Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1499: 804 from Dragon

The rising sun rises higher, plating the entire city with a golden halo.

"Rumble ..."

In a heavy rumbling noise, the huge gate slowly opened from the city.

A young teenager appeared behind the city gate, and grinned furiously at the middle-aged man who claimed to be the old army official: "This brother, please Hou Ye!"

"Thank you little brother." The middle-aged man was delighted, and his legs were pinched between the horse's belly.

The city gate slammed closed again. Two red and brown horses raced along the street behind the city gate, and went straight to the Shou Bei Fu. Then the middle-aged man was led to the main hall.

In the distance, the middle-aged man saw a familiar figure sitting in the upper seat of the hall. The other man was wearing a white robe, elegant and handsome, and standing beside him was an expressionless young man in gray clothes. Unleashed a breath of life.

For middle-aged men, this scene is so familiar and so far away ... it seems to be a past life!

He quickened his pace, walked into the hall like a leap, and then knelt down on one knee, saluting in front of the official Mandarin Baiquan: "Major General, General Xie Yifeng has met Major General! Finally, he has seen Major General again. It's up! "

Between words, Xie Yifeng's eyes were red, and tears flickered in the shadows of his pupils.

Guan Yubai, sitting on a high-backed chair, looked down at the uninvited guest kneeling on the ground, his eyes fell on the top of Xie Yifeng's dyed wind and frost, and his eyes were as deep as a bottomless deep pond, his fingers He throbbed imperceptibly twice on his lap.

"Vice Admiral Xie is free." Guan Yubai raised his hand and slowly said, "Sit down and talk."

This Xie Yifeng is the old part of the Guan Family Army. At that time, he was a vice general under His Father Guan Ruyan.

"General Xie." Xie Yifeng stood up, sat down aside, and immediately Xiao Xiao gave him tea.

Guan Yu drank his mouth tea and asked, "How did Vice Admiral Xie come here?"

"Major General," Xie Yifeng's eyes were still flushed, "The general was accidentally heard that Major General led his troops to attack Xi Ye, so he came to join Major General!"

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and Guan Yubai's eyes were darker and more difficult to understand, and he asked, "Vice General Xie, how have you been these years, how are you?" His voice was a little bit awkward, and seemed to hide everything.

"The admiral is ashamed, and these years have been chaos ..." Xie Yifeng sighed and said with emotion, "Nine years ago, the general died with injustice, the army was destroyed, and the admiral escaped with a few robes. Afterwards, I scattered all over the place, hiding incognito from the mountains ... I would have wanted the mediocre life for the rest of my life, but I did not expect to have the opportunity to witness the prestige of the major general to revive my army!

Speaking, Xie Yifeng's face full of dregs was full of excitement, his voice was choked, his voice was a little excited, and more of his joy.

"Major General is still the brave and brave Major General that year, ashamed the Admiral!" Xie Yifeng stood up, happily, holding his fist in official language, and said forcefully, "Major General, the Admiral has so much power For many years, I do not want to face the deceased in the face of Jiuquan in the future. The Admiral has sworn a poison oath before coming. Be sure to avenge the brothers such as the general and the official army! Major General! "

He blinked at the official language without blinking, his words impassioned.

As soon as the words fell, a mess of hurried footsteps came from outside the hall. Soon, there was a teenager who quickly stepped into the room and yelled, "Houye, Shizi is here!"

Hearing the words, Guan Yubai stood up, shrugged his robes, and said to Xie Yifeng: "Vice General Xie please wait here, I will go back when I go."

"Major General please help yourself." Xie Yifeng hurriedly, and sent Guan Yubai and Xiaosi away, leaving him alone in the hall, his eyes flashing.

There was a silence in the hall. Only Xie Yifeng's tea drinking occasionally sounded. He was stunned, and he heard a laugh and a loud noise coming from outside the hall.

Xie Yifeng stood up again and looked forward.

I saw Guan Yubai walking towards this side in the courtyard outside. He was surrounded by an unfamiliar young man. The young man was wearing a bright purple brocade, which described the beauty and the steps. The spirit is full of spirits, but also reveals an uninhibited taste.

The two youths came side by side, talking and laughing as they walked. It seemed that the atmosphere was harmonious.

Xie Yifeng's deep eyes lingered on the young man in purple, thinking: This man seems to be Xiao Yi, the king of Zhennan? !!

But didn't Xi Yewang say that Xiao Yi stayed in Zhongling City, didn't he come to Baishan City?

The arrival of Xiao Yi will inevitably lead to some unknown and uncontrollable variables. Can this mission to Baishan City be successfully completed this time? !!

Just for a moment, Xie Yifeng was already in a tense mood, confused, but he didn't dare to show his half-heartedness. He stood so quietly watching Guan Yubai and Xiao Yi getting closer.

Xiao Yi took the lead to cross the threshold. Of course, he also saw Xie Yifeng in the hall, and looked at Guan Yubai with a slight brow.

"Ai Yi, this is the old part of my father's life, Vice Admiral Xie." Guan Yubai introduced the two, "Vice General Xie, this is the king of the south of the town."

Xie Yifeng was shocked by Guan Yubai's appellation of Xiao Yi, but his face remained calm.

He did not expect Guan Yubai and Xiao Yi to be so close!

"The end will see the grandfather of the world." Xie Yifeng saluted Xiao Yi respectfully, "the end is deliberately to serve Major General ... Hou Ye."

Xiao Yi raised her brows even higher and responded casually, so she randomly found a chair and sat down.

Guan Yubai said: "Vice General Xie, you have travelled a long distance. You must be tired. Go down and rest for the night first. The others are not in a hurry."

Followed by, Guan Yubai ordered a young sister to take Xie Yifeng to rest.

After Xie Yifeng thanked the official language, he retreated. He had just stepped out of the hall, listening to Xiao Yiman's careless voice coming from behind him: "Xiao Bai, where do you want me to fight next? Just say!"

Xie Yifeng's title and the meaning revealed in his words shocked Xie Yifeng again, and he almost shuddered at his feet. He didn't dare to stay long, and if he continued to walk forward casually, a raging sea broke out in his heart.

He always thought that Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai must be a master-slave relationship, and as Xiao Yitang's southern king Shizi, now he has nothing to do with Xiao Yi.

However, at this moment he found that he and the West Night King were both very wrong!

Xiao Yi turned to the official language for instructions, that is to say, the relationship between the two was simply the other way round!

Guan Yubai actually let the king of the south of the town submit to him!

It is no wonder that the main troops of the Southern Army are all under the command of Guanyubai, and it is no wonder that it was also Guanyubai who captured Zhongling City!

No wonder ...

It seemed as if many of the previously confusing things were answered at this instant.

"Squeak ..."

A rough closing sound came from behind, blocking the conversation between the two youths and blocking all peeping eyes at the same time.

Xie Yifeng pressed on his urge to turn back and walked forward, his heart was full of emotions.

This time, he came to Baishan City by the order of the king of the night, in order to practice the assassin's official language.

He is the former officer of the official army. With his relationship with Guan Yubai, as long as he waits for the opportunity, he can be confident that he can complete it.

Killing Guan Yubai will be a great achievement!

In the future, when the Western Night King defeats the Southern Army, his rewards and honors will not be less.

Originally, he thought it was worth a fight, but now he has a new idea.

Xie Yifeng's eyes flickered, his eyes flickered.

If, as he just saw, Guan Yubai had already subdued Xiao Yi, then once the next night lays the West Night, Guan Yubai will be a yellow robe, plus the power of the Southern Army and Zhennan Royal Mansion, this power will never be tolerated Xiaoyu!

And Guan Yubai's picture is even more compelling.

Isn't that ... is Mo Fei Bai Bai trying to counterattack Dayu? !!

When Xie Yifeng's thoughts surfaced in his mind, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated and his blood flowed.

"Bang, bang!"

It must be so!

Only this can explain ...

With the power of Guan Yubai, as long as there is a large army in hand, even the strong soldiers and strong horses are forced into the city by the night, and they are in danger. As long as Guan Yubai is not as loyal as his father, Guan Yan, he wants to lay that early The shaky Dayu was simply a breeze!

If one day, the official language Bai will be on that supreme position, and unified Dayu and Xiye, then the Central Plains Jiangshan will also expand to an unprecedented level, by then, will not he have the power to follow the dragon? !!

Compared with the dragon's merit, the night king's reward is nothing at all ...

Thinking of it, Xie Yifeng's heart beat faster, he was about to move, and the pace under his feet accelerated subconsciously.

At the same time, Guan Yubai in the hall has opened the map of Xi Ye and spread it on a large case. Both his eyes and Xiao Yi's eyes fell on the map of Xi Ye Capital.

A sharp light flashed in the official language's white eyes. Although he could not wait to lead the army into the capital immediately and paid for many years of wishes, he was never a reckless person. Before launching the final attack, he must do a good job Prepare, there must be no mistakes in this final battle!

Therefore, Guan Yubai ordered the army to be temporarily stationed in Baishan City, rectifying the army and sweeping the surrounding cities and the Western Army Remnants.

"Ai, look here ..." Guan Yubai pointed to the east of the capital and meandered to the west. "The defense of the western night capital is roughly divided into three types. There are guards inside and outside the palace responsible for the protection of the palace. The city gates and the inner city are guarded by the Metropolis Guard, which is responsible for the security of the capital. The Guards and the Metropolis Guard are directly under the command of His Majesty the King of the Night and are under the responsibility of the people of the Metropolis who belong to the King of the Night. There are also tens of thousands of troops at Dongshan Camp, which is less than five miles away from the capital ... "

Guan Yubai pointed at the map while explaining to Xiao Yi the city defense of the Western Night City. He had already been well-organized and carefully approached.

"Ai, look here again," Guan Yubai pointed to the west of the capital again. "Now the night king is relocating from the west to the capital. These reinforcements should be able to arrive in the next few days ..."

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow, picked up the tea cup on the side, and played with a smile, and asked, "Xiao Bai, you asked me to come, but you want me to lead the army to intercept this batch of reinforcements?"

Although Xiao Yi used a questioning tone, his eagle-like eyes were quite certain.

Guan Yu smiled slightly and asked, "Ai, what do you think?"

Xiao Yi drank the warm tea in the cup, and then blinked his right eye in official language, throwing a wink, and spit out four words: "As Ruqing wishes."

Xiao Si on the side turned away, her mouth twitched, and she couldn't bear to look straight.

After talking about the matter, Xiao Yi suddenly turned around and said, "Xiao Bai, my kid's first birthday gift is at the end of the month ..." Then, he personally poured tea into the official language, sent it to him, and looked at it with a smile. He reminded him politely, "As a righteous father, don't forget the big day of the righteous son!"

Guanyu's white mouth slightly twitched and said with a smile: "I have prepared Zhou Li's arresting ceremony." Now, just wait for them to return triumphantly!

Speaking, Guan Yubai's eyes were shining, and he would send Yu Geer the best birthday gift!

Looking at Guan Yubai's expression, Xiao Yi was aroused curiosity and was about to ask him what he had prepared. He listened to Guan Yubai and turned the topic back: "A Yi, according to my estimation, the one from the west The batch of reinforcements will arrive as soon as possible tomorrow night ... you will set off early in the morning. "Next, they must hit in one shot and make a quick decision.

After that, a military order was quickly relayed, the time was urgent, and the city immediately began preparing for tomorrow's troop ...

A busy day passed very quickly. The next morning, the sky was still bright. The gate of Baishan City opened again, and then the sound of footsteps was louder than the sound of opening the gate. , The imposing momentum was slamming against the waves like the endless ocean.

Guan Yubai stood on the high wall and watched Xiao Yi and the army leave in person, watching the black flag swaying in the cold wind getting farther and farther away ...

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps from behind, a tall figure walked up the city wall along the stone steps, and hurried toward Guanyubai.

"Major General!" Xie Yifeng saluted with the official language.

Although he had rested for a night, the shadow on Xie Yifeng's eyelids was deeper and thicker. Last night, he had not slept for almost all night, always thinking about the scene witnessed by his own eyes and his own eyes , Thinking of the king of the night of the night ... repeatedly weighing the importance, the pros and cons.

Killing Guan Yubai to invite the West Night King for merit is within easy reach; if the assistant Guan Yubai lays Dayu Jiangshan, it will be a goal that can be achieved in the next few years. However, the benefits of both are also huge. do not.

Only at this moment, Xie Yifeng realized deeply what it means to seek wealth and prosperity!

Xie Yifeng shook his fist in his grip sleeve and couldn't help gazing towards the direction the army left. The rumbling footsteps had long gone, but the dust in the distance was still flying wantonly ...

If there was any hesitation before Xie Yifeng, the moment he saw Xiao Yi leading the army, Shi He disappeared.

My guess is definitely not wrong!

All the kings of the south of the world, who surrendered to the official language, had nothing to hesitate to do!

If he wants that monstrous power and the richness of the sky, if he wants to become the next king of Zhennan, then he must take risks!

Thinking about it, Xie Yifeng's eyes flashed a firm light, and he took the initiative to ask the battle half-step forward: "Major General, please give the General a chance to make a contribution. The Admiral first arrives, he must make some achievements before he deserves to stay with the General . "

Guan Yu smiled lightly, "Vice General Xie Mo Ji, there will always be a chance."

Xie Yifeng was a little disappointed. He could only persuade himself to be calm and impatient. He had to win back the trust of the official language little by little. With their many years of friendship, it took a little time to do more with less.

After thinking about it, he asked tentatively, "Major General, I don't know if you have any plans after taking the West Night?"

Guan Yubai didn't speak for a while, just when Xie Yifeng was about to change the subject, he slowly listened to Guan Yubai: "It is my sacrifice to the military spirit of my official family."

Xie Yifeng froze, and immediately echoed: "The major general said yes! It is the long-cherished wish of the general to annihilate Xi Ye," said, and he sighed sighingly, looking up towards the east sky, "I did not expect In the end of his life, you can see that the major general realizes the wish of the general. Presumably, the spirit of the general and all officers and soldiers will be comforted by the spirit of heaven ... "

Cold winds blowing yellow sand blew up, swallowing their voices in the wind, and the wind was endless.

The following days, the sand is getting stronger and the weather is getting colder and colder, as if foretelling a blizzard is coming soon ... Until the morning of this day, as the rising star rises in the east, the sky in the northwest suddenly rises A huge firework exploded in the dark sky at dawn, so dazzling and bright, almost surpassing the glory of the sun.

All the soldiers of the Southern Army who guarded the city gate saw the firework. The area near the gate boiled, and someone immediately went to the guarding government to inform Guan Yubai.

However, Guan Yubai had approached the city gate and immediately ordered the whole army to set off.


The monotonous war drum sounded repeatedly in the city like thunder, and tens of thousands of troops were trained to form a huge square array. The gates of Baishan City were wide open ...

"set off!"

Half an hour later, the tens of thousands of troops marched towards the West Night City under the command of Guan Yubai, as if they were galloping, with a magnificent momentum, and released a kind of domineering who was fighting.

The tens of thousands of troops marching north also meant that the distance between them and the West Night City was shortening. Eventually, they stopped temporarily for a distance of fifty miles from the capital and met again with Xiao Yi's army. Large camps settled into camps, dotted with ...

Facing the menacing army of official language, the West Night King in the capital was horrified day by day. He could no longer sit still, and could only send another hundred thousand people anxiously to send a sum book, which was named to the king of the south of the town. Xiao Yi.

"Lonely split the world with Zhennan Wang Shizi!"

In the camp of the army, a careless male voice echoed, as if talking about a trivial household thing.

Xiao Yi glanced quickly and handed the sum book in his hand to Guan Yubai, with a smile and asked, "Little Bai, what do you think?"

The official language white look indifferent, picking up the letter in silence, the movement is not slow or slow.

But the next moment, I just listen to--

"Sigh ..."

The official language tore up the book in half without looking, without hesitation.

It was just such a simple action, and his body released a kind of sharp energy like a blade coming out of a sheath.

Seeing this, Xie Yifeng, who was sitting aside, clenched his fists tightly, and did not show himself a little strange.

Guan Yubai, after all, is the unique major general of their official army. Now looking at the elegant and gentle, he is just hiding the edge.

In the camp, it was quiet, so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling could be heard.

Xiao Yi doesn't seem to care about the end of the Japanese book, and carelessly drinks his tea.

Xie Yifeng has been observing these two men secretly, and his emotions are surging: Although these two men are sitting in the handsome seat by Xiao Yi, it is obvious that the man in the Southern Army is indeed the official language.

Also, the wisdom of Guanyubai is a rare general for a century. Emperor Dayu was intolerable. Why did the king of the south of the town feel that he could subdue Guanyubai? !!

The so-called "concealing his sins", as a courtier and subordinate, the stunning and brilliant official language can only be daunting and alarming. However, as a superior, as an emperor, as powerful as the official language, he will become a subordinate. Respect and admire those you follow!

In the past few days, what he saw in the southern army proved that Guan Yubai's prestige in the army is as high as the sky.

Who else can go beyond this official language, and who can compete with it!

Thinking, Xie Yifeng's heart was settled.

It is true that he chose to abandon the West Night King for the official language white!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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