In Shu Zhi Hall, there was a moment of silence, only Xiao Xiaoyu's hobbling and humming echoed in the hall.

Pei Yuanchen looked at Xiao Yi thoughtfully, revealing a trace of investigation and inquiry.

Xiao Yi's mouth angled higher, and he asked with a smile: "Big brother-in-law, if you are too empty the day after tomorrow, would you like to go out with me?"

Pei Yuanchen narrowed his eyes, his eyes seemed a little curious, and after a moment of hesitation, his head fell down.

Xiao Yi laughed more happily and said meaningfully: "Brother-in-law, rest assured, I will make you a worthwhile trip!"

I heard that Nangong who was drinking tea paused for a moment, with a strange expression: Ai Yi's temperament naturally meant to do it. As for "surprise" or "frightening", I'm afraid it's hard to say.

Xiao Yi has always been an acquaintance. As long as he is willing, it can make people feel late for a while. He and Pei Yuanchen talked enthusiastically for a while and then let Pei Yuanchen go to the hospital to rest and return. He was asked to drink together later.

It was an hour when Nangong Yu and Xiao Yi took Xiao Xiaoyu out of Shuzhi Hall.

At this time it was time, and the sun outside was dazzling.

Xiao Yi hugged the little guy in one hand, and walked towards the direction of the palace with Nangong Yao in one hand. From time to time, he walked under the tree in accordance with the preferences of the little guy.

"Han Lingfan isn't stupid this time ..." Xiao Yi said suddenly, with some carelessness in his tone.

Over the years, Han Lingfan has also done a lot of stupid things. Xiao Yi almost thought that he would be stupid for a lifetime, but now he just wakes up after eating a puppet, and it seems that it is not completely helpless.

Nangong Yan's mind could not help but emerge from the gentle and elegant young man with a trace of shyness. At that time, she detoxified him, saved his life, and also changed his destiny ...

However, what she can do is nothing more than this. In the future, where is the fate of Han Lingfan? Only he can grasp ...

"Five Emperors ... King Jun King. He has always been a smart and generous child." Nangong drew his eyes down, and followed Xiao Yi's side step by step.

Smart and generous? !! Xiaobai also commented on Han Lingfan. Xiao Yi pouted his lips. Smartness and generosity may be praised by ordinary people, but for a prince, if he can't win, he will be a fatal affair by several other princes. Disadvantages ...

However, it's better than his dad! There was a slight disdain in Xiao Yi's eyes.

"Huahua!" The little boy squirmed restlessly in Xiao Yi's arms, reaching out to grab the red and colorful kapok above.

Xiao Yi stopped, the little guy was picking flowers excitedly, and he gave them to the thrush on the side. A few girls were used to it, took out a purse, and packed the flowers picked by Shisun one by one.

Xiao Yi looked at the kapok burning above the branches like a fire, and the red fire reflected in his eyes gave him a little bit of breath. He said lightly: "Our emperor, from the time of the prince, he was afraid that the southern Xinjiang would turn against him. When he was seated on the dragon chair, he was even more afraid. This is a heart disease. Since there is no heart medicine doctor, he must be better . Emperor, he is missing ... "

"Knowledge of people." Nangong's voice overlapped with Xiao Yi's. The emperor would like Han Lingfu to be a prince, but it is not just ignorance!

Xiao Yi raised an eyebrow and looked at Nangong Yan, the smiley eyes seemed to say that his son-in-law and him really had a good spirit.

Xiao Yi pulled up Nangong's left hand and kissed her in the palm of her hand.

The little-eyed guy also saw this scene, and immediately stopped picking flowers. He also leaned down and brought the little face together to kiss his mother.

Xiao Yi frowned, did the stinky boy think his father was a display?

How could Xiao Yi make his son wishful, and quickly adjusted the position for the little guy, letting him ride around his neck.

The high vision immediately shifted Xiao Xiaoyu's attention. He was clapping and kicking again. Excitement along the way also attracted many stunned expressions.

Xiao Yi didn't care at all, holding the little guy in one hand, holding Nangong Yu in hand and continuing to go forward, and then said, "The emperor didn't want to think about my father's temperament. To put it nicely is An Rutai. Just want to be a stable rich man, even if he gave his father Wang Xiongxin leopard courage, he would not dare to oppose it! "

Xiao Yi's right hand was naughtily nudged in the palm of Nangong Yan, and Nangong Yan shivered, half-closed eyes covering the lonely color in his eyes, not wanting this guy to be too proud. She deliberately tilted her head and asked, "What about you ?!"

"I?" Xiao Yi squinted at Nangong Yu, who was not bad, "What's so good about Dayu ?! How good are we in southern Xinjiang? Increasing the volume clearly means that Huang Po sells melon and brags.

Nangong Yan was so amused by him that there was a laughing flower in his mouth. No, Nanjiang is really a “spirit of the earth”, her Ai and Yu brothers are all born on this land!

Several girls have kept some distance from Shi Ziye and Shi Zifei in silence, feeling that they are going to be blinded.

Seeing Nangong Yan Zhan Yan, Xiao Yi was quite satisfied. She crossed her fingers and looked up at the sky in the north. "Since Han Lingfan is so knowledgeable, it is better than just having a cat and a dog as emperor!"

Originally, Xiao Yi didn't care who would become Emperor Dayu, but it did not mean that he liked to deal with continuous troubles and harassment.

Since Han Lingfan came to surrender to him, it is not necessary for Xiao Yi!

At least, with the help of Han Lingfan, if he can successfully land on Dabao, it will definitely be a good thing for southern Xinjiang, as Xiao Bai said, so that they can have a wide sea and a large southern boundary, so that I can fly!

At this moment, a cool breeze blew, making the leaves rustle, blowing down the red petals one after another.

The little guy's gaze was not looking at the flowers, but he looked forward to the white eagle soaring in the air, screaming "Han Yu, Han Yu" indistinctly.

Qingyunwu is ahead ...

A family of three strolling across the small bridge also brought a touch of popularity to the peaceful Qingyunwu.

It didn't take long for the excited little guy to become drowsy, and he resolved his father's "Enlightenment" plan with four or two pounds, and returned to Bixiaotang safely ...

Xiao's father and son's fighting method passed again without surprise.

The next day, February 16th, Guan Yubai finally got Lin Jingchen's permission, and he left with Xiaosi and Yigan to travel to Xi Ye again. Compared with the last time, Guan Yubai seemed to be unloading. With so many intangible burdens, he walked away lightly.

This also means that Xiao Yi's plan to throw Xiao Xiao Yu to the official language Bai Qimeng was temporarily dismissed.

Xiao Yi was undead, thinking in his heart that he would start this plan after Guan Yubai returned from Xi Ye!

After hiding in Bixiaotang for two days, on February 18th, Xiao Yi took 3,000 soldiers to the north and went to the junction of Southern Xinjiang and Dayu Luzhou. Pei Yuanchen accompanied him. .

The three thousand southern army troops marched on horseshoes, stopped near the Hufeng valley on the edge of Luzhou, and set up their army in the mountains and forests. The generals performed their duties skillfully, less than one. At that time, I saw dark green camps perfectly hidden among the forests of the mountains ...

The sunset rose and went round and round, but it took less than a day to see a general in the distance wearing a copper armored iron helmet with a mighty army of thousands of troops.

Xiao Yi, who was on a small hillside at this moment, naturally saw it, and a sly arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth, complacently saying: This day is just right, people finally come.

Xiao Yi threw the clairvoyant to the bamboo, then turned over and greeted Pei Yuanchen and the generals, saying, "Big brother-in-law, and young people, let's go!"

The rogue looks like he is not leading a soldier, but a bandit leader in a cottage with the young men to rob.

Xiao Yi took the lead in taking the lead. Pei Yuanchen looked at Xiao Yi's back with a complex and subtle expression. At this moment, he was wearing a heavy bronze helmet and iron armor, and it looked like an ordinary soldier of the Southern Army. Xiao Yi said he was going to take him out, but he did not expect Xiao Yi to bring him to Li Duzhong ...

Pei Yuanchen took a deep breath, caught a horse belly, and galloped with the elite soldiers of the three hundred elite battalions, closely behind Xiao Yi.

A group of people waited for the hillside, and then moved forward along the valley in front of them. The sound of horseshoes echoed like a thunderous thunder, coupled with the echo of the mountain walls on both sides of the valley, like a thunderous thunder.

Soon, Xiao Yi and others met Li Duzhong's 10,000 troops on the narrow road in the middle of the valley.

Of course, Li Duzhong also noticed that a team of people came from the other side of the valley. At first, because of the echo of the valley, he thought that there were at least thousands of people on the other side. When he saw that a young man in a silver-white armor was carrying two to three hundred people. When I came, I felt a sigh of relief, and the waist was straighter.

Li Duzhong made a gesture, and the 10,000 army behind him stopped. His eyes fell on the young man with a silver armor in front of him. The other person seemed to be in his early twenties. The young and handsome face was radiant in the early spring sunshine. Glow, the white cloak flying behind him, it seems to be spirited ...

Li Duzhong squinted his eyes slightly, and superimposed this handsome, woman-like face in front of him with the Shishizi who was in Wangdu a few years ago. It was him!

Zhennan Wang Shizi Xiao Yi!

Li Duzhong stared fiercely at Xiao Yi in front of him, with a look of disdain at the bottom of his eyes: This Xiao Yi was arrogant and arrogant at the time of Wang Du. Since he received the deputy commander of the Five City Bing Ma Si Dong Cheng, Cheng Ri made a funny cat in Wang Du Provoking dogs, almost no one knows no one knows them; now he puts on the armor and looks like a human being ...

But how did Xiao Yi appear here? !!

Li Duzhong frowned slightly, watching Xiao Yi strangle the horse's rope outside Bailai Zhang, and his black Wuyun Taxue snorted and stomped his hoof while restlessly.

Li Duzhong was about to speak, but Xiao Yi was in front of him--

"Hey! Who are you?" Xiao Yiwei raised his chin and looked at Li Duzhong, asking arrogantly, "Did you see the boundary marker outside? This is the boundary of southern Xinjiang! If you don't know the characters, you should ask a military division!" "

A few words drew coquettish laughter from the three hundred new camps behind him.

Li Duzhong's face suddenly turned black. A few years ago, Xiao Yi had a few relationships with him while he was in the capital, but now the other party looks like he doesn't recognize himself, and it really is as rumorous as hell. ceremony.

Li Duzhong took out the bright yellow imperial scroll that was rolled into a cylinder, and then held up the imperial edict with his right hand, and said loudly, "Xiao Shizi, this general is riding on the general Li Duzhong, and this time he was specially ordered to come to South Xinjiang to deliver the order ! "

"Oh? Are you Li Duzhong?" Xiao Yi looked at Li Duzhong suspiciously and stretched out his right hand. "Why do you prove that? Take this imperial edict to Ben Shizi to see!"

This Xiao Yi didn't know that they would be in dire straits at the Zhennan Royal Palace! I also want to give myself power! Li Duzhong gave a sneer, with a high voice between his words: "Xiao Shizi, this imperial edict is given to the king of Zhennan by the emperor, and no one else can peep!"

What he said was that you, Xiao Yi, were not qualified to see this imperial edict!

"General Li is really brave!" Xiao Yi smiled angrily and raised his voice with an angry smile. "However, General Li, you also have to speak where you want to go. South Xinjiang is the land of this son, here. Every inch of the land, every person, and every thing belongs to this son, what does this son see? General Li, if you do n’t even understand the truth, come from here and roll back to this son go with!"

The three hundred elite camp officers behind Xiao Yi immediately shook their flags and cheered Xiao Yi: "Get out of southern Xinjiang! Get out of southern Xinjiang!"

With the help of echoes from all around, Hong Liang's voice expanded nearly tenfold, with a huge momentum.

Li Duzhong didn't expect to be in front of his tens of thousands of troops, but this is the Zhennan Wang Shizi who brought in two or three hundred elite soldiers yelling at himself, so unreasonable and so arrogant, where is this Zhennan King , Obviously a little bandit out of the bandit's den.

It's just that I don't know the heights and heights!

"What if this general had to pass ?!" Li Duzhong and Xiao Yi stared at each other, with no disdain in their eyes.

For him, the Zhennan Palace is doomed to fall! This Xiao Yi is already half dead! Why should he waste energy and Xiao Yixu and the snake!

Xiao Yi's mouth was raised higher, as if he had heard something interesting, he raised his right hand and waved forward ...

"Hmm ..."

The next instant, a sound of breaking air came from both sides of the valley, and numerous black iron irons shot from the mountains and forests on both sides, like a dense crowd of locusts, in a chaotic sound of horses, Thousands of iron arrows shot around that 10,000 army.

All this happened at the fingertips, and there was a return to tranquility all around.

There are no casualties, only the numerous Kuroyas are deeply inserted into the ground, close to each other, each row is three inches into the ground. It can be imagined that if they are stuck on the flesh and blood of humans and horses, What kind of ending.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly and was quite satisfied with the performance of Xinyingying.

Xinyuying, hence its name, is a young and elite division. Guanyubai's requirements for Xinyuying are eighteen classes of martial arts. For example, even this crossbow, Xinruiying can't even make a crossbow. The specialization of the armies, but also decent, is superior to the ordinary crossbowmen in the army.

As it happened, when a batch of crossbow created for the Divine Armed Army arrived at Luo Yuecheng recently, Xiao Yi simply lent it to the new camp and let them practice their hands by the way.

The sound of horror and riots around him could not be calmed for a long time. The 10,000 soldiers were restless like ants on a hot pot.

Li Duzhong did not expect that the company's crossbowmen were lurking on both sides of the valley, and this Xiao Yi dared to order the crossbowmen to perform demonstrations on his own, and his face was frightened and furious.

Li Duzhong's entire face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water. He soothed his horse, pointed at Xiao Yi's nose, and reprimanded, "Xiao Yi, are you going to commit disorder?"

Xiao Yi was still laughing, as if he didn't realize how shocking he had done just now, and said casually: "General Li is really serious! This is the boundary of the southern Xinjiang, but this son is just training soldiers." He made A look of "Li Duzhong really fussed".

The three hundred new talent camps behind Xiao Yi also have been with the grandfather for some time. He also has a deep understanding of his own grandfather's irreverence and hiss, and hesitated in cooperation.

Immediately after, dozens of shield soldiers behind Xiao Yi stepped forward and supervised the shields in a well-trained manner, blocking Xiao Yi's body. At almost the same time, dense bursts of air came from both sides of the valley.

Thousands of Tieya blasted out again, and this time, the murderous spirit was stunned!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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