"Brother, Marshal, and Yu brother, how are you all here!"

A brisk and familiar male voice came from the direction of the city gate with the sound of a horse's hoof. Yu Xiufan and Yuan Yuyi rode on each of the two horses, one black and one red.

When the two approached, Yu Xiufan turned over and dismissed the horse sharply, and saluted the crowd. Yuan Yuyi was also generous. Only when they met with Qu Yueyue, the expressions of the cousins ​​were subtle.

After a few words, Yu Xiufan smiled and proposed: "There is a way, it is better to meet each other, walk around, everyone drink together ... tea!"

When it came to his mouth, Yu Xiufan changed the word "wine" into "tea" bluntly, and a rush of joy in his heart: it really helped him, and today he asked Yuan Yuyi to go to the Great Buddha Temple to smell incense. He was already upset Will the original Yuyi go to which teahouse restaurant to sit down, will it be a Tangtu beauty, now it's fine, push the boat along the water.

Thinking, Yu Xiufan's eyes shone.

Liu Wugong and Yu Xiufan grew up wearing a pair of trousers from a young age. Looking at Yu Xiufan's appearance, he knew his thoughts. He also played side drums, and everyone gathered around Xiao Yi and Mandarin Bai Hao. Vigorously walked towards Fengyun Tea House.

Qu Wanyue, who was deliberately one step behind, stared at the long back of Guan Yu's language, barely suppressing the smile on the corner of her mouth. It seemed as elegant and calm as usual, but only a pair of unusually bright eyes revealed her mind.

The shopkeeper of the tea house greeted the crowd in person and went to the elegant seat on the second floor.

In the saloon, there are still the things left by the three sons of Hua San, Qu Yueyue, and they are playing the piano, chess, books, paintings, and tea. At this moment, the tea is cold, and the shopkeeper is busy ordering Xiao Er to give the VIPs the most. Good Longjing, and specialty snacks in the tea house.

The air is filled with faint tea and incense, and the snoring sound of wind blowing leaves from the window, the atmosphere is quiet and elegant.

Yuan Yuyi glanced around the room for half a circle, her eyes fell on a piano in the corner, thoughtfully raised her eyebrows, and blurted out: "Is this the 'Great Holy Relic'?"

"The original girl is really good-looking!" Girl Hua answered, with a pair of black eyes shining brightly.

"Originally, this piano is from Hua Girl?" Yuan Yuyi walked to the piano and gently flicked it on the strings. The sound was clear and clear, "Good piano, no wonder you can use it as a former palace piano!"

Hua Girl saw Yuan Yuyi as a violinist, and the smile on her mouth was stronger. "Can the girl try?"

Yuan Yuyi wrinkled her face and said, "I won't show ugliness. My mother said, I'm just a flower stand, let me play what" Autumn Wind "is okay. The rare piano is beautiful and strong, but it is a mess in my hand ... "

Qu Yanyue's eyes flashed, Xiao Yin Yin interjected: "Lishuang, you are too modest." Liushuang is the title of Yuan Yuyi, Qu Yuanyue and Yuan Yuyi are not close to each other since childhood, they have always used the title Proportionate.

Qu Yueyue picked up a sheet music on the case table next to her and stepped forward: "I happened to find a remnant of" Butterfly Dream ". Just now I was trying to re-compose this remnant with Girl Hua and Girl Chang. , But the first paragraph has not yet been completed, and I have a disagreement with Hua girl ... why would you let us see for us? "

Yuan Yuyi was also aroused a little interest, took a look at the music scores of Qu Yanyue and Hua girl, and Mei Yu frowned slightly.

Before she said anything, she listened to the sound of "铮" and looked down, only to find that Xiao Xiaoyu didn't know when to go to the piano case, reached out her hand and plucked the strings, then raised her face. His eyes stared at Yuan Yuyi: "Auntie, play the piano!"

Xiao Yi fished Xiao Xiaoyu away with a joke, and played in his forehead, "You stinky boy, you are used to calling people!" Look at the proficient look of this stinky boy, he must not have called his mother at home. Show him!

Xiao Xiaoyu looked at his father grievously, but he did nothing? !!

But Xiao Xiaoyu's words flashed Yuan Yuyi's light and laughed: "Yu brother said, you will know." She looked around the crowd and said, "Anyway, nothing is wrong, everyone listens. Maybe you can learn from your strengths. "

Qu Yueyue smiled even more, and stroked her hand and echoed, "What a good idea, Liushuang! Then let me test it first."

Qu Yueyue has always been very confident in her piano skills. She has no sons and daughters, but she can make an appearance in the harem of the West Night King. One is that she has a good posture, and the other is because her piano skills are superior to those of the West. Ye Zhizhi powder, do not know how much to pick.

After Qu Yueyue burned his hands, he went to the piano case and sat down. After trying the sound of the piano, he began to pluck the strings.

The pleasing sound of the harp sounded melodious and broad, and Qing Qing moved more and more, and gradually became sad ...

This is just the first paragraph of "Butterfly Dream", and soon the sound of the piano stopped abruptly, and the others in the saloon also had a little bit of interest. Liu Wugong praised: "Qu Qu girl is really excellent in piano skills!"

Yuan Yuyi glanced at Qu Yueyue, and there was a touch of complexity in her eyes.

"I am ugly." Qu Yueyue stood up generously, blessed everyone, and returned to her seat.

Then, it was the girl Hua's turn. The beginning of the tune was the same. After two melody, it started to be a little different. The tune was empty and vivid.

When the girl Hua closed her hand, there was a silence in the seat until Xiao Xiaoyu clapped her hands in a slap, which was very rewarding.

Yuan Yuyi contemplates, and it's no wonder that they can't fight, and they really don't know which one is better. Different people have different understandings of the piano music, both of which are well written, in line with the original mood of the piano music. At first, it sounded that Qu Yueyue's tune is more distinctive and more impressive. Compared with this, it seems that Hua Girl's period is a bit dull, but it is light and flavorful, leaving a finish. ...

Both have their own advantages, but ...

"It's still better for Hua Girl ..." Yuan Yuyi said honestly.

Qu Yueyue's smile froze, she took a deep breath, and reluctantly said, "Frost, why?"

Yuan Yuyi squeezed her chin and groaned, "I can't say anything ..."

Qu Yueyue froze her cherry blossom lips and said in full color: "Frost, you always want me to lose it clearly, right?" Then, she looked at the official language on the right front, got up and blessed her, "Marshal Wenwu Double-minded and omnipotent, can you teach Mingyue something? "

For a while, everyone's eyes focused on the official language white who was drinking tea.

Guan Yubai put down the celadon tea cup in his hand and said, "Can you lend me a look at the remaining spectrum?"

Qu Yueyue saw Guan Yubai seem to be in charge of her, and with a joy on his face, he quickly presented the original residual spectrum.

After Guan Yubai turned over the residual spectrum, she stood up and went to the piano case. The girl Hua who sat behind the piano case guessed something and hurriedly gave up the piano to Guan Yubai.

Guan Yubai randomly tried the test sounds, then flicked the strings, and a string of sounds escaped under his finger, as high as the sky, free and easy ...

His shot, the other two masters of piano art immediately produced extraordinary results.

This "Sacred Relic" has life in his hands ...

Waiting for the piano to stop, Girl Hua couldn't help but blurt out and said, "Gone with the air." Suddenly, she felt that the piano was a violent thing in her hands.

"The righteous father is nice!" Xiao Xiaoyu sat in his father's arms and applauded.

"I see." Chang Huanwei thoughtfully said aside, "Hua girl was a little smoother, Qu girl was ... too radical. This is the first paragraph ..." "Butterfly Dream" There are a total of seven paragraphs, and the end of Qu Yueyue is too sad and sad, and it should not appear in the first paragraph.

Chang Huanwei is clearly talking about tunes, but I don't know why, Qu Yueyue always feels that the other party is saying that he is too radical.

"Marshal," Girl Hua looked up at Guan Yubai, her eyes scorched, and she blessed her again. "Excuse me, can you play the song" Butterfly Dream "?" If you can complete this score, you must It's a shocking song.

Whoever thought that Guan Yubai hadn't spoken yet, he heard Xiao Yi reject it directly: "You look for the residual spectrum yourself, try to figure it out yourself!"

Guan Yu took a quick look at his right hand, but just flicked for a while, his fingertips were shaking slightly. He put his hand in his sleeve silently.

Xiao Yi has always been sharp-eyed, taking this scene into the eyes as early as he carelessly picked up Xiao Xiaoyu, and said, "It's time to take a nap, Xiaobai, let's go."

These two are the same figures in Nanjiang. Others didn't dare stop them either. They sent them out of the saloon and watched the teahouse all the time.

Poor Xiao Yu had no chance to oppose it. When he reacted, the food in the room had already left him. He looked at his father pitifully and said, "Daddy, cakes and fruit!"

"Look at you!" Yi Yi shook his head helplessly, and said rudely, but all the snacks and snacks in the dim sum shop on the street were swept all the way, poor bamboo naturally could only be obedient Helping to take those food containers, and later, he was almost overwhelmed by those food containers, and where they passed attracted a lot of people's funny eyes.

Going all the way, buying all the way, also extended the original journey to less than half an hour to half an hour, the little guy was completely satisfied.

When the father and son returned to Bixiaotang, the sun had begun to tilt westward, and Nangong Gong was re-drawing a dowry list for Xiao Gong in the small study.

After knowing that Yan Xijun needed to keep filial piety for a year, Xiao Yan came to Nangong Yu and discussed with her whether to get over her and make a relationship to her younger sisters first.

Nangong Yu naturally knew that Xiao Yi's words meant that she was willing to wait for Yan Xijun for a year.

According to Nangong Yan, a woman marries once in her life. In fact, as long as you choose the right person, it doesn't matter if you marry early or late. In another year, Xiao Yan will be seventeen. It is the best time for the girl ’s body and mind. Is enough to conceive healthy children.

For this reason, Nangong Yu specially called Xiao Rongxuan and Xiao Rongying to tell them that Xiao Yu's marriage is still being watched, I am afraid that it will be late. Both girls said they were in no hurry.

This point was also anticipated by Nangong Xiong. Xiao Rongxuan gave it to Fang Shilei, and it is estimated that Xiao Rongxuan himself hoped to be dragged on for another year; Xiao Rongying was young and waited for another year to discuss marriage with the princess And she will only be more willing.

According to Xiao Yi, these things are nothing at all!

Since the marriage is one year later, Nangong Yu intends to add some dowry to Xiao Yu on the basis of the original.

Originally, the dowry examples set by the Zhennan Palace were 20,000 yuan for the maid and 10,000 yuan for the maid, and now Nangong added 10,000 to each, and they are adding to the list with interest, ready to let people go to Jiangnan Go for some jewelry and buy new fabrics.

She was staring at it, listening to Xiao Xiaoyu's clear voice: "Mother!"

Followed by the sound of the curtain, the little boy rushed in, and for a long time he didn't see his mother, he hugged his mother's arms affectionately, and also avoided the mother's high and raised abdomen.

After being coquettish, he put on the appearance of a big brother, put his ears on her belly, and asked, "Mother, is your sister good today?"

Xiao Xiaoyu's cute and intimate look amused Nangong's lips slightly, and his lips drew a shallow smile.

"Sister is as good as Yu Yuer." Nangong Yan coaxed two at a time, and the little ancestor in her belly seemed quite satisfied, and kicked her gently.

The little one felt it too, and exclaimed excitedly, "Mother-in-law, father, sister, saying hello to me!"

Xiao Yi, who had followed his son into the house, was already so dark that he almost dripped out of ink. He heard that he could no longer afford to settle accounts with his son, and he couldn't wait to get on Nangong's belly.

Looking at the big and small heads of the father and son sticking to their abdomen one by one, the smile in Nangong's eyes became stronger.

Unfortunately, the little ancestor in her womb is also naughty, letting the father and son wait for a while and never move again.

However, the little guy was also impatient, he had to wait for his sister to play with him, and Nangong was helpless, he sat on the beauty couch, and the little guy who was already sleepy but refused to close his eyes cuddled up beside him. . She patted him regularly, trying to coax him to sleep without a trace.

"Where did we go to play with our elder father today?" Nangong asked with a grin.

"An Xingzhuang ..." Xiao Xiaoyu yawned, talking about what An Xingzhuang saw and heard, talking about veterans, talking about fields, talking about fish ponds ... Naturally it was inevitable to mention that Mr. Hui and " "Chaotic Thief" or something.

Nangong twitched her lips slightly and frowned.

Xiao Yi reclining on the beauty couch, of course, also heard, still the careless expression, said lightly: "This matter Xiaobai also told me just now."

The corner of Xiao Yi's mouth ridicules a ridicule. "One by one, so loyal to the monarch and patriotism, I haven't seen them joining forces to kill Dayu for the sake of Dayu. It seems that the so-called loyal monarch is just that! Children, they are pedantic. "

Xiao Xiaoyu looked curiously at his father and mother again, his eyes narrowed into a line.

Xiao Yi calmly took advantage of the little guy's yawning, helped him adjust a posture, let him snuggle in his arms, and patted him a few times on his back.

The little guy who had been playing for a long time finally couldn't resist the call of the sleepy worm, and snorted and fell asleep.

Watching Xiao Yi coax their little guy skillfully, Nangong Yan's eyes became softer, like Wang Chunshui, she took the small quilt on one side and covered the little guy.

The little boy smelled the familiar taste on the little quilt, and snorted, contentedly pinching the corner of the quilt, and slept more deeply.

Nangong Geng gently snatched the little guy's hair scattered on his cheek, and said, "Ai Yi, this kind of person who is neither black nor white, nor scrupulous is not a problem."

Speaking, Nangong's eyes flickered, and his tone became meaningful. "I'm afraid that some people think they are 'bearing humiliation' and staying in southern Xinjiang's" wrong people. "

Originally, the Confucianism of Confucianism and Mencius was based on the loyalty of the monarch. If anyone intended to instill some pedantic and ignorant thoughts into the paper-like children by teaching, I am afraid that he can do it without knowing it.

Xiao Yi froze for a moment, squinting thoughtfully, Grandma was right.

"I'll discuss this with Xiaobai later ... no big deal." Xiao Yi said as he sat up, slender fingers caressing Nangong Xu's cheek, and said lightly, "On the battlefield with the fate of life Here comes the fight, but it's just some pedantic scholars! "

Now that he's on guard, he won't let some people get into the hole.

South Xinjiang is located in the frontier. After years of war, naturally defending the country has been listed as the most important consideration. It can be said that for many centuries, South Xinjiang has a tendency to attach importance to military affairs, but now the situation is stable. Long-term development, they should also carefully consider the problem of "reading"!

This book was first published by Xiaoxiang College, please do not reprint!

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