"You ..." Bai Muxiao was heartbroken and wanted to go to her loved one.

"Xiaoer." Han Ling was eager for beauty, and hugged Bai Muxiao tightly, comforting for a while.

"Han Lingfu, you shouldn't provoke me, no matter more than a decade ago, or now ..." Looking at this dazzling scene, Nangong Yan glanced down on the strings, condensed the former love, and reverted to the coolness of revenge. , Her half-drilled eyes looked beautiful and beautiful, her black hair in white, and she was elegant.

"Huh!" Han Lingfu's eyes flashed a complicated dim color, and said fiercely, "Your Nangong family considers itself a century-old family, but it is extremely pedantic! What about my Han family's rashness, since my Korean family has boarded the most glorious Position, you should use it for me! But your grandfather thought he was incorruptible and would rather die than enter the DPRK. You do n’t want the royal family in your eyes, you should have done everything! ”He is a proud man who lives in danger. At this juncture, he is still so proud.

His cold and cruel voice reminded her, her loved ones, her friends, her family, everything of her, all in the hands of this man, destroying it with inexplicable charges.

After being abolished, she lived in a cold house, and could only be forced to accept his ruthless torture. Faced with the terrible death of the tribe, and faced with that nihilistic crime, she could only bear her teeth and endure!

This is ridiculous. The man who once said that he loved her was like this, "love" her, "love" to the bone and penetrate into the bone marrow. She will never forget it!

"Is that it?" Nangong yelped his lips lightly, raised his eyes, and there was no love, no hatred, no resentment in his eyes, full of indifference and ease.

"I can achieve you and ruin you!" Nangong smiled faintly, deep in the black eyes, with a hint of provocation and fierceness from the indifference.

"You!" Han Lingfu's black eyes suddenly widened, something loomed out of the ground, his face sank, and his icy breath spread like his cruel nature.

He stepped forward, staring at her condescendingly, with disbelief and anger all over his face, but humiliation that had nowhere to vent, "Is it you ?!" He seemed to ask, but his eyes were already very sure. If the eyes can kill people, Nangong Yu has already been stabbed.

The smile on Nangong's pouting corner was deeper, and he felt happy. She did not speak, but stated all the facts with a silent smile.

It was her who provoked the ambitious King Zhennan to launch a coup; it was her who stole the map of the capital of the city to Zhennan King; it was her who destroyed the world of this man she had accomplished.

Outside the courtyard, the screams and panics were getting closer, the messy footsteps were pouring in, and the roars and swords of the soldiers were getting closer.

The **** smell seemed stronger.

"Hmm ..." Nangong Hyun vomited a line of bright red blood, which looked startling on her white skin. But she didn't care, she knew that she had run out of gas. It was only for this day that I worked hard to the present.

She slammed on the piano, her eyes narrowed weakly.

The scenes of more than ten years were quickly replayed in front of my eyes, with grudges and grievances, tears and grievances. In this second, all turned into the thrill of revenge.

In this life, I was too reckless, watching my loved ones and family members die one by one. I hate that she was blind at first, and desperately fell in love with Han Lingfu, a cruel man.

She confessed, she has a long memory, and she has revenge, no regrets.

She reluctantly evoked a smile, and in the hazy sight, she saw countless soldiers wearing black iron armor came in, surrounded Han Ling with them, the blades were opposite ...

He can't escape!

Now she can finally leave the world with a smile. Daddy, mother, grandfather, elder brother, and ... My son finally revenge for Nangong and Lin family!

That's it, Nangong Yan slowly closed his eyes.

If there is an afterlife, I will be that ruthless person!

** ◆ **

In the "History of the Dayu Dynasty", Xu He was born for ten years. The king of Zhennan, Xiao Yi, broke through the capital with the name of "King of the Qing Dynasty, and treacherous." Prison Xu and Emperor were in the forbidden palace. Wang reigned as the regent king, with big palms in his palms, power all over the world!

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