Based on what such a waste can be a son, he will inherit the throne in the future and become the king of Zhennan in all directions. But his Luan brother got nothing, and his future grandson was nothing.

Xiao Fang's thoughts became more and more angry, and more and more hate. He was overwhelmed by Da Fang's breath in his girlfriend, would his own brother Luan still have to watch the bitch's son wink? !!

No, absolutely not!

Xiao Fang's heart was so hateful that he couldn't wait to kill Xiao Yi on the spot, so as to make room for his son. The last assassination failed again! That old guy with a surname is simply useless waste!

Xiao Fang's nails were slamming his palms ... for a moment, he returned to the usual gentle elegance, and asked, "Where are you, Wang, now?"

Mingmou quickly replied: "The Lord is in the study."

"The pigeon soup in the kitchen should be ready."

"Princess Xi, it's alright, and it's warm now."

Xiao Fang nodded with satisfaction and changed into a new Su embroidered Yuehua brocade, telling Mingmou to carry the food container and go to Zhennan King's study.

As soon as the princess who was outside the study came to see the princess, she quickly entered the study and reported it. After the king of Zhennan had agreed, she looked respectfully and asked Xiao Fang to enter.

Xiao Fang took the food box in Mingmou's hand, and Lianbu moved gently, and entered the study with all manners.

"Master Wang." Xiao Fangshi whispered softly and charmingly, unexplainable.

"The princess is here." The king of Zhennan smiled at the sight of Xiao Fangshi.

"Xun Shen specially instructed the kitchen to cook Wang Ye's suckling pigeon soup, and Wang Yi tasted it." Xiao Fang opened the food box and took out the steaming hot pigeon soup for Zhennan King to enjoy.

"Troubled the princess." The smile of King Zhennan became more and more obvious. This is why he likes Xiao Fang, who always takes him first and takes good care of him everywhere.

When the king of Zhennan ran out of a bowl of suckling pigeon soup, Xiao Fang, who was on the side, was looking at himself and stopped looking at him, and if he looked closely, his eyes seemed to be slightly red.

"But what happened?" Zhennan Wang put down the soup bowl.

"I don't know if I should say it inappropriately!" Xiao Fangshi's eyes became redder, and she saw that she was squinting her eyes with her hands over her face. "I gave Taoer to Yier today. After changing hands, Taoer was sold, and ... also sold to the kiln. "When it came to the kiln, Xiao Fang flushed and looked ashamed.


King Zhennan patted him on the desk with a palm of his hand, and the fire in his heart swelled up in annoyance, yelling, "This boy is really lawless!"

"Tao Er suggested that Yi Geer be a roommate, Yi Geer did this ... Yishen ..." With that, Xiao Fang suddenly choked, his eyes filled with tears, as if he was too sad to speak. Come on.

But her inexhaustible words reminded Zhennan Wang to think: Yes, it was indeed Xiao Fang's proposal to send Tao Er to Xiao Yi, but she nodded and promised, and spoke to the boy in person. Now, does the villain do this with dissatisfaction with his father and king?

Thinking of this, King Zhennan's face was like black ink, which was scary.

Seeing this, Xiao Fang's heart rejoiced, and quickly added a fire.

"Master Wang, how long have we been here with the king, and then there is a betrayal for you to enter ... the kind of place, you said if someone knew ..." She said with a worried expression, "Will it be to the palace?" His reputation is not good, so that the palace bears the reputation of the people under blame? "

The Zhennan King was so provoked by her, and she was so angry that her forehead was bruised, and she said, "This filial son! Do as much as you can to hurt the palace's face."

Xiao Fangshi slyly persuaded: "Hey, Elder Brother is still young, I'm afraid it's just an impulse ... Wang Ye saw Elder Brother for a while, and said, don't use a whip like you did last time. "

"No, this inverse, if you don't hit it, you won't remember it." The king of the Zhennan heard it, and got up sharply, took out the whip hanging on the wall, and rushed out of the study.

Seeing this, Xiao Fang went to the ground with anxiety and stopped and said, "Master Wang, Lord Wang, calm down, Brother Yi must not be intentional."

However, according to Xiao Fang's strength, where could the Zhennan King be stopped, not to mention, she had no intention to stop it, and finally let the Zhennan King out of the study and went straight to Hanzhuxuan.

Looking at the back of Wang Zhennan, Xiao Fang couldn't help himself.

Last time the prince's whip beat the little beast's face, if only he could smash him with a whip this time!

Xiao Fangshi didn't laugh, she held back a smile, turned her face like a book and changed her expression of anxiety, trot chased out of the study, and kept yelling, "Wang Ye, Brother Yi The child is still young, don't ... "In the presence of the people, he was enough to be a kind mother.

The king of the Zhennan rushed into Hanzhuxuan angrily all the way, scolding and grinning, "Niezi, come out for me!"

For a moment, Xiao Yi walked out slowly, he naturally knew what his father said, but deliberately pretended to be innocent, and said, "Father, why are you so angry?"

"Apart from you, who else is there!" Zhennan Wang pointed his finger at Xiao Yi and said angrily. "The king asks you, your mother-in-law gave you a girl, how dare you sell it?"

Xiao Yi still looked like a slinger, as if it came to mind, "Oh, that maid, since it was given to me, what should I do with it? Isn't it my business? I should kill and sell it, and I should be with you Irrelevant! "

"Yi brother, though that's the case. But Taoer is just a weak female celebrity. Didn't you force her to die if you sold her to a place like that?" Xiao Fangshi finally belatedly Arrived, a look of compassion.

"It's so vicious at a young age, and now regardless of discipline, it will be later." King Zhennan could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, and whipped at Xiao Yi.

There was a taunt of mockery in Xiao Yi's eyes, and a flash of body avoided the whip of King Zhennan.

Seeing this, King Zhennan even exasperated and said: "Niezi, even dare to hide, see that the King will not **** you to death." That expression, that tone, is like treating the son in front of him as an enemy.

Xiao Yi kept in mind Nangong's entrustment to him, even if he couldn't fight back, he could just hide. He decided to carry it out to the end, and then go to the stinky girl to appreciate it in a few days.

Seeing that King Zhennan pulled another whip, Xiao Yi shook his head again and deliberately exclaimed, "Father Wang, if you like the one named Taoer, you can go to the kiln to buy it again. Come back. I believe the mother-in-law will never stop you! "

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