Xiao Yi is here!

The corner of Pingyanghou's mouth slightly twitched, but the next moment, the smile on his lips froze.

Behind Xiao Yi, another person slowly walked into the courtyard. The man was covered with a thick cape studded with sable hair, with a slender figure and a handsome face. A pair of seemingly mild eyes were like a pool of deep water. Bottom out.

Pingyang Hou could not help but took a breath.

Anyihou official language is white!

But why is he here? !!

Is Xiao Yi calling Guan Yubai also?


When thinking of a possibility, Pingyanghou's pupils shrank and his eyes were cloudy.

This is Luo Yuecheng. The eyeliner of Zhennan Palace is everywhere. If Xiao Yi has been sending someone to stare at him secretly, then it ’s possible that Shi Jie saw Li Yunqi himself but Xiao Yi could not be concealed. Is Xiao Yi already guessing that Li Yunqi just What did you say to yourself ...

In other words, Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai have guessed why they came from?

Pingyang Hou became more and more frightened, doubting that today may not be as smooth as he originally thought.

In the complex and tangled eyes of Pingyang Hou, Xiao Yi and Guan Yu walked side by side toward the hall, always crossing the high threshold.

"Houye, happy new year." Xiao Yi said with a smile, while arching his hand at Houyang Pingyang casually, and then sat down on the top teacher's chair.

Guan Yubai sat down opposite the Pingyanghou, nodding slightly, which was a tribute.

Pingyang Hou also bowed his head and looked a little stiff.

To this day, it doesn't make much sense to want more. Maybe they are making a mystery and bluff? !! Pingyang Hou said to himself in his heart.

For the sake of today's plan, he still needs a quick knife to cut chaos, he lied to them!

"Master Shi," Pingyang Hou tentatively glanced between Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai, straight into the geology and asked, "You and I don't speak secretly, are the three horses in your hands?"

After Pingyang Hou suspected that Guanyubai ’s coming to South Xinjiang might be his and Xiao Yi ’s plan, he made more speculations boldly, whether the two of them had already distributed a lot as early as last year or even earlier. The big round, a round that counts the emperor ... maybe Kuilang's coming to southern Xinjiang is also part of this round.

If his guess is good, then Kui Lang, who was taken away by Xiao Yi, is probably more fierce ...

Ping Yanghou's gaze finally stopped on Xiao Yi, staring at him blinklessly, trying to put pressure on him, but he did not want Xiao Yi to groan, and even laughed even brighter.

"What is it?" Xiao Yi said calmly, a pair of black peach eyes staring directly at Pingyanghou.

Xiao Yi admitted it? !! Pingyang Hou's eyes were unbelievably large, and his eyes turned to Guan Yubai again. He saw that he held the blue and white porcelain tea cup with both hands, which was leisurely and leisurely. Obviously, he was not surprised by Xiao Yi's words.

Sure enough, the two did collude together long ago! And they didn't plan to hide it? !!


Do they think it doesn't matter if they let themselves know?

Pingyang Hou could hardly think calmly. From the moment he came to Bixiaotang, the development of the situation completely exceeded his expectations.

The words have been exported, such as overwhelming water.

I have no way back, can't panic ...

Pingyang Hou pretends to be calm and squints slightly. His sharp eyes are as sharp as a sword with a sheath.

Pingyang Hou said in a threatening manner: "Secretary, An Yihou, have you ever wondered what would happen if the emperor knew about you ... and the Zhennan palace?"

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, looked at Pingyanghou with a crooked head, and asked without answering: "What will happen?"

Pingyang Hou was taken a sip. He wanted to say that Zhennan Royal Mansion would be copied and destroyed, but how could Xiao Yi not know this!

Xiao Yi sneered dismissively and answered directly: "Houye thinks that the emperor will copy the southern palace of my town? Since Houye is a military officer, he must know what Dayu's strength is, who can be a general?"

The "general" that Xiao Yi said was naturally a general who was enough to slay Zhennan's palace.

As soon as Pingyang Hou thought about it, his barely calm face almost didn't strain.

Yeah, Dayu has long been out!

Of course, Dayu has generals, but these generals can be bandits and can deal with some small-scale wars, but there is no such general, that is enough to cope with battles between tens of thousands of troops ... Because of this, Dayu was only Had to make peace to Xi Ye, had to choose the princess and the pro ...

Pingyang Hou looked at Xiao Yi for a while, and then looked at Guan Yubai. Dayu ’s most brave and talented warriors are in this hall at the moment. Both of them are so young. The battle is invincible.

What's more, in addition to the generals, the combat effectiveness of the army is also an important factor for the emperor to consider.

The successive years of battles on the one hand have brought a lot of trauma to Southern Xinjiang, but on the other hand, the flames of flames have also trained the Southern Xinjiang Army into an invincible elite.

Xiao Yi looked at Pingyang Hou's erratic eyes, his mouth angled higher, but his tone suddenly sharpened: "The emperor knows that he doesn't have much interference with the son of this son. If Hou Ye wants to say, he can go to Wangdu Discount! "

Ping Yanghou's lips were tightly pressed into a straight line, his face sinking like water. He originally thought that he had grasped the handle of Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai, but now he finally realized that as Xiao Yi said, he did n’t care about Xiao Yi, the Zhennan palace, and the southern Xinjiang. .

What's more, he is now trapped in southern Xinjiang, can his discount be delivered? Can he and the three princesses walk out of southern Xinjiang alive?

But Pingyang Hou couldn't break through this layer of window paper. He could only ask the outside strong and middle ground to ask: "Xiao Yi, Ben Hou only asks you the last question, do you have an unwilling heart?"

On the surface, Pingyanghou asked whether Xiao Yi would rebel with Guan Yubai, but in fact he was testing how Xiao Yi would deal with himself.

Xiao Yi hugged his arms leisurely, sighed, but looked at Guan Yubai and said with a smile: "Xiao Bai, why do everyone think we are going to rebel?"

Xiao Yi neither acknowledged nor denied, making Pingyang Hou even more frustrated.

Guan Yubai laid down the tea cup, and smiled at Xiao Yi, everything was in silence.

What they want is not the Northern Expedition Palace, but the unification of the southern region. This includes not only the southern Xinjiang, Baiyue, and Nanliang, but also integrates the small nations and clans nearby to make the southern region stronger and more complete. . Only in this way, in the future, the Zhennan Royal Palace and Nanyu can advance, attack, retreat and defend. Later, Xiao Yi's children will not go to the king as a proton because of the emperor's word.

However, the South Region has been in constant war for several years, and there are many small countries around it. So in order to integrate the South Region, they need to fight for more time ...

However, even so, it does not mean that they need to bend back to anyone.

They are already strong enough, and it is for this reason that they are discouraged.

"Hou Ye," Guan Yubai Wenrun's gaze looked at Pingyang Hou, and he asked with a smile, "I don't know what Hou Ye thinks he will choose?"

Guan Yubai didn't indicate who the master of Pingyang Hou chose, but since the development of the matter, Pingyang Hou has never dared to underestimate Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai. With the depth of these two minds, I'm afraid I already knew what was behind them. This is King Han Lingguan of Shun County.

Pingyang Hou half-drow his eyes, covering the complex emotions.

He thought that the king of Shun County, Han Ling, had a brilliant view of the wise and mighty, and he helped him from the side, and he would successfully ascend to the throne. Then he had the power of the dragon. He did not expect a fraud case to break in the king of Shun County. It has come to this point.

But I have no way back.

If the king of Shun County can ascend to the throne, then he can be over 10,000 people from this person; if not, once Han Ling of Gong County succeeds in winning the concubine, with his must-have temperament, he will certainly not let go of Heping Yanghoufu ... ...

Pingyang Hou did not think that the five emperor Han Lingfan could ascend to the throne. With his weak body and soft temperament, there was no emperor.

Pingyang Hou became more and more irritable, and more and more confused. He did not even remember what he said later and when he left Bixiaotang.

On this way, Pingyang Hou's mind was drowsy. When he reached the station, he remained alone in the room for a while ... until a sudden messy footsteps came from the corridor outside, accompanied by Xiao's familiar voice "Houye, that's bad ..."

A little boy in Tsing Yi stepped forward, his face pale and panting.

"Houye, it's not good!" Xiaoxi hurriedly saluted Pingyang Houbaoquan. "Just now our people and the guard of the Wangfu government found the three horses in the grove outside the North City Gate ..."

Ke Lang found it? !! Pingyang Hou frowned. Seeing Xiao Xiao's appearance knew that it might not be good news.


The little concubine continued: "Three horsemen ... he is dead!"

For a moment, the room fell into a deadly silence, and Pingyang Hou's heart sank to the bottom of the valley ...

Pingyang Hou suddenly realized that Xiao Yi was serious.

Kui Lang is dead, and death cannot be resurrected, which means that Xiao Yi and Zhennan Royal Mansion have already decided their own way, and they don't care that they will attract the jealousy and fear of the emperor!

Pingyang Hou felt like he was in a fog with no fingers in his hands, and he didn't know which way to go.

He stumbled and fell back on the ring chair in the back.

Soon, another messy footsteps came from the outside, and the next moment, I saw the three princesses wearing a plum-colored sister-in-law rushing in, followed by a palace girl and the third princess's face Against a brightly colored dress, she looked paler and panicked.

"Houye, give him a horse ... he ..." A mist appeared in the eyes of the three princesses, and his eyes turned red.

Pingyang Hou reluctantly settled down and said, "His Highness Princess Three, Ben Hou already knows." He turned to ask the little cricket, "The corpse ... where is the three cricket horse now?"

Xiaoyan said quickly: "Go back to Lord Hou, the guard of the palace will find the corpse and send it to the post station, now in the backyard below."

Pingyang Hou and the three princesses hurried down. The small courtyard behind the post was crowded at the moment. Five or six royal palace guards were standing next to a two-wheeled scooter. There was a person lying on the scooter. In other words, a dead body was covered with a gray linen, and the outline of the body was faintly exposed under the linen.

The three princesses of Jin Zhiyu Ye had seen the corpse somewhere, and stopped at the courtyard, unwilling to go any further.

Pingyang Hou did not force the third princess to walk to the scooter alone, gritted his teeth, and resolutely untied the piece of linen.

A sloppy face beneath the linen came into his eyes, his face was dead white, his eyes almost bulged out, a gray one, not a bit angry, and a **** wound on his neck. The incision of the blood vessel, the wound was flat, apparently killed with a sword.

This is Kui Lang!

How could Pingyang Hou admit wrong, the moment he saw Kui Lang's body, the last hope in Pingyang Hou's heart was completely shattered.

He looked at the three princesses and nodded slowly toward her: "His Royal Highness, it is the three horses."

But a few words, but Pingyang Hou said extremely difficult, as if exhausted all their strength.

It's over! When Kui Lang died, she became an abandoned son. Will the father and the emperor take her back to the capital? !! The princess of the third princess trembled and almost did not fall. The maid next to her hurriedly supported her.

The three princesses had panicked and couldn't think at all, but murmured, "Who did it? Who did it?"

There was silence in the yard, as if you could hear the sound of dropping a needle.

Pingyang Hou knew who did it, but he couldn't say anything when he reached the mouth. He moved his mouth and said, "His Royal Highness, as far as Ben Hou is concerned, is mostly a civil disturbance in Bai Yue. Back to Baiyue ... "

"Houye, what shall we do?" The three princesses were easily convinced by Pingyang Hou, after all, once Kui Lang returned to Baiyue, the most worried person should be the pseudo-king Nuhar of Baiyue.

Pingyang Hou said with complex eyes: "Today, only Ben Hou has asked the emperor again ..."

The three princesses panicked in her mind, and didn't notice anything wrong with Pingyang Hou, but just answered again and again, with the help of the maid, she staggered away.

Looking at the weak back of the three princesses, Pingyanghou's expression became more and more tenacious and gloomy, and he said to himself in his heart that people do not die for themselves.

At present, the chance of King Shun Jun's success is probably only two or three. He cannot take such a big risk and tie the entire gate of Houfu Pingyang to King Shun Jun.

He must save himself, he must leave a retreat for Pingyang Houfu, no matter who ascended the throne, he can protect Pingyang Houfu's comprehensive retreat ...

So, that night, a secret newspaper was hurriedly sent out from the station ...

In the middle of the night, a ghostly black figure floated into the Zhennan King's Mansion, and hurried toward Qingyunwu to the northeast.

In Qingyunwu, a white eagle perched on a branch suddenly opened its sharp eagle eyes, its wings trembled slightly, and it was eager to try, but the next moment was drunk by a flat male voice: "Han Yu."

"Little Four, your little feathers have grown up again!" The man in black jumped lightly from the fence and said with a smile, "You can have a baby eagle right away?"

Xiaosi stared at each other fiercely. One or two were still incessant. Their family Han Yu was still a kid!

Si Yi is just teasing Xiaosi. After pulling his robes, he strode forward, and then strove over the window sill with his right hand, jumping into the room, facing the official language behind the book case. .

Guan Yubai put down the scroll in his hand, slightly twitched his lips, and said, "Success?"

"That's it! I'm going out of the way, can't I do it?" Si Yan sat down opposite Guan Yubai, took out an envelope sealed with fire paint from his arms, and handed it to Guan Yubai.

Guanyubai took the envelope, picked up a pen from the pen holder, the tip of the pen was stained with a bit of transparent liquid, and spread it evenly on one side of the envelope. Then carefully opened the envelope, took out one of the silk paper, and quickly After browsing the ground, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Soon, the letter returned to its original state and was handed it to Si Yi by the official language.

"Thank you again for another walk and put this letter back in." Guan Yu said in a whisper.

"White language," Si Yan sighed quietly and complained, "Can't you give me a more difficult task? Don't you think this little thing is bothering me?

After Si Yuanhaosheng complained, he ate a supper before leaving contentedly.

The ghostly figure floated out of the palace like a ghost, and from beginning to end, the patrol guards of the palace knew nothing.

The next day, King Zhennan also learned the news that Kui Lang's body was found. He was shocked, suspicious and panic. After walking a few times in the study, he hurriedly called Xiao Yi, and asked him cracklingly. Fan, asked whether Kui Lang's death had anything to do with him, and asked him how he planned to deal with Pingyang Hou and the three princesses, but Xiao Yi was careless from beginning to end, as if it didn't matter at all.

The king of Zhennan was trembling with anger and yelled: "Niezi, if you have the ability, you can handle the ease of Hou Yihou, and don't cause disaster to the king's palace! Let the king give you a mess!"

"Father Wang, you came to me just to say that?" Xiao Yiman shrugged indifferently. "You can rest assured that for my baby girl, the palace is well!"

He said it meaningfully, but the king of Zhennan only felt that he had been stabbed with a sword in his heart, and his face was blue and white for a while.

"You inverse ..."

The resounding anger and resounding of Zhennan's imperial spirit was echoed again in Wangfuli, and it was another bustling day.

On the seventh day of the new year, the reopening of the early dynasty also represented the emperor's imperial pen and treasure seal finally reappearing. The emperor immediately issued a decree to allow Pingyang Hou to do everything cheap in southern Xinjiang.

However, after issuing the decree, the emperor was still uneasy, always worried about how to deal with the rebellion of Zhennan's palace ...

The emperor thought more and more that the situation in North Korea was not optimistic.

After the emperor received the Pingyang Hou's orphan from the year before, he often did not sleep at night, and was awakened by a nightmare in the middle of the night. It may be stagnation in his heart. On the eighth day of the new year, the emperor suddenly fell ill.

The Kings of Seong-gun, Shun-gun, and Gong-gun came to the palace several times to visit the emperor. Together with the five princes, they waited for the disease on the emperor's dragon couch, taking medicine and pouring water.

However, the emperor suddenly fell ill, but there was no one to monitor the dynasty, and no one handled the affairs. The more memorials handed over to the palace, the more the emperor did not approve, and no one dared to make a decision.

On the tenth day of the tenth, Taiyi Wu and other senior doctors were stopped by several cabinet ministers as soon as they came out of the Longevity Hall. After some inquiries, several ministers learned that the emperor had recovered from stroke a few years ago, and although healed, his foundation was weaker than ordinary people. Nowadays, the illness is like a mountain, and he must rest for a month and then look at it.

The problem is that there is so much politics in the world, but there is no way to wait for January.

After several ministers discussed the value of the house, they came to the Changsheng Hall together to see the emperor.

Liu Gonggong didn't dare to neglect. He knew the emperor. Soon, several ministers saw the emperor on the sickbed in the palace.

After only two days of absence, the emperor seemed to have lost a large circle, his eye sockets were deeply sunken, and his complexion was yellow. Seeing the emperor's appearance, several ministers secretly exchanged a look, knowing that some of the great doctors spoke well.

As a result, Cheng Dongyang, the first assistant, bowed his head and made a congratulations: "The emperor's dragon body embraces the emperor, and his officials are also worried. However, the country must not be ruleless for a day and there are many things to do. Good? "

After being ill for more than two days, the emperor had been thinking about this problem for a long time, and immediately said: "Just ..."

The emperor originally wanted to say that the five princes would come to monitor the dynasty, but only spoke two words, and hesitantly swallowed the rest.

Xiao Wu is upright in human nature, and the deep credit minister is unquestionable. If there is a report from the south of Xinjiang recently, with the nature of Xiao Wu, I am afraid it will be biased towards Zhennan Wangfu.

For Dayu!

There was a moment of hesitation and struggle in the emperor's eyes. After a while, he finally resolutely said, "It will be by the governor of Gong County."

After the words ended, there was silence in the palace.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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