After pondering for a long while, the emperor said, "As for Xiao Yi, I specially named him as the deputy commander of the East City of Wucheng Bingmasi."

The ministers were all uproar, but there was the example of Han Huaijun just now. They looked at each other, and no one dared to speak first.

A deputy commander of the Xiaoqi Battalion, and a deputy commander of the Five City Soldiers and Horses, are all of this age. Is the wind direction in the DPRK changing?

As the ministers were puzzled, the queen summoned Nangong Yan in her camp and asked the emperor what had happened in distress.

Nangong said pale, and said uneasily, "Queen maiden, you don't know, it was dangerous at that time, and a black bear suddenly rushed out from behind the emperor ..."

With Nangong Yu's narration, the queen was frightened for a while, and she could imagine how critical the situation at that time should be ... a mistake, the emperor could ...

Although the Queen has been cold to the Emperor over the years, after all, she was married and married. When the Emperor was in danger, she really did not want him to be ill. What's more, the five-year-old is still young. The emperor really needs to have three strengths and two weaknesses. How can Xiaowu, who has just recovered from the illness, deal with the brothers and the courtiers who have been staring ...

Fortunately, the emperor is fine.

At this moment, the Queen is extremely grateful to Xiao Yi and Han Huaijun.

The queen breathed a sigh of relief, and raised her eyes to see the remaining shock in Nangong Yan's eyes. Knowing that she must have been frightened today, she warmed up and comforted her, and let her go back to rest early.

Stepping out of the queen's tent, Nangong Gong then covered her panic. She looked in the direction where Xiao Yi's account was, and still felt a little uneasy about his injury.

And her worries became a reality. Late in the evening, a maid came to hurriedly report that Xiao Yi had a high fever, and all the doctors were helpless and wanted to let her go and see.

Nangong Hao didn't fall asleep. This time, all the drowsiness disappeared. As a medical doctor, she naturally knew what a high fever after a serious injury meant, which was very dangerous!

Asshole Xiao Yi, pretend to be just fine, have to be stubborn!

Nan Gongxi hurriedly put on her clothes, brought Yimei, and with the little palace girl leading the way, came to Xiao Yi's account.

The accounts were brightly lit, and the doctors were so anxious that they talked about what medicine to use.

After seeing Nangong Yan coming in, the Taiyuan Hospital ordered Wu Taiyi to give her a gift, and said with a bitter smile, "The county master, the old man can't do anything about it!" The court judge proposed to ask Nangong to come over, "Please don't blame the old husband for disturbing people's dreams."

"Master, what did you say?" Nangong said quickly, "Saving people is the healer of the healer, and it is also instinct. You came to me to save people, so why blame it?"

"Then there is a labor county master." Wu Yuanzhi no longer said anything, stepped back and asked Nangong to step forward for his treatment.

Nangong percussed the pulse, Xiao Yi's pulse seemed to be floating, and his gas was insufficient, which was very dangerous.

Nangong Ai hesitated a moment and said, "Court master, can I see your prescription?"

"Of course." Wu Yuan ordered Fangzi and handed it over, "Look at the county master."

Nangong Yu took the prescription, carefully read it, and thought about it. On the side of the case, he deleted the three flavors with a writing brush, and added the oridolum and the blind snakeberry. Three points.

After writing, she handed the prescription to Wu Yuan Jie, and said, "Lord, see if this is feasible.

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