The two dismissed the emperor saluting respectfully, Xiao Yi stood up with a smile and replied: "The owner of Yaoguang County said that she thought of strolling in the mountains. The nephew followed the emperor uncle here two days ago, so she brought her here. . "

"Funny!" The emperor laughed and scolded. "Here comes a little girl. What if she is frightened?" Despite the reprimand, the emperor's tone was full of affection.

Xiao Yi looked indifferent and said confidently: "It's okay, my nephew's time is good!"

Although he was telling the truth, in the eyes of others, he knew nothing about it. Especially the people present almost saw his poor booty that day ...

"You ah you!" The emperor sighed helplessly, shook his head, and said with a hate, "Yi brother, when you go back, I have to test your martial arts well, can't I?" Fallen into the grandeur of your grandfather. "

"Uncle Emperor." Xiao Yi's face collapsed suddenly and said pitifully, "You still spare me ..."

"Hahaha." The emperor laughed at him with amusement, and said helplessly, "I really have to take care of your father for you."

Xiao Yi's face was bitter, and his face was crying. "Uncle Emperor ..."

Nangong Ai looked amused aside. If she was to play with rogues, she had never seen more talent than Xiao Yi!

The emperor no longer ignored him, and instead turned his attention to Nangong Yan, deliberately put on a frightening tone, and said, "Aunt, you little girl, how dare you be so courageous, you are not afraid In the forest, did you pick any beast to eat you? "The emperor did not call her title, but, like the queen, called her" aunt girl ", with an elder intimacy with the younger generation.

"Your Majesty and the Ministers have hunted for so many days, even if there are any beasts, they have been hunted!" Nangong Yan smiled sweetly, a child's innocence, "Since that is the case, what is terrible? ! "

The emperor couldn't help laughing, and struck two palms and said, "That's true! With the presence of you, you don't have to be afraid of any beast!"


A thunderous roar sounded at this moment, and a huge black bear emerged from the thick grass and rushed towards the nearest emperor. This change came too suddenly. Before the guards could react, the two black bears of the black bear were only one step away from the emperor ... Seeing that the emperor was about to splatter on the spot, a profit The arrow burst into the air with a thunder, and hit the black bear's hind leg fiercely.

The sharp arrow comes from the driving Han Huaijun. Nangong has not explained a lot to him before. The only requirement is to let him find a way to travel with the driver on the fifth day of spring hunting and prepare for battle.

It seems that Han Huaijun really took her words to heart, so that she could bow and shoot arrows so quickly.

The black bear took two steps back in pain and made a more deterrent roar.

The steeds under the crowd were sizzling, and the hoofs were restlessly stepping on the ground.


"Protect the emperor!"

The guards stepped off the horse and drew their swords, and the silver long sword reflected the harsh light in the sun.


The black bear hissed, his eyes flushed, and he crashed wildly. The guards rose up and resisted, but they were smashed out by the giant force. The black bear appeared again behind the emperor, and the bear's claws were fiercely towards him. Scratched his head.

The emperor was stunned in the area, and the next moment, he was flooded with blood.

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