Zhou Dacheng's face changed slightly, and he shouted, "Be careful!" He was anxious. The three of them in the carriage, Cheng Yu, was a literati, who did not understand martial arts. Qian Moyang was seriously injured at the moment. As for Xiao Yi ... he had no idea of ​​this grandson.

In the compartment, Xiao Yi shot like a flashlight. First, he grabbed a sharp arrow with his two hands and waved with his right hand. The last arrow had been shot down by him. He smiled coldly, waved his hand, and threw the two arrows out of the window. The sharp arrows burst out like a bamboo ... just listening to two screams, the two black people spit blood from the hiding canopy Wolvering down.

There was a trace of cold sweat on Cheng Yu's forehead, and the third arrow was only half an inch away from his chest. If he was a little later, he might not die, and he would lie on the bed for three months.

He hurried to Zhou Dacheng and Zhu Xing outside the carriage: "Don't worry, I'm fine with Xiaoqian."

He breathed a sigh of relief, unexpectedly glanced at Xiao Yi, and secretly said: With Xiao Yi's reputation, he hasn't questioned whether such a son is worthy of his own service ... Until now, he could finally confirm that the old master had not Pit them, the son is by no means rumored by outsiders.

At this moment, a dozen black men leapt from the hiding places on both sides of the official road, and surrounded the carriages in a blink of an eye.

Xiao Yi lifted the curtain, looked at them coldly from the carriage, and said, "Is your master Xiao Fang?"

The man in black didn't say a word, but looked at each other suddenly, rushing up and rushing towards the carriage.

Zhou Dacheng shouted, "Protect the son!" The steel knife in his hand passed between the necks of the two men in black and kicked them apart with another foot.

Xiao Yi pulled the curtain and hid in the car. Upon seeing this, the headed man in black sneered and said to Zhou Dacheng and Zhu Xing: "You two are also heroes. If you obey such a waste, you will be willing ?!"

Zhou Dacheng gave a "slap" and pointed at the black man with a steel knife: "That's better than you obeying a viper poisonous woman! We will definitely sue the king!"

The headed man in black smiled disdainfully, "That's why the Lord would believe you!" He said, he was full of anger, his sword flickered coldly, and he took Zhou Dacheng's face directly.

At the same time, the other men in black were swarming up and fighting with Zhu Xing and Zhou Dacheng.

Although Zhou Dacheng and Zhu Xing are not weak in martial arts, in the end they are invincible with four punches, and they have to take care of the safety of the three people in the car.

Soon, a man in black found a gap, and rushed to the carriage in agility. The silver sword in his hand stabbed into the car like lightning ... but the next moment, he felt a sore throat, and a willow leaf shot. After reaching his throat, he stared at the boss. He didn't even make a scream.

"Qian Moyang!" The man in black, who was headed by him, showed obvious horror. They apparently had scrapped Qian Moyang's right hand, how could he make a flying knife? !!

The man in black felt that the mission was not as easy as he expected. If Qian Moyang's hand injury is no longer a problem, his flying knife is really invincible!

After turning his mind, he could not help but retreat, so Jianzhao was a bit less sharp.

He hadn't ordered a retreat, but he saw another black man quietly approaching the carriage, but before he had time to swing the sword, he felt a sharp pain in his right hand ... a willow flying sword was stabbed in his wrist somehow. on. He screamed, loosened his hands, and the sword fell to the ground. His blood was ticking down ...

Qian Moyang's calm voice came from the car: "If you don't want to die, just let it go!"

The men in black saw that the brothers were only half left, and they couldn't help but think in their hearts.

"Withdraw." The headed man in black waved his hand decisively, and the other men in black took a few steps back, and then carried away his companion's corpse in a trained manner, and disappeared without a trace.

After a while, Zhou Dacheng and Zhu Xing finally breathed a sigh of relief. Zhu Xing continued to drive, and Zhou Dacheng entered the compartment again.

"Xiao Qian, how are you ..." Zhou Dacosti also thought that Qian Moyang had recovered. When he saw Xiao Yi holding a willow flying knife in his hand, he suddenly snorted, turned to look at Cheng Yu, and whispered, " Was it just now? ”Unexpectedly, Shizi also made a good flying knife.

Cheng Yu nodded slightly.

Xiao Yi played the willow flying knife in his hand and said casually, "Continue on the road."

"Yes, my grandfather!" Zhu Xing answered, and the hoof clanged again ...

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