The emperor's smuggling of salt and his lord's subordinates rely on the prince's name to smuggle salt, but the emperor's view is quite different. The queen sighed secretly, but soon revived her spirits. She had never thought about it, and this time she could completely defeat Han Lingfu. However, the future is still long, so you can count it slowly!

"The emperor." The queen said softly. "The sister of the concubine is right. The three emperors have been sensible and courteous since they were young. This time, they are only blinded by a bunch of slaves below. It is not a big deal. You have also cursed , The three emperors did not dare to come after they came. "

The queen's words gave the emperor the steps, he nodded and said, "The queen said yes." He patted the back of the queen's hand, his voice softened, "You still know the best. These children, hey, This is what made you stubborn! "

Looking at this scene, the concubine was a little bit irritated. She was deeply affected by the emperor for many years. The three princes she gave out were also the emperor's favorite son. Their mother and son have always been in the limelight in the palace, but now, she knelt so embarrassedly here, but the queen sits high beside the emperor and looks down at them. This feeling is really ashamed!

The queen smiled slightly, and Wen Yan said, "The emperor, the child will always grow up."

Yeah, children always grow up ...

The emperor could not help but narrow his eyes, his eyes narrowed slightly. Now the minions are fighting for it. Will one day he do it himself? These children are getting older. Will they be as sensible and filial as they are now after they have tasted the power and wealth?

The concubine realized that something was wrong and was about to speak, but was stopped by the emperor.

The emperor froze, this matter must let them know what imperial power is!

"Three princes, from today on, you will study behind closed doors in your palace."

"Father Emperor ..." Han Lingfu looked up in disbelief, but soon, he lowered his eyes and bowed his gratitude, "Thank Father Emperor!"

"Zhang Guifei. The three princes' grandmothers and escorts were selected by you. You actually picked such a greedy and shameless person. The crime of oversight must not be investigated. From today, Zhang Guifei is relegated to being the second-ranking Zhang Fei and punished. One year, respect. "

Zhang Guifei, no, Zhang Fei's heart resentful, she rose from a little noble to a good concubine, she did not know how much effort was spent, but now ... But now, she can only thank you, respectfully, and dare not show The slightest grudge.

"There are those minions." The emperor said coldly, "passing the will of the emperor, all fighting against him. As for the reading of the three princes ..." He turned to look at the queen, his voice slowed, and said, "Please also ask the queen to take more care , Those people now tell them to go back. "

"The courtiers obey."

Han Lingfu felt a pain in his heart. He had not yet opened a government office and could only live in the palace. It was not easy to cultivate a few confidantes. Now, the emperor cut his left arm and his right arm in one sentence.

He had always covered up the private salt matter very well, and would scoop it out at this time, saying that by accident, he absolutely did not believe that someone must have done something behind his back. Han Lingfu immediately thought of the queen. He thought he had a thorough plan, but he didn't expect that not only could he not only get rid of the sick seedling, but also the queen would pay attention to it.

The queen looked down at the two men kneeling down. This time she can be considered a victory, but this is far from the crime that Xiaowu suffered.

The emperor stood up and said, "Go to the Queen's Palace."

"The emperor set off!"

In the sharp voice of the eunuch, the emperor and the queen left Jingyang Palace together.

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