There is still no problem with the pulse, is it really just that you worry about it?

Nangong Yu didn't dare to take it lightly, and used the secret formula passed on by her grandfather to diagnose her pulse again and again ... As time passed, Nangong Yu still remained motionless. Even Lin, who originally thought that there was nothing, was a little worried, and her daughter had a pulse It has always been fast, but this time ... Although he had doubts, Lin didn't say anything to disturb Nangong.

After a while, Nangong Yu finally let go of her hand, and a strange flash appeared in her eyes.

Lin asked questioningly, "What's wrong, sister? Is my pulse strange?" In the past few days, after taking the medicine prescribed by Dr. Wang, her sleep was slightly better, although she was occasionally awakened by nightmares. But except for a little tiredness, it's not a big deal.

Now seeing her daughter so dignified, Lin's suddenly worried ... Lin's belief in her daughter's medical skills.

"Nothing." Nangong Nian's face relaxed and smiled comfortably. "Mother, you have just been overworked recently! Pay attention to rest in the future, or the problem will be big!"

"I will." Lin's heart hung down, revealing a mild smile, unaware of her daughter's abnormality.

Nangong held her arm in her arms and said, "Don't be busy doing that again, let's rest early today."

"Now?" Lin felt that he was better, and that there were more things to do.

"Yeah, my dear," Nangong said coquettishly. "Did you just say that you would take a good rest?"

Facing his daughter's coquettishness, Lin had no way to deal with it, but could only respond "good." Nangong Yu served her to rest until Lin fell asleep before she returned to her boudoir in Mozhuyuan.

Nangong's noodles sank instantly. Just to reassure Lin, she lied ...

Although her mother ’s pulse was only very subtle, Nangong Yu was very alert to the problem. She did n’t know where the fault came from, but her instinct told her that her mother might be poisoned! A poison she hasn't even seen before!

Nangong froze frantically in the room. After a while, he shouted Riner and said, "Go and check on the whereabouts of Mrs. Er for the past few days. Come back and tell me everything. "

"Yes, the three girls!" Aunt replied reverently before retreating.

Nangong Yan said to herself, she can't panic at this time! Anything that has been done will leave traces, and she can certainly find the clues!

Until late in the evening, Yier finally returned and carefully reported to Nangong Yu that Lin's schedule and schedule in these days are generally very regular, mainly concentrated in the shallow cloud courtyard, Rongantang, Mozhuyuan, and Nangong Mu in the outer courtyard These four places of study are the same during this time ...

Nangong listened carefully and found nothing wrong. Her heart was agitated again, Lin's unhealthy appearance, abnormal pulses, yellow eyes, and dark red ear tips ... tell her that there must be something wrong!

Nangong Yan sat at his desk, biting his lower lip slightly, and his mood grew increasingly irritable.

Knowing that he would not be able to sleep tonight, Nangong Li simply went to the study and moved out his medical books, almost full of half of the study-most of these medical books were given to his mother-in-law as a dowry, Give it all to her.

Nangong looked at the book one after another ...

I don't know how many volumes I looked at. Nangong Yu's gaze was suddenly fixed, looking at a page in a travel book of outward grandfather, which recorded an ancient recipe of Xi Rong, which surprised Nangong Yu.

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