Di Daughter: The Favoured Medical Princess

Chapter 186: Plead guilty (1)

Xiao Wu was seriously ill, and the queen felt as if she had gone to half her life. Until now, she did not feel that she was alive again!

It's all ...

The queen could not help but glance at Nangong, her eyes were a little hazy, ... she thought that she had forgotten what tears were.

The queen's voice was a little choked, and she said again, "My girl, thank you!" Two days ago, Nangong said that the five princes would be able to wake up today, and they were somewhat doubtful. I didn't expect to say it for two days.

This girl's medicine is really extraordinary!

"Mother-in-law is really a daughter-in-law, this is the duty of the healer." Nangong Ao is still business as usual, with honor and disgrace, followed by a smile and said to the five princes, "His Royal Highness Five, the princes and daughters massage it. it is good?"

The queen had also heard from Mother Mother Guo Guo that Nangong had a wonderful way of massaging the head, and even the headaches that had troubled her mother for many years and had the Taiyi helplessness were cured.

The five princes were actually half-drowsy, but when they saw Nangong Yan, they laughed and said, "Hey ... sister, you ..." He wanted to ask, why are you here?

Nangong Lai smiled gently: "His Royal Highness Five, you are still weak, and you will talk to your courtiers later. These courtiers will be with you here."

Speaking, she rubbed and pressed it on the right arm of the fifth prince, and it seemed to have a strange rhythm, every time it made the fifth prince feel so comfortable, as if the clogged meridians were suddenly unblocked stand up. The consciousness of the five princes gradually stunned, and felt that the eyelids were abnormally heavy ... and fell into sleeplessly, and this time, his expression was extremely serene, as if he was doing a dream!

The queen looked at the peaceful sleeping face of the five princes with affection, and could not help but be fooled.

However, Nangong Yu did not stop the massage. From the right arm to the left arm, from the right foot to the left foot, he kneaded it for the five princes finely. Then he stopped and regained his sweat. The five princes covered the quilt.

In the afternoon, the five princes woke up again, and Nangong Yu served him to drink porridge, and served him a bowl of medicine. The five princes were very well-behaved, knowing that they were ill, and drank the bitter soup without complaining, and wrinkled a little face into bun buns.

When the emperor who had dealt with the harem was here, she saw this scene.

"Mother!" When the five princes saw the queen, they smiled brightly.

At this time, Xueqin came to confess: "Mother-in-law, the eldest prince, the second prince, and the third prince came to visit His Royal Highness Five, who is now waiting outside the Royal Highness." During the coma of the Five Royal Princes, whether they were sincere or false, the Princes frequently Come and visit the five princes, lest they be put on the reputation of an unfriendly brother.

The Queen frowned slightly when she heard "The Three Princes," but said, "Go and ask the three princes to come in."

Soon, the three princes, led by Xueqin, entered the five princes' dormitories and all saluted to the queen: "See the queen mother!"

The queen's cold eyes paused on the third prince Han Lingfu, and raised her hand casually: "Three queens are exempt from courtesy." After a pause, she said, "You happened to come, Xiao Wu just woke up, but he Still weak and speechless. "

"It's so good!" Said the great prince in surprise, "the younger brother of the five emperors is indeed a lucky man."

The second prince also said, "The mother-in-law cares so hard for the five princes, so you must take care of your body!"

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