On the streets of Wangdu, there was a scene of prosperity.

The streets and lanes are criss-crossed, full of pedestrians coming and going, and stalls of different sizes abound on both sides of the street, hawking, shouting, people talking, various voices mixed together , Depicting a lively scene of the capital.

The sun hangs lazily in the midst of the sky, and under its light, even the blue stone slab road is shining, the air is warm and it feels very comfortable.

Wangdu, she never thought that she would have the opportunity to set foot on the street again. Since being imprisoned in the cold palace for eight years, her heart seems to be dead, and at this moment, the long silent heart can't help but be bustling Even the mood seems to be lighthearted.

An Niang followed in step with Nangong, staring at her tightly, as if she was afraid she would disappear in a blink of an eye.

Although Nangong Yan has been dazzled, he has not forgotten the purpose of his trip. In the direction she remembered, she seemed to casually walk through several busy streets to her true destination.

This is a drug store located in the center of Wangdu. It has a long-standing reputation, good location and good reputation, because of the word of mouth and the continuous flow of patients.

In the drug store, several folks were sorting out the herbs. The dried herbs exuded a strong smell of herbs, which made Nangong Ai sniff nostalgically and remembered his grandfather's house. The grandfather's home always had this taste, and before she knew it, she was accustomed and nostalgic for this medicine.

At the door of the drugstore, a doctor in a green robe and a square hat was sitting behind a square table, and was taking a pulse for the patient. He doesn't seem to be very old, he should be less than thirty.

Sitting across the table from the doctor was a middle-aged woman in her early forties. The woman was covering her stomach with one hand, her face full of pain, and even a little sweat spilled from her forehead.

The young doctor groaned and withdrew his right hand from the woman's wrist, looking thoughtful.

"Doctor Li," the woman was a little crooked, and asked hard, "what am I doing wrong?"

"Don't worry, it's just ordinary diarrhea. I'll prescribe a recipe for you, and you can grab the medicine later." Doctor Li said, took a piece of jute paper, wrote it with a pen, "Guzhi, Agrimony, Liushenqu, dried ginger, Poria, Diyin Jue ... grab six doses, two doses a day. "

Doctor Xiao Li was about to put down his pen, and a clear voice sounded in his ear: "You've prescribed this medicine a bit wrong!"

Doctor Xiao Li was shocked. Similarly, the people who listened to him also cast a curious look, and saw a petite girl who did not know when to stand by the square table, her red skin was blown and her eyes were broken. Big and bright, although young, I can already see that growing up must be a beauty embryo.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for you to be angry with such a cute little face, but in this situation, Dr. Li had to wonder if the little girl had no plans, and came to their medicine shop to deliberately hit the scene.

Seeing the patients lined up behind him and the onlookers facing each other, Dr. Li was even more unhappy, taunting: "Where the child is, he talks wildly!" I

Nangong Ai didn't intend to entangle him too much, but the lady next to her could not allow her own lady to be despised, as if a fighter stepped forward, "Since my family three ... Shaner said that your prescription is not appropriate, This prescription is definitely not appropriate. "An Niang's trust in Nangong Yu was blind and unconditional, which warmed Nangong Yu's heart.

"Auntie, don't have to talk to him, I just want to say what I think." Nangong smiled indifferently and turned to walk into the drug store.

What she said made Dr. Li's heart more and more suspicious that she had deliberately smashed the place, and angrily grabbed Nangong's arm, angrily: "Little girl, since you said that my prescription was wrong, what evidence do you have? Without a reason, you are deliberately trying to discredit our reputation! "

This Lijia pharmacy has been in business for some years. Because of the doctor's high medical skills and the fair price of herbs, it has been recognized by the people. The doctor here is also known as a famous doctor.

Dr. Li said in this remark, most of the people on the sidelines also felt that the little girl was only eight or nine years old. How could she possibly know medicine?

"You are so rude," Anniang tried to pull away Doctor Li with excitement. "Hurry up and let go of my family ... Shaner!"

Doctor Li soon realized that his actions were a bit wrong, and quickly released Nangong Yu.

For a while, Nangong said nothing, and the questioning glances around her made her unhappy. She said: Sure enough, she was still too weak, so no one believed it. But Nangong Aya was not interested in proving himself to irrelevant people, and said lightly: "Tell or believe it!"

Dr. Li's face sank and he wanted to say something, but he listened to an impatient male voice: "Little girl, can't you get in?" The voice obviously belonged to the juvenile, but the ears could not hide the impetuousness.

As soon as the words fell, there was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy in purple robes beside them. At this moment it was obviously early spring and the weather was slightly cold, but the teenager pretended to take a paper fan.

Nangong Yu looked at the young man who appeared suddenly in disbelief, feeling that if he was thundered, his ears were rumbling, and the sound around him seemed to be isolated by a layer of invisible obstacles. Her pupils shrank, and for the first time she couldn't control her emotions, her face was paper-colored.

how come? !! It turned out to be him! Why is he here! ?

He turned out to be Xiao Yi!

Xiao Yi, the eldest son of Zhennan Wangxun, was born with a distinguished background. At the age of fifteen, he was sent to Wangdu as a proton, and three years later he left Wangdu without authorization. The king of Zhennan was furious, and tortured his son, please ask the second son to be the son.

Xu He returned to southern Xinjiang two years ago, forgotten by everyone. He single-handedly broke into the royal palace of Zhennan, beheaded his brother Xiao Luan in the face of his father, and then stabbed his father with a sword. He blood-washed the southern palace of the town and controlled the military power of the southern Xinjiang with the thunder.

At that time, Xiao Yi's methods were cruel, and the tyrannical behavior made the entire Dayu Dynasty uproar. Yu Shi wrote to the emperor, asking the emperor to capture the culprit, and Zheng Gangchang, however, Han Lingfu eventually jealous of his heavy soldiers in the palm and had to order him to be the king of Zhennan.

Since then, Xiao Yi has southern Xinjiang in the palm of his hand, occupies the land as a king, and has no heart to surrender to the Dayu Dynasty.

At that time, for revenge, she was willing to seek skin with tigers, secretly cooperated with ambitious Xiao Yi, and eventually overthrew the dynasty of Han Lingfu ...

I still remember that day, Xiao Yi ’s army broke into the palace and killed when she saw someone. Blood screamed all over the palace. The screams were so loud that she finally saw why Xiao Yi had the name of killing gods. Discoloration.

She didn't expect to meet him here.

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