The evening sunset has fallen for the most part. The faint silver moon rises from the sky. The moonlight is intertwined with the afterglow of the sunset. The sky is half-light and half-dark, indicating that a night is about to fall and the air is heavy ...

Anfu was surrounded by a number of soldiers from the Southern Army, guarding it so tightly that the Anfu was impenetrable like an iron bucket.

"Treading ..."

Not far away, a young man in a purple robe rides on a tall black cloud and gallops on the snow, stopping at the gate of Anfu. The soldiers saluted Xiao Yi in unison: "See Grandpa Shi."

The shouts were so loud that the people who were watching nearby were whispering, or awed or curious or stunning eyes were cast on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yifei got off the horse and threw the horse rope to the bamboo behind him, stepping on the door of Anfu.

After hearing the news, Chang Huaixi greeted him, saluted Xiao Yi with a fist, and then shouted, "Sir, the people in the house have been taken care of. The guests stayed in the banquet hall, and the An family members were taken to the main hall. . Things are still being checked ... "

Between words, Chang Huaixi led Xiao Yi to the house and came to the main hall.

In the main hall, an Angan family was crowded. In addition to Anpinling, many Anjia branches and other members of other families also came to Luo Yuecheng for the wedding of King Zhennan, including several marriages. Female, at a glance, there are at least forty or fifty people in the hall. The seniors can still sit, and the young ones can basically only stand.

At this point, An Zhihua and An Minrui had also been brought back to Anfu, and stood anxiously in the corner. An Zhihua squeezed the papa in her hand tightly. She had panic and unwillingness in her heart. She should have been sitting in her new house now, waiting for her candles in the cave. She should have been the distinguished princess of Zhennan, not like now, like a prisoner!

"Master Shi, you are finally here!" At the first sight of An Yiling, Xiaopin first stood up and said eagerly, "What are you doing? We have a family with you and our blood, I Remember that your mother used to be a guest when she was a kid, and treats my uncle as a father-in-law. Son of the world, originally from the same root, what ca n’t be said well, why bother to do that ?! "

An Pinling also tried to show affection for Xiao Yi with Da Fangshi, "Master Zi, I just learned about Shi Zifei's shocking horses. I asked them all. All these things are my unfilial son-in-law. So, hey, the family is unfortunate! We will settle down with our sister-in-law! "

I heard that Mrs. An was pale and knew that her father-in-law was going to sacrifice herself. She wanted to refute, but saw the begging eyes of her husband and children. At this time, you can't let the entire family settle in? !!

Xiao Yi looked at An Pinling's indignation and smiled, but her smile fell short of her eyes, and said, "Speaking of mother-in-law, I knew the other day of the mother-in-law who was the mother-in-law. It was still your grandfather's kind gift. By the way, she seems to be surnamed Lu ... "After a pause, he added," Is Lu Lu from Baiyue, right? "

In a word, it was like dropping a giant thunder in the main hall. The elderly Mrs. An and the couple An Ziang looked pale and looked at An Pinling helplessly. Although the other An family members did not know what was going on, they heard that it was about Baiyue. It was the **** sent by Anfu again, and her heart sank.

Could it be said that An Pinling's eyes were so extreme that he suddenly realized a certain possibility. His slightly dry lips moved, and he intuitively wanted to deny it, but he knew in his heart that it was just a dying struggle.

Shizi knows!

The details of their own home, what they do ... Shi Ziye knew everything!

Thinking, An Pinling's body trembled slightly, and fell back to the teacher's chair, the whole person seemed to be taken away from the soul, such as funeral test.

Xiao Yi's eyes were colder, and he looked around the An family in the hall impatiently, and did not want to talk nonsense anymore with these people. He coldly ordered to the people of Chang Huaixi and said, "Fengfu! Anjia, all people, etc. Never leave. "

"Yes, Master Shi." Chang Huaixi responded with a fist, a pair of black eyes shining brightly, full of vitality. But it's a peaceful place, if they don't deliberately release water, don't even want to go in and out even if it is a fly!

"Xiao Xizi, you are doing very well today!" Xiao Yi praised without hesitation.

Today, this event in Anfu, Chang Huaixi, did a very beautiful job, especially this one by An Minrui, "lead" without revealing traces, promising!

Life is like a drama, isn't it? !!

Xiao Yi's eyes flashed and he strode away, leaving Chang Huaixi and a soldier of the Southern Army to continue to deal with the follow-up matters.

By the time Xiao Yi returned to the palace, the sky had completely darkened, and all the guests who had come to watch the ceremony had dispersed, but the palace was still brightly lit, Xiao Yi had dismounted at the entrance of the palace, and heard that Nangong was still in the main hall. Brow frowned.

At this time, the grandma should have spent dinner and was ready to rest, but now she still has to work for these things.

He thought about it, and unpleasantness was released from his body, and the frightened wife trembled without knowing what she said wrong.

Xiao Yijian walked to the main hall like an enclave. Before he entered the hall, he heard the voice of Nan Gongyu coming from the inside: "... Luo, my son, you ordered the kitchen to cook more wormwood leaves and put the royal palace in the courtyard. Sprinkle with wormwood inside and out, and smoke with wormwood again. Don't be sloppy! "

Between words, Xiao Yi strode into the main hall. Luo Yi and Aunt Er saw Xiao Yi return and hurriedly bowed to salute.

Xiao Yi didn't look at them either, staring at Nangong Xu and urging, "Ah, you should go to rest."

"Ai ..." Looking at Xiao Yi, Nangong's eyes lighted up, and his seemingly calm expression added a touch of glory, like a grass that was indomitable in the wind and rain suddenly had shelter from the wind Green shade.

Zhi Nangong is like Xiao Yi. When she looks at her expression, she knows something is wrong and hastened her pace.

Luo Yan and Aunt Er silently faced Nangong after being blessed, and then retired silently.

In the main hall, only Nangong Yu and Xiao Yi remained.

"Ama, what's wrong?" He approached her, palmed her thin shoulders and asked softly.

Nangong Yu, who was sitting on the teacher's chair, leaned his head against his chest, and the tiredness poured out like a tide.

Her appearance made Xiao Yi even more distressed.

"Ama ..." His big palm gently stroked on her back, "I hold you to rest, and then you slowly talk to me, OK?"

He was carried from the palace to Bixiaotang. What is his future magnificence? !! Nangong Yan stared round, as if he had said something terrible, shook his head quickly, "I'm fine."

Frightened by Xiao Yi, Nangong Yan suddenly felt a lot of energy.

She tried to divert Xiao Yi's attention, and quickly said that Bai Hui had found a small baby clothes in the dowry of An Zhi painting, and said: "... the little clothes are fine on the surface, but my grandfather After the clothes were cut open, there was still a layer of cotton cloth with some mottled marks ... Grandpa judged that it was smallpox pus ...

With Nangong Yan's remarks, Xiao Yi's brow frowned.

In the town of Zhennan, no child has been born for several years, and now there is only this child in the belly of the grandma.

It is conceivable that An Zhihua wanted to give this "little clothes" to his children in the name of his elders after he married him in the palace.

Even if this day is known, it is impossible for himself and Grandma to let the child wear clothes of unknown origin, but when thinking of the wicked intentions of setting up the house, Xiao Yi still can't help but stare at Peach Blossom, with a sharp murderous shot .

But the movements in his hands were more gentle, one hand lay across Nangong's shoulders, the other hand held her left hand, crossed her fingers, and soothed softly and firmly: "Everything is left to me."

With him, everything is to him.

His grandma needs nothing to worry about!

Surrounded by his warm and familiar atmosphere, Nangong Yu relaxed and responded vaguely, finding a comfortable position in his arms, leaning quietly ...

In the main hall, the originally dreary and depressing atmosphere gradually became warm and sweet.

The thrush and Yinger, who were standing outside the main hall, glanced inside. Both of them were in a long breath, and today is bound to be undulating. Although the biggest wave has passed, the follow-up is still costing Effort.

The upper and lower floors of the palace are busy. A lady in a mask wearing a mask sprinkled Ai Ye water and smoked Ai Ye. Today, all people who have entered the main house are temporarily locked in it and must not go out.

Even if this piece of clothes is only put in a small box, smallpox pimples pus is stained on the inner layer. Adults are not as easy as children, and they are not so easily infected. However, for smallpox, Nangong Yu dare not take it lightly.

The people in the palace also knew what was going on at this time. The scared soul almost flew, smallpox, but the terminal illness that was contaminated and lost its life, there is no medicine to cure from ancient times to now. For a time, those who have not gone today People who passed the main courtyard couldn't help but secretly rejoice that they had recovered their lives.

At the same time, Anfu ’s investigation is still ongoing. Among the guests who went to Anfu today to drink, as long as they are immediate family members of Anjia, they are all left in Anfu under the care of the Southern Xinjiang Army. The in-laws returned to the provinces after the interrogation. Those people managed to get out of the house. They all had a lot of fear and didn't dare to say anything. After returning to the house, they closed their doors and planned to wait and see. Wind.

It was only two short hours from the wedding to the present.

The king of Zhennan and his family were married, and the mansion houses in Luo Yue City were invited to participate in the wedding banquet. Even the people who were not qualified to attend were paying attention to the wedding's every move. The city is full of storms and hearts.

In the hall of the palace before, everyone was in the dark, and many guests were not able to find out the king of Zhennan. They had to leave the palace temporarily with the flow, but after returning to the palace, their buttocks were still not hot. They discussed landing again and went to the palace to meet King Zhennan, and wanted to explore his tone.

In the army and even the entire southern Xinjiang, no one knows that Zhennan King ’s father and son have always been at odds with each other. After the “Father and Son Talk”, the attitude of Zhennan King suddenly changed.

The king of Zhennan was annoyed. I just hope that this matter will be revealed quickly. It is better that everyone forgets that he planned to make a marriage with his family. Where can you tell the truth, you can only vaguely test those who are coming to test your tone Passed one by one.

No, the two middle-aged soldiers were sent out without a tea time in the study.

"Old Mo," one of the tall soldiers frowned at the bearded soldier next to him. "What do you mean, Wang, what do you mean?"

The beard known as Lao Mo is also deeply locked, saying: "Laoguan, Shizi ... would you like to those families ..."

As he said, he raised his right hand and drew a hand knife. The metaphor in the words was obvious.

Lao Guan's face was even more ugly, and the same robe was really worried about him and his wife.

Just as Zhennan King and the Fang family of the four major families in South Xinjiang married, and now they are almost married to Anjia, many military generals in South Xinjiang have married these families. For example, his wife is from the Shen family.

Previously, Shizi disposed of the veteran of the army Meng Yiliang, and raged in the army, causing everyone in the army to self-danger. Now he settles Shizi, and it is not impossible to use the opportunity of a grand cleansing to the family ... … If the Shen family had planted it for this, would it affect them to close the house?

He came to Wangfu this time, hoping that he could persuade the grandfather a little bit, but this time, even the grandfather's attitude was unpredictable, and he even faintly expressed his support for the grandfather.

The two soldiers felt as if they were pressing against a mountain. They felt breathless and left the palace with a heavy heart. In the study outside, the king of Zhennan was not much better than them. Get up and breathe into the window.

"Master Wang," at this time, Kikyo stepped into the study slowly, and bowed to the king of the south of the town, standing beside the window, and said, "The son of the concubine ordered the king to be temporarily closed."

Shi Zifei will certainly not do things for no reason. The Zhennan king frowned, and asked, "What's going on?"

Bellflower said concisely and concisely about the little clothes.

Hearing that even the Zhennan King was scared and scared a bit, hurriedly grabbed the window sill, his palm was slightly hard, and his mouth murmured: "The most poisonous woman's heart, the most poisonous woman's heart ..."

There was Xiao Fangshi in the front and this Anshi in the back. The two women, on the surface, were gentle and gentle, but they were all femme fatales.

Fortunately, Xiao Yi was discovered in time this time, otherwise this wicked woman would marry in, wouldn't it hurt his baby grandson? Moreover, smallpox can be contagious. If you don't make it, even yourself, the concubine, and others in the palace may be infected with smallpox ...

King Zhennan was so dull that he was about to drip water, and he dared not think about it. If An Zhihua is here, he has cut her heart with one stroke.

The king of Zhennan settled himself, and turned to ask the bellflower: "Is the concubine okay?"

Kikyo hurriedly replied: "Return to the prince, the prince Shi ordered to clean up the main courtyard, and let all the people who have been in the main courtyard today go to Zhuangzi to live for ten days, when they are sure they will return to the palace, even Shizi The princess's next to her is no exception. "

Originally, those people told me they were going to live in Zhuangzi for ten days, and they were very worried. Once they were afraid of smallpox, they were also worried that they would not be able to return in the future. But I heard that the big sister-in-law Baihui beside the concubine was going to Zhuangzi. Naturally convinced, no one dares to say a word.

King Zhennan sat down on the circle chair by the window and sighed with emotion: "Shi Zifei deserves to be from the family of scholarly scholars."

The prince of the world managed the inner court of the palace, and she really saved a lot of heart!

King Zhennan picked up the tea cup and drank the tea, and felt relieved.

No wonder the saying goes: Wife, husband and wife do less harm. With the concubine of the world, the palace avoided this disaster.

In this way, Shi Zifei is really her own blessing.

This time, Ruo Naizi, while investigating the incident of Shi Zifei's concubine, found Anjia's head, so he found that Anjia had a common enemy. I'm afraid he had been deceived and became a close friend of Anzhi.

This home is really hateful. They must know that their guilt is inevitable once they are found, so they just want to drag themselves into the water to save their lives, and their hearts are terrible!

Zhennan's brain supplemented the cause and effect, almost gritted his teeth.

At this moment, Xiaoyi exclaimed from outside: "Auntie, Grandpa is inside, please ..."

Before Xiao Yan's words were finished, Mrs. Qiao had rushed into the study outside with anger.

"Brother, what the **** is going on? Good marriage, how can you say you regret it ?! And what do you mean by sending someone to check in our house?"

As soon as Mrs. Qiao entered the door, she questioned King Zhennan and said more and more.

Today, Mrs. Qiao ate ravioli at Nangong Palace, and lost face in front of several female guests. She wanted to give Nangong Palace a color to look at, so she left the palace intentionally in advance without leaving the ceremony. Thinking that when the Zhennan King was discovered, she could wait for the opportunity to sue Nangong Yan, but did not expect that the ending was like this. Zhennan King did not send anyone to ask, but came a group of rude Nanjiang Army soldiers, as if they were interrogators, questioned endlessly ...

It wasn't until the people of the Southern Army came in that Mrs. Qiao learned that nephew Xiao Yi had a big trouble while worshiping in Zhennan King. Zhennan King was persuaded by Xiao Yi to cancel the wedding and drive An Zhihua back. When he settled in, he was even taken care of by Xiao Yi's people.

She just walked away for a while in advance, and Zhennan Palace seemed to be going upside down!

Mrs. Qiao was furious, and no matter it was dark, she rushed to the palace again, intending to ask Zhennan Wang Xingshi to confess her crimes. This is her matchmaker. Where will she look in the future? !!

Zhennan Wang's sharp eyes shot at Madam Qiao, squinting slightly suspiciously.

If Mrs. Qiao didn't show up, King Zhennan didn't expect her, but now her arrival reminded King Zhennan that her relationship with Anfu was still in the middle of Mrs. Qiao.

Thinking about that, the look of King Zhennan became strange.

The aunt Mei was sent to the palace by her eldest sister, and now the Anzhi painting is the eldest sister's match. Why is it related to the eldest sister?

When Mrs. Qiao mentioned the continuation of the string, King Zhennan had doubted whether the house had promised her any benefit. Later, because he was quite satisfied with the family affairs, he did not investigate it again ...

Now thinking about it, King Zhennan had to wonder what role his elder sister played in it?

Just being deceived, or ...

King Zhennan looked at Mrs. Qiao, and asked politely, "Sister, tell me, did you accept the benefits of your home?"

Mrs. Qiao, who was angry, heard the words and was stunned. Unexpectedly, King Zhennan suddenly asked this. He felt a little guilty, but he could not admit it. He insisted: "What good ?! Brother, do you think I am Who? How can I take advantage of my home! "

The King of Zhennan did not move. He stared at Mrs. Qiao blinklessly. It was because he knew that the elder sister was greedy, so he asked.

Mrs. Qiao was embarrassed and irritated, and said impatiently, "Who said that? Are they people who settled down? Brother, they are nonsense, trying to destroy the friendship between you and my sister!" She said, thinking to herself: Is it Is it because Anfu hated and dragged himself into the water because the marriage failed?

Seeing Madam Qiao stepping on her sore feet, Zhennan Wang couldn't guess where, and looked at her in disappointment. She didn't say anything at home, so she became a thief and jumped over the wall.

It is still his brother who is so accustomed to her that she is so arrogant and arrogant today.

Make troubles again and again, make mistakes again and again, and almost hurt the palace, injuring yourself!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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