Lao Cheng, also Cheng Yu, came forward and said, "Several subordinates used to follow the old master."

"Grandfather?" Even Xiao Yi would inevitably show a slight surprise. He stared at him, calmed down, and asked, "What credentials?"

Cheng Yu took a jade pendant from his arms, and then stepped forward a few steps, respectfully enshrining the jade pendant in front of Xiao Yi: "Sir, this is the token that the old grandfather gave to his subordinates. Five years ago, the old grandfather knew Tianshou was approaching, and he specifically instructed his subordinates to help the son when he became an adult ... "

The old man was a visionary. After the princess Xiaofang's marriage to the palace, it was seen that Xiaofang had a narrow-minded heart and could not bear his son. Zhennan's palace would sooner or later set off for the title of "zhennan's king". Rainy and bloody! ...... I just didn't expect that this little Fangshi was even more anxious than the old grandfather expected, but he was so quick to do something to the old people left by the old grandfather!

Xiao Yi stared at the jade pendant, it was too familiar. Its jade green was like green feathers, its color was even, and an eagle with wings spread was carved on it.

Xiao Yi couldn't hold back his excitement, and took the jade pendant with a trembling finger, and at the same time pulled out a jade pendant from his collar. The jade pendant also had an eagle engraved on it, and a perched cliff head overlooking sentient beings. Eagle.

When jade pendants and jade pendants are placed side by side, it can be seen that both the color and texture are the same. Obviously, they are all from the same jade, and the carvings are very similar, they should be from the same craftsman.

Xiao Yi didn't speak, and a stormy sea broke out in her heart, unable to calm down for a long time. He remembered that the grandma had told him that the jade pendant on his neck was worn by his grandfather's hands.

Xiao Yi grasped the jade pendant silently. It turned out that there were still people caring about himself in this huge Zhennan palace. His grandfather arranged for him so early ... For a while, all kinds of memories came to his mind, and he remembered teaching him Wu Gong's Master Zhu was also found by his grandfather. Master Zhu taught him for eight years, and finally said that he was better than blue out of blue, and he retired.

Zhou Dacheng was an acute child and hurriedly urged: "Sir, can you ask a doctor for the little money first? His injury can't be delayed!"

Xiao Yi returned to God and instructed: "Bamboo, send someone to invite me all the best doctors in the capital city! Find at least five ... No, find me ten!"

"Yes, Shizi." Bamboo responded quickly and stepped back.

Xiao Yi had calmed down and looked at the four of them and asked, "Since your grandfather told you to help me with me when I was an adult, why do you now run to the king and have been seriously injured ..." His gaze was on the money Mo Yang paused on his blood-stained right arm. "But what happened?"

Zhou Dacheng said with an expression of indignation: "Sir, we were originally thinking of obeying the request of the old king, but we did not expect that the princess would somehow know the old king's life. It is the most poisonous woman's heart. We secretly sent a killer to chase us. We accidentally caught her way. Only the four of us picked up a life ... South Xinjiang can't wait any longer. We had to come to the world in advance.

Several of them have their own strengths. It can be said that they are the hidden forces left by Xiao Yi from the old king of the southern town. If they can, they don't want to be exposed to the table so early. But don't want to, this little princess Fang Clan actually has such a great ability, learned of their existence, and tried every means to assassinate them!

"That's the way it is." Xiao Yi stared slightly, Shen said, "She already knows your existence, how could she let you go!"

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