Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 1514: 819 support (one more)

Naturally, that imperial matter also passed into the ears of Han Lingfu. After hearing the news, I heard a sound of "cracking" from the study outside, and it seemed that many things were hit on the ground.

Han Lingfu locked himself in the foreign study for a long time, until Xiaolizi came to say, Bai Muxiao wants to see him, and what he wants is ready!

Han Lingfu was not in the mood to see Bai Muxiao, but he could not avoid Wuhe cream. After finishing his dress slightly, he went to Xinghuiyuan.

As soon as he entered the room, Han Lingfu opened his door and said, "Wuhe cream!"

Bai Muxiao, in a crescent white dress, was sitting casually by the window, and she glanced up and down at Han Lingfu, with an unabashed mockery at the corner of her mouth.

Looking at the tea stains and broken porcelain on his sleeves and boots, I know that he must have hit something again in the study just now. When a big man is in trouble and doesn't know how to calmly think about the solution, he will throw things. For so many years , He really did not grow at all!

Bai Muxiao picked up a fist-sized small porcelain bottle and threw it to Han Lingfu.

The Wuhe anointing was naturally given by Aimu.

I have to say that Aimu appeared at the right time. If he can't take out the Wuhe cream again, I'm afraid Han Lingfu won't believe her anymore ...

Now with the help of the child's grandmother, Aimu, Han Lingfu should not even try to escape from his palm!

Thinking, Bai Muxiao sneered secretly in her heart, and Qingli's face seemed to have a hint of embarrassment.

Han Lingfu couldn't wait to take the small porcelain bottle, and couldn't wait to open it. When he saw the familiar paste in the bottle and smelled the familiar smell, his eyes suddenly showed a look of greed and intoxication ...

Soon, he raised his head again and frowned, "Why is there only this little ?!"

Bai Muxiao laughed but did not speak, the taunt in her eyes grew stronger, as if to say, how could she be so stupid as to give Wuhe cream to him!

Han Ling had her eyebrows locked, and was about to get angry, but she listened to Bai Muxiao casually and said, "Master, the emperor has gone to South Xinjiang, what plans do you have ?!"

Han Ling was stunned, and his face was more gloomy. He thought that Chen was dead, and the father would definitely consider marrying Xiao Xiao by himself, but he did not expect that the father would be so ashamed of the Zhennan palace!

Seeing his indignation, Bai Muxiao's eyes flashed with contempt. He really didn't know himself. What could he compare with the emperor's sister Han Lingfan!

"Wang Ye doesn't plan to sit and wait?" Bai Mu Xiao said again.

The words "sit and wait" stabbed Han Ling with a heartache. What does Bai Muxiao mean? She meant that the royal palace of Zhennan would not pick herself? !!

"Did you say this to ridicule the king?" Han Lingfu stared at Bai Muxiao with red eyes, really anxious to strangle the woman, but for Wuhe cream ...

He was about to walk away, but when Bai Muxiao smiled and said with a smile: "My grandfather is more concerned! I am kind and want to help my grandfather."

Regardless of Han Lingfu's belief, Bai Muxiao continued: "The imperial edict of the emperor has been issued, and Jinkouyuyan has spoken, so now the only thing that the grandfather has to do is from the royal palace of Zhennan ..."

Hearing that, Han Ling was frightened, took his steps, looked down thoughtfully, and then turned to look at Bai Mu Xiao: "You mean to use the reserve as a bait ..."

If someone secretly sends a letter to Zhennan King to the south of Xinjiang, he can write a letter of writing, if in the future Xiao Xun has a son, he will be the future prince, what will happen to Zhennan King? !!

Han Lingfu was not too stupid. Bai Muxiao's eyes flashed, and she took a tea cup and sipped a cup of hot tea leisurely before she said, "Master, besides Li Chu, when you write to the king of Zhennan, you will promise not to be dismissed." After a while, she slowly said another seven words—

"One pair for life people."

Based on her observations of Xiao Yan, this girl has a clear temperament and speaks nicely, without eating fireworks on earth;

One lifetime, one person and two persons, will definitely impress Xiao Yue, a self-proclaimed talented woman.

It can also impress the King of Zhennan. After all, if Han Lingfu only has Xiao Yue as a woman, then his "future" son-in-law will naturally only be born by Xiao Yan.

How did Zhennan Wangfu think that Han Lingfu could no longer have other children!

Thinking, Bai Mu Xiao's mouth evoked a cold and proud smile.

Han Lingfu can also understand the reason for this, his eyes are shining, the depression before can not disappear.

For a moment, he felt as if he had gone back to the past. At that time, they had not looked back. Bai Muxiao often advised him, but ...

How did they get here? !!

The scenes of the past flashed quickly in Han Lingfu's mind, and finally stopped on Han Weijun's brown hair. The lingering in Han Lingfu's eyes instantly dissipated and became cold and cold.

All this is Cui Yanyan's fault! It's Bai Muxiao's fault!

They shouldn't have come this far, they could have shared this piece of Dayu world!

However, it is difficult to cover the water!

Han Lingfu did not look at Bai Muxiao anymore, and left the sentence lightly: "My king is going to write to Zhennan King ..." He must send the letter to Zhennan Wangfu before the imperial edict of his father arrived in Nanjiang!

Han Lingfu left quickly and took the curtain out of the house. Of course, he didn't know that after his departure, Bai Muxiao had another lake-like figure on the side. The two looked at each other and smiled ...

The waves of the capital of the capital are so numerous that the chapel in the center of the vortex is covered with thin ice, and the western night, thousands of miles away, is even more undulating.

Guan Yubai arrived in Xiye as early as the sixth day of March.

Regarding the return of Guan Yubai, the most excited person is Fu Yunhe. He cried with joy and had to hold Guan Yubai's thigh called a savior! Compared to the elder brother Xiao Yi, Anyi Hou Zhen is a living Buddha of kindness!

Fu Yunhe made an immediate decision, expressing impassionedly that he had been martial in his whole life, and only wanted the iron horse to gallop, and the battle flag to fly. The implication is that in the future, do not look for him if it is related to the internal affairs.

Under the command of Guan Yubai, Fu Yunhe rushed to the western Xinjiang day and night with a 50,000 southern army including the Divine Armed Forces and joined the Xuanjia Army led by Yao Lianghang.

With the help of Fu Yunhe, Yao Lianghang and Han Huaijun were as god-assisted. They changed their previous combat style of using guerrilla warfare and defense to avoid the enemy's sharp edge, and actively sent troops. They took turns in 36 battles and launched a series of attacks like a storm ...

After the fall of Xiye Capital, the Western Night Army led by Tatehai City has lost its backbone, and has been strong and strong. After several setbacks, it has been defeated like a mountain ... At the end of March, after the Battle of Tatehai, the Western Night Army officially went south. Army surrender!

After the battle ended, after Yao Lianghang and Han Huai Junshan, Fu Yunhe led the army to return to the West Night City in a spirited manner, but was immediately dispatched to the northern part of West Night, suppressing the Shen Qian who refused to submit to the Northern Territory. , Desolate two races.

In order to settle Xiye as soon as possible, in addition to Guanyubai's 30,000 people sitting in the town of Xiyedu, he also dispatched Fu Yunhe to lead the God Arms northward, and sent soldiers such as Youqi Camp and Fengfeng Camp to the west and southwest.

The military arrangements were made one by one, but Guan Yubai was still too busy to stop like a spinning top. Before he returned to Xi Ye, Fu Yunhe dealt with Xi Ye's internal affairs in a simple and rude manner. Whoever refused to do so would suppress it with military means and convinced those who had fought with military law.

Although the situation was temporarily suppressed, but a closer inspection, everything was chaotic.

After Guan Yubai returned, he first appeased the people of Xiye, placed the captives, and promulgated various new policies in the capital. Everything in the capital was carried out in an orderly manner under the arrangements of Guan Yubai, and the people of Xiye also rose as usual. As the sun sets, the cities south of the capital are steadily settled ...

As for the wife and sister-in-law left by the king of the night, Guan Yubai ordered them to be sent to the palace in the eastern suburbs to settle and guarded by soldiers. Without accident, they would not be able to travel to the palace again in this life.

Guan Yubai has fought on the battlefield since he was a teenager. If not for his perseverance, what he saw and heard was enough to change his character.

He is not a murderer of innocent people, but he is not a compassionate person.

Now that the King of the Night is dead, it is not a general's favor to embarrass some women and children, but it is obviously not advisable to free these relatives of the King of the Night, so this is also the next best way to settle down.

Among the queens of Xiye Wang, the only exception is Dayu and his pro-Princess Qu Yueyue. Xiye has already been broken. Naturally, there is no need for a pro-princess. Guan Yubai ordered him to be sent back to Dayu.

However, I did not expect that these two orders from Guan Yubai had just been issued for a long time, and a teenager ran out strangely and said, The concubine of the Queen of the Night Queen, kneeled in the palace under the leadership of the queen, and served as the southern army How the soldiers drove away, they refused to leave.

The Queen of the Night of the Night even vocally claimed that they were born in the palace, and died in the palace. They would never leave the palace!

Guan Yubai only gave five words: "Let them go."

The teenager who came to blame was dumbfounded, and carefully pondered the meaning of Anyihou, and then the kneeling of those Xiye women.

On this knee, they even knelt for three days and three nights without ever getting up.

This incident naturally shocked the palace, including Xie Yifeng.

To him, this may be a golden opportunity!

Xie Yifeng thought, his eyes fell on a green cloth bag beside him, and a determination flashed in his sharp eyes.

He can't wait any longer, he must act!

Xie Yifeng picked up the green cloth bag and went to the Royal Study Room to see the official language white.

After passing through the pass, Xie Yifeng went into the curtain unhurriedly, and there was something in his heart. During these days, Xie Yifeng's heart was getting worse ...

He originally thought that by virtue of his friendship with Guan Yubai in the old part of the Western Territory and his ability to lead soldiers, he would certainly be able to establish his career under the authority of Guan Yubai and regain the trust of Guan Yubai.

However, he has worked for His Majesty Guan Yubai for several months, and until now, Guan Yubai has not used him.

He couldn't figure out what was wrong ...

At first, he thought Guan Yubai was afraid of other soldiers of the Southern Army, so he didn't dare to use him. However, from his observations over the past few months, Guan Yubai really controlled the overall situation of the Southern Army. Well received by the generals.

and so……

Could it be that Guan Yubai is still dissatisfied with the death of Xiye Prince, so he deliberately left him like this? !!

Xie Yifeng reluctantly clenched his fist, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he planned to join the commander of the Southern Army to "persuade" the official language to wear a white and yellow robe, but was struggling to find a suitable opportunity. Now this opportunity is finally delivered to him, he must grasp it!

Between thoughts, Xie Yifeng stepped into the Imperial Study Room. In addition to Guan Yubai and the little four master and servant, Si Yan was also there. He was sitting on the window sill casually, describing leisurely.

There was a faint scent in the room, which made people feel refreshed.

"See Major General." Xie Yifeng held his fist saluting respectfully, could not help but glance at Si Yan, he did not expect him to be there.

After the royal case, Guan Yubai raised his head from a pile of documents, with a slight tiredness between his eyebrows, and said lightly, "Xie Yifeng, what are you doing to find Ben Hou?" His tone was alienated.

That alienation let Xie Yifeng's last trace of hesitation disappear. According to his knowledge, Si Ye and Guan Yu have known each other for many years. As close as brothers, even if the official family is destroyed and Guan Yu is innocent, he is inseparable. Do not give up, help from the side, and now follow the official language Bai expedition to the Western Night ...

Now or never. Xie Yifeng said to himself, took a deep breath, stared directly at the official white eyes, and said loudly: "Major general, the general will pass through the Jinlin Palace, and see that the Queen of the Night and the concubines can't afford to kneel. It is learned that the major general intends to send them out of the palace ... Major General, please forgive me, I am afraid this is not appropriate. "

Seeing that the official language was white and peaceful, Xie Yifeng continued: "Major general, Dayu Zhongyuan's ritual education is strict, but Xiye is different. According to Xiye's custom since ancient times, all are 'father died, wife after mother; brothers died, all take His wife and wife '. Now that the West Country is broken and the twelve clans are falling apart, for them, there are only three options in front of them, either to help the fugitive second prince to restore, or to stand alone or to submit to the major general ... West No one knows the prestige of the major general in the night, but the old resentment of the Western Xinjiang was in front of them. Even if they had surrendered, they were afraid that the general would liquidate the old account with them. Only the major general accepted the concubines to expand the harem. The two ethnic groups can only feel relieved. Major General, although these queen queens of the West Yeah are only some remnants of willows and willows, but for the sake of the overall situation, when the West Ye is stable, the lieutenants will ban them in the harem at will, and they will accept the beauty. "

On the one hand, Si Ye was drinking tea. Hearing Xie Yifeng's words, she almost did not spray the tea. Yu Bai is also very talented! Such a "wonderful" idea is also coming up!

Si Yan's eyes rolled slowly, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he persuaded: "White words, Vice General Xie's kindness, you have to think carefully!"

After listening to Si Yan drumming himself, Xie Yifeng felt a stir in his heart, thinking: Could Fei Si come to Xi Ye also intentionally do the work of the dragon?

Xie Yifeng settled down and continued respectfully: "Major General, the patriarchs of the Western Nights, and even the two Western Night Kings are clinging to this old habit and have the meaning of" no blame ". He is willing to serve as the new master of Xi Ye. The Major General is now "independent" to guard Xi Ye, but it is a rare opportunity ... The Admiral really cannot bear the Major General's wedding dress for "others!"

He speaks meaningfully. The "other" in his discourse clearly refers to Xiao Yi, and the implication is that if Xiao Yi rushes back to Xi Ye and accepts these Xi Ye concubines, then the official language will be arduously laid down. Xi Ye may fall into Xiao Yi's hands.

"Major General!" Xie Yifeng threw himself on his knees, unburdened his baggage, and raised his head to the road. "The opportunity is fleeting, so please consider it!"

In that bag, a bright yellow robe stood on top of it. In the sunlight shining through the window, the golden dragon embroidered by gold threads seemed to glow, and said four words silently--

Yellow robe plus body.

This dragon robe is the royal robe of the West Night King found in Xie Yifeng's West Night Palace. Just waiting for the day to be presented, no more words are needed, it can euphemistically convey the thousand words in his heart to the official Speechless.

In the Imperial Study Room, there was a moment of silence, and Guan Yubai had not spoken. Xie Yifeng's heart could not help mentioning it, and he said impassionately: "The major of the major is great, why should he surrender to others! Now the major is in the army The momentum is very strong. Once the major general ascends, he will definitely respond. At that time, the major general will send his troops to the east and win Dayu. He will avenge the general and his brothers. For Major General ... "

Xie Yifeng said more and more blood, it seemed to see the scene of the future official language Bai Dongzheng, but when he raised his eyes, he saw that official language Bai was looking at him with a smile, but he could not help but hesitated, feeling a bit wrong.

The official language saw Xie Yifeng's snoring in vain, and asked gently: "Xie Yifeng, do you know what is the" candle shadow axe "?"

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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