On the third day of May, the envoys dispatched by the Nu and Maoxi ethnic groups of the Twelve Xiye arrived in the city of Xiye.

In addition to the Xidu tribe to which Xiye Wang belongs, Nu and Maoxi are the two most powerful Xiye ethnic groups, occupying six cities in the western part of Xiye.

Since the collapse of Xiye King Gao Miji, the two groups have been watching the situation in Xiye ... until now, Xiye's step by step fall is almost the general trend, and the two groups finally can't bear it. As soon as they heard that Xiao Yi had returned to Xiye Capital from South Xinjiang, they immediately sent envoys.

Fu Yunhe personally went to the gate to greet the envoys and greet them into the palace.

The guards and followers of the envoy team were all left at the gate of the palace, and only two envoys representing the Nu and Maoxi ethnic groups respectively went to the Chaoyang Hall to meet Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai.

The two envoys looked around calmly. The Chaoyang Hall was still brilliant and magnificent. Everything seemed to be like yesterday, but the person sitting on the top had changed, and it was no longer the West Night King Gaomi. It is a young man in a purple robe with a weak crown and a beautiful description. The other party lazily propped his elbow on the armrest, showing a little carelessness in his expression, but it made people dare not to underestimate.

The two ambassadors seemed calm and calm, but in fact they were in a quandary.

Although they had never seen Xiao Yi and Guan Yubai before, they were like Lei Guaner, and at first glance, they guessed that the young man in the purple robe sitting on the top must be Xiao Yi, the south king of Dayu Town.

And the next young man in a white robe and a Confucian dress is naturally--

That official language is white.

The two envoys quickly exchanged a look, pretending to be calm and thinking: From the seat of these two people, it is clear that Xiao Yi is the master and Guan Yubai is the minister. Guan Yubai is, after all, Guan Yubai. Without him, how could Xiao Yi's Southern Army capture West Night!

The two settled down, both bowed to the courtesy of Xi Ye and saluted Xiao Yi saluting respectfully, saying one after the other:

"Nu Limo Zhi ..."

"Maoda Oda ..."

"By the patriarch's orders, come and greet my new lord of the night!"

After the two had finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the palace, and Xu said lazily, listening to a clear male voice: "Greetings are not necessary. Except for the drop of the book, this son will not accept it."

Xiao Yi's words made the two envoys more and more frightened, and his forehead was sweating.

I heard Xiao Yizheng earlier, I didn't expect arrogance to this end!

The two looked at each other again, followed the "Mo Hu" Li Mozhi on the left with a smile and looked at Xiao Yi, euphemistically tempted: "The two patriarchs ordered us to meet Xiao Shizi, but Xiao Shizi told me Xi Ye What are your plans for the future? "

In fact, Li Mozhi wanted to ask if Xiao Yi would become king, but what Xiao Yi said was also Wang Shizi of the south of Dayu Town. If he bluntly said, he would seem to care about the other party's rebellion.

"West night ?!"

Xiao Yi's ridiculous sneer sounded suddenly in the palace, echoing in the ears of the two envoys like a sulking thunder, causing the two to tremble.

Xiao Yi, sitting on a mahogany high-backed chair, looked at the two with a smile, and proclaimed proudly: "Xi Ye is gone! This land is the domain of the southern palace of my town!"

What does Xiao Shizi mean? !! The two ambassadors were shocked and skeptical, and they couldn't understand what Xiao Yi meant.

The two subconsciously lifted their eyes to look at Guan Yubai aside, wanting to see something in his eyebrows, but the look of Guan Yubai has not changed at all, it is still so indifferent and calm, holding the tea cup in his hands slowly Drinking tea is obviously not intended to interfere.

But also verified their previous guess-

Here, or in other words, Xi Ye is dominated by Xiao Yi, not official language!

The envoy Oda took a deep breath and was about to speak, but listening to Xiao Yi slowly continued, "Like Baiyue and Nanliang!"

This last sentence was powerful and thunderous, like a thunder from a flat ground.

For a moment, there was silence all around, the two envoys almost forgot to breathe, and their eyes widened incredibly. Both eyes stared straight at Xiao Yi, as if their bodies were frozen instantly, standing like stone sculptures.

Xiye, Baiyue, Nanliang ... plus Dayu Nanjiang.

Has the power of Zhennan Royal Mansion expanded to this point? !!

The two envoys didn't realize it until then. It turned out that Guan Yubai had led the Southern Xinjiang Army from the south of Xiye South, not because of Nanliang, but that Nanliang was already captured by the Southern Army!

Does this emperor Dayu know? !!

The answer naturally came to the minds of the two envoys. Naturally I don't know. Would the side of the couch allow others to sleep? How could the Emperor Dayu tolerate the power of the Zhennan Royal Mansion to this extent!

The two envoys became more and more shocked. This Xiao Shizi unconsciously carried the Emperor Dayu and integrated Nanjiang, Baiyue, Nanliang, and Xiye together. A large area bordered by the southwestern border and the western border is the territory of Zhennan King's Mansion!

It was just like drawing this rough map in my mind, the two envoys couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, almost making their legs soft.

This situation completely unexpected them!

The strength of Zhennan Palace is twice as strong as they estimate, no, it is three times stronger!

No wonder this Xiao Shizi dared to say just now that he would not accept any books except drop books!

This is not arrogance, but because he is strong enough to despise everything.

Well, it is impossible for his two clans to want independence!

With this Xiao Shizi swallowing Baiyue and Nanliang's ambition, he would not let all the twelve ethnic groups in Xiye surrender to his knees, for fear he would never rest!

Before the two envoys came, the chiefs of the two races had already discussed various possible conditions. One of them was to present a surrender book and to court Xiao Yi.

It seems they have no choice now!

After Aoda rationalized his thoughts, he laughed kindly: "Xiao Shizi said, Xi Ye is gone, only Xi Yu!"

Xiye was collectively referred to as the "Western Territory" before the reunification of the twelve clan by the Xiye prince. This western night has only existed for decades.

Oda continued quickly: "The chief of my tribe heard Xiao Shizi's ingenuity and bravery, and he was brave and capable of fighting. He was born to be the overlord of the tribe. My Maoxi tribe was willing to take the lead of the son ... The concubine in the lower house, choose Jiji to ascend to the throne, and my Maoxi tribe vows to follow the son! "

Li Mozhi feared that he said it was too late, and hurriedly bowed his head and echoed a sentence: "The same is true of the Wunu tribe."

Fu Yunhe on the side was speechless. He had long heard about the custom of "reporting a marriage by marriage" in Xi Ye, but they dared to make so much remarks in front of the elder brother Xiao Yi. Is this a brain flood or a cramp? !!

Who in the Southern Army did not know that the elder brother Xiao Yi was the most important of the elder concubine and the elder grandson. These Xiye people did not first inquire about the elder brother's temperament, and ran to negotiate peace. Surely he was thinking with his toes? !!

Fu Yunhe didn't know whether it was better to despise them or to sympathize with them.

The Xiaosi behind Guan Yubai was somewhat gloated. Someone came to Xiao Shizi who was "disgusting"! Deserve it!


Xiao Yi sighed suddenly, feeling that his temper has been much better since he had a wife and children. If these two people were two years earlier, I would not even have had the chance to finish talking!

Xiao Yi lifted his lips, smiled brightly, and said unhurriedly: "Benzi most hates to talk to others about the conditions!"

"Xiao Shizi must not misunderstand ..." Li Mo hurriedly said again.

"No need to say more!" Xiao Yi was too lazy to tell them more, shook his hands impatiently, and said firmly in an intolerable tone, "Either drop or hit, this son will give you three days to think clearly, then come back to this Shizi! "

With his "coming person", several soldiers of the Southern Army came into the hall immediately. Fu Yunhe approached the two envoys with a smile and reached out to them in a "please" form. Make it difficult for the end! "

"..." The two envoys were dumbfounded, and for a moment they couldn't react.

Since ancient times, marriage has always been a second family name. This is not only feasible in Dayu, but also in their Western Regions. Therefore, the Queen of the Western Night, Gao Miyu, is from the Nu, and the concubine is from the Maoxi ... Wife and concubine are all for the right to combine!

Among the twelve tribes of the West Night, the "reporting marriage by the cricket" is an old custom for thousands of years, which means that the friendship between the two races will not end because the patriarch went first, and the new patriarch will continue to maintain this old relationship.

The two generations of West Night King have also respected this old habit.

The reason that the two envoys had this proposal was to hope that Xiao Yina would fill the harem with the queen and concubine. In this way, until Xiao Yiping settled the twelve races and became the queen, their status would be stable.

Besides, for Xiao Yi, this incident is also beneficial and harmless!

Their Nu and Maoxi are the most powerful of the remaining ethnic groups in Xiye. Once they surrender, the other clans who are still watching will not hesitate ...

Originally, the patriarch sent them to come to peace talks at this time. He was also worried that Guan Yubai hated them at night and was not good for the peace talks. I did not expect that Xiao Shizi would not speak better than Guan Yubai. He did not give any room for negotiation at all!

Where is this called peace talks?

Li Mozhi's eyes flickered, and he wanted to say something to turn the tide, but Fu Yunhe was standing in front of him, and the smile on the doll's face became cold. The two envoys didn't dare to say anything, they had to retreat first. When I went down, I comforted myself: Anyway, Xiao Yi was asking them to think about it, instead of driving them out of the city directly!

With the departure of the two envoys in the palace, they were quiet again.

Guan Yubai stayed out of the box from beginning to end with a smile. This kind of thing is still dealt with most by Xiao Yi's means, so as to save unnecessary fantasy for some people!

Looking at the back of the envoy, Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows thoughtfully, and asked casually, "Xiao Bai, Pingyang Hou's daughter is in the palace in the eastern suburbs?"

Just now when I heard the envoy talk about the concubine of the king of the night, Xiao Yi reminded Xiao Yu of Da Yu's and the princess Qu Yueyue. Pingyang Hou, who is still a guest in Luo Yuecheng, once asked him to take his daughter back to Dayu. Since Pingyang Hou knew each other, Xiao Yi didn't mind meeting his small wish, anyway, it was a hand to do ...

"Good." Guan Yubai nodded slightly, lowered the tea cup, his right hand's fingers trembled slightly on the edge of the saucer, and he put it in his sleeve without any trace.

He originally planned to send Qu Yueyue back to Dayu, but she refused to leave, so she was sent to the Dongjiao Xinggong Circle together with other Xiyue's wives and concubines.

Xiao Yi touched his chin and said: "Then send two people to Luo Yuecheng to Pingyanghou ..."

The voice was still falling, Xiao Yi suddenly stood up, strode out of the hall, his eyes brightened ...

After the official language was white, I immediately guessed who it was.

Sure enough, outside the hall, a slender figure wearing plum blossoms and silk-cut rice dumplings was walking towards this side unhurtly. Who else was Nangong? !!

Xiaosi's ear suddenly moved, as if she heard something, and looked keenly towards the side of the hall behind him.

The next instant, I heard a milky childish voice coming from that direction: "Daddy ..."

The chubby little boy staggered and ran out with two short legs, he had been playing with Bai Hui in the side hall for almost an hour, and had been stamped there. Later, the little guy felt very boring, and he immediately lost the jade seal and ran out to find his father.

He wants dad to play with him, he wants Xiao Hui, he wants Han Yu ...

Who would have thought, he came out without seeing Dad.

Dad left him? !!

This comprehension made the little boy grunt and pout, looking at Guan Yubai, "Yifu ... Dad ..."

Seeing the little guy's eyes filled with teardrops, Xiaosi kindly pointed out the direction for him: "Your mother is here!" There was a flash of glee in his eyes.

Of course, the little guy could understand "mother", and suddenly burst into tears and ran over with two legs excitedly, "Mother! Mother ..."

Xiao Xiaoyu helped the door fan to stride over the threshold, but did not have the opportunity to step down the stone steps. Nangong Yu has stepped forward.

"Yu brother, are you having fun with your dad?" Nangong Yan squatted down and asked with a smile while habitually adjusting the clothes for the little guy.

The little boy smashed his hands to Nangong's shoulders with aggrieved hands. I still remember the grievances that my father couldn't find just now. He complained pitifully: "Daddy ... bad!"

With that said, the small dumpling also stared at Xiao Yi with those wet eyes, as if to say that Dad was the worst!

The popular heart lying obliquely on the eaves secretly agreed: No, Xiaoshisun, your father almost found you a nest-lady, this father is really bad enough! ...... But this night is really ridiculous, what kind of "reporting marriage" is righteous? !!

Thinking, the popularity is almost sympathetic to his son-in-law, it is not easy to stay in this kind of ghost place to teach it.

Xiao Yi's entire Jun face was dark, and Xiao Xiao Yu stared at him fiercely. This little boy! Will find his mother!

However, Xiao Yi was comfortable with this scene, and immediately took out a gilt bell with a red rope hanging from the belt, squatted forward, and shook the bell.


The bell made a crisp sound.

Xiao Xiaoyu had a lot of bells in Bixiaotang's toys, but this well-built bell caught his attention all at once.

He looked at the golden bells in the sun obsessively, and before the bells with his fists made a golden cat head, it was very cute.

The little guy couldn't bear blinking when he looked at it. He intuitively stretched out his claws and wanted to grab it. His mouth said: "Meow--"

Xiao Yi deliberately retracted the cat bell a little, then looked at the small meat group with a smile and asked, "Daddy, OK?"

The little guy had long forgotten the old grievances, stared at the cat bell with a burning gaze, and said, "Well, dad!" Give him Xiaoxiao soon!


Xiao Yi gave the cat a bell to the little guy, and he did not forget to smile brightly at Nangong, as if saying, Grandma, look, I'm a good father!

Looking at the father and son, Nangong Yan smiled so long that his eyes were crescent, and his heart seemed to be sweet and sweet.

Although Ai Yi always dislikes her brother Yu, but the one who loves Yu Yi most is also Ai. Wherever Ai Yi goes, she remembers to prepare gifts for their little ones.

In the royal palace, under the warm sunshine, the hearty laughter continued, a warmth and joy, but the envoys who were expelled from the palace were not!

For the next three days, the two envoys and the other envoys temporarily stayed in the capital's post, and they could neither go out nor pay attention to them.

Until three days later, on the early morning of the sixth day of May, twenty or thirty soldiers of the Southern Army came to forcefully invite them out of the capital city.

The two envoys asked for goodbye Xiao Yi, but received no response. They responded to the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Southern Army outside the city who were standing by. They could not see the end.

Is this ...

The two envoys guessed something, and their faces were pale and pale.

Fu Yunhe sat across a tall horse and looked at them with a smile and said, "The grandfather said, I am afraid that the two adults can't think of any results if they continue to think about it. They specifically ordered the general to wait to return to the city!"

What is going back to the city? !! This is to send troops to conquer their Nu and Maoxi ethnic groups! The hearts of the two envoys were as cold as ice.

Tens of thousands of Southern Army troops led by Fu Yunhe approached the city of Hanba where the Nu chiefs lived. Three days later, the army had already entered the city.

Fu Yunhe also sent the envoy of Nu Nu to the city of Hanba with kindness, and tens of thousands of soldiers from the southern Xinjiang stood quietly in a demonstration three kilometers away from the city of Hanba.

On the day of Limo, I saw Patriarch Nuratzi, and naturally told the Patriarch one by one what he saw in the palace.

Nouraki's face was somber and uncertain that he did not speak for a long time. He sent envoys to the capital. Of course, he had the intention to surrender, and he did not expect that peace talks with the Zhennan royal palace could be completed overnight. After all, in terms of the current situation in Xi Ye, no, or the situation in the Western Regions, anyone could see it. It is a matter of time before Yi lays down the entire Western Region.

He and the chief of the Maoxi tribe also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of peace and congratulations to Xiao Yi, the son of the king of Zhennan, and try to fight for the interests of both of them!

What I didn't expect was that Xiao Shizi was so arrogant and arrogant that he didn't give any room for negotiation at all ...

Nurathi's complexion was so heavy that he didn't speak for a long time, so that the atmosphere in the hall became more and more dignified. Finally, a big man with a big head couldn't help but say: "Patriarch, this Xiao Yi is really deceiving too much! We are sincere! He made peace with him, but he ignored the rules and rules ... "

The big man still wanted to complain, but was stopped by Nurazzi raising his hand, his face sinking like water.

There was a moment of silence in the hall, and Nuraqi just said, "Xiao Yi is not joking, or trying to seduce. His attitude is very clear, either drop or fight ..."

Xiao Yi sent tens of thousands of southern Xinjiang troops to the city. Obviously, it will definitely not give people a chance to bargain!

This Xiao Yi is really fierce enough!

As an opponent, this person is filled with indignation and frightening, but as the master of the Western Region ...

Nuraqi couldn't help but think of Baiyue, Nanliang, and the former Xiye ... Maybe the Zhennan Palace could capture Xiye, not only the official language and Bai Zhigong, but also that Xiao Yi went hand in hand with him.

An old saying in the Central Plains is good: the Yangtze River is pushing the waves behind.

An official language white has been a nightmare for more than ten years of entanglement with the country's western night, plus Xiao Zhen, a son of the king of Zhennan, who has the style of hegemony, joined forces, I am afraid no one can stop their footsteps!

Suddenly, Nuraqi stood up, took a deep breath, and ordered: "Pass the order of the patriarch ..."

Several people in the hall have followed him for many years, and what he has felt from his expression and tone, sure enough--

"My Nu people are willing to surrender to Xiao Shizi unconditionally!"

In a word, it means that the city of Hamba, which is a member of the Nu tribe, and the other two cities have formally surrendered to the Southern Army!

Fu Yunhe received the surrender book from the Nu ethnic group that morning. He had no time to order to send troops to the Maoxi tribe. The surrender book sent by the Maoxi chief also arrived. It was only half a day apart!

After the surrender and surrender of the two most powerful and powerful ethnic groups in Xiye today, the other ethnic groups in Xiye also heard the news, lest they be followed by one by one.

By mid-May, ten of the twelve ethnic groups in Xiye had surrendered to the Zhennan Palace.

The situation in Xiye is settled.

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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