That's right, the King of Zhennan actually played a few months ago to apply for a return to South Xinjiang. But when he entered the palace, his playing was like a mud ox entering the sea, and there was no message ... only once, all three times. Where can the Zhennan King not understand the emperor's mind? It is nothing more than jealous of the lord, and dare not let them return to the fiefdom.

But Nanjiang, he must go back!

If he wanted the emperor to agree, he could only raise it in the court, so that the emperor had to agree.

The emperor was originally a kind of harmony, and was troubled by the king of Zhennan. His face instantly stiffened and said vaguely: "This matter is not urgent, the king of Zhennan will stay in the king for a few days, and this matter will be dealt with later. Talk. "He narrowed his eyes and stared dangerously at King Zhennan. He would have to see if the king of the south of the town would dare refute his face in public!

However, King Zhennan could never give up this great opportunity because of a little threat from the emperor. He knew that if he missed this opportunity, the days of returning to southern Xinjiang would be long-term, which was definitely not what he wanted to see.

Zhennan Wang wanted to speak again, but Xiao Yi stood up and walked to his side with a smile.

"Father King! What ’s so good about that ghost place in southern Xinjiang? Except for the grass and rainforest, it ’s poisonous insects and ants! Where is it better than the king!" Xiao Yi said with a sloppy look, "How good are the kings!" Beauty, wine, food, everywhere, Father, let ’s stay a few more days with the King. Your Majesty has left us like this! ”

The king Zhennan saw that the situation was so good that he would be disturbed by his son, and his eyes would almost burst into flames, but he was afraid of the occasion and could not move him.

The emperor's eyes fell thoughtfully on Xiao Yi, and a plan emerged in his mind, pretending to be lovingly: "Xiao Yi, do you want to stay in the capital all the time?"

"Can you?" Xiao Yi looked at the emperor with a surprised look. "Emperor Uncle, can I stay in the capital without returning to that shabby place in southern Xinjiang?"

Although the courtiers did not say anything, they felt that although the king of Zhennan was a prince of one side, he had no successor and gave birth to such a worldless man.

Only Nangong Yan smiled slightly, she knew that Xiao Yi accepted her suggestion.

"Sin barrier!" King Zhennan finally couldn't help but raised his voice. "It is my Xiao family's responsibility to defend South Xinjiang. Do you know what you're talking about?"

"The King of Zhennan doesn't have to be so angry!" The emperor hung a peaceful face and said with a forgiveness, "Since Xiao Yi likes Wangdu, why not let him stay here all the time? Besides, He also likes him very much! Xiao Aiqing If you are not assured of the safety of the southern Xinjiang region, then go back first and let Xiao Yi play some more time with the king? "Despite the question, the look of the emperor is indisputable.

"I decided to give one of the sons of Zhennan King Shizi a son. King Zhennan, so you will not worry about Xiao Yi being bullied in the capital of the king!" The emperor looked at Zhennan King with a gentle look, but with a strong eye Strong coercion.

"This ..." Zhennan Wang made a dilemma on the surface, but made a decision long ago.

Xiao Yi is just a stubborn kid, leaving him in Wangdu without any loss to himself. What's more, you can exchange for your chance to return to southern Xinjiang. That's the best of both worlds!

"Just follow His Majesty's will!" King Zhennan sighed, seemingly reluctantly agreed.

"Good!" The emperor laughed loudly. These **** not only reclaimed the military power in Weiyanghou's hands and consolidated their imperial power, but now they have also resolved the worries of southern Xinjiang that have plagued them for a long time.

With Xiao Yi as the proton in the capital, the king of Zhennan will be bound to do whatever he wants, but if he has two minds, disregards his parents and his children, and rebels, he will be cast aside by the world! Why is the people's hearts abandoned?

As for Xiao Yi, having enjoyed a long time in the capital of the king, he will definitely become more and more estranged from the father and son of Zhennan. In addition, King Zhennan also has an uneasy step-in-law. , Will inevitably be caused by the succession of the throne. If in the end you can let them fight internally and fight for yourself, it will be better if you lose both.

In this way, if you can't do it yourself, you will get rid of the confidant in Zhennan Wangfu!

The emperor's heart was good at making plans, and he was very happy, saying: "King of the south, drink this cup. Tomorrow will see you off." Then he raised his glass and drank it.

The depression in the heart of Zhennan Wang Jiyu was also wiped out, saying: "Okay, thank you, Your Majesty!"

However, with a few words of effort, the two settled Xiao Yi's stay, and did not even ask his opinion.

The king of Zhennan became more and more disgusted with Xiao Yi, feeling that the eldest son was foolish and beyond hope. But on the other hand, it was a good thing that Xiao Yi made a mistake and let the emperor's courtyard let him leave the capital, but he also had to say that Xiao Yi had done a good thing.

Both the Manchu and the Wu Kingdoms didn't say a word. As for the emperor and the king of Zhennan, they could see it more clearly when they were outside—the emperor and the king of Zhennan both achieved their purpose. Only poor Xiao Yi thought he was loved by the emperor, but was regarded as a chess piece by the emperor, and abandoned by the biological father!

During the banquet, Xiao Fang's face looked worried and dignified, facing the emperor in front of the palace and the king of Zhennan confronting him, but he was ecstatic. Xiao Yi was left in Wangdu, and her son Xiao Luan benefited most. In the future, although Xiao Yi occupied the seat of this world, it was only a nameless thing. In the future, everything in this town ’s south palace will not be her brother Luan!

After this wave, the atmosphere in the hall became more lively. The King of Zhennan was not as bitter as before, but he bravely drank wine with the surrounding generals.

At the same time, palace music sounded, and the graceful dancers began to dance in the temple ...

Nangong pretended to enjoy the dance, and his eyes quietly glanced at Xiao Yi's side, but saw that the king of the town Nan just blindly talked and laughed with the people around him, and he had no respect for Xiao Yi even before. And Xiao Yi pulled a few brothers with a smile, drinking for a while, and pointing at the dancing dancers.

Xiao Yi seemed to find that Nangong Yu was watching him. He turned his head and smiled at Nangong Yu freely, apparently not paying attention to the king's disregard.

Seeing this, Nangong Yu's high-hanging heart is also considered to be half down, as for the other half ...

She tried to calm down, seemingly intently enjoying the delicious food on the banquet. In fact, her heartbeat was getting faster and faster, "Bang ... Bang Bang ..." echoed in her ears.

After eating a little bit of food, Nangong Yu put down his chopsticks.

At this time, another group of palace ladies elegantly carried a plate of pastries and walked into the temple lightly. That plate of pastry is very delicately made. Many girls' eyes are bright, but Nangong is still absent ...

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