Zhongling City fell!

Guan Yubai attacked Zhongling City!

This bad news spread like most of the western night, and naturally it reached the ears of the western night king.

From the West Night King to the West Night Chaotang, I can hardly believe this fact. The whole night was overcast with clouds, shrouded in a nightmare that would destroy the country at any time.


In the Royal Study Room of the West Night King, the sound of the shooting sounded like a thunderous thunder.

Immediately after that, the sound of "thumping and popping" of falling objects came one after another.

In the dim yellow light, it can be seen that there are scattered pieces of broken porcelain, splashing tea, pen, ink, paperweight, etc. on the marble floor, as if it was just a brutal raging war.

Regarding these, the West Night King turned a blind eye, and he did not care about these trivial matters.

Zhongling City has fallen!

How is this possible? !!

King Xi Ye couldn't believe staring at the military newspaper in his hand, and murmured, "Xiao Yi turned over 100,000 Nanjiang Army to Guan Yubai, how could he believe him so?" Xiao Yi Is he crazy or stupid? !!

In the battle of Zhongling City, he underestimated Guan Yubai from the beginning.

He originally thought that Guanyubai had about 50,000 horses in his hands. With each city he occupied, he must leave a certain number of people to guard the city, as well as damage during the war. This represented that the army of Guanyubai went northward. , The fewer soldiers and horses.

This should be his advantage of Xi Ye, but did not expect that Guan Yu had a whole hundred thousand troops in his hands!

The official language Baizang was too deep. Before the capture of Zhongling City, where were the other 50,000 people and what they were doing, there was no clue.

In this battle of Zhongling City, Guan Yubai used himself and 50,000 troops as the bait. The other 50,000 troops took the opportunity to make a detour to Zhongling City and took one of them.

Mandarin is white! His enemies of Xi Ye were still official white!

Both Sheng Yu and He Shengliang.

Since he was born in Xiye, why did he even have official language?

Thinking, the night king's pupils were bloodshot, angry, unwilling, and--


He really wanted to understand that the Southern Army was only 200,000 in total, that the king of the south of the town, Xiao Yi, even gave half of the troops to Guan Yubai, did Xiao Yi really not worry that Guan Yubai would betray him? !!

Military power, but for the sake of the settlers, no one wants to hold firmly in their own hands!

Obviously, the Emperor Dayu jealous of the military power of the official family, easily hooked, and killed the official family, but this Xiao Yi trusted Guan Yubai so!

How is this possible? !!

What is the relationship between these two people? !! Even trust each other to the point where there is no trace of doubt and precaution!

What's more confusing to the West Night King is that even if Xiao Yi really has such a big heart, what about the Zhennan King? !!

Why would the King of Zhennan watch his son “send” half of the soldiers of the Southern Army to others? !!

This is not at all common sense!

If not, how could you be wrong?

Xi Yewang became more and more reluctant, his fists clenched fiercely, eyes closed.

By the time he opened his eyes again, he had calmed down a lot.

Now Zhongling City has been lost, and it is difficult to cover the water. The biggest crisis at present is that the white-language tiger and wolf master is coming menacingly, and he will soon drive in.

If you don't have a good strategy to resist, I am afraid that this time Xiye will face more than just land defects, and even the whole Xiye will change hands!

What do you do next? !!

Nowadays, more than 100,000 troops in Xiye are trapped in the western region of Dayu. The 70,000 troops led by Tiaohai are isolated by Yao Lianghang and Han Huaijun in Feixia Mountain. Although there are still more than 30,000 troops in the West The Yunzhong County in Xinjiang can be withdrawn at any time, but in the event that the 30,000 troops are withdrawn, Yao Lianghang and Han Huaijun will take the opportunity to march west. Then the east of the western night will be involved in this war ...

The military strength of Dayu Xijiang must not be taken lightly!

"Lakda," King Xi Ye looked up at Lakda, who was standing in front of the generals, and asked, "Except for Dayu Xijiang, how many troops can be mobilized?"

Lakda bowed his head slightly and seemed to have expected that the West Night King would ask this question and immediately replied: "On the king, the garrison troops in the north and west may not be able to hydrolyze the near thirst. In addition, they can be transferred to the capital. "There are probably more troops ..." He swallowed and said, "There are less than 70,000."

Even if he didn't look up, Lakda guessed that the night king's face was ugly, and continued: "It includes 40,000 defenders in the surrounding cities and 30,000 recruits who have re-indicated in these three months."

Although it is said that all men in Xiye can serve as soldiers, 30,000 new recruits have only been trained for less than three months, and I am afraid they can stand in a queue. Even if they are on the battlefield, it is estimated that their combat power is not enough to compare with 10,000 veterans. .

Even if you add the original 30,000 garrison in the capital and the 20,000 troops in the Towei camp, the total is only 120,000.

To Shangguan Yubai's elite division, the battle of the capital was obviously bad for him.

In addition, the 70,000 soldiers who transferred to the capital also need to follow up on the forage horses and armor equipment ...

Even if it is not clear, the West Night King and the generals present are well aware.

However, they cannot lose this battle!

This is a battle about the survival of the country, and the official language must not be allowed to go any further!

The king of the night narrowed his eyes, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and was about to order. At this time, there was a sound of messy footsteps and the collision of armor, accompanied by a hissing shout:

"Five hundred miles urgent! Five hundred miles urgent!"

Soon, a Xiye soldier in bronze armor walked in disorderly, and the servants were dusty.

The congregation in the hall will automatically retreat to both sides and let the soldier approach.

"Lord," the man kneeled on one knee, breathlessly presented the military newspaper in his hand, and yelled, "Xiao Yi, the son of the king of the south of the city, won the third city of Mozhou in Shuzhou!"

A word of silence made Deyu's study room quiet, the generals were shocked, could not help but look at each other, almost wondering if their ears were hallucinating.

The housekeeper immediately presented the military newspaper in the hands of the soldier to the king of the night. The content stated in the military newspaper made the king of the night look whiter ...

In just a few days, Xiao Yi's army went straight into Hubu and broke through the three cities!

Before Xiao Yi's 30,000 army was still struggling in the southeast, how could it be as divine as the help of God? !!

Today, Jiuzhou is in danger. Once Xiao Yi passes Jiuzhou, it is not far from the capital ...

What did Xiyewang think of? He strode to the map on the wall on the right, and his fingers were exactly on the position of Mofu City. He looked upwards to the left and landed on Zhongling City ...

That's it!

Guan Yubai's army will soon reconcile with Xiao Yi's army!

Once the two men's army meets, the threat to the capital will be doubled!

The West Night King sank a little bit anxiously.

This Xiao Yi is really a headache, his actions are completely unreasonable, making himself completely unpredictable, even more understandable.

Since Xiao Yi had a battle, why did he deliberately spend months in the Southeast?

Could it be that he was waiting for the official language to attack Zhongling City? !!

Xi Yewang's pupils shrank, and he immediately wanted to understand something. In order to annihilate the army of official language white in Zhongling City in one fell swoop, he transferred a lot of soldiers and horses from Shuzhou. Xiao Yi and others were afraid this was the time!

It can be said that it was Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai who personally helped create this great opportunity!

Thinking, Xi Yewang's mind was chaotic, more panic, a cold feeling climbed from the soles of his feet, and his back was cold, as if stared at by the evil spirits crawling back from hell.


Behind Guan Yubai are the evil spirits of the government!

The King of the Night Ye gritted his teeth fiercely, and his eyes glowed with sternness.

He will not be defeated by those ghosts, where there must be a way of life ...

correct! Emperor Dayu!

Emperor Dayu must not know what Xiao Yi colluded with Guan Yubai was doing.

Imagine that once the Zhennan Royal Palace wins the West Night, the strength will only increase greatly. The Emperor Dayu originally had a jeopardy of southern Xinjiang and a jealousy of Zhennan Royal Palace. How could he sit and watch the Zhennan Royal Palace grow and threaten his Dayu River!

Nowadays, the best strategy is to "control by Yi", and try to inform Emperor Dayu of Xiao Yi's army to attack Xiye, then Emperor Dayu will certainly respond ...

In this way, you can resolve the immediate crisis without any effort!

The night king's eyes bloomed brilliantly, and Shen Sheng asked: "Guo wants to send someone to Dayu, who wants to ask for his life?"

The generals looked at each other again, and then heard the calm voice of the West Night King sounded again, slowly speaking his intentions ...

As soon as the incense was burned, a middle-aged soldier hurriedly left the Royal Study Room. He wanted to rush to the capital of Dayu immediately.

Although an ambassador was sent to Dayu, the West Night King still stood still.

Today's situation is completely out of control, time is urgent, and I am afraid that the envoys have not yet reached the capital of Dayu King, Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai's army have already entered the city ...

Xi Yewang's worries are not unfounded, the war is approaching the West Night City step by step ...

On the third day of January, Xiao Yi's army attacked Fan Yancheng in Shuzhou, and Fan Yancheng was in critical condition.

On the fourth day of the first month of the month, the Bailer tribe was defeated, and Fan Yancheng City broke.

On the sixth day of the first month of the month, Zhan Zhan City in Zhuzhou was besieged, crying for help.


In just a few days, the Zhuzhou cities were defeated, Xiao Yi's army was approaching, and even the three-year-old child of Xiye knew the prestige of the Southern Army.

As for the army of Guan Yubai, they still stay in Zhongling City. Although they have won Zhongling City, there are still thousands of soldiers from the Western Night fleeing, and they need to sweep around and take the rest of the army.

The gates of Zhongling City are wide open. From time to time, soldiers of the Southern Army are busy entering and leaving ...

On the high wall, Fu Yunhe yelled at Guanyu with a white hug: "Houye, just got the news from the West Central Basin. The Mengu remnants in the three cities of Wenxi City, Longmen City and Gongye City have been annihilated. The city is completely under the control of our army. "

"Xiye remnants who have escaped from the First World War in Zhongling City have been annihilated by 70 to 80%. It has been found that a remnant of about 500 people is led by a vice general to flee to the northwest. At the end, 800 cavalrymen will be sent for recovery ...

Fu Yunhe angrily focused on matters inside and outside the city. These days, for the aftermath of the war, the busiest person is probably him.

"Continue to sweep the surrounding towns and villages. Don't let go of a fish that leaks the net." Guan Yubai ordered, looking up outside the city, thoughtfully, "In two or three days, Ai should also arrive ... "

Hearing the words, Fu Yunhe immediately gave a smile, and ordered to retreat with a smile.

As Fu Yunhe's footsteps under the stone steps were getting farther and farther, a long black figure appeared unknownly next to Guanyubai.

Both of them were looking back at Fu Yunhe's horse, and didn't speak for a long time.

Compared with the indifferent official language, Si Yan's expression seemed a bit complicated, and the slightly angled mouth seemed to smile and emotion.

Yubai he did it!

Swinging soldiers captured Xiye's hinterland, and pointed his sword directly at the key of Xiye King's throat.

All this was beyond his expectation, and it seemed too slow ... nine years!

Fortunately, although justice was long overdue, it still came.

Su Shi smiled suddenly and sighed: "It's plain,‘ Cheng Ye Xiao He defeats Xiao He ’, this old saying can be given to the West Night King!”

The West Night King was able to become a prince by "stray count", but now he has also lost to his own "straight plan", which can be regarded as his own fault!

A cold gleam flashed in the official language's white eyes, and slowly said, "Gao Miyi was originally a battle-hardened general, but since he has tasted the sweetness brought by conspiracy and trickery, in recent years, he has become more and more inclined to use it. Human means, so that there is no improvement in tactics ... "

Speaking, Guanyu's white mouth slightly twitched, revealing a touch of taunt, "Although he has the ambition of Dong Zheng Dayu, he has no self-knowledge and knows the enemy is unknown.

The Xiye Army was a division of tigers and wolves, so it could be their opponent for many years.

But now?

The Western Night Army was defeated by the Southern Army, and there was no backhand. It can be seen that the Western Night Army was already declining without knowing it.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" has the following features: the degree of birth, the amount of energy, the number of births, the number of births, and the birth victory.

Degree is the estimated land area; quantity is the estimation of material resources; number is the statistical strength; it is said to compare the military strength of the enemy and us.

Xi Ye and South Xinjiang are too far apart. South Xinjiang knows West Ye, but Xi Ye doesn't know South Xinjiang. No matter how many degrees, quantities, numbers, and scales are, what is the final "victory"? !!

To this day, even if the West Night King has realized it, it is too late!

Next, there was a silence between the two, only the cold wind blowing their long hair and robes, hunting and hunting.

Looking at the sharp side of the official language Bai Wenrun, Si Yan could not help but asked: "Yu Bai, are you really worried about repeating the same mistakes?"

The implication is, do you really have to believe Xiao Yi?

Guan Yubai did not look at Si Yan, his gaze was still looking into the distance, that is the direction of southern Xinjiang ...

For a while, when Si Yan almost thought that Guanbai could not answer, he heard two words floating in his ears: "Of course."

His voice was not light or heavy, so casual, the blink of an eye disappeared in the wind, leaving only Si Yan's brisk laughter ...

The cold wind does not decrease, but when the Spring Festival is approaching, then spring is not far away!

Compared with the calmness of Zhongling City, the war in Shuzhou continued to advance in the northwest and approaching it. On the eighth day of the new year, a tens of thousands of troops came to Zhongling City.

The soldiers who sent out whistle on the tower on the city wall discovered this first. Soon, there was a commotion in the city wall. This turmoil quickly spread to all corners of the city ...

Gradually, even the people of Xiye in the city heard the rumbling footsteps coming from outside the city, and they became louder and louder. They thought that their Xiye army was coming, and they thought that Zhongling City would usher in another thrilling event. Battle.

Who would have thought that the Southern Army in the city opened its gates to welcome each other into the city.

Here's another Southern Army!

This cognition scared the people of the Western Nights. On the contrary, the Southern Army was very happy.

Guan Yubai took Fu Yunhe and other hundreds of soldiers out of town to meet in person.

On the walls, outside the walls, everyone's eyes were looking in the same direction.

"Treading ..."

I saw the direction of the rumbling footsteps, the dust was rolling, an army wearing a copper helmet and iron armor was moving towards this side, the black flag embroidered with the word "Xiao" was flying wantonly in the air.

Guan Wenbai's eyes were looking forward with a smile, watching the black flag constantly approaching here, and watching Xiao Yi's familiar tall figure enter his vision ...

In the warm winter sun, the young man described as slickly dressed in silvery white armor was riding on a dark cloud and stepping on snow. Dark black hair and silvery white cloak fluttered along with the horse's Mercedes.

Fresh clothes angry horse, wanton publicity!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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