In the Imperial Study Room, there was silence, only Liu Gonggong accidentally stepped on the shattered porcelain pieces everywhere.

Han Lingfu took the pass from Liu Gonggong and looked intently. He immediately felt a joy in his heart, and squeezed the corner of his mouth that was almost raised.

In this secret, Pingyang Hou impassionedly stated the guilt of the Zhennan Royal Mansion, refusing it to comply, and not only did not want to send the concubines and grandchildren of the world to the capital, but also imprisoned Chen Rentai, the prisoner. Rentai is still unknown. Since then, Zhennan Royal Mansion has been passively fighting against Baiyue on the grounds of successive years of battle and loss of strength.

After seeing it, Han Lingfu was not just a surprise. The behavior of Zhennan Wangfu completely exceeded his expectations. It is no wonder that Chen Rentai has never heard of it ... Zhennan Wangfu is looking for death this time!

However, for myself, this is so good!

Han Lingfu's dark eyes twinkled with excitement, and folded his folders indignantly.

"Little three, what do you think?" The emperor after the case asked Shen Rushui, slowly asked, a pair of eyes staring at Han Lingfu tightly.

Han Lingfu resisted the joy in his heart, stared directly at the emperor, and then filled the emperor's heart with indignation and said, "Father Emperor, King Zhennan not only disobeyed the monarch, but also dared to use force to defeat the emperor. There is no lawlessness, and such unfaithful and injustices will be a great trouble! "

As a result, Han Lingfu carefully bowed his head and said forcefully, "For the sake of the Dayu River Mountain Society, and for the people of the people, he also asked the Emperor Father to summon troops to southern Xinjiang, to capture the king and son of Zhennan, to determine my Dayu Jiangshan. "

He bowed his head and waited for the emperor's response.

The emperor's face still covered with a layer of dark clouds, his eyes flickered slightly, his thin lips narrowed into a straight line, and his mouth was firm.

In the Imperial Study Room, it was quiet and the atmosphere was a little dignified.

In the early morning of the next day, this fold of the Pingyang Hou caused an uproar in the early dynasty. The courtiers made a noise, and no one could believe that the Zhennan Royal Mansion had such courage.

The two divisions of the Criminal Department Shang Shu Gu Mo and the Official Department Shang Shu Li Heng quickly exchanged a look, followed by Gu Mo listed, righteous words: "The emperor, the emperor thinks that the king of the south of the town is arrogant and has no court. This kind of wind can't be fueled. It should be conquered in southern Xinjiang to make a difference. "

"Master Gu said yes." Master Zuo Shi Lang, Qian Qian, quickly replied, "Although His Majesty the King of Zhennan has 200,000 troops, he has been fighting for years, and his strength and people's livelihood are inadequate, but he is weak and strong, but it is really vulnerable. "The emperor, the emperor and the emperor, hold their own weight, and they are in great trouble!"

The impassioned speech made many ministers thoughtful.

Gu Gu and Qian Qian are not bad. From the old town of Nannan to the generation of this generation, Zhennan Royal Mansion has made great achievements over the past few decades, but it has always been considered to be the leader of the earthquake and the soldiers.

There was no reason for the imperial court to march south. I was afraid that people in the world would say that the emperor bird did everything to hide, but now it is Zhennan's royal palace, which is party and private, arrogant, and dare to house arrest.

It is better to take this opportunity to withdraw the vassal king and bring the southern Xinjiang to the imperial court, so that Dayu Jiangshan can be stabilized!

Immediately afterwards, several ministers of the main battle faction also expressed their opinions. For a time, the waves of the main battle followed the wave, and the momentum became more and more loud, and the anger in the court was angry.

The emperor sullen a face and sat on a high dragon chair. He didn't speak for a long time, but many old officials who knew the emperor's heart had vaguely guessed that the emperor was afraid.

Several ministers also secretly looked at each other, worried, feeling that this time the situation may be very unfavorable to the Zhennan Palace.

If this battle is really inevitable, then Dayu is afraid that it will usher in another huge storm!

At this moment, an old minister with gray hair came out of the queue, and could not help but let the full man calm down, his eyes focused on him.

He is the emperor's father, Emperor Gong.

"Emperor," Gong En said loudly, "Zhennan Royal Palace has always been a barrier for Dayu's southern Xinjiang. For decades, it has always been loyal to the court and protects Dayu's tranquility. There is nothing wrong with it. The old minister thought that there must be any misunderstanding. You should send another mission to South Xinjiang to appease. It is not advisable to condemn it. "

The reason why Gong Guogong advocated soothing was that on the one hand, it was considered that Dayu conquered the battle for years, and it was impossible to talk about the war. On the other hand, he also considered that the five princes, the emperor of the Zhennan king, and the Nangong family were close to the five princes. The five princes have lost their Nangong family, and can no longer be without the support of Zhennan Royal Mansion ...

Since then, some ministers have agreed on the grounds of war labor and people's injury to property, and it also shows that the civil war will damage Dayu ’s military strength, and if it is not good, it will split the country, the ordinary people will suffer in the end.

Ministers, please say a word to me, but it ’s not lively. The Manchu dynasty is divided into two groups. One group is headed by the benevolent emperor and advocates peace. The emperor asks the emperor to send people to southern Xinjiang to appease the other. .

The latter has a faint hold on the former.

After quarreling for almost an hour, it was still unsuccessful, and the emperor finally announced his withdrawal from the DPRK.

The emperor was still hesitating, weighing the benefits of the Nanzheng in his heart ... and, once he missed this opportunity, how many years would he have to wait to unplug the heart of Zhen'an Palace!

Although the emperor did not have a clear purpose, but a stone stirred up thousands of waves, the emperor ’s intentional southward expedition caused a huge tumult in the court and the court. The courtiers talked privately, regardless of the main battle or the main peace, they watched secretly. The wind in the chapel felt quite a bit rustling.

King Gong ’s Han Lingfu was proud of himself. He had almost eighty-nine percent grasp of his father ’s use of troops in southern Xinjiang. The fifth prince Han Lingfan was worried. After the early dynasty, he hurried out of the palace and rushed to the Gong government. Discuss with Grace Guo.

After the grandparents and the emperor Gong Shizi closed up in the study, they planned to contact several masters and courtiers to enter the palace together to persuade the emperor.

After the elder son of Emperor Eguo led away, only the grandparents and grandchildren remained in the study. The air was heavy, and the two of them seemed to be pressing a huge stone.

Gongyou quietly sighed, as if feeling emotion, but also to himself: "The emperor has become more and more confused these past two years ..."

Although the emperor of the past did not say that he was a wise and brilliant monarch, he was also motivated and diligent in politics. However, since his stroke a few years ago, the emperor's energy has been worse than one year. In the last two years, his mind seemed to be a little confused. ...

Han Lingfan certainly heard that, but as a son, he couldn't deny his father. After a long silence, Han Lingfan said solemnly: "It would be nice if Aunt Yongyang was in Wangdu ..."

The sigh disappeared in the air, and this trip to the Gong government made Han Lingfan's heart heavier.

Then, on the 29th of April, the court turned upside down. On April 29th, the Emperor Guo contacted a group of courtiers to write the emperor, and tried all the disadvantages of the battle. The discount was presented to the emperor's royal case. The emperor was furious when he saw only half of it. He only felt that the offenders under these courtiers were persecuting himself!

The emperor knew that the emperor was linked in the back, so he moved the angry queen and the five princes, made the queen in the Fenghuang Palace behind closed doors and introspected himself, and rebuked the five princes, and blamed them to study in the study room. palace.

Han Lingfu repeatedly spoke about the South Expedition at the right time, and the words and sentences conformed to the emperor's heart, and also made the emperor's heart to fight more vigorously, eager to move, but unable to make a final determination ...

The atmosphere between the chapels has also become more subtle, like a big bow is tightened little by little ...

Everyone, including the emperor, knew in their hearts that it would be difficult to cover the water. Once the bow was opened, there would be no chance of turning back!

On the tenth day of May, the emperor received a secret letter, which also came from southern Xinjiang, but the three princesses concealed him from the Pingyang Hou secretly and presented it to the emperor.

In the letter, the three princesses described each of their encounters after arriving at Luo Yuecheng with jealousy, and fiercely sued the Zhennan King's Mansion, and determined that the seat was king, and it was suspected of rebellion. The emperor must make sure Its severe punishment.

At the moment, the emperor finally made up his mind at this moment, as if a ball of flint was thrown into a pot of hot oil, and the anger burned instantly, completely engulfing the emperor's reason ...

When the emperor was angry, he immediately ordered the cabinet ministers such as Cheng Dongyang, the first assistant, to be admitted to the palace. He opened his door and bluntly said: "The king of Zhennan did not follow the order of the emperor, and held his own weight. Suffering. The mind of Lu Nanzheng has been determined. How does Zhong Aiqing feel that this force, grain, and armor equipment should be dispatched? "

There was a silence in the Imperial Study Room, and it took a long time for a second person to speak ...

On this day, until the sound of the gongs and drums sounded, several cabinet ministers came out of the Imperial Study Room. There was darkness and silence around them. Only the stars and the moon in the night sky looked down at them. All the ministers were looking dignified. Opening the bow, this storm that has been brewing for more than half a month is finally about to strike ...

Early the next morning, a secret message from the emperor was quickly sent to South Xinjiang.

When the secret message reached Luo Yue City, it was already early June.

For Pingyang Hou, this secret is almost like a hot potato.

Pingyang Hou hasn't lived a day of safety since he came to South Xinjiang a year ago. Half a year later, he has lost a lot of weight. It seems that he was sentenced to be the same as Pingyang Hou who had been respected and treated in the capital.

Pingyang Hou was alone in the study room for a long time, sighed and sighed, but had to face the reality and went to Bi Xiaotang to meet Xiao Yi with the secret.

However, the concierge said, "Shi Ziye was still in the barracks and did not return," he sent Pingyang Hou lightly. Pingyang Hou didn't know if he should be relieved, and asked the concierge to pass the message on his behalf, and then left slumped.

The gate of Dongjie Street was closed again, and the news of Pingyang Hou's arrival immediately passed to the backyard and reached Xiao Yi's ear.

Xiao Yi returned from the Luoyuecheng camp more than an hour ago, and now he is lazy at home.

The southern Xinjiang in June was as hot as the summer of the capital, and the sun was dazzling.

The four-and-a-half-month-old guy will already be lying on the ground, active and active, always wanting to explore everywhere, and Nangong has a sense of uncontrollability, so the girls will be softly covered in the shade behind the house. Persian rug, let the little ones play by themselves.

The dense shade blocks most of the sun, making the air cool and comfortable, which is the most suitable for cooling.

Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan sat face to face on the rug, and the small meat ball in the blue clothes between them lay on the rug happily, with a firm, high jaw.


The little guy suddenly closed his legs and arched his butt. It moved like a soft, chubby little beast forward two or three inches away. A little fat pig was put on his father's body, as if he was done. What a feat, grinning at his father grinning, exposing the pink teeth and the only milky white front teeth, the transparent drool dripping from the corner of his mouth ...

Xiao Yi's eyes quickly wiped the drool from the mouth of the little idiot with a square of hand. As soon as the little guy saw something shaking, he grabbed it subconsciously, but unfortunately his hand passed his father, and the fat little claw grabbed it.

The little boy flattened his mouth, his eyes stared round and round, staring at the square papa in Xiao Yi's hand, like a little fat cat who aimed at his prey.

Xiao Yi laughed with a lip, and extended his right hand to the "Little Fat Cat" again. The "Little Fat Cat" grabbed the meat claws again with excitement, but it turned around for a while ...

The little guy hasn't figured out what happened, he has changed to lie down, his feet are facing the sky, like a turtle turned over.

When Dad laughed gleefully, he thought: Should the needlework room make a dark green turtle for the stink boy?

For such a scene, Nangong Yu is already used to it.

Anyway, since Yu Yuer was born, he has not been "played" by his father. I do n’t know if it ’s the same with other babies. Yu Geer does n’t have any vengeance, but still smiles at his dad and asks his dad to play.

Fortunately, this child is big enough! Nangong Yu sighed and thought.

The little guy blinked stupidly, his **** and white eyes were soggy, just as Nangong thought he was going to cry, he had rolled over with his limbs and turned into a lying position, and then raised With a round head ...

"咚咚 ... 咚咚 ..."

The rhythmic sound of the rattle sounded at this moment, the little guy immediately heard the sound, his eyes brightened, staring at the big red rattle that Nangong Yan fluttered in his hands, and forgot all about Pa Zi.

He knows this thing is his own toy!

And my kin is my own!

The little guy yelled, as if to say, this is mine! It's all mine!

He shook his little claws at Nangong, screamed, and washed the Persian carpet "tick-tick" ...

The giggling laughter echoed from time to time in the air, and even the people in the yard heard it.

When Han Qixia and Fu Yunhe came, they saw this scene, and the two couldn't help showing their faces and looked at each other.

Looking at Xiao Yi's family of three and being mellow, Fu Yunhe quickly thought of something, and there was a tangled light in his eyes.

After meeting with Xiao Yi and Nangong Yan, they followed Fu Yunhe and asked, "Brother, can you speak by one step?" There was a rare dignity on the baby's face.

"Your plum wine is ready to drink. Let's drink a few glasses." Xiao Yi stood up from the carpet without wearing boots, and the white socks stepped on the ground and walked away with Fu Yunhe.

Looking at the rigid back of Fu Yunhe, Han Qixia, who knew his heart, sighed in her heart, but didn't want to ruin Nangong's mood, and smiled: "Hey, Brother Yu is so smart, he has climbed so well."

She also sat down on the carpet, looking at the little guy, and the little guy was also looking at her. The look seemed to be asking, who are you?

Xiao Xiaoyu of course has seen Han Qixia, but the child is forgetful, and he has completely forgotten Han Qixia within a few days.

Nangong looked at Han Qixia and said with a smile: "Of course the older brother Yu is the eldest brother who has to work harder. Then he can take care of his cousin and cousin and take them to play together." She said meaningfully.

Han Qixia immediately realized that Feixia was on Qiao's face, and said, "Well, you already know?"

She and Fu Yunhe's marriage has been set, just by the end of this year.

Occasionally, Han Qixia still had an unreal feeling, and she was afraid that it would all be a dream.

When she abandoned Qi Wang's daughter-in-law, she never thought that she could still be today!

Thinking of the situation of the three princesses nowadays, Han Qixia could not help feeling a sneer.

Heaven has treated her well. Although she didn't give her a good parent, she gave her a pair of good brother-in-law, as well as a cousin, and a son-in-law, and everything she has now!

She will be fine, she will have her own home, like her own baby, with her own baby!

Thinking, Han Qixia's cheeks were even redder, like the blooming red peony, delicate and dripping.

She took a colored ball woven from various satin in her arms, about the size of a fist, and shook it at the little guy. "Ye brother, this is a gift from your aunt, do you like it?"

Xiao Xiaoyu couldn't understand what Han Qixia was talking about, but was suddenly attracted by the colorful ball, and he turned into Han Qixia's arms.

Nangong looked at it with a smile, and said: This child is so easy to coax, no wonder his father said that sooner or later he was abducted!

The two teased the little guy for a while. He was finally tired and yawned with his mouth open. Lily on the side hurried over, just holding him and patted him a few times on his back, the little guy with a wide heart and a fat body fell into a dream.

At this time, Xiao Yi and Fu Yunhe returned together. Fu Yunhe looked at the sleeping Xiao Xiao Yu and grinned grinning: "How did Yu Yuer sleep? Uncle hasn't played with you yet, why did you sleep?"

He was still thinking about it, but now he was suddenly bright and cheerful, as if he had lost a big bag.

Nangong Yu and Han Qixia both looked in their eyes, and quickly exchanged a look, but also smiled.

Crisp laughter echoed in the yard, a breeze blew through, and the sound of trembling branches and leaves seemed to be ensemble for them.

After half an hour, Fu Yunhe and Han Qixia left.

The little guy was also taken to bed by Lily.

Only Nangong Yu and Xiao Yi were left in the courtyard. The other servants had been repatriated.

Nan Gongyu sat on a Persian rug with his back against a big tree, while Xiao Yi put his head on Nangong Yu's thigh, and he felt more comfortable. Finally there are no idle people waiting, just the two of them!

Looking at the shade above, Xiao Yi complained with a smile: "Ama, Ahe's guy is stupid and stupid, but he has a lot of alcohol. You rarely make me a plum wine, and he has drunk a whole altar!"

There was a strong aroma of plum wine on him, and apparently he drank a lot just now.

Nangong smirked him with a smile, and said, "The lotus is about to bloom. How about I make you lotus wine?"

Xiao Yi responded joyfully, grabbing Nangong's hand and kissed her in the tender palm, he knew that in the heart of A Yi, he was still the first, and the most rotten boy would be the second!

Xiao Yi was satisfied, and casually talked to Nan Gongyu about Fu Yunhe's intentions today.

Since Chen Rentai came to proclaim the decree and was taken down by the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army on March 26, Fu Yunhe has been thinking hard for more than two months.

Fu Yunhe sincerely likes South Xinjiang and is loyal to Xiao Yi, but on the other hand, his identity and his bloodline cannot be changed. He is the cousin of Emperor Dayu today, and the blood of Han family is also flowing in his body ... If Xiao Yi were to confront the emperor in the future, his identity would be a bit subtle.

During this time, he often heard Yu Xiufan's indignation against the emperor. It was not that he would follow the brother Xiao Yi and go to the fire, but he just made Fu Yunhe more entangled.

The elder brother Xiao Yi did not guard him at all. After the conversion of the Divine Arm Battalion to the army, he directly upgraded his rank and let him lead the army. His Majesty immediately had 10,000 soldiers.

Obviously, the elder brother had complete trust in him, without any doubt, but only made him more ashamed of what the emperor and uncle did ...

After more than two months of entanglement, Fu Yunhe decided to run this trip ...

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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