Xiao Rongyu looked at Nangong Yan with anticipation, and the little girl's dark, lacquered pupils flashed with pure and sincere light, not only her, but also Xiao Yan beside her was looking forward with anticipation.

Nangong chatted for a while, this Mr. Guan's chess skills are really extraordinary, but to her surprise, Xiao Yan and Xiao Rongyu actually made such a relationship with this Mr. Guan.

However, it is not bad ...

Wangfu also did not invite a lady to teach girls talents in the province. Guan Jinyun has been famous in Jiangnan for a long time, his chess skills are extraordinary, and his family is innocent. He is not a person of unknown origin. If the Wangfu government wants to invite the gentleman, it is necessary to ask for the best. Moreover, only when the students are sincere in learning, can they really learn well!

After Nangong groaned, she said with a smile: "Sister Five, if you can invite Mr. Guan, then you must follow her to learn chess."

The implication is to agree.

After hearing that, Xiao Rong and Xiao Rongyu were both very happy. Xiao Rongyu hurriedly thanked Nangong and said, "Thank you Auntie. I will definitely follow the gentleman to learn chess."

The six-year-old girl is still a child, but her words and deeds have become somewhat generous, and the cute face with a glowing smile can't help smiling.

Xiao Yan also laughed aside: "Sister Fifth, what do you not understand when you learn chess, even if you ask me?"

Xiao Rongyu thanked Xiao Yan again.

Looking at the sisters' flowers and joyful look, the smile of Nangong's pouting lips spread to the corners of his eyes and brows. I really did not expect that the two sisters would become so cast because of chess. This is the biggest surprise of today.

Among the girls' crisp laughter, the atmosphere of Dongjijian was very cheerful. Even Xiao Yu, who had been playing in the West, also directed the baby girl to hear the sound, so there was a loud noise in the room. Xiao Wu and Xiao Rongyu left in Bixiaotang for almost half an hour before both left.

At this point, the sky was almost yellow, and another day passed with a wink in laughter ...

Returning to the palace, Xiao Rongyu was so excited that she didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night. In the early morning the next day, she couldn't wait to visit Guan Jinyun with Xiao Xuan again at the Wanxi Pavilion, hoping to invite her to teach chess in the house.

Guan Jinyun originally planned to leave southern Xinjiang after the spring, but hesitated. The sisters failed, but they were not discouraged. They went to the door again and again. After looking around the cottage, they finally invited Guan Jinyun to the palace.

Guan Jinyun was a ceremonial person. After entering the government, he personally met Nangong Yan at Bixiaotang. She talked decently and was not humbled between advancing and retreating. She has a celebrity style in her words and deeds.

After Nangongzheng and her chill, she arranged a small yard for her on the west side of the palace, sent her daughter-in-law to take care of her daily life, and prepared a very thick repair, after which Xiao Rongyu officially gave She paid homage to tea and respectfully saluted.

Naturally, the people in the Wangfu Palace also saw it, knowing that this Mr. Guan should not be underestimated, nor should he be neglected.

Laba suddenly arrived. As the saying goes, “It ’s the year after Laba.” As the head mother, Nangong Gong was busy for several days. At the same time, Xiao Rongyu also started learning chess with Guan Jinyun. When I have time, I often go to audition and ask Guan Jinyun for chess skills ...

Winter is already deep. The winter wind in the southern Xinjiang exudes a sense of coolness, but it is not biting. Compared with the violent wind of the yellow sand that is thousands of miles away from the south of the western night, it is really gentle and pleasant.

The wind and sand blew into the room through the window, and a sturdy gray eagle stopped on the sill covered with yellow sand. Its cold golden eagle eyes looked at the yard, then continued to peck at its gray feathers.

Standing next to the gray eagle, a young man in a moon white robe quickly looked at a letter in his hand. After reading the letter, he looked up at the gray eagle, Junyi Swen's face thoughtfully.

"Houye ..."

Fu Yunhe on the side looked at Guan Yubai with an inquiry, and the baby's face showed a little eagerness to try.

With the West Xinjiang side and Xiao Yi attracting the eyes of the West Night King in the southeast, Guan Yubai has led his army to silently break through the crucial barrier of the West Night South of Xihe. Four small towns were won along the north bank of the Xihe River.

Under the combined attack of the Youqi Battalion and the Divine Armed Forces, each siege is fast, fierce, and accurate to ensure that the news is not exposed at all. Now the seven cities on the north and south sides of the Xihe River are all under the control of the South Xinjiang Army. , Plus the two border cities, it is equivalent to the entire western night and the southern border has been defeated ...

For the Southern Army, the situation at this time can be said that everything is ready but only due to the east wind, just waiting for the official language to order.

They are now approaching the Rach Mountains. Once they pass the Rach Mountains, they will go straight into the West Hinterland, which means that they will no longer be able to lurk in the dark shadow like a ghost, as before, They will be exposed to the eyes of all the West Nighters, including the West Night King ...

Therefore, Guan Yubai has been waiting for news from Xiao Yi over the past few days.

Guan Yubai turned his head to look at Fu Yunhe, his expression was normal, but there was a touch of energy in the moist eyes.

As soon as Fu Yunhe's eyes brightened, he vaguely noticed something.

In the next instant, Guan Yubai threw the silk paper in his hand into the brazier, and the golden red flame shone in his eyes, spilling on his face, causing his temperament to change suddenly, as if from an instant scholar Become a sharp general.

Looking at the burning stationery, the smile on Guanyu's white mouth deepened, and slowly said, "The time has come."

The time has finally come.

Now, the new battalion has quietly lurked into the Xiye Army as planned; Tattoo Haizheng launched a fierce attack on the Western Territory under the guise of Han Huaijun and Yao Lianghang, and the Xuanjia Army secretly dormant on the side, waiting for the opportunity; By the way, although the West Night King added another 10,000 reinforcements, Xiao Yi did not look at it at all, but acted more and more publicly, which annoyed the West Night King ...

Over the past few months, the layout has been step by step, and a little bit of cannibalism has been devoured. The time has finally come!

At this moment, Xi Ye's attention is focused on the two sides of Dayu Xijiang and Xiao Yi, and the game has taken shape. At this moment, it is the best time for Guan Yubai.

The soldiers are expensive and the opportunity is not lost.

"Come, come here!"

The official language Bai tone quietly ordered, and immediately the soldiers led.

Fu Yunhe was so overjoyed that he could hardly sit still.

When the footsteps of the soldiers ran away, Guan Yubai suddenly shouted, "Sie."

The next moment, I saw the canopy in the yard tumbling, and howling, even the little ash that was pecking the feathers raised the head of the eagle to look forward to it. A man in black jumped briskly from a big tree. , Landed five or six feet away, silently when landing.

"Yu Bai, what do you want me to do?" Si Yan looked at Guan Yubai, stretched lazily lazily, and the slightly messy Wu Fa was flying in the wild wind, wantonly wild.

They have been for many years, and Guan Yubai has not been polite with Si Ye, saying directly: "Si Ye, please trouble me for a trip ..."

Next, they formally declared war on Xi Ye, after that, the battle has just begun!

In Si's interesting eyes, Guan Yubai continued to speak unhurriedly, his gentle and still voice was blown away by a sudden strong wind, and was drowned by the leaves swaying.

The corners of Si ’s lips are higher and higher, and her eyes are shining ...

As Si Yan left, Xiao Hui followed him curiously and flew away. Then, in the yard and study, there was a silence ... until the chaotic and powerful footsteps came from outside the study, getting closer and closer.

After five or six soldiers in uniforms led into the room, the originally empty study suddenly became crowded.

"Look at Lord Hou!"

The men's rough voice shook people's ears, Xiaosi frowned, and stretched out one hand with a hand on the window sill. He jumped out of the window sharply, and he clambered up a large tree quickly, letting those dense Branches shielded him from the wind and sand.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Yunhe unveiled the map under the direction of Guan Yubai. This map has been unfolded countless times, and Capricorn has appeared a little worn and tiny gaps in the corners. The soldiers all looked around this map and didn't know how many times, those soldiers immediately keenly noticed that there were a few more marks on this map than the last time.

They all know what this means. Everyone is full of blood. It seems that Anhouhou suddenly summoned them, and sure enough, there is an important military situation to discuss ... they will take action!

Several soldiers quickly exchanged a look, unconsciously releasing a sense of warfare and murderous spirit, just like a sharp blade with half the sheath.

The official language white circled the crowd, and the slender forefinger and **** pointed down somewhere on the map. With the movement of the two fingers, he said unhurriedly: "After half an hour, the whole army is on standby. Depart from Kasaka Castle, along the Rach Mountains ... "

There were only official voices in the study. Every soldier was staring at the map, listening with his ears, almost holding his breath ...

The wind and sand outside are even bigger, alas, rustling, as if foreshadowing a wave of long-dried sandstorms is about to rise, the storm is coming, the undercurrent is surging ...


In the raging wind and sand, I do not know when the sound of thunderous footsteps sounded, releasing a domineering division of the king.

A large army like a dark cloud circled from the west side of the Rach Mountains, and entered a plain at noon three days later. The generals knew that this represented that they had reached the entrance of the western night hinterland, and all of them subconsciously accelerated the march speed……

Wherever it goes, it is unstoppable like a tornado crossing!

Twenty miles away, Hujia City did not know that the crisis was coming. At the usual time, the gates of the city were opened as usual, people came in and out, and there was a lively scene.

No one noticed when and when, several soldiers fell silently on the city wall, following the original dark red flags on the city walls, and a silver-white flag stood on the city walls. Hunting in the wind.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of horseshoes not far away. The sound of the horseshoes rumbling, even the ground shook, as if shaking the mountain, attracting many people's attention.

The Xiye guards and the people near the city gate looked in the direction of the sound of horseshoes, only to see the yellow sand rolling on the horizon. Vaguely, there were countless knights wearing armor looming among the sand ...

Even the ordinary Xiye people can see that this is a bit wrong. The guards near the gate of the city yelled to pass the general and ordered the gate to be closed.

The heavy gates began to close slowly under the impetus of the guards, but there were still a line of people outside the city who were lining up to enter the city. When they saw that the gate was about to close, they were in a hurry and swarmed towards the gate. Scrambling to enter the city ...

This also hindered the closing of the city gates. The speed of closing the gates was getting slower and slower ...

However, the thousands of cavalry had already sped up to Bailai Zhang, and the murderous force that swept through like a violent wind made a few guards all in a hurry.

This is no ordinary cavalry!

Immediately someone ordered: "Close the city gate! Blockers, kill without pardon!"

While talking, I saw a flash of silver light, a machete waved, the knife fell between the blades, hot blood spewed out from the wound on the neck of a man wearing a thin jacket, and splashed around him On the few people, they only felt that the blood was hot, and instantly they were frozen and frozen into popsicles, and they did not dare to crowd in.

Kill a hundred!

There was a flash of coldness in the eyes of the sword-guarding night fighter, and he was about to step back, but the step was only a half step back. There were already several blasting sounds in front of him. He could not fix his eyes, and he could not wait any longer. Withdrawing, three Tieya had penetrated his head, neck, and chest like a bamboo, and his eyes almost stared out.

In a thrilling scream, he fell back straight down.

"Quick! Close the gate!"

Heartbreaking shouts rang out one after another, more iron yashered quickly and densely, those guards who wanted to close the city gate fell down one by one, and the people waiting to enter the city were not Dare to enter the city again, all fleeing along the wall like frightened fawns ...

These Tieya created a chance for the galloping camp, and in a blink of an eye, the camp was out of the gate, and the gate was pushed away again in a heavy rumble. The cavalry of the camp Entering the city like a dragon ...

You riding camp, the Divine Armed Army descended on this Hujia city like a storm.

It has been months since they arrived in Xiye. The battles in the past have long allowed the two to work together intimately, as if the weapon was forged into a magic weapon in the tempering process.

Start with blood!

The city of Hujia was plunged into a chaos of smoke.

The two sides of the enemy and us in two different armors are mixed together. One side is chaotic and frightened and chaotic, like a crowd, while the other side is well-trained, such as wind, Xu Rulin, encroachment like fire, motionless mountains, and thunderous motion.

This is a disciplined and forbidden army. In front of it, any resistance is so weak, as if a toddler was facing a healthy adult man, there is no chance at all, neither May have a chance!

Thick murderous energy permeated the city, one after another ...

Three hours later, the shouting of killing and the transfer of weapons gradually subsided, and a group of guards had suddenly changed near the city gate.

Fu Yunhe led a few soldiers to rush the horse out of the city, came to Guan Yubai and yelled with a fist: "Houye, all the enemy forces in the city have been wiped out. Now you ride camp is searching for fish in the city!

"Into the city."

The official language was faint, and there was always a light smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was not moved by this victory, as if everything today is taken for granted.

His black horse walked towards the gate unhurriedly. The white eagle above him flew in the air near him. At the moment he entered the city, the white eagle uttered a bright eagle cry, attracting Guan Yubai and Xiaosi both looked up.

Han Yu was spreading his wings and hovering around the silver-white flag on the city wall. It seemed to recognize it as its own flag, and howled with excitement.

After a great battle, the silvery white flag was not stained with blood, and still fluttered in the wind.

Si Yan did not know when he appeared beside the banner, sitting lazily on the city wall, and waving his hand to Guan Yubai, which means, Yu Bai, his task was done well? Is this face long enough?

The corner of Guanyubai's mouth was raised a bit higher, and he didn't speak, but just stared silently at the flag. This is the flag of their army, flying on the city of Xiye!

The silvery white flag shone a bit under the sun.

The official language narrowed his eyes white, his dark eyes flashed with a light of nostalgia and sadness.

"It's December 11th, right?" Guan Yubai asked as he looked away, then continued to slow his horse and walked through the gate.

Fu Yunhe responded, followed closely.

Guan Yubai raised his eyes and looked forward. The sharp eyes were going through the street in front of the city, and said, "Our time is running out ..." It is only one and a half months before Xiao Xiaoyu ’s first birthday party. Already.

Fu Yunhe froze for a moment, but hadn't responded yet. He just listened to the official language and said, "Let the army rest all night, tomorrow, let's continue!"

Before the last word fell, Guan Yubai suddenly caught the horse's belly, speeding up his horse speed, and walking along the street in front of him to Zema Benz ...

"Treading ..."

A thick, **** cold wind came on, but Guan Yubai didn't feel cold at all. Under his seemingly calm appearance, his eyes seemed to be burning with two flames, and the blood was hustle and boiling in the blood With ...

When he was young, he didn't know how many times he had dreamed of inserting the banner of their official army on the walls of the Western Night City, and letting the banner of the official army travel across the land of Western Night, flying wantonly.

That was the biggest wing of his youth!

Originally, with the collapse of the Guanman gate and the army, he had long forgotten the dream that was once full of blood ...

It was not until many years later that he led the Southern Army to the West. He suddenly realized that he had not forgotten, that his blood was still hot, and that there was still some possibility in his life!

After so many years, after a wave of wild winds, his dream has finally come true!

He wanted the Xiye people to pay for what they did. He wanted to use the blood of the Xiye people to sacrifice the heroes of his house and the army!

In this way, there will be no regrets in his life ...

The wind is strong, the horseshoes are flying, and the moon-shaped cloak is so thin, it seems to be able to support this world!

After a short stay in Hujia City, the next day, Guan Yubai led the Divine Armed Forces and Youqi Camp to continue northward. The king ’s division was crushed by the enemy forces wherever he went. , Pian Jia did not stay.

In just a few days, wherever the silver-white banner went, it was invincible, and it was impossible to break through the cities.

The dazzling embroidery on the flag was quickly recognized by the Xiye people--


That is the "official" of the official army!

The news spread like most of the western night like a plague. The nightmare officers of the western night people had returned from hell!

The entire city of Xi Ye was also boiled by this news. The palace seemed to be shrouded in a thick cloud, and Xi Ye's study was so depressing and breathless.

A silver-white flag was laid on the royal case of the king of the night, and it spread out. Everyone in the study fell on this flag, including the king of the night who sat behind the royal case.

The Dayu text embroidered on the banner seemed to carry a magical magic, firmly attracting the eyes of the West Night King, making him unable to look away, his face was extremely gloomy, and many pupils flashed in his pupils. Emotions, surprise, anger, fear, doubt ...

Whether it is this banner or the text embroidered on it, it is so familiar to him, so dazzling ...

It is really the banner of the Dayu officer army! He will never admit it!

But how is this possible? !!

The sullen atmosphere emanating from the king of the night, everyone in the study was trembling.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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