"Concubine, you're dead!"

When Zhu Xing returned to Bixiaotang, the first thing he did was to confess it to Nangong.

At this moment, the two were sitting in Xiao Yi's foreign study. Nangong Li was sitting on Xiao Yi's teacher's chair. For her, the slightly wider teacher's chair lined her with a petite figure, and Bai Hui and Begonia accompanied him. .

The result of Zhu Xing's obituary also unexpectedly surprised Nangong Yan, who could not help but stare a little at his eyes, and was shocked. Begonia and Bai Hui also exchanged a look in shock.

There was a moment of silence in the study outside, and Nangong looked down and thought for a moment, and the atmosphere around him was completely calm.

After Nangong groaned for a moment, he looked up at Zhu Xing, a flash of fine light flashed in his black eyes, and slowly asked: "Zhu Xing, tell me how the dress died? Any clues left?"

The death of the clothes was a bit **** and scary. Zhu Xing originally wanted to pass on such a word, but since Nangong Yu asked, he also said carefully: "Returning to the concubine, when the clothes of the clothes were found, It was fixed to the wall with three daggers, one handle was inserted in the palms of both hands, and the third handle was inserted in her throat, but the fatal injury was that the blood on the side of her neck was cut and the blood was flowing out a little ... He finally died of excessive blood loss, and the dagger capital used was the ordinary dagger, leaving no special clues ... "

Before finding the body of the dress, Zhu Xing felt that most of the people who rescued the dress were Baiyue people, but with the death of the dress, he couldn't determine this.

Nangong Yan listened and drank tea, seemingly casual, but his brain turned quickly. After putting down the tea cup, he asked again, "You can see that she was killed first, then the body was nailed to the wall, or was it upside down?"

This question cannot be answered by others, but Zhu Xing has been on the battlefield and has seen a lot of **** veterans in his hands. After thinking about it, he immediately responded: "It is the latter ..."

In other words, when the clothes were alive, the palm of the hand was pierced with a dagger and nailed to the wall, and then the throat was cut to bleed.

"Torture," Nangong murmured, thoughtfully.

Zhu Xing squinted his eyes and thought.

From the first glance he saw the corpse of the clothes, he intuitively felt that this was killing.

Luo Yuecheng is the site of the Zhennan Royal Mansion. Those who rescued the clothes did not hesitate to take such a great risk. We can see the importance of the clothes to him, but the clothes were actually killed, and they were not killed. People cruelly kill.

Obviously, the perpetrators should be for some purpose, either to torture or punish punishment ...

As Zhu Xing thought, Nangong Yu also thought of it. After a moment of groaning, he ordered: "Zhu Xing, keep checking!"

The person who took away the clothes was unknown and unknown, and of course this matter must continue to be investigated!

Zhu Xing's eyes flashed, he immediately fisted to lead his life, and then proposed: "Second concubine, his subordinate wants to double the guards of Wangfu and Bixiaotang. What does Seir concubine think?"

Nangong Nian nodded, "I will talk to Wang Ye over Wangfu." Nangong Nong can take full control of all matters of Bixiaotang, but on the other side of the Wangfu, you need to know the king of Zhennan.

Seeing Nangong Yu said lightly, Zhu Xing couldn't help sighing. With the world concubine, Wang Ye did not know how convenient it was to act there. No wonder this proverb says that wives and wives are not bad!

It's just now, and the day has just begun. For Zhu Xing, there are many more things to do today.

After Zhu Xing retreated, Nangong rubbed her eyebrows and showed a little tiredness. She slept late last night and got up early this morning. She didn't rest for a few hours a night.

She took another sip of the refreshing tea in the tea cup, and then told Bai Hui: "Bai Hui, go and ask the Lord if you can increase the guards of the royal palace. It ’s almost New Year. Someone has the idea of ​​Shisun. After all, our palace has resisted twice ... "

Bai Hui led away with a smile. Both maids are well aware. Now in the mind of King Zhennan, the most important person is Xiao Shisun. As long as it is related to Xiao Shisun, let alone double the guard, it is to adjust the strength of the army. Over here, the King of Zhennan probably said nothing.

As for Nangong Yuan, after slowly drinking this cup of refreshing tea, he got up and left the study room with Begonia, planning to return to his yard.

Unexpectedly, she had just stepped out of the study door, and the air around her suddenly became cold.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Two gleaming sleeve arrows cut through the air and hurriedly shot towards Nangong. These two arrows were much smaller than the ordinary feather arrows, but their speed and sharpness were not reduced. They came like flying fire and meteors, tearing the air. With a strong, sharp murderous.

Begonia was still behind Nangong Yu, and the study door was just enough for one person to enter and exit at a time.

The two sleeve arrows were extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, they had shot a few feet away, one arrow aimed at Nangong's brows, and the other arrow pierced her left chest ...

? Between this flash of light and fire, Begonia stepped on the back door frame, and then leapt out by force, and her petite body leapt over Nangong's head, and at the same time, her left hand shook A flying sword was hit on a sleeved arrow with a bang, and it was knocked open. The whip on the right hand also threw out like a snake, and caught the second sleeved arrow.

In the silent early morning, the sound of the weapon handover seemed extremely cold and harsh.

"Hmm ..."

There was a squeaking noise from the canopy of the canopy that shot the sleeve arrows. Obviously, the murderer had gone.

Begonia intuitively stepped forward two steps, but still stopped decisively and did not catch up.

For her, her most important task is to protect the world's concubines. Everything else is extra small.

If it was because of a moment of anger, and someone was thrown away from the mountain, it was because of a small loss that they would only regret it!

Begonia shook his whip a little unwillingly, and looked coldly at the two sleeve arrows that had been shot down to the ground. The sharp arrow tip was cold and cold in the rising sun.

Soon, there was a sound of footsteps not far away, and the change over here attracted the guards who were outside the courtyard and walked into the courtyard chaotically.

They naturally saw the sleeved arrow that fell to the ground at a glance, and guessed what had just happened, all of them were greatly changed, and they were afraid for a while.

"Someone assassinated!"

"Hurry up! Go after the assassin!"

"Hurry to sue the housekeeper Zhu!"


This turmoil in the outer study spread like a plague. Soon, the entire Bixiaotang knew about the attempted assassination of Shizifei. In the early morning, a violent storm broke out in Bixiaotang.

It's stronger than last night, turbulent, and powerful!

Bixiaotang is messed up and down!

After a while, Zhu Xing returned to the courtyard of the outer study with a team of guards. Taking this as the center, the guards searched the corners of Bixiaotang and searched the sky. However, for a long time, they found nothing. .

This made Zhu Xing more disappointed and more alert. He decisively changed his original plan, and directly transferred one hundred elite soldiers from the Luoying City Camp using Xiao Yi's tokens to serve as the guards of Wangfu and Bixiaotang.

For a time, both Wangfu and Bixiaotang were in a state of emergency alert. Whenever the upper and lower levels of the Fuzhong thought that there might still be the abominable and terrible assassin hiding in the corner of the Fufang, they were all worried. a feeling of.

At this time, Nangong Yan returned to his house under the protection of Begonia. The first thing he did was to go to the inner room to see Xiao Xiaoyu.

Watching the little guy sleep and spit in saliva, Nangong only felt lucky. Fortunately, she was ordered to protect Xiao Xiao and Xiao An by Xiao Ying and Xiao An. Otherwise, if she was an assassin, Aiming at the little guy, she couldn't even think about it ...

Nangong looked at the little guy's sleeping face gently for a while, and his impetuous heart calmed down slowly, as if he had found his heart's return.

After calming down, she began to think about what had just happened.

Obviously, the assassin should have been prepared, and still lurking in that position for a long time, so he could decisively kill the killer at the moment he came out of the study!

He couldn't make a hit and left relentlessly, leaving no clue, not even seeing his figure.

This neat and haunting style makes Nangong Yu naturally think of taking away and killing people who dress.

There is a connection between the two, and they should be the same group.

But who will it be?

Nangong scummed his head, thinking of the death in his head, and muttered to himself: "Torture ..."

But why do you pose like that, and why use three daggers?

Nangong Yu always felt that the appearance of death was too deliberate and too characteristic ... even with a sense of ritual.

Maybe this is not pure killing ...

Begonia on the side saw Nangong Yu looking down and thinking, and said casually: "Second concubine, the slave thinks that this murderer should hate the clothes very much, so she let her lose a little blood and die. This process is definitely extremely important for the clothes. It ’s painful, but relatively speaking, the killer also has to take greater risks waiting for his clothes to die ... "

Nangong frowned and looked at Begonia. By saying this, Begonia can rule out that the murderer was tortured, and that this man was so costly to save and kill first, because--


A deliberate method of punishment was also chosen.

The dress is the Saint Mary of Baiyue. According to her knowledge, in Baiyue, more than half of the people have enveloped the heavenly religion, and the lady represents the messenger sent by God, which is the supreme existence in the heavenly religion. Second only to the Baiyue royal family ...

Nangong Yu didn't know much about Baiyue, that is, roughly.

"Thrush, sir," Nangong yelled loudly, "you two will find a way to the city's bookstore to find some books about Baiyue."

"Yes, concubine."

The two maidservants responded brittlely, knowing that this matter was related to killing the assassins and murdering the concubines of the world, and they did not dare to delay. They took the little maidservants out of the door. Few bookstores should be found.

This search was two or three days, during which books were piled up from the big bookstores in the city to Bixiaotang.

At the same time, Zhu Xing led the guards and the Southern Army to search around the city, trying to find suspicious people, but there was no clue.

The assassin, or the group of assassins, appeared as if out of thin air, and disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace like ghosts.

During this period of time, Nangong Yan was not idle. She had to prepare for the New Year, take care of Xiao Xiaoyu, and spend time reading. Rao is the one who has Bai Hui and Yinger. They can fight for her, but it still takes a lot of time .

Those books were moved box by box into Nangongyu's small study, and boxes were moved out.

On the 17th day of the lunar month, a cry of surprise suddenly came out of the small study, and Huo Er stood up with a yellowed book in a cover, suddenly attracting the attention of others, including Nangong Yu.

"Concubine, look here ..."

Xuan Er can't wait to present the book to Nangong Xuan, with a delicate figure pointing at a page.

Nangong raised his right eyebrow slightly, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the picture in the book.

This picture depicts a woman nailed to a wall with her arms wide open. Numerous people hurriedly threw stones at her. The woman died in a terrible state, and she also felt familiar at the same time. It's dead.

Nangong calmed down, turned a page forward, and looked from the beginning.

This book introduces the heavenly religion, and the history of the heavenly religion is also a period of Baiyue history.

Baiyue has established the country for more than 300 years. According to records, more than 300 years ago, the heavenly religion only had thousands of followers. At that time, an elder Dahchen was actively expanding the power of the heavenly religion. In the middle of the year, the development of Holy Religion reached tens of thousands, which caused the fear of the Baiyue rulers at the time. Attempting to eradicate Holy Religion under the name of cult, but did not expect Holy Religion to rise under the leadership of Dazhen, but quickly occupied it. After three cities, in the next few years, they even attracted many believers with doctrines. The momentum became more and more powerful. After ten years, they overthrew the old dynasty and established the current Baiyue.

After Dagen ascended to the throne of Baiyue, the heavenly religion became the religion of Baiyue. He claimed to be the divine son chosen by God. He chose a female elder in the religion as the saint, and took charge of the heavenly religion. This is how the Virgin Mary system began.

The Virgin is sacred and has a high status. She must worship and pay for the Holy Spirit throughout her life.

However, huge rights also represent ambitions. In the history of Baiyue, there were maids who formed the party for private gain, and there were maids who encouraged believers to rebel. All of them were punished with capital punishment.

The picture found in the book by Xuner is the saint who was executed, and the punishment is specifically for the saint.

That is to say, the clothes were executed and executed!

Nangong's eyes flashed a fine light, his thoughts fluttered.

The so-called "penalty" is originally meant to be condescending. Public and private are often punished by superiors to inferiors.

It seems that the people behind this scene are indeed Baiyue people, and their identity may not be simple.

"Bai Hui, Begonia, let's go to the study room!" Nangong Yan stood up and instructed, "Thrush, go to Zhu Xing to meet me."

The girl-girls responded in a hurry, leaving the house with the master and servant, and headed for this outer courtyard.

When Zhu Xing heard that Shi Zifei wanted to see herself, she immediately rushed to the study outside the house as quickly as possible.

Nan Gongxi didn't go into details, and directly asked Bai Hui to hand him the book, and showed him the execution map and a few paragraphs before and after.

Zhu Xing finished reading it in a glance, he was a smart man, and immediately understood.

Apparently, Baiyue, who had already died, came with a distinguished person. This person was not only heavy-handed, but also bold and careful, and took great pains to punish the maiden.

Facing Zhu Xing's uncertain eyes, Nan Gong, who had calmed down, said in a deep voice: "Zhu Xing, we must be optimistic about Carrero, the emperor of Baiyue Six in Houshan. Since this person has punished the clothes by Baiyue's rules It is definitely not only distinguished in Baiyue, but also in the orthodoxy ... Now that Kui Lang has died, then this person is likely to come to rescue the six emperor of Baiyue. "

Zhu Xing heard the words, his face was stunned, and his face was prudent. What Shi Zifei said. Since this person knows that the clothes are in their hands, it is also likely to know that Carrero has also become a prisoner under their ranks. Now that I am seeing the enemy in the dark, I am not sure when the other party will shoot again ...

"Thank you Shizi for mentioning this." Zhu Xing hugged his fist, and then retreated.

While the guards of the Houshan Dungeon were strengthened, the search in the city and the palace was not stopped. For two days, the soldiers of the South Xinjiang Army were patrolling around the streets and alleys in the city, exuding a sense of coldness.

But after so much work, he still found nothing.

Zhu Xing could only ask for Nangong Yu again, suggesting whether the horse's feet were intentionally exposed, and Carrero in the mountain dungeon would seduce the other party to lure him.

This is a good idea!

After obtaining the consent of Shi Zifei, Zhu Xing immediately mobilized the public and strengthened the guard of Houshan again, but in another two days, he died instantly and the other party still showed no sign of being hooked.

The mastermind behind the scenes seems to have left Luo Yuecheng without any action.

However, Nangong Yu and Zhu Xing still did not dare to neglect. They both felt vaguely that from this person's working style, he should be an unreasonable and unwilling person. I am afraid that he will not retreat so easily.

As the saying goes: "Thousands of days are the thieves, there is no thousand days of thieves." It is not a good policy to "wait". Nan Gongxi simply proposed to use himself as a bait, but was strongly opposed by Zhu Xing, Begonia and others. This time, they did not deal with Nanliang Nine Kings more than they did that year. They know too little about this mysterious person behind. Represents danger.

According to Begonia, "The concubine is porcelain, and you can't touch it with that Baiyue!"

In the next few days, Bixiaoli, Wangfuli, and Luoyue City were all calm. Everything was normal, as if nothing had happened.

But even so, Zhu Xing didn't dare to take it lightly. They always felt that this was the calm before the storm. The enemy was like a serpent and beast hiding in the dark. I didn't know when I would wait for the opportunity to pounce on them ...

Zhu Xing uneasily adjusted a few more secret guards to secretly protect the courts of Tingyu Pavilion and Nangongyuan. For the grandfather of the world, the grandfather of the world, the youngest grandson and the old lady Fang are the most important people. .

In this seemingly calm atmosphere, the New Year is approaching day by day, and the taste of the year is getting stronger and stronger, but under this lively and busy atmosphere, there is a vaguely latent atmosphere, the dark tide surging, from south to North, even the distant kings ...

In the Imperial Study Room of the Royal Palace, the atmosphere was dignified, as if shrouded in a thick haze.

"Chen Lu Huaining sees the emperor." Commander Jin Yiwei made Lu Huaining respectfully kneel on one knee to salute the emperor.

The emperor sitting behind the royal case looked at Lu Huaining coldly, and raised his hand a little irritably, "Get up."

The emperor's mood was very unpleasant. In the past few days, it was not good news to receive the folds of southern and western Xinjiang. The first was the refusal to marry the Zhennan royal palace, and then the Weiyuanhou reported to Xiye. Reconciliation and unsatisfaction ... everything went against his expectations, nothing made him happy!

The emperor's thoughts became more and more gloomy, especially three days ago, the "turn of office" was like a sudden storm, and it became more and more intense in the capital. Even ordinary people were talking about this matter vividly. The emperor was angry with smoke.

In this way, the emperor increasingly believed that Xiaosan was right. Someone must have intentionally framed him and contributed to the situation behind the scenes. Otherwise, how could ordinary people dare to tell the right and wrong of the royal family, so the emperor ordered Lu Huaining to investigate the matter two days ago.

"Say, what happened?" The emperor's magnificent voice echoed in the Imperial Study Room.

Lu Huaining's expression became more respectful, and she replied in a deep voice: "Return to the emperor, according to the investigation, this matter was secretly done by the queen maiden ..."

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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