used some vegetarian fast food in the house, and then persuaded Nang Gong Xun to take a nap in her bedroom for more than half an hour, and then slowly set foot on the return journey.

After the Qingping horse-drawn carriage came out of the Ming and Qing Temples, it went all the way ...

Xiao Yan, who was sitting in the carriage, immediately felt the subtle difference, and praised it: "This carriage is good, much smoother than an ordinary carriage." Dasao's body is delicate and just right!

"The master of the horse-drawn carriage improved the wheels, and added a shock-absorbing gadget, which stabilized a lot when driving with the carriage." Nangong said with a smile, thinking of waiting to return to Luo Yuecheng, and ordered someone to customize it for Xiao Yan. A carriage like this, made of the best wood, can be used as a dowry for Xiao Yan in the future.

Thinking, Nangong smiled deeper.

Thrush smiled and interfaced: "Big girl, this is a carriage specially ordered by Shizi in Nanliang. Nanliang is naturally not as good as Dayu, but the master of this carriage is quite good."

"Also. The ruler is short, and the inch is long." Xiao Yan said thoughtfully, thinking that his brother finally did something decent.

Seeing Xiao Ye seemed interested, Nangong said again: "The drawing of the carriage is here with me, sister, wait for me to return to the palace. How about I show you?"

As soon as Xiao Yan's eyes brightened, he immediately responded.

Therefore, Nangong Yan continued to surround the topic of Nanliang: "Sister Xiong, in the future, if we have a chance, we will go to Nanliang together. Nanliang has a good scenery. It is rich in jade and fruits. Right, and there The piano, which is different from our Dayu, is six strings and has a unique shape. I brought back a few of them this time, and I also brought a few girls who understand the piano. "In the future, whether they want to listen or learn, It's very convenient.

Xiao Yan listened with interest, and said, "Da'er, you say, what would it feel like if this Nanliang piano and my Dayu piano ensemble?"

"Don't you know if we go back and try?" Nangong said with a smile.

The two of you said everything I said, and made this long journey less boring.

The carriage slowed all the way, the carriage laughed loudly, and time passed quickly, as if the sky became yellow in the blink of an eye, Luo Yuecheng's gate appeared in front of him, and thrush opened the curtains and glanced out, saying excitedly: Luo Yuecheng is here. "

It was said that the girls who had been detained in the carriage for more than two hours were shocked, and it was almost time to reach the palace.

After entering the city, the carriage went straight to the direction of Wangfu. Everyone was very familiar with the next road. After the carriage went straight one street, turn right first, then go to the next intersection, and then ...

Before the carriage had time to turn again, I heard a tense exclaim from the carriage: "There is a shock!"

Followed by these shouts: "Amazing!"

"Be careful, avoid it!"

Amazing horse? !! A few people in the carriage were shocked. Bai Hui hurriedly picked out the curtains and looked out. The streets outside had become a mess of porridge. The men, women, and children in the street were scared like birds and beasts. Startled Ma Yunyun.

Directly in front of the street, two brown and one black high-headed horses are madly coming towards this side. The horses are congested, and there is a hissing noise in the long horse's mouth. In the crowd, Bai Hui could almost hear the two horses making heavy and rapid breathing sounds ...

The coachman hurriedly tightened the rope and tried to stop the carriage to avoid it. Bai Hui frowned. The road was too narrow. The gap beside the carriage was just enough for another carriage to run in parallel. I am afraid there will be collisions ...

The corners of her eyes flashed two ghostly shadows, one stopped beside the carriage, Xiao An; the other jumped onto the brown crazy horse, Xiao Ying strangled the rope with his left hand, and the brown horse suddenly slowed down. After getting off the speed, at the same time, the black horse passed by next to him. He lifted his right hand, and grabbed the black horse's rope, yanked it, and held the black horse's neck.

Bai Hui breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment, he saw the dark horse hissing, and his two front feet were raised high, and then he shook his head and rushed forward more madly ...

With a click, the black horse's rope broke in mid-air, the black horse hissed and ran away, suddenly dropped Xiao Ying, and continued to run forward, like a cheetah aiming at a prey, ramming in the direction of the carriage. come……


Bai Hui's secret road was not good. She jumped down and wanted to stay in front of the carriage, but it was too late ...


The black horse passed by the carriage, and the heavy horse bumped heavily on the carriage.


Xiao Yan's nervous shouts and several exclaimed screams came from the carriage. With the frantic hissing of the two red horses pulling the carriage, the entire carriage fell towards the side of the road, crumbling.

Seeing the people on the side of the road, they took a breath of air, and several people exclaimed: "Overturned! Overturned!"

"Brother Li, let's stabilize the horse!" Bai Hui shouted the driver's name, and at the same time quickly exchanged a look with Xiao An, Bai Hui and the driver pulled each of the two red horses, and Xiao An managed to support them. Lived in a heavy carriage, at this time, the carriage has tilted more than half to the right, time is almost stopped at this moment ...

Xiao Ying soon joined them, and the carriage was returned to you by the joint efforts of several people.

Everyone was pinching cold sweat, but couldn't rest assured. Bai Hui entered the carriage at the fastest speed. The inside was in a mess, and thrushes, peach owls, and cypresses were lying on the corner of the carriage horizontally. Bai Hui swept a half circle, and set her eyes on the figure of a lotus-colored mule. .

Nangong Yan was lying prone on the carriage, holding his head in one hand, and seemed a little confused.

"Shi Zifei!" Bai Hui called anxiously.

"I'm okay." Nangong Yan shook his head. "Sister Sister ... Sister Sister protects me just now, Bai Hui, go and help Sister Sister."

It ’s no longer necessary for Bai Hui to take a shot. Tao Yan and Bai Zhou who had returned from the impact just now have gone to help Xiao Xiao who fell aside. The crowd was still in shock, but they heard a sharp scream from Bai Zhou: "Ah —— "

Tao Yan also showed horror, and Hua Rong pointed at Xiao Yan's face in disgrace. "Aunt ... girl, your face!"

Xiao Yan had already sat up holding her arms, covering one's chin with one hand, a blood red between the fingers, the red blood flowing down the fingers, and finally "ticked" on the floor of the carriage.

The voice was obviously very slight, but at this moment, it seemed as if it had been amplified by dozens of times in the ears of everyone, echoing repeatedly.

At this time, Xiao Yan was surprisingly calm, and said lightly: "I'm fine, Ma'am, we'll go back to the palace first."

Bai Hui reluctantly calmed down and asked Nangong Yu: "Sir concubine, are you okay?"

"I do not……"

When Nangong Yan was about to say he was okay, he heard a loud noise coming from outside, followed by a familiar voice of Tonger: "Bai Hui, thrush, are you all right? World ... what about the wife?"

My son-in-law ran over with some maid-in-law guards. The next step was a flying chicken. My son-in-law instructed her to go and ask Mrs. Lin to come, and at the same time, she instructed people to come and carry the car ...

After a cup of tea, the crowd finally eased a little from the shock, and Nangong Yu and Xiao Yan were helped to Bixiao Hall, especially the Nangong Yu who was pregnant was directly sent to the bed to lie down.

Lin Jingchen happened to be playing chess with Grandpa Fang at Wangfu Palace today. After getting the news, he and Grand Fang rushed over under the guidance of a little girl. Both elders' faces couldn't hide the worry.

"Yier ..." Lin Jingchen frowned at Nangong Yan.

Nangong looked at Lin Jingchen and Old Fang in a wheelchair, and said, "Two grandfathers, I'm fine, but I'm just a little scared."

Lin Jingchen stretched out his right hand, and Nangong Ai immediately obediently extended his right wrist, too. The clever look made the sister-in-law sigh: In addition to the grandfather of the world, probably only the grandmother Lin can make the concubine so obedient , Even the second master and second wife far away from Wangdu.

Xiao Yan, Mrs. Fang and a few girl-in-laws held their breaths, for fear of disturbing Lin Jingchen, staring at him tightly, hoping to see from his face whether it was joy or worry.

Soon, Lin Jingchen put his hand away and said, "Hey, you ’re fine, just move your baby's gas. I will prescribe a medicine for you. I will stay in bed for three days, and after three days, I will show you again. . "

It was said that the hearts of the people hanging in the air finally fell to the ground, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Maternal grandfather, I'll be obedient," Nangong Ai hurriedly urged, "go and see my sister's injury ..."

She knew that it would be fine today. It was Xiao Yan who protected himself when he overturned the car. Otherwise, no matter where it hit, I'm afraid ... She felt a little scared and even more distressed when she thought of it.

On the way, Lin Jingchen had heard about some things, gave Nangong a soothing look, and walked towards Xiao Yan who was sitting on the beauty couch at this moment. Her right hand was still covering her right chin, pointing The blood stains between them have dried up.

Looking at Xiao Yan's appearance, Fang Fang's brows froze, and there was a trace of distress in the cloudy eyes.

At the hint of Lin Jingchen, Xiao Yan finally let go of his hand, and saw a scar on the edge of her left chin with a little finger, blood dripping, and looked a little embarrassing.

Bai Zhou took a breath, and his face was even paler. With such a long wound, shouldn't the big girl's face be scarred?

Bai Hui opened the medicine box and skillfully started to Lin Jingchen.

Remove the wooden thorns in the wound, clean the wound, apply medicine, and then bandage ... it is just a short tea effort.

After that, Lin Jingchen motioned to her to stretch out her right wrist again. Xiao Xuan also didn't dare to disagree, but the look seemed to be saying, I just got a little trauma. Where do I need to get my pulse?

But even the uncle was so obedient in front of Lin's grandfather, where did Xiao Yu dare to question, obedience like a sheep.

Lin Jingchen quickly closed his hand and said, "It's not a big deal, but I was a little scared. In addition to the external medicine, I prescribe a calming prescription and take it for three days." After a pause, He added, "The wound is not deep. Apply the medicine well and recuperate without scarring."

Xiao Yan also responded obediently, with light clouds and light wind, but Nangong Yan, Fang Fang, and a few girls were relieved.

After Lin Jingchen wrote the prescription, Xiao Yan was urged by the old lady Fang to return to Yue Biju first with Tao Yan and Bai Zhou.

As soon as Xiao Ying left, Xiao Yi hurried on his hind foot. He glanced at Xiao Ying and Xiao An, who were kneeling outside the courtyard. His eyes were like swords, so cold that he had no feelings. Shen sank in unison: "My confession."

Xiao Yi said nothing and walked directly into the room. The two dark guards looked at the back of Shi Ziye's departure and glanced at each other. Even Xiao Xiao, who had no expression on his face, showed heavy and serious Come ashamed.

The dark-faced Xiao Yijian walked across the threshold like a flying enclave, and then picked up the curtain and entered the interior room, ignoring the maidservant who asked him to be safe.

"Ama." The moment he saw Nangong Ai on the couch, his complexion was a little slow, and he was afraid to scare his Ama, he could not see anyone else in his eyes, but he saw it in the dark pupil Nangong gnawed a pale face.

Nangong Nian was sitting on the bed with a big pillow, and a bright smile came out of her face, "Ai!"

To meet the peach eyes he couldn't hide his worry, she hurriedly added: "I'm fine." Then, she deliberately glanced at Lin Jingchen and said, "Is my grandfather here, can I do anything?"

Xiao Yi froze, and looked along the line of sight of Nangong Yu, only to see Lin Jingchen and Fang Fang sitting on the side, hurried to salute, and then thanked Lin Jingchen specifically: "Thank you grandfather."

Lin Jingchen smirked his beard and said, "Ai doesn't have to be polite."

Xiao Yi sat down on the couch, and didn't care if Lin Jingchen and Old Fang were on the side, staring at Nan Gongyu with a burning gaze, his heart still throbbed. As long as the thought of Grandma and Grandma might have an accident just now, he ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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