Jiang Yixi was specially escorted from the capital by Xiao Yi to the southern Xinjiang. A few days ago, Nangong Yu had received the news. Jiang Yixi had entered the southern boundary and arrived at Yaoping City, which was more than a hundred miles away from Luo Yuecheng.

At the moment, Nangong Rong hurriedly sent someone to greet Jiang Yixi to Luo Yuecheng. However, he did not expect that this person had not been met, so he sent such a bad news first.

Sister Xi was robbed!

Bai Hui's obituary just echoed repeatedly in Nangong's mind ...

Nangong's lips curled into a straight line, Huo Di stood up and strode out of the meteor.

Even if she didn't speak, the maidservants guessed that she was going to the study room and quickly exchanged a look.

Without words, a few maids have been extremely acquainted, Bai Hui and Begonia hurried to keep up with Nangong 玥 behind him, and thrush hurriedly notified Zhu Xing.

After a cup of tea, Nangong Yu met Zhu Xing and a man in Tsing Yi, who was in the dust.

Zhu Xing was so anxious that Meiyu was deeply locked. The assassin's matter had not been resolved yet, and he did not expect that it would suddenly happen again!

After the two men saluted Nangong, Zhu Xing gave the man in Tsing Yi a look and motioned to tell him what he was doing.

The man in Tsing Yi rushed back to Luo Yuecheng to report the news day and night. His tired eyes were sunken in, and now he had a dark shadow.

He rationalized his thoughts and reported the disappearance of Jiang Yixi.

The night before, three soldiers, including the man in Tsing Yi, escorted Jiang Yixi's master and servant to Fengxian City. At that time, it was already dark, so they decided to rest at the post in the city for one night. Jiang Yixi is a female dependent, and the soldiers were also inconvenient to protect herself at night. After sending her and Yayi Qingyi into the post's room, they retreated to rest ...

No one expected that when leaving early in the morning yesterday, they found that Jiang Yixi's room was not responding, there was no movement, and the door opened a gap. They hurriedly pushed the door in, and found that Yayi Qingyi fell unconscious on the floor. , And Jiang Yixi is gone!

They inquired all the staff members in the post, including the postman and the residents, and searched the entire post carefully. However, they found nothing. They could only get a little messy bedding from the room to determine who Jiang Yixi should have been taken away silently. Already.

Therefore, the man from Tsing Yi returned to Luo Yuecheng to report the news quickly. The other two and Qing Yi continued to stay in Fengxian City to search for Jiang Yixi's whereabouts to see if they could find any clues.

After the man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, there was no sound in the study room, and everyone seemed to hear his own breathing and heartbeat.

Nangong Yan took a deep breath, and Shen Shen commanded: "Zhu Xing, send someone to check!"

It was just a few words, and she used almost all her strength.

"Yes, Princess Shi." Zhu Xing responded in a hurry.

Zhu Xing hurriedly retreated, Nangong uneasily took Bai Hui and Begonia back to his yard, and was occupied by Jiang Yixi in his mind.

Who stole Sister Xi? !!

There were not many people who knew that Jiang Yixi was dying far away. Even Yuan Yuyi and Han Qixia hadn't even said that they planned to wait for Jiang Yixi to arrive at Luo Yuecheng and tell the two.

There is only the Gong couple and Shizi couple in the capital of the capital. They should not leak the news ...

Nangong Yu thought about all the people in Wangdu and did not expect any suspicious people.

Besides, what good is the hijacking of Sister Xi to the robbers? !!

In this chaotic thoughts, Nangong returned to the house. The little girl who had just taken a nap was awake. She was absently playing with the little guy, and her thoughts were still flying ...

Or is it just a simple accident?

After all, the people who live in the station are either rich or expensive. Perhaps it was the mischievous robbers who took away Jiang Yixi's intention to blackmail ...

Or is someone looking after them at the Zhennan Royal Mansion, so the people who followed the Royal Mansion found Jiang Yixi?

Nangong thought hard about various possibilities, but couldn't get the answer at all. There were too few clues, and things came too suddenly ...

The sun outside gradually tilted westward, and the sky was darkened, just like the gloomy mood of Nangong.

This night, Nangong Nian was almost awake all night. She couldn't swallow dinner from the day to breakfast the next day. Even Xiao Yu seemed to feel that her mother had something in mind, and she was very well-behaved since yesterday.

As the sun rises and sets, Bixiao Hall is particularly silent on this day, and time seems to pass by slowly.

Until dusk, a guard returned from Fengxiancheng in a dusty manner, and Bai Huitong stunned Nangong: "Second Concubine, Grandma Han Dao still can't be found ..."

Reality cruelly shattered a glimmer of hope at the bottom of Nangong's heart, and the atmosphere in the inner room was even more dignified.

Nangong Yu didn't speak, her mind was chaotic, and she felt like her heart was being tortured on the fire. She was patting Xiao Xiaoyu's hand and stopped unconsciously.

Xiao Yu, a sleepy little girl, was lying on Nangong's legs, feeling that her mother's rhythmic beating stopped, and she opened her sleepy eyes and yawned lazily, sending out a "wow" The sound was like a pitiful little milk cat.

Nangong Ning continued absently, and after a while, the little boy fell asleep, while Nangong Nian's hand was still unconsciously beating, like her confused mind ...

When the sunset was about to fall, Bai Hui came again, holding a letter in his hand.

"Shizi," Bai Hui said quickly, without saying a word. "A little beggar came from the concierge just now, and said an uncle asked him to send a letter and specify to Shizi."

At this time, someone inexplicably sent a letter, saying ...

A few people in the inner room thought of going in one direction, all of them looked condensed, and the air suddenly sank.

After Bai Hui opened the envelope, she took out a piece of silk paper and presented it to Nangong Yu.

Nangong Yu unfolded quickly, and looked down at a glance. From her solemn expression and tight fingers, she could see that the content of the letter was not simple.

After reading the letter, Nan Gongxi gave it to Bai Hui again.

Upon seeing the letter, Bai Hui's eyes suddenly widened and she was furious, and the white goose egg's face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

This letter should be considered a blackmail letter from the kidnappers.

The kidnappers who kidnapped Jiang Yixi demanded that Jiang Yixi be used as a bargaining chip to exchange the Carrero of the Baiyue Six Princes.

Bai Hui's mood was chaotic, and her mind flashed through what happened in this period of time, from the moment he was rescued from dressing up to the present ...

Shi Zifei had speculated before that the mysterious man who could not kill Shizhuang and assassinate Shi Zifei might want to come to rescue Carrero. That is to say, the kidnapper who kidnapped Jiang Yixi was probably sent by the mysterious man.

This man is still in southern Xinjiang, and has even been lurking in Luo Yue City!

This person is really bold!

Thinking, Bai Hui exerted a subconscious force on her fingers pinching the silk paper, and the blue tendons on the back of her hands were raised.

Now this extortion letter undoubtedly proves the speculations before Shi Zifei from the side that this mysterious man has a distinguished status in Baiyue, and is trustworthy and orthodox.

"Shi Zifei ..." Bai Hui looked up at Nangong Yan with a complex look, "You mean ..."

Nangong Yu didn't say anything, stood up and said wrongly: "Let Zhu Xing meet me outside the study."

As she spoke, a thrush on the side hurriedly put her on a cloak.

Nangong Yan walked out of the house in the evening breeze, and went to the outer courtyard familiarly.

She already had the answer in her heart, so no hesitation, no doubt ...

When Zhu Xing looked at the extortion letter in amazement, he heard the voice of Nangong Zhiguo: "Zhu Xing, change."

A word "change" clearly indicated her position. Zhu Xing subconsciously looked at Shi Zifei, and stared at her clear and firm eyes.

Although it has not been a while since she received the letter, Nangong Yu has already made this decision after careful consideration.

Carrero is the prince of Baiyue. Now that Baiyue has been leveled, their Zhennan palace is not rooted in Baiyue after all. If Carrero is released, it means that Baiyue has more variables and is buried. A dangerous seed, I don't know when this seed will germinate in the dark ...

However, Jiang Yixi is the wife of Han Huaijun. At this moment, Han Huaijun was killing in the blood of the Central Plains for the people and the mountains and rivers of the Central Plains. How could their Zhennan Royal Mansion not be able to keep his wife? !!

Nangong Yu didn't say much, and Zhu Xing immediately took the fist and led the order without objection. Shizi said, when he was away, he listened to Shizi!

After a pause, Zhu Xing asked respectfully: "Sir concubine, do you know if you want to set an ambush beforehand?"

Nangong groaned, and his head agreed. There was a flash of light in her dark eyes, and she murmured, "This man knows that Bi Xiaotang dares to act like this, and he is afraid that he doesn't care about our ambush ..."

Behind the scenes, the mysterious man acted boldly and unexpectedly. Since he proposed to exchange hostages, he must be well-informed.

Zhu Xing's complexion was even more dignified. He stopped talking and finally retreated with his fists. He still has a lot to do, but he doesn't have much time left.

According to the time written on the stationery, the exchange of hostages took place on the second day of the evening, and the time was very hasty. Obviously, the other party did not plan to give them too much time to prepare, and the other party also asked that Bixiaotang should not exceed three people.

Zhu Xing immediately transferred several dark guards, letting four of them ambush to the hostage exchange site first, then took the remaining man and woman back to the mountain dungeon, and took Carrero out in person.

Carrero cannot afford to lose now!

Several people took Carrero, shackled and blindfolded, into a carriage, all the way to the north of the city. At this moment, the day had completely darkened, and the cold silver moon shed a faint light. Illuminated the road dimly.

A car and a horse galloped across the streets of Luo Yue City. After half an hour, they arrived at an agreed alley, and there was still a tea effort before the agreed time. There was already someone in the alley—a little Figure. Zhu Xing, in a carriage, had a bad hunch right now.

Sure enough, it was a little beggar, and the little boy shivering in the tattered cloak gave Zhu Xing a letter asking him to go to the next place, Shili Pavilion outside the North City Gate.

At this time, the city gate was closed, but for Zhu Xing, it was easy to get out of the city with the token of Shi Ziye, and this was obviously in the other party's calculations.

Zhu Xing's face was ugly, but he was helpless. He immediately turned around in a carriage and went north from the north gate.

After a scent of incense, the carriage and horse arrived at Shiliting. A small river not far away sparkled in the moonlight. The surrounding area was flat and wide. At a glance, you could see that Fangyuan was empty, and only a small boat on the river was quiet. Floating quietly on the water can't help attracting the attention of Zhu Xing and others.

There was no one in the boat. There was only one letter and a clairvoyance. The handwriting on the letter was very familiar and came from that mysterious man.

There were few words in the letter, asking them to put Carrero on the boat in a cup of tea, and then to untie the rope on the boat and let the boat follow the water.

But what about Jiang Yixi? !!

Zhu Xingzheng was thinking, and he heard the female dark guard exclaim a low exclaim: "Zhu butler, look there!"

I saw the direction of the upstream of the river. About a hundred feet away, a small boat was docking on the other side of the river. An oil lamp was lit on the boat, so that people could see the position of the boat at a glance in the dark. Inside lies a woman in a cyan dress.

Zhu Xing now understood what the clairvoyance was for. He picked up the clairvoyance and looked in the direction of the other Ye Xiaozhou.

At a glance, I was convinced that it was Jiang Yixi.

From the slight movement of her nose, she was sure she was breathing and she was alive.

Zhu Xing didn't hesitate any more, so the two dark guards put Carrero on the boat in front of them, and then untied the rope and let the boat float away.

Almost immediately, a silver light flashed, and the rope of the other boat was broken, and the boat was swaying down the river.

One leaf boat is getting farther and farther away from them, and the other leaf boat is getting closer and closer to them ...


It was almost midnight when the unconscious Jiang Yixi was brought back to Bixiao Hall by Zhu Xing.

Bixiao Hall was still brightly lit, Jiang Yixi was temporarily placed in a small yard, and Nangong Yu heard the news as quickly as possible.

Until Nan Gongxi provided the unconscious Jiang Yixi with a pulse, she was slightly relieved, followed her a gesture, Bai Hui opened the medicine box, took out a needle bag ...

With the assistance of Bai Hui, Nan Gongxi skillfully gave Jiang Yixi a needle, and then he thought of looking at Zhu Xing.

Zhu Xing said everything that happened during the exchange of hostages, and finally said, "Second concubine, when we pull Grandma Han's boat to her side and want to go after Carrero, his leaves The boat was suddenly overturned from the water, Carrero fell into the water, and the dark guards went into the water to search, but no one was found ... "The man behind the scene was really cunning like a fox!

Nan Gongxi listened calmly, without showing disappointment, which was already in her expectation. Since the other party dare to make this request, it shows that he has full confidence in his heart ...


Just then, Jiang Yixi on the bed suddenly gave a low moan.

"Sister Xi!" Nangong shouted blurtedly, hurriedly looking at Jiang Yixi.

Seeing Shi Zifei couldn't care less about herself, Zhu Xing bowed down and retreated.

On the couch, the cloudless Jiang Yixi's long eyelids trembled like cicada wings, and then slowly opened his eyes. The chaos in his pupils seemed confused, as if wondering where he was ...

When Jiang Yixi saw Nangong Yan's familiar face, her pupils shrank, revealing in amazement, "Sister Sister!" Why did she sleep for one night, Sister Sister appeared?

Jiang Yixi rubbed his forehead and felt that his head was a little groggy.

Bai Hui hurriedly helped Jiang Yixi sit up and put a big welcome pillow behind her.

"Sister Xi, it's okay, don't worry, let's talk slowly." Nan Gongxi calmed Jiang Yixi's emotions. "Sister Xi, can you tell me who was taken away by your post in Fengxian City? "

"Captured?" Jiang Yixi's face changed slightly, and he looked at Nangong Li in surprise. "Sister Sister, what do you mean? I was taken away?"

Nan Gongyu's heart sank. It seemed that Sister Xi had been in a coma from the moment he was taken away, and had never woken up ...

Nangong fixed his mind, and first prompted: "Sister Xi, it is midnight on the twenty-fourth of the lunar month ..."

As she said, Jiang Yixi's pretty face was whiter. The twenty-fourth of the lunar month was almost over, but her memory still stayed at the post in Fengxian City on the night of the twenty-first month ...

My memory disappeared for three days, so where are you in these three days? !! just in case……

Thinking, Jiang Yixi's face was almost scarlet, Nangong Ai hurriedly held her hand and said with certainty: "Sister Xi, you're fine. You were just unconscious for three days."

On hearing that, Jiang Yixi was relieved, and finally took a step back, and said to herself, yeah, there is nothing wrong with her body. Don't scare yourself.

After letting go, Jiang Yixi only felt tired, and yawned lazily, the slackness that could not be hidden between the eyebrows.

Nangong Yu Han smiled, "Sister Xi, you have been drugged. You should be a bit tired these days, and a few days of rest will be good ..."

Between words, a tempting scent of food came from behind, and soon someone came in holding a tray. A large celadon flower bowl and two or three small dishes on the tray were steaming white gas.

Nangong hurriedly said, "Sister Xi, you must have been hungry for three days without food. I let the kitchen cook some chicken porridge. You should eat some porridge before you rest."

Jiang Yixi thanked Nan Gongxi, and under the service of a little girl, he ate the porridge with a small case on the couch.

Nangong Aya planned to leave, but the moment she was about to get up, she saw Jiang Yixi's finger-sized piece swell on the skin on the side of her neck ...

this is……

Nangong looked intently, but found that Jiang Yixi's neck skin was smooth and flat as usual.

Is it because I'm tired these days, so I'm dazzled?

Nangong chuckled her heart and glanced at Jiang Yixi's neck again, and suddenly remembered an incident that she had found in the Baiyue history a few days ago. For a moment, her pupils shrank.

Could it be ...

Nangong Ao's heartbeat speeded up a few times, but his face remained calm.

When Jiang Yixi finished drinking the porridge, she smiled casually: "Sister Xi, can I give you a pulse?"

She spoke naturally, Jiang Yixi didn't notice that it was wrong, only thought that Nangong Xiong asked her for a pulse of peace, and immediately stretched out her right wrist. However, Begonia and Bai Hui knew that Nangong Gong had already pulsed Jiang Yixi once, and it felt vaguely a bit difficult.

Nan Gongyu's fingers were put on Jiang Yixi's white wrist again. After a moment of groaning, he calmly retracted his hand, telling Jiang Yixi to take a good rest, and then left with Bai Hui and Begonia.

The moment Nangong Ao exited the inner room and walked to the house, her complexion suddenly changed, and there was a clear look between her looks.

She was so embarrassed that she didn't find Sister Xi poisoned just now, and still—


Moreover, she could not solve the poison.

It was because she was not good at poisoning that she couldn't find Jiang Yixi right away ...

Thinking, Nangong Yan's eyes became very dark for a moment.

She neglected!

According to the books she had read about Baiyue a few days ago, there is a large rain forest in the southwest of Baiyue. There are not only strange snake worms and rat ants, but also several clans who are good at raising pupae.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" said: "Take a hundred insects into the pupae, after years of opening, there must be a worm to eat all insects, which is called the puppet."

蛊 is equal to the king of hundred insects, and there are many types, each with its own characteristics, better change and infinity, completely different from the Central Plains medicine poison, self-contained, and people can't be prevented.

There are a lot of books about Dao in Dayu's history, but basically they demonize and demonize them. I do n’t know what the real Dao is.

I did not expect that the mysterious man behind the scenes was so proficient in martial arts.

Nan Gongyu became more and more distressed when she walked into the yard. She stopped and asked, "Bai Hui, go and ask Zhu Xing. The night when the clothes were saved, the few were killed. Where is the body of his guard? "

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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